Chapter 57

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Chapter by syaminhazam


The screen in front of us blinks, coming to life. Gio’s h3nch men still standing behind me and Marcel with gun pressed to our head. Cold sweats formwd on my forehead

One thought running on my mind that i should have check the CD. What if it didnt work as it should have?

From a distant, a hushed voice comes from the black screen. Only voice not the image of the person. They are talking about a business deal. Three man voice can be heard.

“You will believe your whore wife words over mine?” Vincent ask Gio as he pulls out his cigar from his mouth. Puffing out the smoke as he walks towards me.

“She brings evidence as you did, and you are just the follower not leader. Dont ever forget that. I have warned you earlier do not question my action. Didnt i?” Gio narrows his eyes into thin slit as he voice roared.

Vincent want s to distract Gio attention. I know that.

He walks and stopped just a step away from me as the screen moves away and a slight light shone on the person that was talking with a hushed tone. Only the back of the person is shown.

“Marcel, you told me that this is the evidence, right?” i whispered to Marcel which he nodded. A glint in his eyes told me to be patience.

He must be removed. He is no longer the mafia lord we know. His love for his wife makes him weak.” The hushed voice sounds clearer by now.

I have the way to make it happen but i need your help. Together we can rule spain”  the man turned but je was wearing a hat with black glasses. It was hard to see in the dark.

At this, Gio face hardened. His teeth clenched.

We have to strike during his birthday this week and i have the perfect way of doing it. He wont even know what hit him” the three man laugh hard.

Than the screen goes black.

“This is your evidence against me?” Vincent smirks. He laugh. One thing for sure, which Gio notice as i did. The laugh that we heard in the recording somehpw identical to Vincent’s.

Suddenly the screen comes to life again. This time however, Vincent face was clear. He was bashing Marcel. The recognition on Gio face as he takes in Vincent clothes shown on his face. It was the same clothes he wore on the birthday day.

The gun from the back of my head lifted.

You were supposed to help me. You want me to tell Gio that you are meeting his wife at the park?” Vincent Punch Marcel.

You have only one job, to make sure that he drink the wine . You failed.” One kick flies to Marcel stomach and he falls on the floor.

Do you know how expensive is the poison? How hard to make sure that it reached here?” Vincent squatted down.

The only sound come from Marcel is his grunts.

Ella doesn’t agree with the plan to kill him,” Marcel talk through his clenched teeth.

So that whore still love him huh
I looked up. Vincent face has lost it's colour. Gio eyes still glued to the screen. He turned his head, looking between me and Marcel.

“Leave them and grab Vincent” he ordered.

One of his man already caught Vincent and make him knee on the floor.

Gio lit up his cigar and took out his gun. He placed on the table. “What was the plan pretty boy?” he asked as he puffed out the smoke.

“To get your rival group cooperation and raid your birthday party after they kill you,” Marcel answered. He wiped the blood coming out from his mouth with his thumb.

“So it was true that the wine was mixed with poison as you said huh, Val?” Gio eyebrow slanted upward as he puts down his cigar.

I nodded. Gio smirks.

“It is also true that you meet up with him at the park?” he crosses the room and stopped in front of Marcel who is still tied to the chair.

“It is true.” I answered as he pulled my hair.

“You can just agree with killing me because honey.. that is the only way you are going away from me.”

“You are still Leo father. ..our son,” a single drop rolled down my cheek. “i cant kill the father of my son.”

Gio closed his eyes. “that is all what i meant to you? A father to our son?”

Shaking my head i answered his question, “you are the first man that i have fallen in love.”

Gio rested is forehead on mine. His breath warmed my face. That is also true. The plan of killing Gio tempted me. I know that it is the only way  i am getting out from here. However knowing that the price is Gio life, i hesitated.

He might he the devil but he is still human. There is some good, some love buried deep in his heart. I couldnt bring myself to agree with the plan even it means loosing Marcel.

A click startled me. I know very well that sound. Gun being locked for firing. Gio opens his eye. Fire flickered behind his eye.

“You think there are people still loyal to you?” Vincent voice boomed behind Gio. I can see him pointing his gun at Gio from my pheripheral view.

“you still know how to use gun?” Gio whispered to which i nodded.

He smiled. He lifted his head and looked around. A few f uis man knee down on the floor and a few more sanding behind Vincent.

“your fall is inevitable Gio. After your trip to the prison .. i thought everything will be mine. You made me the chief will you gone, your mistake” Vincent sit down on the chair which has been always Gio place.

Gio growl. 

A single shot fire from Vincent gun which hit Gio’s left thigh.

“You must knell when i speak,” Vincent roared.

Gio falls to tye floor groaning in pain and i ran towards him.

There is a knock on the door.

“The arrival of my partner,”Vincent said. The dooe crack open and i jheard a gasp from Gio “ Angelo?”

Angelo?. I have heard this name before.

“I killed his brother years back for misbehaving with you” came Gio answer.

Then it came back to me. Once during the new year party one man tries to dance with me, holding me. He still hold my hand when i clearly told him that i am Gio wife and he still misbehave and i told this to Gio. I did not know that he killed that man.

“Listen Val, When i say run, you run... dont look back. Take this, get the pretty boy and go away got it?” he slides a gun to me.

My fingers was trembling as i take the gun. It has been years since i hold one.

“Bu you are hurt and ... your men is less compared to them,” I tries to reason with him. He already hurt. His thumb brushes the side of my cheek. “I am the mafia sweetheart,”

“this is the woman who caused my brother life?” Angelo saunters over. His gun firm in his hand.

