Chapter 21: The Dragon

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Haha. Updating....Funny story about that...

Percy must have blacked out for a couple of seconds. The world was flipping and spinning and rocketing past him so fast it was impossible that he hadn't at one point. Not that it made much difference. Everything was midnight dark, awkward shapes moved too fast for Percy to think about.

He felt his own screams vibrating the air around them, but with so much indistinguishable chaos around them, Percy couldn't hear his own voice.

He lost track of time.

It could've been seconds that he was shadow traveling, it could've been decades. He mind felt like play-dough.

At the same time, winds ripped their grip apart. He couldn't see anything but he could feel Michel clinging to him, probably screaming as well. As a child of the Sun, shadow traveling was most likely sickening for him. Or not. Percy want even sure.

The rapid wind tore through his hair, slapping his face under his hood like an endless onslaught of javelins. It pried him away from Bianca's hold, their interlocking elbows slid apart.

For a terrifying second, Percy dropped into space. Darkness snapped them up, swallowing them whole. Percy found himself unable to breath. Even though he didn't need to, Michel tightened his grip. Percy could hear him struggling to breath.

He needed oxygen.

He died drowning.

Then all at once Bianca's hand latched onto Percy's outstretched one. Percy was pulled back into a bubble of speed and oxygen. Her hand gripped his tighter than before, it was clammy and awkwardly cool to the touch.

It occurred to Percy, exactly what had happened. It a burr his mind receded to dwell on the fact that the Fates just really hated him. First he was the child of the great prophecy. Then after a war, he was apart of another prophecy, and another war, and then he died and became part of an undead army that most likely fight wars.

Was he really that stupid? Why did he join again?

He wasn't sure what to think right now. Considering Omega was, according to Luke, being possessed in order to kill them. Then the five of them abandoned, Castor, Silena, and Beckendorf to get away for a search at Camp Half Blood for a few magical glowing orbs that could grant wishes, without revealing their identities because then they would die.

Fade, whatever. It wasn't desirable.

From what he'd gathered, it wasn't like fading to Tartatrus, it was like fading and never existing. Like touching one of the floating lights, just without the whole killing an entire planet as well.

Oh look a light.

Percy barely had time to think before the ground came running up to meet him. His body went ridged and the ground impact was almost like high-fiving a brick wall at sixty miles per hour, with your face.

In other words, it would've hurt if he wasn't already dead.

Even so, Michel landed on top of him driving Percy's face into the ground a second time and shattering his breath in his lungs.

Luke and Ethan went sprawling not too far away, shouting nothing in particular. Bianca was the only one who landed standing up. But even that didn't last long.

She wobbled for a second, made a whimpering sound that was entirely pitiful, and then she almost got swallowed by her own shadow. Her knees gave out and the thick grassy ground caught her like it was a liquid sea of oil. Bianca fell through.

Percy scrambled after her, shouting at Michel to get up from where he was groaning. Shadow traveling had taken a toll on Percy his mind was still trying to process what was going on. He dove into the shadow and bounced heavily off the solid ground just managing to catch the palm of Bianca's hand as the rest of her disappeared.

Her hand felt like icy fog. Thick but not solid. He panicked knowing any second that last part of her could dissipate and she'd be gone forever.

The same way Percy heard Nico had almost done on his fantabulous trip with Reyna, Coach Hedge, and the angry statue of Annabeth's mom.

"GUYS!" Percy yelled.

Michel fell to his knees beside Percy, looking a little on the green side. Percy tried pulling on Bianca's hand, but it was like someone had tied a cement filled dump truck around her waist and left her hanging over a cliff.

Ethan and Luke managed to detangle themselves from the pile they landed in. Luke stumbled back for a second but then they both her running towards them. Ethan reached first panting, and he ripped off his gloves almost shoving Percy out of the way.

Ethan didn't hesitate he grabbed Bianca's slipping hand from Percy sliding his fingers around her wrist. Immediately his grip glowed purple, almost like the color Omega eyes had turned when he'd gotten possessed. Ethan let out a strangled gasp and Percy was amazed to feel her hand had solidified.

He was slowly pulling her out of the shadows.

"That's not going to be enough," Luke panted, "Halo, you need to do something!"

