Chapter 2: The Decision

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Percy's eyes opened and he was meant with one of the most depressing sights ever.

"Hey Nico."

The dark son of Hades, shook his head. He looked like the world had crushed him. Dark bags hung under his eyes. His hair was greasy and untamed. His cheeks were stained with tear trails, red and fresh. He was standing somewhere dark, probably in the woods. A crushed empty McDonald's bag laid at his feet.

Percy looked down at himself. He was setting a ghostly white shirt, a giant hole in the chest. His feet weren't touching the ground. A faint light shimmered around him like he was made of smoke, not whole, not real.

Not alive.

"You've got to be kidding me." Nico mumbled. "Please tell me this was just a joke. Just some prank you planned with the Hermes cabin."

Percy awkwardly rubbed his neck. "Uh..."

Nico swore in something that sounded like Italian. His oxyn eyes held a passionate fire in them. His hands clamped into fists.

"You couldn't have waited?" He yelled. "You couldn't have held onto your life for a couple more seconds? I was a jump away!"


"You left Annabeth in tears! She hasn't left her cabin in over a week! She won't eat anything. Grover has been blaming himself! Camp is in chaos! And your brother! When the Hell did you get a brother?"

"Uh..a week before I died."

"Whatever! You freaking traumatized him!"

"I didn't mean to!" Percy said. "You think I wanted to die? I swore on the Styx I'd be there for my brother. I promised to go home for the summer and see my mother! Grover and I were going to stop by that burger place outside Hoover dam. I...I was going to propose to Annabeth."

Could ghosts cry? Percy felt like it.

Nico's harsh glare softened. Slightly.


"Yeah. I..I...Can you at least give it to her? The ring, I mean. I put it in the pocket of my blue jacket in my closet." Percy looked at his younger friend. "Can you tell her I love her? And that she should...should move on-?"

Percy felt something tingling through him, like his body had been disconnected for a second. He shook his head, his ears popped.

"Move on?" Nico didn't seem to have noticed. "Gods, you are so stupid! There is no moving on, Percy! You're like the soul of Camp Half Blood now! And now your DEAD."

Percy opened his mouth, but the son of Hades cut him off. "You have no idea how much turmoil you created everywhere. Everyone is crumbling. Hades, even Camp Jupiter got hit pretty hard. Percy, There is no moving on...There is nothing....."

"I don't-" Percy felt like he'd been electrocuted quickly. His voice choked, steam curled of his simmering form. Everything blurred for a second, spinning then it came back into focus. Percy was sure that his entire body had disappeared and came back.

"Looks like my Dad found out." Nico said biting his lip. His shoulders slumped forward.

"Found out that I died?"

"No, he knew that. You've been dead for a week now. He personally showed up at your shrine burning. It was the worse thing I'd ever seen. Everyone cried. I mean EVERYONE." Nico himself looked liked he was about to start crying again. It hurt just to see him like that, slowly falling apart. "My dad, actually forbid me to talk to you. I'm not suppose to be here. He said you were going to have a choice and if I talked to you, I could effect your answer."

"What choice?"

"I don't know. Rebirth or Elysium?"

"Doesn't matter. I-" Percy flickered again, a buzzing swallowed his ears, but it retreated after a second. "Dude you are going to get into so much trouble."

Nico shrugged his comment off. "I don't care."

"Hey if you see Leo don't there..." Nico said, "Tell him Jason and Piper said hi and they miss him."

Percy snorted, his always restless hair floated in an imaginary wind. "Really? We all miss him. Of course I'll tell him!"

"And, Nico-" Percy almost completely disappeared. He fought to stay solid, but it was like his body was spreading stretching his body molecules apart.

"Sorry what was that?" Nico asked hurriedly.

"Watch over my little brother okay?" Percy strained to say to him. "Make sure someone leads him safety. Please."


"Please Nico."


Percy never heard the end. He faded from the world of living. Spreading as far apart as he could go. Floating amidst the dark rocks. The lack of light no longer bothered him. The stench that had accompanied all of his quests in the underworld, no longer tainted his senses foul. Charon stood on the edge of his boat, snarling like always, bringing out his cold unnerving complexion.

"You actually dead, boy?" He asked.

Percy smiled faintly. "Yes, actually dead. How's that increased payroll coming?"

"Terrible." Charon sniffed. "Hades had been busy since Thantos got chained. Escaped souls here, paperwork there, I hardy have any time to even bring it up."

Percy shifted through his pockets looking for a coin. "I feel ya." He says agreeingly. "At least now that I'm dead I won't have to worry about any more prophecies, any more monsters, any more random people coming up and attacking -Aw Styx."

