Chapter 2

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(A/N: RWBY are all the same age, and that is 18. So she didn't encounter Torchwick in this AU)

(A/N: Also I do not own the pictures below, I found them on Pinterest and they belong to their original owners and deserve the credit)

Patch, 3rd POV

"Hey Ruby, you almost ready," a girls voice yelled out

"Yeah, just give me one more minute," another said

In the small island of Patch a small cabin was seen, it was a small moderate one, nothing fancy but cozy. And inside the house, a girl around was seen getting ready to head out for here first day at Beacon Academy. She finished off by adding her bright red cloak, which went over her black corset, and it made her ample chest pop out, which would a lot of boys blush

As she finished, she grabbed a red scabbard with golden roses deigned into it and added it to her waist. Also on her waist was a blocky weapon, this was her signature weapon Crescent Rose, a sniper/scythe mecha-shift weapon she made at Signal Academy. She hummed as she tugged the corset up a bit as she was a little embarrassed of her chest, but eh what can she do about it

"Hey sis, is it okay for me to enter," the other female voice asked

"Yeah your good sis," Ruby said

The door opened and in came a beautiful girl with shining blonde hair, lilac colored eyes, and she wore an orange shirt with a brown jacket over it, tight black pants and leather cowboy pants. She wore a waist coat with Lapina design and graphics on it, showing a flaming raven flying high in the sky, and on the back was a burning flower

"Hey Yang," Ruby said

Ruby Rose: (made with NovelAI)

Yang Xaio-Long: (she doesn't have the robot arm)

"Hey Ruby, looking good, your definitely gonna be turning head at Beacon," Yang said with a cheeky smile

"Yeah yeah sis," Ruby said as she looked at her,"looking good yourself, Momma Raven definitely hooked you up."

"Yep, thanks to her workers in the Branwen defense department, they gave her this and it was specially weaved with Valorite in it."

"Ooh nice!"

"Girls, come get some breakfast," an older female yelled from down the house

They walked out and into the living room, where an older man sharing Yangs features was seen repairing his weapon, which were a couple of gauntlets like Yangs, only with brass knuckles added. In the kitchen a women with long black hair, red weapons and wore something similar to Yang, only she had her attire in red and a more traditional samurai theme to it

"Hey girls," Taiyang Xaio-Long said as he got up,"you all ready?"

"Yep, all our gear is packed and ready for Beacon," Yang said as she sat down,"we double checked everything and we have everything we need."

"Nice work girls," Raven Xiao-Long said as she started laying breakfast down,"also Ruby, hows Crescent Rose?"

"Good Momma Raven, just had to replace the spring," Ruby said with a smile

"Nice work Ruby, always make sure your weapon is in operating order or?"

"Our hoe asses are deader then a door nail," the two sister said with a laugh, as Tai sighed

"Sometimes I wish you didn't teach them that saying Rae," Tai said as he kissed his wifes cheek

"And the times," she asked with a smirk

"Reminds me of you in Beacon and how many times I laughed at you and your tomboyish nature."

"Hey that tomboyish nature got this sexy MILF in bed~"


"Ewww," Ruby said,"can we not hear you two flirting while we eat?"

"Yeah my eggs are looking disturbing to me now," Yang said as she slides the plate anyway

"Okay okay, but I will be glad to have this house to ourselves when you two are gone," Tai said as he sat down,"no offense, but I could use the quiet, especially since my retirement."

"We understand dad," Ruby said as she got up

"You off to see her," Raven asked

"Yeah, I at least want to say goodbye before I leave."

"Okay, I'll make sure your gear is in the Bullhead before you come back."

"Thanks Momma Raven!"

Ruby walked out of the house as the others talked and laughed as they got ready for the girls to leave. Ruby walked for a bite before using her Semblance to speed off to a location she and her family only knew, with a few others, came to visit someone they loved dearly, and sadly lost. Ruby stopped as she came to a small cliff where a small gravestone rested

Ruby walked up to it as a small pedestal rested in front of it. It was a sword, white with crimson flowers spreading all the way down it and on the pommel was a sliver rose with SR in the middle. Ruby sighed as she walked up to it and placed some roses she grew at home, smiling sadly as she removed the old ones and sat cross legged, staring at the name

Summer Rose
A friend, a soldier and a loving mother
May she find peace in the Guardians embrace
Thus kindly, I Scatter

