Chapter 56

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Chapter by lalalandecember


"Gio, I was waiting for you. Where have you been?" I asks, getting up from the bed and walking up to him. He is so strange, he didn't greet me or look at me like he always did, first thing when he walked in to the bedroom.

But today, he just walking on without glancing at me.

"Gio." I call again, following him to the bathroom. I frowned at his behaviour. He stopped in from of the face mirror. His head look down, I notice he is gripping the edge of the sink tightly.

I am afraid, but at the same time I want to go to him and ask if he is okay. When he is pissed or angry, I never confront him before he calmed down. Because I know, it would annoyed him even more.

Before he came, I was ready. Ready to reveal everything to him. From Vincent's secret mission, Marcel and the baby. The hitting point is about the baby. He was very careful and excited about having a baby again. Even before we checked to the doctor, he know it would happen. But the thing is, the baby isn't his.

I jumped when I heard a crashing sounds. I quickly look up and see that Giovanni is panting. I know even if he is back facing me. His breathing is hard and harsh. I tremble in fear.

I looked at him concernly. Looking at his state right now, eyes darker, breathing harsh and hard, it did makes me afraid of him. But I know him, he was my husband after all.

So I quietly take a step to him. His eyes shot to me through the mirror. "Don't you fucking dare take a step closer to me!" He shouts. I immediately stopped in my track, didn't dare to make another moves.

"Giovanni." I quietly, quivering and shaking said. What is wrong with him? Did I do something wrong?

"Don't you fucking call my name in that liar mouth, puttana." He harshly said. Turning his back, so he is facing me. I didn't know what I do wrong to make him be like this towards me. "I fucking trust you! I thought I can take your words seriously. Do you know what you fucking do!?"

"No, Gio." My voice stay quiet. I am afraid of him, but I have to protect myself to protect my baby. "What did I do?" My hands went to cover my stomach.

He take long strode towards me, imitating me. I feel so small against his leaned and big body. My legs is shaking and feels like a jell-o. Then, without warning, he grabbed my jaw tightly.

He bring my face up to meet his. His dangerous look almost make me faint.

"You, fucking liar." He deadly said in front of my face. My heart drop, he knows. "You broke the rules, watch out."

Warning. It was a warning.

He let go of my jaw, get aside and walk away from the mess bathroom. The clean bathroom can't be called clean anymore. Amenities splatter everywhere.

"Gio." I calls, but it can't get louder, I feel a knit on my throat that doesn't let me talk. He knows about Marcel's existence here. He got caught, I hope he is okay.

I am now worry about Marcel, despite from the state I am. I have no ways to contact him. I need to do something. I have to talk to Giovanni.

I gather myself together and walk out from the bathroom. I know I shouldn't expecting him to be in bed, but I was slightly hoping he would be there. But he's not. So there is just one right place to find him in the house.

I make my way to the secret room, hidden from the eyes of everyone, but I know where it located. In his office, under his desk. It is a another office, hidden office. You will find him doing his dirty works. Not bloody, but physical.

I knock on the door, but I got no respond. I twisted the knob and push the door open just to slip myself in. The room is not too dark, but dark enough for an office to be. I know he must be in the down office.

Hesitantly, I walk to the desk. It looks pretty normal, just like the other office in his building. I walk around the desk to get to the back side. I look down to the wooden floor.

I will do anything to save my family.

I bend down, my hand clasp the door handle. I pull the square shape wooden floor that is made just for it. A seven feet stairs down, no stair handle on the sides. The basement fill with lights, different from the up room.

I carefully take the stair down. I step quietly on each stairs, I don't want to make a sound. There is two figures sitting on the skinned couch. I know the one is Giovanni, but I'm not sure who is the other one.

But I can assured what I seen. I see a head sitting on their knees, I could just see the hair.

"Did you have have playing with my wife, you sneaky bastard." I heard Giovanni said. I have stopped, still standing on the stair step.

"She's not your wife!" The voice spitted, answering him. Wait, is it Marcel's? My eyes widen, it is!

"Tsk, tsk, you are action like she is your wife too. Stop dreaming, pretty boy. Your move is stupid and because of your stupidity, Valerie has to deal with the consequence." Giovanni is still having the dark aura, I can feel it.

"Don't you fucking dare to put your filthy hand on her." Marcel warns him.

"You just have to watch and see. I can do worst then putting my hand on her. You know what will I do? It involve that she is not breathing anymore." I gasp loudly, making the head who is sitting on the couch turn to look at me. I put my hand to cover up my mouth. I feel like I want to throw up, he is so disgusting.

Giovanni clap, "How fun, she joined us by her own will. That's dedicate, isn't it Vincent?"

"Sure do, Gio." I see Vincent smirk to me. No, Giovanni can't trust him. He is the real liar here.

"Come here, Honey. You must be missing your lover boy, or did you had enough fun with him throughout the weeks?" Gio motion me to get closer. And I did. I walk closer to them, from my sight, I can see Marcel is being tied, but he is fine.

"Just like I said, you are the one that will be suffering from the consequences of your own fault." He continued. His eyes looking back and forth to us. I can feel Marcel's eyes on me, but my focus is on Gio.

"Please don't do this, Gio. I have the proof, I can show you now. I have the disk with me." I said, panic is run through my veins. But I take my action carefully.

"What proof?" Now is Vincent's time to ask and a bit panicking. It's all written on his face.

"Oh, nothing cousin. Just some catch." Giovanni turned his head to glance at Vincent. It doesn't lasted long until his eyes back on me, inspecting me in every way. "Put the disk on the computer." He ordered. Titling his head toward the bigscreen computer on his desk.

My eyes briefly meets Marcel's as I walk pass him. Because the computer is already on, I just to the flashdisk to the injector. I search for the file Marcel has kept.

I was about to pressed to play, but Gio stop me. "Sit down on the ground, in front of me, beside him." He ordered me. My emotions has mixed by now. I don't know what to feel. Sad, fear, scared, hopeless and caution.

"Are we ready to watch the video?" Gio ask, looking to each one of us. I can see Vincent visibly gulped, but nod his head. Still covering up on the edge of his life.


Big thanks to everyone who have voted on this story. I'm really grateful for all of you. I can't thanked you enough, but thank you.

This story is really close to the end. It was sad for us, but once you start a story, it meant to have an end.

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