Before Percy could move Two black hooded figures appeared right next to him and grabbed his arms. He struggled but the figures held a tight grip even on Percy's transparent lofty form. Percy yelled out and then all the of the figures disappeared in a swirling vortex of black and green.

Charon stared at the spot and sighed. "Not more paperwork..." Then he went back to writing on the papers on his Podium.

Percy felt his knees buckled, and his head spin. His vision blurred shaking and twisting so much it gave him a headache. He fell through the black clad soldiers grip, hitting the floor. His thoughts were scattered his chest felt compressed. He started coughing, closer to throwing up with each expel.

The figures looked on in almost amusement. Their hoods were down, now, revealing an also pale gray shifting faces. But they looked almost more solid. Like they were dead but also not. They each wore a black cape with silver edges and a shining series of letters on the back. Percy didn't recognized the language, but it felt familiar, old even. Like he should know it but he forgotten it.

They were standing in some type of throne room. And from experience, Percy knew it wasn't Hades. More of the sliver lettering floated around the room in wisps of light. It illuminated the huge entrance hall bathing the room in light that was almost...warm.

The room was made of dark bricks of... something. It was unlike any material Percy had ever seen. The floor was flat and smooth like it was made of glass as Percy was kneeling, coughing his lungs out on the softest, black rug ever.

Tiny balls of different coloured lights floated around with the letters. Percy could've sworn they were playing music. Very beautiful music. And he looked up.

From his angle, the letters, the lights, it all looked like the universe. Stars and Planets. Suns and moons. It was beautiful.

"Huh, he didn't throw up." One of the figures said, "Cool, less work for me." Percy got the eerie suspicion he should recognized that voice. Like he remembered it from somewhere.

"Yeah whatever," The other figure was a girl, who at least looked familiar. "But I'm kinda impressed." She admitted.

The guy fake gasped clutching his heart. "You? Impressed? Over a boy? So your not a totally man hater!"

"No, but I can still decapitate you in fourteen different painful ways." The girl spit.

Percy was clueless. He had no idea what was going on. And now his kidnappers were threatening each other. Wonderful.

"Please try not to decapitate each other in my throne room, Huntress and Grapevine." Percy whipped around. At the far end of the room stood a man. He wore the same cape with silvery lining and lettering on the back, but other than that he didn't look anything like the soldiers.

He had light purple skin, and glittering kind eyes. His hair was white in a buzz cut. He had an aura of old magic, as if despite the fact he looked only a little older than twenty-five, he was older than Gaea.

"Yes, Lord Chaos." The two said in sync, bowing their heads like they were ashamed, though they both had smiles playing their lips.

"Oh come now!" The guy, Lord Chaos huffed disprovingly. "None of that Lord stuff, you know I hate it. I believe Archangel, Secret and Forge are trying to plan a prank on Halo, Revenge, and Hero. They might need your assistance."

Huntress and Grapevine smirked and they vanished into the air, leaving Percy and the guy.

The guy placed his hands behind his back strolling over to Percy ducking expertly between the lights. Percy didn't understand why, they were just lights right?

"Lord Chaos?" Percy asked.

The man wrinkled his nose. "I never didn't like formalities." He said "But yes, Lord Chaos, First born to Beginning and End, older brother of Order and...Peace."

He said the name Peace like it was a knife stabbing him. Percy could have sworn tears prickled in his eyes. Who was Peace? What happened to her?

"Yes, well, I assume you must be wondering why you are here?" Chaos said, recovering from his moment.

Percy nodded.

"As you probably don't know, I created the universe with the help of my sister Order." Chaos waved at a light it moved slightly until it was floating in his palm. He glanced at it fondly as if remembering wonderful memories. "For a few hundred eons, it worked well. My sister solved problems and I helped civilizations flourish. But my sister became a control freak. She began enforcing laws on people that gave her absolute power. I was forced to combat her. I was able to subdue her, only barely at the cost someone dear to me."

Peace. Percy thought. He must have lost Peace somehow. But how does one get rid of a primordial who was alive for thousands of billions of years?

"Unfortunately, even from her fizzling state Order has been corrupting millions of worlds. Even the gods of your planet have been effected by her influence." Chaos sighed. The ball of light floating from his hand and he trained his eyes on Percy. He noticed that the primordial's irises were actually twinkling stars.

"Okay..." Percy egged. "How does this affect me? I mean I'm dead."

