Chapter 4: The Fountain

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Percy felt like he was weightless. It was different that being a ghost though. A good type of different. That meant he was still...oh wait he wasn't alive.

Percy hit the ground hard, groaning. His hood flipped back up over his head and he winced trying to get back up. He breath was uneven. His head exploded with questions no one was answering.

But then he heard the voices.

"Percy!" A girl screamed. "No! No!"

Percy looked up. His mouth went dry. His heart pounded in his throat. It was sunny outside, in the forest, but he felt cold. He was cold.

It was dark outside. The air had a soft breeze flowing through it. It smelled sweet, like honeysuckle. Stars twinkled in the sky, The illusion of a calm night broken by another scream.


Around him lights flickered on, illuminating the worried faces of people some familiar, some not. They stepped out of the cabins all looking towards cabin six. The Athena cabin.

If the campers of Camp Half-Blood saw Percy, standing there, in his cloak and hood, they didn't react. No one stopped him, no one asked who he was. Percy looked at the closest camper, Travis Stoll, who's arm was around Katie as she cited silently into his shirt.

Connor Stoll stood on the other side of him wiping sleep from his eyes. He looked miserable. They all looked miserable. Percy tapped Connor on the shoulder. He didn't react. Percy frowned. The son of Poseidon waved his hand in front of Connor. The younger brother of the Stolls started unblinking at the door.

Percy moved onto Travis and Katie, he stepped in front of them. "Hey guys!" He said. They didn't move. Travis looked down at Katie pulling her into a full hug. Percy was shocked. Not only was it like he wasn't there, but Katie hadn't full out strangled Travis.

He thought for a second then he turn and slammed his fist into the closest person, Pollux a son of Dynonious. Percy would've regretted it had his entire hand not flung right through the boys face.

Percy pulled back looking at himself surprised. What happened? Why was he here?

"Percy!" The Athena cabin door opened and the tired eyes of the Athena campers filled out. Percy counted the blond heads looking for the one he was searching for. A sinking feeling hit his gut. Annabeth didn't come out.

"Percy! Don't leave me!"

Percy shoved through the crowd, which was mainly him walking straight through the campers. People gazed on cabin, like it was shroud burning in the crisp night air. Percy ran into the cabin, ignoring the books and scrolls that pulled up everywhere. He eyes searched the beds for his Wise Girl.

Annabeth was choking herself with the covers. Her and flung out her feet kicked, her face was covered in sweat and tears. Percy felt every party of him start to crumble. She screamed out again. He raced up her side wishing more than anything he could hug her, comfort her from the nightmare. Suddenly Annabeth's arm flung into his face. His eyes found a glint of metal on her finger. A ring. Their Ring.

Percy choked on a sob. "Annabeth..."

She screamed again, begging him not to go. It hurt him to know that she would wake up and find that he was gone forever. Just out of reach.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to her. He leaned over her and even though he was intangible he gently pressed a kiss on her lips. "I'm so so sorry."

Percy emerged from the cabin weakly.

Malcolm, One of Annabeth's brothers, stared at the cabins door. "It just keeps getting worse." He mumbled, to the air. But Percy almost felt like the older kid was taking to him.

Chiron trotted up, host curlers in his tail, his face grimly matching the mood of the night. Grover chipped beside him.

Percy grimaced at the look of his satyr friend. Grover had bags under his eyes. His hair was matted and his clothes crumpled and dirty. It didn't looked like he'd slept since Percy died. Percy felt his own eyes sting, suddenly he found it hard to swallow.

"We can't wake her." Another Athena kid said.

"This is the third night in a row!" A camper yelled. "I can't sleep!"

Chiron sighed, His tall swished depressingly. Another of Annabeth screams pierced the air.

"Let's be honest," Percy was surprised to see Achilles was standing toward the front of the crowd, his eyes still red, running a hand through his hair, "How many of us were actually sleeping?"

No one answered.

Percy didn't realize he was crying until the campers dispersed back to their cabins, without saying a word, Chiron leading the Athena kids to the Big House. Only two people were left standing, a pale boy wearing black, and the only other son of Poseidon.

