Chapter 22: Spear

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Do I even bother with an excuse this time?

Luke looked like he swallowed a cat.

No joke.

Percy would've laughed but he was pretty sure he had the same Holy-Hera-I'd-Rather-Jump-off-the-St-Louis-Arch-Again look.

"...Sup..." Luke managed, just barely.

"Punk, I asked you a question." Clarisse snarled leveling her beloved electric spear like she was just waiting for him to give her a reason to make a Luke shish kabob, "Are you going to answer me or am I going to have to mess up whatever face is under that stupid looking hood?"

Clarisse raised her spear tip higher, and Percy really doubted that even Piper would stop her if she attacked. Not that it could actually hurt Luke, but having him stumble backwards, laughing (because undoubtedly that's exactly what the son of Hermes would do), with an electric spear in his chest, might be a little off setting.

"Hey, this hood is vintage!" Luke tightened the fabric around him like he was offended.

"Doesn't matter!" Percy quickly, seeing Nico's eyes flash into a "zero tolerance" mood, "Hero's going to explain everything."

The demigods eyed him shifting nervously. Percy tried not to look at them. His throat dried and his hands were clammy. He felt like he was teetering between two very steep drops: an old life and friends that were threatening to kill him, and a new life with undead friends that apparently had a Death wish.

Luke huffed, turning to Percy, hands on hips, "Excuse me, who's Second in Command right now?"

Percy managed a small stressed smile, "I don't know, Hero, can you tell me with your mental instability?"

"I knew that would come back at you." Michel gagged kneeling on the ground like he was going to vomit. Ethan glared at them hauntingly, from where he was leading over Bianca's limp body. Percy distractedly realized he'd seen her unconscious more times than he'd seen her awake. Ethan didn't look happy about it.

"This is not the time for one of your stupid arguments." He snapped, "In case you didn't notice Archangel's down, Halo's practically vomiting, Omega is trying to kill us-"

"Okay that one was your fault!" Luke interrupted, "You're the one who suddenly decided thinking was a good idea!"

Ethan continued like Hero hadn't said anything, "-half our team is missing-probably faded, an Intergalactic plague in threatening to break out, you just almost got eaten by a Dragon, and everyone here is pointing swords at us! And I have a sneaking suspicion none of this is going to end well!"

Ethan glared at the older undead demigod panting from his outburst. Percy had to agree with him though. Everything about today just seemed sucky so far. Practically nothing made sense. Least of all anything to do with Omega and Chaos. But Luke just waved him off.

"Are you done now?" He asked, calmly.

Ethan nodded, "I think so."

"Good because you were turning the air purple." Luke squished back to the demigods and Percy noticed the air had indeed taken a violet hue. Ethan shook his head and the color disappeared. If good things happen when he thought good things, did bad things happen when he thought bad? Percy wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"Would you mind helping us?" Luke asked, looking at Will.

Will stepped forward, but Nico held out an arm to stop him. His dark eyes full of suspicion. Percy wondered how he'd react if he knew it was his sister under that midnight blue cape.

"Nico..." Will said but he didn't budge.

"Please?" Luke asked again, "I swear I'll explain every-Will you get that spear out of my face before I break it in half!!" He broke off what he was saying to glare hauntingly at the daughter of Ares.

Clarisse didn't back down. In fact Percy was almost 100% sure she nudged her weapon closer to him.

"L-Hero!" Percy just barely caught himself. Luckily no one seemed to have noticed, as Luke had already blurred into motion.

His blue cape wished around his ankles, Luke yanked down on Clarisse's spear tip driving it into the ground. The daughter of Ares stumbled as the weapon was yanked from her finger tips. Luke plucked it up and broke it over his knee with a resounding snap like a Ticonderoga pencil.

Electricity sizzled out of the fractured ends but Luke just shook it off. He tossed the splintered pieces back to a gaping Clarisse.

"Warned you." He said with a satisfied grin. Percy could just about hear him saying "Man, I've waited to do that for years."

"How-? You-? My Spear!" Clarisse looked murderous. Percy stepped back waiting for her to attack him like rabid dog. And she would've done it too, had it not been for the sound of horse hooves on the grass clearing.

"Stand down, Clarisse." Chiron said grimacing. Percy felt his heart thump for the old center who'd become like a second father to him when he was alive. The crowd of demigods split allowing him to walk right up to Luke.

"He broke my spear!" Clarisse yelled furious, "I don't care who he thinks he is-"

"Perhaps, Ms. La Rue, your efforts would be more successful in the weapon shed finding a new spear." Chiron said firmly. From the color Clarisse's face turned, Percy doubted the thought of attacking the centaur didn't cross her mind. He watched a dash of movement out of the corner of his eye as Connor Stoll and one of his brothers, Cecil maybe, exchanged money in a bet.

But then the daughter of Ares huffed, jabbed a finger in Luke's grinning face and snarled, "This isn't over, moron." Then she stomped into the crowd shoving people over with a little more power than necessary.

