Chapter 20: Home bound

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Percy's first reaction was to grin. Camp? Sweet! He could go home! But something was off about it. No one else was smiling. In fact, after Bianca's Announcement, Ethan swore and Silena paled.

It would be understandable. They probably thought Camp thought Luke and Ethan and Silena were all traitors. But Beckendorf didn't look thrilled either and Michael, while trying to prevent a nose bleed where Bianca had slammed him with the door, wasn't quite jumping for joy.

"You guys do know that Camp forgives you right?" Percy asked, "No one blames you. I don't see why you guys look so depressed. Camp...its like home right?"

Everyone stared at him.


Luke turned to Bianca, completely ignoring Percy's question. "You didn't tell him."

Bianca turned a light pink, "I thought you did."


Percy felt his face heat up for no reason. "Tell me what?"

Luke turned back to him with sympathy in his eyes. It made Percy's insides squirm. The rest of the Elite mumbled and shifted uneasy. Whatever this was, it wasn't good.

Luke put a hand on his shoulder and started pulling him towards the door. "Let's take a walk." He said it causally, but his grip made it clear it wasn't a suggestion.

Luke pulled up his hood and Percy mimicked. He glanced back at Bianca, a question on his lips. Her face was frowning, maybe slightly guilty. She refused to meet his eyes.

"Why don't you guys go pack? Halo, would you grab the medical kit from the infirmary? And Revenge if you grab my bag from my room? I'll call Omega and inform him of the recent events." Luke might not have been the second-in-command anymore but old habits apparently die hard. Everyone nodded shifting with understatement. Still something was different, they didn't look uneasy with each other anymore. That gave Percy a sprinkling of good feeling, even though it was diminished within the next few seconds.

Luke headed towards the door, pausing just once. Without looking back he said, "Oh and Forge, if you could grab Percy's things and a new sword from the Acropolis?"

He didn't wait for the bigger boy's answer. Luke tugged Percy through the door way. Confusion knocked in Percy's head.

"Where are we going?" Percy asked, "And why would I need a new sword? Riptide works just fine! And I've had it my entire time as a demigod-!"

"That's exactly why." Luke said sharply, cutting off all of Percy's thoughts.

For a second Percy recognized the old version of Luke, filled with resentment and anger. It startled him so bad he swallowed the rest of his questions. Luke led him through the hallways past several clumps of floating lights that shined the lighted halls. A group of Chaos Soldiers dressed in in bright orange cloaks jogged past. Percy caught sight of a couple scaly tails swaying behind them.

Luke was quiet the entire time. He was in deep thought, or lost in memory. Percy could feel his emotions in his grip on his shoulder.

Finally they neared something Percy recognized vaguely. "This is the way to the Shrine Room." He said. "I remember that sign."

It was a board that pointed arrows in different directions. The writing was in Chaos, so Percy wasn't sure what it actually said, but he noticed the strange gratified smiley face written in red marker.

Luke stopped right next to it like he was rereading it.

The hall was silent. They were the only two people in it with about four floating planet lights.

"You can't read any of this can you?"

"Huh?" Percy looked past Luke at the sign, "Oh that, I can't."

Luke moved on, "It's part of being a Chaos solider. Everyone needs to learn how to read Chaos. People who learn and are good at it go on to be negotiators. It's the basis of every single Language."

Percy was confused. Was Luke trying to tell him something? Was it a code?

"It's part of the Rules of being a Chaos solider." Luke continued towards the Shrine room. His voice rebounded off the walls in the dimming light.


"Yeah, I suppose Archangel didn't tell you about those, either. Every Army has rules. Ours is no different. Our rules are just a bit more....strange. Like how we're not suppose to be outside after dark- because of the jabberwockies, or how you couldn't join a mission before your first training with Omega....There's more, like no Justin Bieber music ever, or touching anything of Forge's without explicit permission. And..."

Luke trailed off staring at nothing as the walked. It got dark again, and Percy had trouble not tripping over his own feet.

"Can you just tell me already?" Percy whined. "Why is everyone so solemn?"