That seemed to snapped Michel back together. "I didn't grab my kit, but I think my old was is still in the infirmary! Underneath the back room, it should have a green label on it. Gods I swear if Solace moved it--!!"

Michel didn't finish.

Before Percy could even blink Luke scooped Michel up and flew to the towering house. A cold chill went down his back. They were on Half Blood hill barely inside the borders of camp. It was about the middle of the day. Some demigod from the camp had spotted them, disrupting a game of basketball that was going on in the court.

Percy's heart filled with dread. Pretty soon there would be a crowd. What would they say?

Oh yeah, sorry, we're actually undead soldiers from the Army of Chaos and we're here looking for some shiny looking orb things. You wouldn't happen to have seen any, right?

"Percy...." Ethan let out a low strained huff. His face was beaded were sweat and his arms were shaking, ""

"What more do I do?!" Percy asked.

"My power...karma....think good...thoughts...Bianca...."

"Those were the worse instructions ever!"

Ethan closed his eyes, swallowing in the back of his throat which made a weird sound, "think...good....thoughts...about Bianca...."

Percy didn't know how that would help. He kept his hold on her hand. They got her arm out just to her elbow. Percy was starting to feel sick.

"Good thoughts?" Percy mumbled, "She's kind. Funny."

"...Actions..." Ethan gulped.

"She watched Nico for years. She really loved him. Never wanted anything to happen to him. And she was always thinking about him. Tried to get him that Myth-O-Magic figurine of Hades." Percy thought back frowning. They got about to her shoulder now. "She sacrificed herself so we could go on in that quest."

Somewhere in the back of his mind he recognised people yelling.
Then hot air burned down his back. Percy stiffened. His mind screened every curse that he knew.

Ethan coughed, "Savior..." he said weakly.

Percy forgot camp had a Dragon.

He also forgot that said Dragon didn't like people near Thalia's tree.

Peleus had grown a couple feet since Percy had seen him. That in no way shape or form made him any less terrifying. Thalia's tree was a good ten feet away and the Dragon was snarling down Ethan's shaking back with its tail still wrapped around its protective pine.

The golden fleece hung on one of the higher branches glittering. Percy wished he could jump up and get it but he had a strong feeling Peleus would eat him. And considering the fact he was undead, Percy figured he'd be digesting in Peleus's stomach for the rest of eternity. Not the way Percy wanted to go.

Then Percy realized that Peleus wasn't even snarling at him. Ethan was it's main target. It's former enemy.

Somehow Peleus knew who they were, or at least could tell a little but. Percy remembered back when Rachel had first entered camp after the Titans war. The Dragon had known not to eat her then. It must have been the same thing now.

Except Ethan wasn't an enemy anymore.

Before Percy could even think about how he was to handle this, screaming broke out of the Big House. Luke and his black cape came flying out like some big shot superhero. He was carrying Michel who had a white medical first aid box in his arms. Behind him, Percy recognized Will Solace yelling protests from the porch with Nico Di Angelo right behind him.

Neither of those two looked particularly thrilled.

Luke froze mid-flight dropping Michel. The undead son of Apollo let out a yelp and he collapsed to the ground in a plume of dirt. Not a second too soon. Luke locked eyes with the copper Dragon and mumbled a small, "oh no-"

Peleus leapt into the air crashing down on Luke before he could move completely forgetting Ethan. Maybe he considered Luke a bigger threat? They landed in a crater scattering debris in chucks of rocks so big they could've dented armoured tanks. Michel yelped as one narrowly missed his head.

His medical box spilled open several bottles had broken on the ground causing the grass to welt or change color or even grow a couple inches.

Michel scrambled to find one vial, as the dust cleared around Luke and Peleus.

Percy accidentally let go of Bianca's hand, in his distraction. Ethan gasped as the weight dragged her body back down again. Ethan's glow was flickering like he was running out of things to think about. However his power worked, influencing karma or whatever, Ethan was a little more than panicked. His breathes came out ragged.

Percy wondered if there was something more than just saving a friend going on for him. He looked desperate to help her. There was no way Revenge, Ethan Nakamura, was crushing on Bianca right?!

Why the Hades was he thinking about this right now?!