Chiron sighed looking back at Luke.

Luke had to look up to meet his eyes. The immortal trainer didn't look happy. But he looked like he knew something. Percy saw his horse tail swish nervously, a sign that he knew who they were generally and knew that them being was not a good thing.

"It has been a long time since I've seen any Warriors of Chaos here." He said. Michel bit his lip.

"Will, help them get to the infirmary, Nico put away your sword. They are not going to attack us." Chiron, himself, didn't seem too sure about it. Will and Nico exchanged a quick look, the son of Hades barely lowering his sword. Will ran over to where Bianca was, his stethoscope swinging behind him.

"I want the cabin counselors in the war room. The rest of you have things to be doing." Chiron continued, waving the demigods away even thought none of them moved an inch. Chiron turned to the Chaos Warriors, thoughtfully, "I would like to see Slayer, your Second in Command."

"Who?" Percy asked. He regretted it immediately. He drew a large amount of attention to himself, the peering, untrusting eyes of old friends. It made his stomach twist inside out and upside down. He just wanted to rip off his hood, demand to know where Annabeth was and never let her go again. But he knew he'd be gone before he got his first word out.

Luke, Michel and Ethan shared a look, "Second in command before Havoc, who was before me." Luke told him, briefly. He had that tone in his voice like he was plotting to hurt someone. Percy knew it well, considering he heard it a lot back before Luke died. Mostly it had been directed at him too. But for once Luke seemed to be mad just at the world.

"That's going to be hard, sir." Michel managed stumbling a little, as he got up, almost tripping over his fancy cape. "Slayer's..."

"He's been Dead. For a long time." Revenge said bluntly. Will tried to take Bianca from his arms and they stood there for a second too long.

"Dude," Will said, "I need-"

"Just show me where to put her, Sunspot." Revenge cut him off almost protectively. Will looked personally insulted by the name, his fingers twisting the stethoscope around his neck. He glanced Chiron questioningly waiting for the old centaur to tell Ethan to let him do what he was best at. Or maybe he was asking permission to wrap the stethoscope around Ethan's neck. Percy wasn't sure he could read expressions anymore.

"Slayer's...dead." Chiron repeated quietly, like he was mourning the loss with them. Percy wasn't sure who this Slayer guy had been, but apparently he'd been a good person, who (surprise, surprise) Ethan wasn't a fan of judging by his reaction. Was there any one he did actually like? What type of name is Slayer anyway? Or Havoc for that matter! Percy tugged on his hood make sure it stayed on his head even though Bianca aready explained that it wouldn't come off.

"I guess I will talk to the next in Command then." Chiron stated, with a wave at Will. The son of Apollo made a face but quickly relented and headed back to the Big House infirmary.

Revenge snorted, "Good luck with that." But then he hurried after the blond doctor taking care to hold Bianca so she wouldn't bobble to much. Chiron was surprised.

Luke looked at Michel then at Percy. "Rock, paper, scissors?" He suggested almost comically.

Michael snorted, looking pale, "Hero, take Savior with you. I'm...I'm not feeling too hot right now."

"You look terrible." The ever-so-helpful son of Hermes told him. Percy felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Yeah, thanks, Hero." Michel said. Apparently whatever sickness he was feeling had absolutely no effect on his use of sarcasm, "I'm just going to lie down in the infirmary...."

Michel headed after Revenge and Will. His steps were a little swayed, and he swerved every so often like walking in a straight line was the equivalent to drowning for him. Had Bianca's shadow travel hit him that bad?

"Hero, Second in command," Luke introduced himself to Chiron, probably smirking. Percy's nerves were so fried he could barely stand were he was, much less imagine smirking at his honorary father, "This is Savior, Second in command in training. He'll be joining us." Luke stated it like a fact, not a request and Chiron nodded like he expected that. The half bloods around them didn't, and looked appalled that someone would talk to the immortal hero trainer like that.

"What are you all doing here?" Chiron addressed the sea of orange shirts and celestial bronze weapons, "You have Classes! Unless you're a counselor, go back to your schedules!"

The demigods looked at each other whispers flying out and about until they were almost tangible. Percy saw Jason grab Piper's hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. Piper was glancing back at the cabins.

"Savior," Luke called, "Come on,"

Percy hadn't noticed that the older solider was already walking at a brisk pace next to Chiron back to the Big House. He stood a moment longer over looking the camp, feeling the sun beam down on him through his cloak. He hadn't noticed before but a sick feeling was rising in his stomach swirling in his worse than if he'd jump off Olympus, itself. Behind him Peleus snorted a warning, it's copper scales glowing.

For once, Percy felt unwelcome in the Summer Camp that had been his home away from home.

"Savior! Are you Second in Command or not?"

"Debatable." Percy mumbled under his breath, but he ran after them, hoping for the best.

Little did he know things were only going to get worse. Way worse.

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