Luke sighed, "You can't use your sword because everyone knows it's your sword. If you took it to Camp there wouldn't be a demigod who wouldn't know that you are Percy Jackson, 2 time savior of Olympus, Survivor of Tartarus, and Boyfriend of Annabeth Chase."

Percy swallowed a lump in his throat. Boyfriend. He never got a chance to propose. But now he did....Right? She wore the ring but they weren't married. And he was part ghost. He was back now. He was mostly alive.


"Dead Boyfriend of Annabeth Chase." Luke emphasized.

"So? I'm back now."

Luke let out a disgruntled groan. "Percy! You were Dead!"

Percy raised his voice in frustration, "What are you getting at?"

"Chaos brought you back right? But you didn't go through the Doors of Death. The only thing holding you together is pure Chaos Magic. And Chaos magic can do a lot, but even it has limits. Old lives do not mix Percy. If someone saw your face, recognized your sword...."

Percy stared into the darkness. His eyes almost crossed. His body shook. His knees felt week and he nearly fell had Luke not caught him and up-righted him again. "You mean if one of my friends recognized me as Percy Jackson instead of Savior...I would die?"

"Fade." Luke corrected quietly. "I'm Sorry, Percy. I'm so sorry."

Percy was stunned.

He forgot how to move.

He couldn't ever talk to Annabeth. Never again. She'd know by the sound of his voice. She'd know and before he could even tell her anything, he'd disperse into the air. Like monster dust, scattered away by some invisible power fan. He could go back to Camp, but it wouldn't be Camp; just another place the Elite team traveled on their wide spread journeys.

Luke opened the doors to the Shrine room and light filled the hall.

The sun was mildly warm, but Percy couldn't feel it. Was it a joke? It had to be a joke.

"There has to be some sort of...." Percy swallowed down a sick feeling. He grabbed the wall for support.

"Loophole?" Luke guessed solemnly, "There isn't. I've tried everything. Rewards, magic, I've asked everyone I could think of. There's no way." Luke ran a hand through his hair, dejectedly, like he was also ripping open an old wound, "I can't ever see her again."

Percy stared at the noon sun, "Who?"

Luke closed his eyes, pushing back tears, but one still slipped through and he coughed out a sob. "Thalia. I should've told her. I should've told her...."

Percy didn't need hear the rest of his sentence to know what he meant. They were already playing in his mind. The warm summer-ish breeze sent goosebumps up his arms.

"And now we never can." Luke whispered. "I meant to- PERCY!"

Percy spun at the sound of his name Riptide spinning into his hand. It didn't matter. Before he could do anything the entire room flashed white, Percy yelped and toppled to the floor trying to cover his eyes. His pen tumbled away. The last thing he saw made no sense. The shrine of that little girl, the golden Statue that looked like Annabeth, had stepped of the pedestal and was staring at him with regretful eyes. Luke was running towards him, eyes wide, looking sick.

Then Percy fell asleep.


Achilles was sitting at he Poseidon table alone poking at his food with a fork.

The mood was gloomy. Chiron looked like he wanted to say something inspiring but nothing was coming to mind. Mr. D was usually vacant. More so than normal. He wasn't threatening to turn people into dolphins or trying to sneak wine into his diet coke. He looked like the rest of camp. Depressed.

Percy was floating in a similar ghostly form next to Achilles. He looked around for Annabeth but he didn't see her. Malcolm was sitting at the head of the table, but he didn't look happy to have it.

The head of the table was usually reserved for the cabin leaders. Percy had never had any trouble with it before seeing as he never really had a sibling to fight over it with. Achilles had been far too reluctant to even think about sitting there.

Achilles wasn't sitting at the head of the table, now either.


Achilles looked up. Standing over him was a face Percy hadn't seen since weeks before he'd died. He doubted that Jason even knew he had a brother. Percy felt a sinking in his stomach.

"Hey." Achilles acknowledged.

Jason plopped down across him. It didn't seem to matter that camp actually had rules about tables and everything.

"It's Achilles right?" Jason's voice was usually loud, even though he was talking barely above a whisper.

"Yeah." Achilles didn't look up from his food.

"I'm Jason." Jason poked at a so type of chicken.