Michel ran to them holding a vial of a sloshing yellow potion that looked suspiciously like liquid sunlight. He uncorked it and poor it right onto Bianca's arm. She glowed warm, Percy could feel it radiating off her in heat waves. Then all the shadows hissed and disperse.

Bianca was practically thrown back onto the surface. Her entire body half a golden aura. She didn't move but Percy could see she was still breathing. Just unconscious.

Michel let his shoulders drop in relief. Ethan was stiff and he tried to pry apart their hands. His face was pale. Bianca was okay.

For now.

Percy almost let himself relax a little.


Oh right....That...

Ethan looked about ready to face plant next to Bianca. Michel groaned something and gagged like he was about to throw up. The effects of shadow traveling were catching up to him. Percy was surprised the guy had made it this long without vomiting.

Luke on the other hand was trying to fight a copper scaled Dragon without his sword. Which basically included dodging, apologizing, and generally trying not to be eaten. Percy figured Luke didn't want to make the increasing chaos of demigods worse by stabbing their Dragon.

Luke dove away from a swipe of claws that otherwise would've cut him in half. "SAVIOR!!" He yelled, scrambling away.

Peleus bounded after him pouncing on his cape like a giant cat on a toy mouse. Luke made a choking gagging sound as his cape jerked him backwards by the throat.

Percy bolted towards them. He could see Peleus raising one of it's clawed paws to swipe right through Luke that would pierce both his shoulders.

Percy jumped in between them throwing his arms out so Peleus would stop.

"Stop!" Percy used his most commanding voice. The same voice he used leading way too many demigods into their last battles. He just pursued that none of the demigods recognized it. "Down, boy!"

The Dragon looked at him like he was crazy. Percy shrugged.

"It was worth a try." He said.

Peleus snorted hot air at them. Luke drew a sharp intake of breath and frantically continued trying to pull his hooded cape from under the claws. "Savior! Do something!" Luke hissed, "I don't want to fade on a Tuesday! Fading is a Friday thing!"

Percy resisted the urge to look back at him. He wasn't even sure how Luke still knew what day of the week it was.

"Peleus!" Percy said standing up straight, "Let go of his cloak. Now. Hero isn't here to do anything threatening, or take the golden fleece. Right, Hero?"

Luke nodded his head quickly, "Yes, yep, completely! I swear on the River Styx I won't go near that tree ever again if I can help it!"

The resounding thunder seemed to satisfy Peleus. Percy felt a cold chill run down his back and he couldn't help wondering if all of them were going to regret that oath soon. The Dragon glared down at Luke huffed right in his face sparking orange embers at him, like a warning, You Better Not. Then he turned back around and stomped towards Thalia's tree.

Luke let out a breath. Percy offered him a hand to help him up and Luke looked at it for a second longer than he should've. Then Luke took it and Percy hauled him to his feet.

"Thanks." Luke breathed, "I don't like that Dragon."

"Understatement." Percy fake coughed back.

Luke punched him lightly in the arm.

"Who the Hades are you guys and what are you doing in my camp?!"

Both Percy and Luke stiffened and then winced at that voice. Percy suddenly felt sick to his stomach. How were they going to do this? Luke made a face under his hood.

They both turned around and came face to face with over half of camp Half Blood.campers of dozens of ages had abandoned their activities to see what the commotion was about.

Percy scanned the crowd quickly, but he found no sign of either Annabeth's princess curls or his identical brother. He did however notice Travis Stoll pickpocketing Jake Mason. A sinking feeling weighed in his chest. There were five people up front who made Percy swallow hard.

Nico was pointing his sword at them looking furious. Behind him Will was in shock of something, probably the fact Luke and Michael had burst into the infirmary and stole medial supplies. Jason Grace was next to him. Percy couldn't help but notice his eyes were rimmed red, like he'd been crying recently.

Piper McLean had to be the only person there more terrifying that Nico. Her dagger was in her hand but her glare was more dangerous than that. Next to her was the person who'd spoken.

Clarisse La Rue snarled at them her electric spear, Lamer-- sorry Mamer, cracked with energy not unlike Thalia's.

Percy was the first to make a sound. It was suppose to be a laugh, but it kinda came out like a terrified squeak. He patted Luke on the shoulder.

"All yours, Hero." Percy said stepping back to let Luke handle this.

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