The world of Shushu

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A/n Sorry for the late Update Yall hope you enjoy it!

Everything disappeared in a flash of light and from their side, Evangeline, Amalia and the knight were at a complete loss for words.

Eva: Dally, Yugo, Arlo...

Amalia: Where have they gone?

They turned to the groaning old knight they separated from Anathar as he spoke.

Old Knight: That Cursed Anathar has taken them to the world of the shushus. Your friends are lost.

On the other side exiting the portal, you opened your eyes to find yourself somewhere else.

Yugo: W-what is this place?. 

Everything was red and firey and there were small shush us everywhere. It looked like hell.

Arlo: That's what I'd like to know.

You said turning to the building decide you. the others too once they noticed it.

Anathar: Welcome to the world of the Shuhus Kindom of his divine blister hehe.

He said as more  Shuhus began hopping out of the ground. some were talking about us.

Dally: Right this time it's gonna be tough!.

He said slaming his fists togehter

Remington: what's gonna be "tough", Iop, Is getting back to our world.

Dally: Another world that's a long walk heh.

Remington Idiot the only thing getting us out of here is another portal.

He lamented looking over to you and Yugo.

Yugo: Another world? I don't think I can make portals that strong!.

Arlo: Same here that's not a normal thing for us.

Just as you finished speaking a loud voice echoed throughout the valley and with it a massive shushu.

Arlo: So I'm guessing that's the boss around here.

You said looking at the giant Monster in front.

Anathar: Your darn right fleshing that's lord Rushu, How it is a pleasure being in your unholy disgrace.

He bowed to Rushu who moved closer.

Rushu: Anathan I never thought I'd see you now what bring scum like you here and with these hostages.

Anathar: Heh I have captured the traitor Rubilax and his hostages as well as gained the powers to create portals from the two big hatted idiots.

He said motioning to you and Yugo, Rushu was surprised and eyed you both and was surprised to see two eliatropes before him and went on how much he wanted to make a portal to the other world and destroy it.

Rushu: Rubilax you have a fraction of a second to come out of there and face the consequences of your treacherous ways.

He yelled and the Shushus on Remington began to laugh.

Rushu: Don't you think your safe after him your next but now face judgement Rubilax the traitor

Anathats stomach opened showing Rubilax traped in his form but immediately begins shaking and bursts out in white light.

Rushu: Hahaha still as cowardly as ever! miserable fleshling-

Rubilax: Hmr...

Dally: Hey barbecue yeah I'm talking to you don't talk about my friend like that! who the hell died and made you king you can't just walk up and start acting like you know the place!?

The group all turn to Dally marching up to Rushu and he didn't take it lightly and he lit his fist on fire and aimed it ad Dally the latter who covered his face. Immediately you appeared in front of him your fist reeled back and charged blue with wakfu about to clash.

Rubilax: I demand RUSH!.

Right before your fists collide you stopped inches from one another. 

Rushu: Hmm very well take them to the arena.

He said and flew in the city and you were forced to follow suit.

Arlo's POV

The others and I followed Rushu into an arena of sorts Rubilax demanded a contest of sorts.

Arlo: So basically we have to fight against an endless army of Shushus until we die a warrior's death.

Rubilax: Exactly.

Dally: This sounds fun! hehe!.

Yugo: But what can we do to escape?.

Rubilax: You'll find out once we're there.

Arlo: So this is it huh.

It was when things got silent that Rushu started to speak from his throne.

Rushu: Well my dear uglies we have here a rouge a traitor, two eliatropes and an Iop they have demanded rush for our entertainment the rules are still as simple as ever. All you have to do is survive as long as possible against the 666.

He said and little monsters I guess these are the six six six started coming into the colosseum.

Arlo: Dally can you stop waving your hand this is serious!.

Dally: heh? wait how many did he say again.

Rubilax: As if you could count that high.

Rushu: Take good care of our guests Anathar and make sure not to kill the eliatropes we need for our invasion.

Anathar: It will be my displeasure Your unpleasantness grrr!.

He said growling towards us.

Arlo: 'I really wanna punch his face in the ground' Alright guys get ready.

They all nodded and we surrounded each other in a circle.

Dally: This was a great idea buddy.

Dally spoke standing beside Rubilx who just grunted.

Rubilax: I'm not your buddy.

Dally: Of course your my buddy Rubi were both in this together.

Arlo: Hello we're here too ya know.

Remington: Please don't rope yourself with you all I'd like it to be known this is against my will.

Yugi: But isn't this your fault.

Anathar: It's time for a rematch little fleshlings and this time there's no escaping.

he said and we all put up our battle faces as Ruchu smashed his empty cup and the wave of monsters came at us!

Arlo: HERE WE GO!!.

The little shushus came at so I did start basting from the tips of my fingers like two guns. at any that came near my side.

Rubilax ran into them and let them hit him.

Arlo: What is he doing!?.

I shouted this was a fight to the death! for crying out loud.

Yugo: You don't know but Rubilax gets tougher and stronger the more people fight back to watch. Also um can you teach me that?.

Arlo: Huh? teach you what.

Yugo: You pew pew thing.

He said mimicking with finger guns.

Arlo: Oh yeah sure just wait I moment.

I blast up a large beam all around us to buy us some time.

Arlo: Ok so first make finger guns.

I said and he did so.

Arlo: Now just like your making portals make two small ones and boom magic pistols. simple.