"I know." Achilles said grimly, "The priest of the Gods, Son of Jupiter, Leader of the Prophecy seven."

Jason winced at the sound of the word Leader. "That wasn't me." he replied painfully. "I was never the leader of the Seven."

Achilles hung his head. He put down his fork. Percy could see tears starting to form on his cheeks. He heart broke. It felt weird, seeing everyone around him think he was dead. Percy Jackson was dead. Even Achilles who he'd barely known for a week, was being hammered by his absence.


What made him so special? What made everyone act like their lives sources had been sucked out? He could not have possibly been that important. He was nothing compared to Annabeth, or Jason, or any of the Seven. He wasn't like Frank who could turn into animals and command dead legionaries, or Hazel who could warp the Mist and Metals as easy as swing her Calvary sword. Piper brought a robot Dragon to Life with her just voice, What was he compared to all of that?

He made water move. And could breath under water.

Achilles inhaled sharply as if he was being stabbed with a dagger.

"Percy was the leader of the Seven." Jason stared at the wooden table, but then he looked up at Achilles. "You look just like him."

The ground shook. Achilles pressed his hands into tighter fists. The rumbling caused everyone to look their way, Lou Ellen from the Hecate cabin was knocked off her chair.

"I'm Not My Brother!" He said shortly and jumped away from the table and ran towards the cabins.

"Achilles!" Jason yelled.

He didn't look back. He hurried forward and Percy followed in sync with Jason.

Achilles brushed by a bewildered Nico shoving the thin pale boy to the ground by accident. Achilles was wiping his eyes furiously and disappeared down the hill.

"What is going on?" Nico asked, Jason helped him back up.

"I made a mistake," Jason said, "I said something and he took it the wrong way-" Jason started after the younger son of Poseidon, but Nico held him back.

"No, let him be." Nico's voice was low. "He needs time alone."

"But-"Jason hung his head, "You're right." He sighed.

Percy was suddenly yanked down the hill. He gasped in surprise like stumbling along like an invisible string had been tied around his torso. He saw Achilles running down the path that ended in the middle of the circle of the cabins.

Achilles let out a shuddering breath, wiping the last of his tears away. He slowed his pace and Percy was able to walk beside him. Percy could see his ocean blue eyes brimming red with tears still.

Then he heard talking.

Both of them stopped.

"Everyone's at dinner." Achilles hummed to himself, his voice still watery from choking back sobs. He crept around the bend peering beyond. The Athena cabin door was open, the light flowing out into the darkening night. Two figures stood in front of it. Percy couldn't hear what they were saying, but Achilles eyes widened, and Percy assumed he could. One had to be a god, Percy could feel the aura from where he stood. The other was a very recognizable character.

Percy's heart thudded in his chest.

"Annabeth," He breathed out unintentionally, not that it mattered it wasn't like anyone could hear him, right?


Annabeth whirled around her eyes were uncannily dark, no long the gray that he loved so much. Immediately, they found Achilles, who wasn't really hiding that much. Achilles cried out in alarm and tried to turn and flee.

The god cursed in an ancient language. It wasn't a god, or a goddess. At least not one that Percy recognized. But he remembered her, The woman, from his other dream.

The one where Annabeth was attacked by her.

"Percy?" Annabeth said. She wasn't looking at Achilles though. Her eyes flickered gray again. She was looking at him. She could see him.

But then the powerful woman's hand blazed filled with magic and she threw it right at Achilles.

Annabeth watched like she was the one in the dream as well as Percy. They screamed out in sync. "Achilles!"

Achilles didn't move fast enough. The magic curse hit him sending green electricity through him. He barely had enough time to scream. Achilles collapsed to the ground his body steaming like fried chicken. Percy couldn't even think. He blinked twice trying to remember how to breathe.
Annabeth screamed. The magic woman turned on her fiercely. "Sleep, pawn." She sneered. With a wave of her hand, Annabeth went from shocked and horrified to sound asleep. The woman carried Annabeth's limp body into the cabin and the door closed with an audible click, like nothing had even happened.

Percy couldn't move. He knelt beside his brother, trying to find a pulse, something anything that could tell him he was still alive. He tried doing chest compression but his hands went right through him. Percy screamed as loudly as he could. He tried to call for help but no one could hear him.

