Chapter 39

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Chapter by syaminhazam


“So, tell me .. what is your decision?” Gio asked. His eyes looking at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

“I will follow you but .. i have conditions,” I said staring back at him. He must know that i am not the same Valerie that he once know. I am Ella.

“Oh! Are you forgetting something dear?” Gio slides near me. He circles me just like a predator scanning it’s prey before tearing it up.

“No,” I replied hastily moving away from his gaze. “If you really loves me as you say, you will honour my request,”

Gio pulled my elbow, turning me around so our gaze met. Once, his gaze melted my heart but now, not anymore. If anything i felt, it is just intimidation and his intention to dominate me. Nothing more and nothing less.

His fingers brushed the sides of my cheek. There was days that i missed his touch. Today, i missed Marcel touch. I know that I went against his orders and his heart will break into million pieces if he knows.

However, nobody knows Gio more than me. He means all his threats. He will take Leo away from me and there will be no way for me to get Leo back from his grip.

Thee only person i trust to take care and love Leo like me, is only Marcel. No one else.

“I meant every word darling. Your betrayal still make my heart ached. Your love too. I still love you even with the remains of your betrayal. So, lay your conditions, i will honour it” his thumb circles my cheek.

I have given this thought hundred of times since that call. His call. I have started this battle and i will end it.

“First, you will leave Marcel away from this. You are not going to lay a finger on him or Leo. Not even your thugs can. Let him be,”

Its like a thunder has stroked his chest. My first condition makes his finger on my cheek falls away. His face grimaced.  I can even see the hurt in his eyes as he look away.

“You really love that pretty boy than for you to blurt out the first condition related to him first,” his voice so low, like a whisper.

Without fear, i nodded.

His beating what make me always agree with him before. His jealousy what makes him beat me too. If any man dared to look even at my direction, i will receive the blow first.

Marcel love makes me stronger. It gave me the strength to confess my love even in front of Gio.

“You have changed Val. Too much. But i still love you. Any more term?” he asked after breathing out a heavy breath.

“You leave Leo out too. I will follow you to any corner of the world. But Leo will stay with Marcel. You will sign this letter as i did.. giving Marcel full responsibility of Leo... giving away your right as his father away..”

“No” Gio roared. His hand cupped my shoulder  rage flickered in the back of his eye.

“You will Gio , Leo or me?” i screamed. He has to make his choice now. He was the one who put this condition. I am coming with him if only he let Leo free, in real meaning.

I know Gio to well to let him threaten me like this. Just like he say, I am not the weak Val anymore.

“I will walk away now, not giving you any chance Gio. Me or Leo?” My gaze narrowed on him.

Gio shakes his head. His fingers rubbing his chin as he thinks. Not giving him any chance, i stormed passed him. Holding the door knob in one hand, i look at him. “Me or Leo? Or none of us” i said seethed with anger.

GIo eyes widens as he saw me at the door. My action might have surprised him. He ran towards the door and push it away, closing it. “You, i want you,” he said hugging me tight.

I smiled. My first plan seems to working fine. Pushing him slowly, i walk towards the dining table. “Sign this now,” my hand shows him a piece of paper.

A part of my worry have dissipated into thin air as he takes out his pen from his pocket. He looks hesitant as he bend down.

“What you are doing is wrong Val,” he said as he reads that one piece of paper.

I smirked. A whisper of laugh escaped my lip. “wrong?” my hand on my hips.

My fingers poked his chest. “How about your drug dealing? Prostitute ring? Killing people?, those are right thing now?” I laughed at his face.

He havent sign the paper yet. His gaze trained on me as both his hand raised and strangled my neck. I still smiled as the air sucked out of my lung.

Suddenly he let go of my neck and i coughed hard. My eyes watery.  “ That’s all you can do now huh” i said between cough.

“You are still the same bitch Val. Looking for punishment when it is not needed. But that’s what i need.” He paused.

I was still catching up my breath when i saw him picking up his pen and signed the letter. I sighed a relief breath.

“Those things was my business darling. It was how our bills paid and how we managed to have food on our table. You want fancy clothes and jewellery. You want to look good. As far as i know, you love that life too. Luxury life.” He boasted.

“I don’t know. If I know what type of evil man you are, i will not go against my family to marry you. I fell in love with you without knowing the real you,” my eyes stung. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Wiping away the tear with the back of my hand i grabbed the paper with my other hand.

Carefully, i folded it nicely and slides in into a white envelope with Marcel name on it.

“Second term done. Anymore?” Gio voice startled me.

“Give me one week to stay with Leo and Marcel. Let me have this week with them. I want to cherish this moment. Please,” i looked into Gio eyes with hope clasping my hand together.

“Promise that at the end of the week, next Saturday, you will be mine forever and ever. If you do, then okay, consider that i grant you a week to be with them,” Gio hold my hand.

I nodded slowly.

Gio smiled as he walks away and stopped in front of the door as i called our his name.

“Will you leave your business behind and change for me?” I blurted.

He shake his head. “The business runs deep in my family. I cant leave it for anyone,”

He yanked the door open.

“Gio,” I call his name again. He stopped and turned his body. “Thank you” I said holding fhe envelope up in the air.

I have never saw Gio cry. Not even during his father funeral. Today, however i saw a glimpse of his weakness when he turned, walking away from my house. I saw tears sliding down his cheek.


I hope you get the feels. Because I did.

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