Chapter 3: First Impressions

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The first time Percy met the team, he found out why they didn't talk outside training. Eight cloaked figures sitting tensely on a sofa, like they'd all forgotten how to relax. They all looked the same, black cloak, hood drawn, silver swimming lettering on the back. Stiff arms, straight backs, bouncing feet. A variety of weapons placed around them within grabbing distance, bows, swords, daggers, spears, even an axe.


Percy, or rather Savoir now, wore his own cloak of awesomeness, the silver letters, Chaos insisted they said Saviour, still looked like a two year old's glitter masterpiece to Percy. Other than that, he had his sword Riptide in his pocket (pen form of course), and his shoulders slumped forward.

He looked around and then at Chaos the co creator of the universe. Then he pinched the brink of his nose and sighed.

"This might take a little more than I thought." He mumbled.

"Whose the Noob?" One of the figures asked. His voice had a familiar tinge to it. Percy racked his brain for the answer, but he filed the voice in with Huntress and Grapevine's under the Need-To-Remember category.

Faster than anyone could react, another figure sitting on the end laced three arrows into a bow and fired right at Percy. He didn't have time to move. His semi dead brain screamed, he didn't even have time to flinch. The arrows sunk into him hitting his chest, his neck and his forehead, all three deadly and fatal attacks.

Percy didn't feel a thing.

"Halo!" Chaos barked. The shooter stood a little taller, almost sheepishly. "Seriously? Why must you always try to kill the new recruits?"

Halo shrugged setting his silver bow down. Percy yanked the arrow from his forehead, an old memory resurfacing. A bridge collapse. The shooter Halo, cloak read a symbol that almost looked like a someone had drawn a line straight through a word. He looked tall like he'd been shooting arrows all his life, it just came naturally.

"I totally get it." Percy said. "Trying to pick out my weaknesses. If I'd flinched, or dodged you would've assumed I'd been killed by an arrow." Percy smiled. "Unfortunately, I wasn't. So that doesn't matter."

"Who are you?" A girl asked from the side. Her voice was sweet, almost lulling, making him want to tell her everything. Charmspeak.

"I'm Savoir." Percy said, trying to seem like he'd been called that his entire life. "Your new team member."

The girl cocked her head. "New Team member? Archangel picked a new recruit?"

All heads turned towards a girl in the middle. She sat straighter, stiffer than everyone else. Percy could almost feel the nervousness rolling off her in waves. Her name was written with flares at the end.

"Excuse me?" Percy frowned. "What?"

"You used your reward to recruit some random idiot?" Another one of the hoods asked.

"You could've gotten anything!" Another exclaimed.

"Like we need another Noob to get himself killed." Various remarks sprang from the group disproving of her choice. Percy want quite sure about what they meant but obviously they weren't nice. They were downgrading him and he'd barely known them for five seconds.

Under her hood, Archangel seethed. She was up on her feet before anyone could stop her. Percy felt a tugging under his feet, and a sharp pain in his back, right under his Achilles Heel. His shadow was flickering, jerking towards Archangel.

"I owe him everything."Archangel yelled. "It was my reward. All of us owe him! He doesn't need to prove himself, he's done it many times before! I'm not asking for your opinion, whether or not he's good enough. I'm telling you Savoir is better then you." She stomped past them, the marble ground crack underneath her, and flung herself out the doorway.

Another figure appeared coming in barely dodging Archangel's fury. The Elite sat in shock, Even Percy was a little surprised at the girls outburst. She owed him everything? They all owed him? Sure, he saved the Camp, but it wasn't all him.

He probably owed more to others than anyone owed to him.

The newer figure also wore a hood, but his was a dark emerald green with the complementing silver. But this symbol Percy could read easily. A horseshoe shape upside down. An omega.

"What did I just walk into?" Omega, Commander of the Elite team asked.

"Ah, Omega," Chaos said. Percy briefly wondered why the primordial didn't step in and stop the fight before it happened. "We were just welcoming the newest recruit into Elite. Saviour, this is Omega."

Omega looked him up and down, a sparkling hint of green in his eyes. "Saviour, huh?" Omega said, finally. "Congrats, I've heard a lot about you."

He suck out his arm for a hand shake, his hand was gloved.

"Really?" Percy asked. He took the commander's hand.


Percy cracked a smile. Omega grinned right back.

"But I like to know my recruits, so Training, Friday. I'm sure someone can show you where the arena is. Don't be late."

"Yes Sir." Percy mock saluted.

"Now, " Omega turned to the rest of the group who sat if possible even straighter. Like wax statues. Though Percy had no doubt that if someone made a threatening move they would come to life faster than Percy could blink. "I believe we have a mission debriefing. Unfortunately first recruits can't go on a mission before their first training exercise. So Savoir, can I ask a favor?"