They would come too late no matter what.

Achilles wasn't breathing.

He was dead.



Percy jolted to awareness so suddenly he flung himself up knocking heads with Luke. They both yelped in pain

"Achilles." Percy breathed frantically, "How-? Where-? I was dreaming?"

"Whoa!" Luke motioned for him to slow down rubbed his sore forehead wincing. "Percy! Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Percy lied, "It was just a dream. He's fine. He's fine."


"Nothing." Percy said, "What happened?" He looked around everything was normal. The shrine room was the same, including the golden statue, it was on it's pedestal.

"You fainted after I told you about the Two Lives Rule." Luke said, "Sorry i didn't think-"

"What? I didn't faint!" Percy said, "That statue shot me with... something. I'm not sure what it was but i fell asleep..."

"Percy, That statue hasn't moved. It's just a statue." Luke cocked his head, "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

A strange sense of Dejavu overwhelmed him. It felt like that moment with the fury back when he was eleven and everyone told him there had never been a Mrs. Kerr at the school. But back then Grover had always acted strangely so it convinced him he was right. Now all he had was Luke who was looking really worried for his mental health at the moment.

"I should call Halo," Luke said, "He'd want to know about fainting spells-"

"Ah No!" Percy jumped in quickly, "I'm fine! I swear! Please don't call him!"

Luke let out a small sigh, "Right, It's about time we head back to the cargo hold. We'll take off as soon as we can. Huntress will be needing that reward ASAP."

Percy nodded, though his mind was boggled with so many things. Annabeth could see him, Achilles was murdered. But those were just dreams right? they couldn't possible be real! That's what Bianca said. Just dreams.

Then the whole thing with the Statue. Percy was 99.9% sure he didn't imagine that. He couldn't have.

"Perce? You coming?" Luke called already lost in the darkness of the halls again.

Percy looked back at the darkening sky, confused. Hadn't it been noon when they got here? He tried to push it all away before his head exploded. Focus on one thing at a time.


They arrived at the cargo bay, which was really just a hanger with a fancy space ship looking thing in it. Percy didn't know a lot about space travel but it didn't look that much different from a stealth plane. The Elite were rushing about Silena and Beckendorf were carrying bags to a pile. Ethan was cleaning a couple knives, and putting them in his belt. Every once in a while Percy noticed Ethan glancing at Bianca, though. Castor was arguing with Bianca about bringing along a portable DVD player. And Halo was checking medical supplies.

"Please!" Castor said, "It's a long ride!"

"No!" Bianca said, "I'm not listening to you complain about Avengers 2 again!"

"But it just came out!"

Luke sighed, "Guys!"

Everyone stopped to look at him, "Are we ready to go?"

"Archangel wont let me bring any movies!!" Castor yelled like a six year old.

"Stop being an idiot!" She snapped back.

"I've got all my medical supplies." Halo said, "I hope I wont have to use any." He knocked on a wooden board of a table next to him, like he was removing a jinx.

"The bags are packed." Secret said.

"I grabbed Percy the best sword I could find." Forge handed Percy a sword similar to a elongated dagger. A triangular blade that was as equally balanced as Riptide. Percy brought out the other sword from in his pocket. and compared them. They were different but felt the same. It was weird and cool.


Beckendorf grinned.

"What's going on here?"

The entire Elite turned to see Omega storming in. Luke slammed a hand to his forehead, "I knew I was forgetting something!"

Omega waited for an answer. Which Bianca was quick to give.

"We were preparing for a trip back to Earth. I got a vision of where Quiver hid her secret stash. We need to find it so we can cure Huntress."

Omega nodded. "I hope you weren't planning on doing it without me, though." He put on a slim smile. With a flick of his hand a misty portal spit out two bags and plopped them on the floor next to him. "Do you have everything?"

Ethan snorted. "We're ready." He slipped his last dagger into his pockets. "But...."

"But what?" Bianca looked horrified like he just suggested that she wasn't up to protocol on her outfit. "I careful planned everything-"

"No! Not like that or anything!" Ethan said quickly, almost desperately trying to please her, "I meant: But...does any one else feel weird about this whole thing?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Castor leaned on a stack of boxes nearby.