Chaos laughed. "Fighting Order made me realize something. I couldn't continue on by myself. Of course I tried. But it lead me to a decision. I began to search for people in the universe that had certain qualities as I put together a team."


"Yes, for every sector they have their own team. Huntress and Grapevine, your guides, are part of the Alpha sector team. I would like you to join them."

He said it with such sincerity Percy almost missed it.

"Excuse me?"

"I believe you possess the exact qualities I've been search for." Chaos straightened, "You could bring together the team in ways no team has ever."

"Me?" Percy asked again. "Seriously? But I'm like dead."

"That's the utter brilliance of everything. Follow me, Please." Chaos turned dodging another light and a couple letters. "Watch out for the planets."

Percy still had no clue what he was talking about. It made him feel exceptionally slow. Seaweed Brain. He could almost hear Annabeth giggling, right before she kissed him on the nose. Percy sighed, it hurt to hear his own thoughts swivel to his girlfriend when she was just out of reach.

"Careful!" Chaos scolded "The lights, Perseus! The lights are planets!"

Percy jolted to a stop. "The lights?" He asked awed suddenly looking around with a whole knew perspective. "These are...planets? Actual planets?"

"Yes." Chaos mused. "Quite amazing. And the music, only a select few can hear it, but it's the voice of life flowing freely. Be careful, if you touch them not only will you kill an entire planet, but will burn your soul until there's nothing left-you would've ceased to have existed at all."

There was a coldness in his voice that didn't match Chaos's personality. It caused Percy to look back at the co-creator of the universe, but he looked just as cheerful as ever. He followed him out of the apparent throne room, though Percy hadn't seen a throne in there, and entered a wide corridor with dozens of doors and huge glittering stain glass windows.

It was empty but Percy could almost fell a vibration of other people nearby. Behind one of the doors perhaps.

"So what was I saying?" Chaos asked. "Oh yes, the utter brilliance."

Percy raised an eyebrow.

"You are not the only dead person." Chaos said causally. "Actually, there aren't any living people. Everyone is already dead. I made a pact with Hades a while back. It's perfect because you can't really die twice. The only way to effective hurt one of my soldiers is to kill them the way they died."

"Which is?" Percy asked.

Chaos laughed again. It sent warn shimmers spiraling through the air. "I can't tell you. Only two people know of everyone's weaknesses, Me and Omega."


"Yes, Omega. He is my second in command. He is fairly new, died just a couple days before you. He prefers hand magic to anything else, quite a magician he is." Chaos winked like they were sharing a joke. Percy didn't understand but he went with it.

"So who else is here?"

"I wish I could tell you, but I've made vows of secrecy to each of them. They fear they would not fit in with each other if they knew some of the things they've done."

"How can you made a team like that?" Percy asked.

"I almost wish they didn't work well with each other, but somehow or another they make it through. They know each other by powers and names, but outside of training and battle I doubt they could talk about something as simple as favorite movies.

"Which is why I need you." Chaos said bring the real question around again. "Will you join my Omega Elite team? There will be simple things to do like, training and schooling-"

"Schooling! You didn't say anything about sitting at a desk!" Percy said

"No, No desk." Chaos promised. "Just the basics of Chaos, these letters that are everywhere. That are the true roots of every language. And tactical smarts for field work, and background knowledge of planets. Of course if you want to be a negotiator extra classes can be taken, but for now it's just the matter of one question.

"Yes or No?"

Percy stared around the room thinking. His body floated slightly in a breeze. A single bell rang through the air slicing the silence with laughter and chatting. The doors opened and people filled out, all a misty gray of a semi-dead person. Most wore capes, some wore hoods, some had alien heads or faces or extra body parts but no one else seemed to notice and/or care. The walked right by them barely paying attention.

When the room was clear again Percy went back to the question seeing as Chaos was still patiently waiting for an answer.

He'd give up going to Elysium. But was there really anything else? Watching heartbrokingly as his friends picked up the pieces as moved on? Watching Nico get scolded or blasted for disobeying orders, Watching Annabeth fall in love with someone else, seeing his brother grow up alone?

Not to mention face the consequences for breaking an oath sworn on the Styx.

Could he switch that for this? A life of training and missions, honing his powers, and bringing together a team of paranoid individuals? Perhaps one day visiting his home again. He'd be protecting people. Saving thousands.

This was the decision Nico was taking about. Not Elysium or Rebirth. Chaos or Underworld. This was his second chance at life, as if the fates were saying "try not to mess this one up."

Pfft. Like he had a choice at that.

He looked up at Chaos and his eyes said it all.

"So What do you think about the name, Savior?"

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