Chapter 38

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Chapter by lalalandecember


"Who's that uncle? He said Leo is his son." Leo ask, making my heart squeeze painfully. Leo heard him. Leo heard the monster.

"No, baby. He is no one, okay? Can you promise me not to talk to anyone you don't know?" I squat down to his level and grabbed his shoulders. I hold them firm and giving it a squeeze like I'm begging him.

"Yes, mommy." He nod his head, assuring me in a way possible. I'm still paranoid about his threatened. He could just take Leo away from me if I didn't really pay close attention to him. I can't risk that. I will talk to his teacher later.

I won't let him take the only thing that makes me alive, makes me believe in love. He is everything to me when I have nothing.

"Come on, we're going back home." Marcel picked Leo up in his arm and his other hand grabbed my hand. He lead us back to his car. Now that I am in a relationship, I can't make a rush and careless decisions. Marcel is my backup when I fight myself alone.

Marcel put Leo in the backseat and buckle him up. Once he's done and closed the door, he turns to me.

"Are you okay?" He our his hands on my shoulders. Giving me an assuring squeezed.

"Yes, can we talk at home?" I'm still getting used to call his house as our home now. That's what he wants me to call it. He want me to get use to live with him.

"Of course we're going to talk." He said. He escort me to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

I kept quiet through out the ride home. But not Leo and Marcel, they were talking on and on. Marcel happily answers everything Leo asked.

In such a short time, Marcel came into my life and wiggled through my heart. He is determined to win my heart.

"Mommy, carry please." Leo extend his hands towards me. I walked to him and pick him up from the backseat.

As soon as he is in my arms, he wrap his little hands around my neck. His head put down on the crook of my neck.

I rub my hand over his back as Marcel and I make our way to his house. I wonder why he live in the apartment when he is a business man. He have plenty of money, bit choose to live in the apartment complex. Even I know that the apartment he live in is fancy and luxurious.

"Is he okay?" Marcel ask, caressing Leo's head.

"I'm not sure, Marcel. He's different when we get here." Leo has been quiet since he wants me to carry him. I don't want him to misunderstand the situation.

Of course Gio knows that Leo is his son. How could it explain that I have a son our of nowhere. Leo have his features too. Not too obvious, but it showed just how much he is like his father.

"I'm going to put him to bed." I said to Marcel and walk ahead to our bedroom. I used to sleep with him and I can't just put him away on his own just yet.

Once I make sure that he is secured on the bed. I walk out from the bedroom to the living room. I saw Marcel just sitting down on the couch with two mugs.

I walk closer to him, he see me coming and grab me, putting me down onto his lap.

"I think Leo should take a break from his kindergarten. Just for a while." Marcel spoke.

"That was what I'm going to say. I'm going to talk to Louisa. I'm going back to the house. I left a few things there, I'm going to take them."

"No." I look at him with a questioning look. "You're not going back to the house. I'm not allowing you to." He said sternly, with a final decision.

"Why, Marcel? You can't just keep me here doing nothing. I rather going back to the house than being here just to be caged." I explain. This conversation is take more room for us. I move myself to the couch beside him. It's not going well if we talk with me sat on his lap.

"I'm not tying to keep you here. I just don't want you to go there and suddenly your ex-husband come out of nowhere and try to steal you away from me? I can't do that." I can hear how he emphasis the word 'ex-husband'.

"Trust me, Marcel. I won't let him do anything to me. I'll be quick and come back here." I hold him hands and squeeze them gently, telling him that he can trust me. And my eyes telling him that I can do this.

"No, Ella. You can go back there if I company you. But I have to go to work now. I'll drive you back later today, okay?" His eyes, pleading me to understand.

"Please." I sigh. I have to decide.

"Just go to work and come back soon." It was my words that I feed him. He's not going to like this, but he knows me by now that I don't just sit still.

I ask Marcel's worker to watch Leo while I'm gone. I can't bring Leo with me. Besides, I'll be quick and come back when I'm done.

I'm sorry, Marcel. I hope you can forgive me.

I use the bus to get to my apartment. Twenty minutes late, just like he promised. He knocked on my door and I open the door for him, I let him in, treat him like a guest.

"Let's be civil. You want to talk like an adult, I believe." He said, stirring the spoon in the tea. I don't even understand what he is doing. I don't even put sugar in it.

"Of course I do, Gio." He smirk, looking at me like a pray.


We know that Ella won't listen to him. Did you see it coming?

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