"I don't know." Ethan sighed, "It feels all wrong. Why did Huntress contract the Dimetron Disease? Because Order gave it to Jacob."

Percy noticed Omega tense up. It was weird.

"I don't see your point." Silena commented looking in a pocket mirror to fix her make up.

"Its Order." Ethan emphasized. "She wants total control, Order over everything? How exactly does a death-bringing disease do that?"

"It doesn't." Percy said, watching Omega lightly place his bags down again. His sword was glowing emerald, Percy doubted it would take him two seconds to draw it and slice Forge in half.


"Are you suggesting Order wasn't behind this?"Halo shouldered his medical bag.

A cold feeling rose in Percy's stomach, along with an itching at the top of his mouth. The same funky feeling he'd gotten when that shapeshifter had appeared as Hero and then nearly took out both him and Castor. What was going on?

"Possibly." Ethan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know it just seems to me that all it brings is...."

Everyone shared a look. "Chaos."

Percy was almost too late. He caught Omega's blade with his own newer sword millimeters from it implanting in Ethan's stomach. Ethan stumbled backwards, knocking into a tower of boxes from other missions, that came crashing down on Castor.

Omega's eyes shown an eerie purple through the shadow of his hood. Like his eyes were glowing. Percy wasn't sure what was going on, but it couldn't have been anything good.

"Move!" Percy shouted. He fought against Omega's strength, blade to blade. Luke whipped out his sword, and went to attack his back.

With inhuman speed Omega turned on him knocking Luke's sword clean out of his grip. Percy plunged his blade into his calf, the same one he'd hit twice during the Training session. The commander stumbled.

Luke dove out on the way. Halo and Archangel notched arrows and targeted Omega.

"Omega! What are you doing?" Michel yelled, hesitating.

"That's not Omega." Luke wiped a drip of blood from the corner of his mouth. He yanked up his sword and started at Omega again, "He's being possessed!"

Percy tried to slice at Omega's knees but he dodged the attack. At the same time Luke slashed at his back which he dodged as well. Omega fought both of them easily. It was almost like he knew what they were going to do before it happened. Percy felt sweat drop down his neck. Omega landed a kick in his stomach and Percy went flying into the table were Michel was shooting arrows. The crashed into a tangle of limbs. And Percy hit the cement floor hard.

Forge jumped on top of Omega pulling him into a head lock. "Go!" He yelled at Hero, "Get on the ship! We need to-"

Omega pulsed with magic and forge was knocked of him. With a burst of light he threw a fist full of fire right at the ship. The heat slapped Percy in the face. Flames jumped the walls and smoke filled the room.

Bianca let an arrow fly and it hit Omega in the neck. Silena took her daggers to him but he knocked her away. Ethan threw four of his knives all at once and they didn't do a thing.

It was impossible. Omega didn't even seem to be hurt but them. None of them knew his weakness. He couldn't be stopped. But why was he attacking in the first place? Did that mean that Chaos really was behind everything?

Michel and Percy ran towards him and Michel fit his bow around Omega's neck choking him, Percy sliced him through the stomach. Smoke burned all his senses. Omega pulled Michel off and threw them into each other. They skidded across the ground to where Bianca stood Michel landed heavily on top of Percy.

Forge and Selina tagged teamed him, Forge was pinning him and Selina Charmspeaking him. "Go!" Forge yelled over the crackling heat, "I can't hold him much longer!" Ethan pulled his sword running to help them.

Percy didn't know what he meant at first. Their ride was in flames, how could they leave? Castor struggled from under the boxes. Omega let out a roar. His purple possessed eyes bore straight into Percy.

Then Bianca wrapped her arm interlocking with him, and grabbed Luke's shirt with other hand. Halo was still on top of him, and Percy couldn't really move, at the last second, Ethan was thrown backwards and hit Luke's legs at high velocity.

Then the five of them melted into the shadows. Percy's last thought was confusion, then everything went Black.

Okay it's a little crappy. Cut me some slack. It's loooooooonnnggg.


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