"Hey mom," Ruby said with a smile

Mantle, Occupied city of Elysium and Lapina

Stahl Manor

In Mantle, there lay the beautiful and illustrious home of the Stahl family. It was grand yes but still had an aura of modesty, not that you see that much with other rich families in Mantle, that was mainly the so called Pure Mantilian bloods. But this mansion was not homed to them, this was the home of a an Elyisan and Mantilian family

And currently one of the four children of Conrad and Willow Stahl was chasing her little brother through the hallways. Whitley was screaming his lungs off as Weiss, the middle child of sorts, was gunning for him like he stole the last Strawberry Poptart...which he kinda did. So you can see why, the staff knew this was nothing to serious as this happened before, even Klein was laughing

Weiss Stahl:

"WHITLEY GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS OVER HERE," Weiss yelled as she chased him

"NO, YOU'LL KILL ME," he yelled as he chewed the poptart



In the kitchen, there sat a man with white hair, and yes he was born with it, red eyes and wore a black crisp suit and red tie as he read the papers of today, humming as he enjoyed the freshly brewed coffee the maids made this morning. On his left was his wife Willow Stahl, who was a beautiful woman with snow white hair and blue eyes, wearing a elegant and yet simple dress that showed her beauty, even with the blue vest hugging her body

And lastly on the mans right was to individuals, one was a girl in her early 20's wearing a freshly washed and ironed military uniform of the Elysium military. She had her parents white hair, though she had heterochromia eyes, the left was blue and the right was red, and on her side was a rapier style scabbard with the Stahl family crest on it, colored in red

And lastly was a 10 year old boy, who was reading a book as he had an eye patch over his left eye. He sadly lost it due to an incident at work, when he visited with his mother to see his father. He was upset by it, but he grew to like it and overcome having one eye. He wore a dark blue vest over a white dress shirt, dark blue baggy pants and black military boots

This was Lucas Stahl, the youngest of the Stahl family, and he can hear his older siblings crashing and fighting, making him chuckle as he smiled

"Seems Weiss caught Whitley," he said

"How long this time," Conrad asked

"Hmm 8 minutes and 33 seconds, faster then yesterday," Winter said as she looked at her watch

"Indeed, hehehe, I love it when they play," Willow said as she sipped her orange juice

Soon the doors opened as Weiss dragged Whitley, who had swirls for eyes, to the table and threw him in his seat as she sat across from Lucas. Lucas smiled as he handed his sister a plate of eggs, who grabbed it and thanked him

"Thanks Lucas," she said

"No problem sister, always happy to help," he said with a smile

"So Weiss, are you all packed for Beacon," Winter asked her

"Indeed, thanks to Klein and the others I am ready to head out soon."

"Thats great to hear, again I do apologize that I won't be here to see you off, as you know duty calls."

"It's fine Winter, you have your duty just like the others, but I do thank you for your help in my training all these years."

"Ahhh my little Weiss is all grown up," Willow said as she rubbed Weiss hair


"Hehehe its just your mothers way of affection Weiss dear," Conrad said as he folded the newspaper,"anyway, Weiss are you ready?"

"Yes father," Weiss said as she smiled,"my goal is simple, bring honor to the Stahl Family, help my team mates in any situation and be a beacon for others!"

"Thats my girl, also Winter, how is Commander Jackson treating you? I know him and his laid back personality."

"Trust me father, I can handle him and be a good soldier," Winter said, then a blush appeared and whispered,"though he could stop flirting openly with the Lapinaian commander on the other side."

"What was that sister," Lucas asked


"Well have a good time Weiss, I hope you get along with your future teammates," Willow said,"though do be careful, the Emerald Axes are still active, causing such endless mayhem."

"They view the Elysian and Lapinaian forces as invaders and believe they deserve self governance," Lucas said,"plus many believe they can do anything better than others from selfless arrogance."

"Preaching to the choir little brother," Whitely said as he ate,"it's hard to do business when others they deserve to get everything for free. Thats why we have the economy and Elyts to pay for stuff."

"And thats why you run the accounting sector of the corporation Whit," Weiss said, as she ate,"but I d agree, even though greed is on the major sins of this world, money runs it."