Percy nodded his head slowly.

"Can you please find Archangel? She should be your mentor. I have a feeling she's in the gardens. Down that hallway and to the left."

Percy felt himself being excused. Omega and Chaos turned away from him entirely, like he no longer mattered. He slowly walked towards the door and left the room uneasily.

The hall was quiet, lit by more of those multi colored lights that Chaos had said were planets. Percy ducked as a blue one drifted over his head. The only sounds were his own breathing and the tap of his shoes on the ground.

As soon as he'd accepted the name Savoir, he'd become denser, falling to the floor, suddenly able to touch and manipulate objects. His ghost body swirled, he became a little less transparent. With a wave of Chaos's hands his own cloak christened his shoulders casting a shadow over his face. As much as the cloak bothered him, the primordial assured him it was indeed necessary to wear it.

He didn't feel any different but he knew his powers had been increased slightly. He didn't get tired as fast anymore, though he hadn't really had time to find the full extent of his powers.

Percy followed the directions of Omega, pondering the commander. Percy felt something off about him. Something different. Unlike the other Elite soldiers Omega seemed to be more relaxed, more in tune. When they shook hands it was like a wave of nauseating magic flowed over him.

Percy shook his head.

There was nothing wrong with Omega. It was just him. Percy just wasn't used to being dead. Dead.

The word rang in mind. He hasn't really had time to figure it out yet. To think on it. He was actually dead. Completely. No coming back. Other than the fact that he was a soldier now.

He wondered how his friends were taking it. Nico didn't look too good. And his brother? How was Achilles fairing? He did watch his brother get stabbed. Oh gods he didn't even want to think about Annabeth.

It hurt too much. His chest spiked with pain. His breath seemed to come out harder. He wanted to think Annabeth had the ring on. That she was cherishing their memories. But he had no way to tell.

The end of the hallway came up and Percy still hadn't seen anyone. He turned left. The hallway opened to a gentle arch which lead straight into a hedge maze.

The gardens.

The bushes were impossibly tall, Percy couldn't see over them. And they were thick, too thick for him to look through. Suddenly Percy didn't think this was going to be as easy. His last encounter with a maze was not one he'd like to repeat.

But on the other hard could it be?

Percy stepped tentatively. The first couple on steps took him directly to a cross section, one path heading left the other heading right. A cool breeze swept through the bushes, rustling the leaves. Which way?

Percy pulled down his hood, loosening the hold on his neck. Looking up, he saw the sky for the first time. It was black and starry, almost like everything else here. The sky rumbled with dark red clouds. Percy could tell it was going to rain soon.

He better find Archangel before that.

But which way? After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors with himself Percy decided to try left. He didn't get very far. He fell onto the ground, ripping over his own shoe laces. He grumbled and retied his sneakers.

Out of the corner if his eyes he noticed something. In the dirt. And he had a slightly lucky break. Archangel had gone left, and her footprints were left to show it.

Percy bounced back to his feet brushing of his pants. He bounded after the footprints with renewed faith. Twists, turns, left, right, straight, Percy lost count after the first four lefts that should had led him into a circle. Apparently geometry and physics didn't agree with this maze.

As he ran he kept his head down. He pressed in the ground frowned as he went. Suddenly Percy let out a surprised yelp as he stumbled into hedge coming around a particularly difficult turn.

The branches scratched his face and he flipped upside down. These bushes were impossible. They were too thick to see through but somehow Percy slipped through them falling on his back, landing heavily on his butt.

"Ow." Percy said absent mindedly. He didn't feel a thing.

He stood up and looked around where he fell. It was a square center with a fountain in the middle. Different glowing flowers were planted along the marble fountain. Percy looked up at the sky, it seemed darker with a heavy aura.

Percy swallowed hard. He felt the immediately urge to leave. He couldn't explain it. But he knew that if he didn't leave right then, something was gong to happen. Something bad.

Percy bolted towards the hedge he popped out of. He reached out grabbing a fist full of the prickling leaves at the same time something snagged his foot. Percy yelled out the leaves stripped through his fingers. A black tentacle of darkness wrapped up his leg. Percy was dragged backwards.

His fingers dug into the ground uselessly.

The garden square filled with fog the flowers glowed dark colors the fountain spouted darkness. The sky rumbled darkly.

Percy yelled out one last time, before he was pulled into the fountain with a huge splash of the new shadowy darkness. The liquids surface rippled, a small handful sloshed over the basin side, but other than that the black liquid stilled.

Five minuets later a steady rainfall started.

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