“now i will have the pleasure of killing her,” he slides near me.

Gio signals his men. He took out a knife that he tied to his thight. It was secured with a cover. He hold it up firmly shielding it away from Vincent or Angelo eyes.

Angelo pulled me up with one arm. The pain shoots through my whole hand. At the same time Gio stood up and slashed Angelo wrist. One of his men throws a gun to him which he catches in time and shoot Angelo on his chest. It was suddenly a moment of chaos.

Bullets were flying and I ducks down hiding under a table. Then i heard Gio scream. “Run Val,”

I Wanted to take Marcel hand and run away. This is the perfect opportunity. Running while all around us falls under chaos. My leg however have its own mind. Aiming one person who is pointing it gun to Marcel i fired my gun.

“Marcel, Run now,” Marcel eyes locks with mine. He was shaking his head.

“Run for Leo... save your life” i shoot another person from behind the door.

Marcel froze for a while and then he took of, running. My heart clenched. At this moment i know that either today will end with my life lay on the floor motionless or alive but without soul. Shots and empty bullet shell hitting the floor is only the sound i can hear right now.

I can't leave Gio here. This is his world and he is used to it but once this world was mine too.

Gio fired shot after shot. His men were the same. There were bloodied body around us. Right now, i dont know which one is Gio man or Angelo’s. My bullet aimed at the ones aiming me or Gio. I know ans recognize Gio man. They have marking on thier hand and jacket. But someof them have changed the sides, favouring Vincent.

I ducked again and slide down on floor picking up another gun. Hopefully this one is loaded.i saw Vincwntrumning through the back door. “Gio, Vincent back door” i screamed as i run after Vincent.

The only way for us to win this is to get Vincent. He falls, his group falls too. That was what Gio told me. I lost him at the garden behind my home.

Panting heavily i still hold my gun firmly. The bushes on the right moves. Slowly i made my way there, still pointing my gun upward. I can almost hear the beating sound of my heart.

Slowly, i walk towards the bush. A white cat jumped out of it almost scaring me. My hand falls to my side.

“put the gun down Val, or i blow your head.” I felt a push of gun on my back.

“Vincent, Gio will kill you for this” i said putting down my gun on the ground.

In a flash Vincent turned me around and licked his hand on my neck. His gun shoved on the side of my head. “He won’t. You will be the guarantee that i walk out from here alive.” he dragged me alongside him with the gun pointed to the side of my head.

The back door pushed open. Gio and Marcel came barging out. Marcel and Gio shirt covered in blood. Gio holds his gun up pointing directly at Vincent who tightens gis grip on me.

“Angelo is dead and a lot of your men fallen down Vincent. Just give up” Gio face hardened. His eyes still watching Gio.

Marcel was holding a hunting rifle. I have forgotten that he used to hunt before. 

“One step more and she dies” vincent yelled. There is only four of us outside here. He pressed the gun to my head.

Marcel stop walking. Gio still hold his gun firm. Vincent lowered his gun. Smirking he pointed it at Gio direction.

“She makes you weak Gio. The fall of yours.” He clickwd his gun.

My heart thundered behind my chest. Oh my! He is going to kill Gio. He opened fire and the bullet fly.

“Gio,” i yelled.

Marcel moves and pushed Gio away. From the place i stand the time almost stopped as the bullet intended for Gio hit Marcel shoulder and he falls back unmoving.

Gio who falls down after being pushed away by Marcel grabbed his gun that slips away from his hold when he falls fired two shot aimed at Vincent leg. Once he falls , i kicked him and run away.

Gio fired another shot and when i looked back, it has hit Vincent between his two brow.

Sobbing i took Marcel hand in mine. The blood from the bullet wound wet his shirt. The pungent smell of metallic hit my nostril. “Open your eyes, Marcel. Please”

His breathing seem laboured. I can’t loose him, not when our baby is growing inside of me.

“You was supposed to run with him when i asked,” Gio scolded. But his voice was like a wind moving pass me. I didnt even hear that. My focus was only on Marcel.

Taking his hand, i put it on my stomach. “Our baby Marcel, ours.” tears rolling down my cheek. Marcel groaned and hia eyes opens slowly. He tries to talk but the pain caused him to winched.

The sound of a loud gasp brought me out from my reverie. Gio!. I want to tell him but not this way.

“You slept with him, here? It is not my baby? Ours?”

I Shook my head. “it was before i came here Gio. I was with him the whole week,”

“The week you requested?” he asked.

“How are you sure...” i see him hold his gun pointing it to the ground.

“We,” i stopped helping Marcel to sit down.

“We never sleep together.. i mixed pills with your milk,”

“You Liar,” Gio points his gun to me. His face contorted with anguish. I know he was expecting another child with me.

“Go away... run while you can. This is for you stepping and getting the bullet for me. For you to be with me...for i still love you” he still points hia gun at me. His eyes misty.

“One condition,” he wraps his other hand on my wrist stopping me.

“You will let me see Leo. I wont force him to be like me...i have seen how it turns family into it turns me into something dark.” His eyes pleaded with me.
I nodded.

“Now run and never look back. Run now before i change my mind.”

I Stared deep into his eye. “Leave this Gio,this life” He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. I can feel his wetting my forehead. “This is not life, this is my business, now go” he pushed me back.


Long chapter.

Expect the last chapter in the next chapter. I hope it's worth the end. Can't wait.

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