Nico Di Angelo walked over to Achilles, His hands rested in the pockets of his aviator jacket that he never seemed to take off. Achilles sniffed and Percy could see the silent tears still trailing down his face.

"Yeah," Nico said to Achilles, "Percy Jackson does that to people."

Then Nico walked away. And he didn't look back once.

Percy let out a sob. "I'm sorry, Achilles. I'm sorry, Annabeth." He said, "I'm so sorry."

Percy felt himself being drawn out. Like he was waking from a particularly good dream. Except this wasn't Percy's idea of a good dream. The last thing he heard was another one of Annabeth's screams, and then his nightmare faded.


Percy gasped for breath as the dark liquid water exploded all around him. Percy was thrown into the air landing on his stomach. He was stunned, dazed for a second. A wide range of emotions flooded him. Rain thundered on him, but Percy wasn't wet. Tears blurred his vision.

The fountain gurgled happily, the sloshing pattering of rain drops toppling the water onto the ground, as if now that Percy was swelling with terrible feelings, everything was fine.

Percy slammed his fist into the ground and splattering mud in his face. He pulled himself off the ground, breathing heavily. He looked around the square garden and he felt every urge to run. He obliged.

He flung himself through the hedge stumbling all the way through. His cloak snagged on a beach and he toppled over, right into someone. He was sobbing so much he couldn't even apologize. He couldn't even get up.

"Savoir?" Archangel asked. "Savoir."

Percy felt her arms seat him upright. Her pale, cold hands were surprisingly comforting as she gently raised his face to look at her.

"Percy," She said. "What happened?"

Percy didn't even ask how she knew his name, he just told her everything. Starting with Achilles stumbling up the hill. His swear on the Styx, His talk with Nico, His vision from the pooling fountain. It rushed out of him, numbing the pain he was feeling. It poured from him like water until he was empty.

Archangel didn't interrupt him, She listened intently.

It wasn't until he was completely done that Percy realized she was shivering and wet. She just nodded, emphatically.

"It's okay, Percy. It's okay." She murmured. She wiped the mud of his face disregarding her own outfit and cloak.

"Who are you?" Percy asked. "How do you know who I am? How do you know it's going to be okay?"

Archangel shivered in the cold rain. "As a part of the Elite team, you can take on challenges. Rewards for these challenges can be almost anything. I know who you are because I used my reward to bring you into the Elite team. Chaos thought it was a good idea."

"But who are you?" Percy asked again. "Who are any of you guys? Chaos wants me to build a team out of stiff strangers. How can I do that if I'm falling apart internally?"

"The same way you away have, Percy Jackson," Archangel said. "trust your instincts."

"Please tell me who you are."

Archangel wrapped herself in her arms fighting against the pouring rain. "I'm too afraid." She sniffled.

"Of What?"

"Of you." She said. "What you would think about me if you knew who I was. I owe you for everything. I made a bad choice, it ended up costing me my life. If it weren't for you, my family never would be accepted like they are now. If it weren't for you, life would be much darker for my brother."

Percy looked at her taking her hand. There, standing in the rain, covered in mud and tears, Percy looked straight into Archangel's eyes.

"Show me." He said.

She shook her head. "It-it w-was sel-l-lfish." Her teeth chattered in the cold. "I w-was st-st-stupid."

"You are not stupid. Please tell me," Percy begged. "I need to know."

She didn't tell him. She stood there shivering in the cold wetness, Percy out a hand on her arm, focusing with all his might.

Dry, he thought.

Instantly the water evaporated from Archangel. Percy felt a punch in the back of his brain as his concentrated on keeping Archangel dry and healthy. Archangel shook her hand finding the brim of her hood. In one flick Archangel pulled down her hood.

Where she stood was no longer the mysterious, suspicious Archangel. Now there stood a teenage girl, with a cloak and hood pulled down. She was average height with olive skin and dark hair.

In Archangel's place stood Bianca Di Angelo.

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