I guided him and he gave it a try at first the circles were too big but the second time he nailed it easily.

Arlo: Now wreak havoc little bro!

Yugo: Hehe yeah!.

My brother shouted as he blasted another wave of shushu a while Dally just straight up punched any getting close to him.

Dally: Rah!

He cracked the ground beneath and poofed the shushu beneath him as Rubilax grew even more and landed by his side. honestly, it was impressive. But more kept on coming like a never-ending wave. But they kept on fighting them back together so they were friends it's just that Rubilax was a tough shell.

Arlo: Fine that's enough fun  Yugo Remington get close to me!

Shouted and tightened my fists my pals bursting with wakfu. Confused they both came to my side still blasting and shooting away at the shushus but that didn't matter. I close my eyes and crouch a little and portals began to appear in the sky above us all. Yugo looked up at the number of portals.

Remington: Uh is that normal?

Yugo: I don't know I never made so many.

Arlo: Don't worry it's just fine.

I said opening my eyes burning with a blue light.

Arlo: Justice rains from above!

I thrust my arms down and the portals begin shooting around us constantly killing any shushu in its path. 

Arlo: This side of the arena's covered come on let's get Dally and Rubilax!.

Yugo: Right!

he said but froze in shock as Rubilax was out on the ground and Anathar was using Dally to hit himself to become stronger.

Yugo: I'll go help Rubilx you help Dally.

He said and hoped in a portal to Rubilax, I  nod and grow my wings.

Arlo: 'I've got a score to settle!.' HEY ANATHAR!.

I roared and flew straight into his face with my fist the recoil knocked him back letting go of Dally who fell to the ground. Using my advantage of the higher ground I inhale... 

Anathar: You! I remember you!.

He smirked and copied me and we both let out fire blasts from our mouths.

Arlo: 'Copying prick!.'

I stop and let the flame come to me and create a portal and open it back on to his face hitting him with his own blast. I notice the others grouped up and dove down to help but then All of a sudden a shat pain hits me in the back and I crash into the ground beside them. I immediately got back up and saw the others freeze looking at him. Yugo came to me and helped me out of the crater.

Rushu: Anathar it's over finish it with the traitor first.

Yugo: I think Adamai opened a portal somewhere.

Arlo:!!!... then we have to go!.

My wakfu sense kicks in and I can see the portal although it's far from here I can make a portal halfway! 

Just as I set my mind Anthan clutched both his fists and brought them together and brought them down. Using the moment I created portals beneath everyone and another outside the castle in time.

Arlo: Let's go there a portal nearby.

I said and turned to Yugo who led the way. 

Rushu: You fleshlings don't you think you can escape!.

We started making a run for it but Rushu and Anathar found us and started flinging shushus at us? Like a game.

Remington: It's over there!

He pointed to a near cliff with a portal at the very top.

Arlo: let's go!

Anathar: Master that's a portal there's an eliatrope portal!

Rushu: RAAAH!

I heard Rushu screaming in the distance I guess he found out In a matter of seconds he flew past all of us blocking our path.

Rushu: Do you little fleshlings think you can escape that easily! hah!

Suddenly a cat was thrown at his face?. 

Rushu: Aah! get this cute and cuddly thing of me!

He began to freak out and ran all over the place giving us our chance to escape.

Remington: What do you think you're doing!?.

Rubilax: A distraction now let's go!.

He said and began running for the portal Dally made it and si did Rubilax me and Yugo were going to but stopped when Remmington turned back.

Yugo: Remington?.

Remington: I can't leave him here he's my brother Yugo I'm sure you would've done the same.


Something about that felt so familiar to me maybe because I was the guardian?. I turned to Yugo who was at a loss for words.


I steeled myself and ran past Remington who looked confused and surprised I smiled turning back to him and Yugo

Rushu: Oh? A fleshing like you is approaching me instead of running away you've come for your death!

I sprouted my wings then took off towards his face I breathed fire at it as a smokescreen and snatched Remington's brother from Rushu's hands and threw him into the portal Remington followed suit. Rushu already recovered and swatted me further back away from the portal with a grin on his face.

I land skidding before coming to a stop as  I look behind him and see Yugo still waiting.

Yugo: Quickly let's go! you can still make it!.

The portal was fading already and I saw a hand reach out to grab Yugo. I smiled and Charged right at Rushu.

Yugo's POV

Yugo: Quickly let's go! you can still make it!.

I wanted to help but I couldn't do anything as someone grabbed me and pulled me in.

Yugo: NOOO!... Huack!

I fell back to the ground and saw Amalia.

Amalia: Yugo thank goodness your okay.

She hugged me back. But it didn't last long.

Yugo: Arlo he's stuck in there we have to get him back!.

I turned to Adamai and Quilby who powering the Elia cube when they stopped Adamai almost fainted but I caught him and I turned to Quilby who was very tired.

Quilby: I'm sorry Yugo but I'm afraid it will take too long to recover the energy the eliacube has used I'm afraid Arlo is trapped there for a long time.

Yugo: Nonoono how long will it take I can help I could charge it with my wakfu! there's something I have to do sniff, please. We cant separate not like this hic...

Adamai:...Yugo I'm so sorry is there anything we can do?.

Quilby:... I'm sorry Adamai but not even I have that much power to easily traverse dimensions not. even with the eliacube. But you have to keep moving Yugo don't forget your mission.

A/n- ] I hope you enjoyed it.

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