"Amen," the rest said

So the family enjoyed their last breakfast before Winter headed off to duty, Weiss to Beacon and the rest for work. Conrad ran the company, mainly the weapons and equipment sector, Willow the more civilian sector and Lucas is a sorta in between them, but mainly trains to run their Armed Security Force, as he wants to be the best fighter then

Weiss smiled as she looked at her family, praying that she'll make them proud one day, for she loved them more then anything

'I promise everyone, I'll make the family name proud,' she thought with a smile

Menagerie, Lapina vassal Kingdom

Belladonna Residence

"Blake deary, are you ready," Kali Belladonna asked her daughter

"Yes mom, I'm coming out now," Blake said as she exited her room

Blake Belladonna: (image she has a cats tail)

"So beautiful," Kali said as she hugged her daughter

"Mom please, I just fixed my hair," Blake said but smiled in the hug

"Let have this dear, she won't be seeing you in a while," Ghira Belladonna said as he reads his notes,"but shes correct, you look beautiful dear."

"Thank you dad, I'm just glad that my tail can fit."

"Lapina clothing at its best," Kali said as her tail swinged freely,"though I hope you don't face troubles at Beacon, things have gotten a lot more noisy there."

"Yes, Emerald Axes and Golden Crown are getting more active lately and this worries me," Ghira said, then looked at his daughter,"so be careful and don't do anything rash Blake, remember your training and task."

"Protecting the Princess of Lapina and ensure she doesn't lose her life," Blake said nodding her head,"I understand dad, plus we won't have to worry much on it, Elysium is providing extra security for the Princess detail."

"Oh yes, and its begin lead by the son of the Grand Marshall son," Kali said with a look in her eye,"the soon to be newlyweds, ahh such a romantic tale! I wonder when you'll find a boy for you~"

"MOM STOP IT," Blake yelled with a blush

Kali giggled as Ghira smiled with a headshake, as Blake groaned in embarrassment of her mother's acts, it was a normal thing with her. Blake sighed as she ate, but did wonder if she'll find anyone for her, she always did want to roleplay her favorite scenes from the Ninjas of Love volumes, event the Bi-sexual ones she likes...don't kink shame her

"Mister and Misses Belladonna," Adam Taurus said as he entered,"please excuse me for the interruption."

"It's fine Adam," Ghira said as he stood up,"I take it that the shuttle is almost here?"

"Yes sir, I thought to come get you and we may head out."

"Very well," Kali said as she grabbed her katana,"let's head out!"

Soon the Belladonna family was walking in the middle of the street as they looked upon their people. Ever since the day Menagerie was given to them for their service in the war, they have been busy establishing it as a great land for their people. They've had a tough run to make it great, but its been a smooth ride since then, as they have great trade, Grimm free and had a warrior pride

Soon they make it to pads where a Lapina Windglider landed on the pad, where the others of the security team waited. Sienna Khan and Ilia Amitola, the last members, both wearing the Menagerie Armed forces uniform. Which was black with white being the second color, with them having white waist coats hanging, and they had their signature weapons with them

"Lady Khan, I have brought the Belladonnas as requested," Adam said as he walked up

"Thanks Adam," Sienna said as she patted his shoulder,"Ghira, nice to see you again, same with you Kali."

"It's always good to see you Seinna," Kali said as they hugged,"so have you found a boy yet?"

"Same as always Kali, but not yet, haven't found the one yet. And Blake, mymy you've grown up so much."

"Thank you Auntie Sienna," Blake said as she hugged Ilia,"Ilia, I'm so happy to see you."

"Same Blake, I miss my BFF," Ilia said with a smile,"so ready for this mission?"

"Yep, and it's my first, so I gotta do good."

"You'll be great Blake, besides we've been friends with Rekea since we were kids, so it'll be great."

"If you say so."

Soon the Windglider landed, as the Menagerie folks stood at attention as the side door opened and out came Rekea with two men in Lapinaian armor, with them having wold features, such as the ears and tails. Their armor was a blend of knight and tribal armor with wolf heads engraved in the chest pieces and their clocks were black with sliver linings in it, which glowed a bit

One of the wolf Lapinaians was a man tanned skin, white hair, which matching with his ears and tail, and lastly a pair of ocean blue eyes. He was around his early 30's, with wrinkles but still looked like he could kick your ass with no problem.

Next was a younger looking individual, who had tanned skin, black hair, amber eyes and a rugged look but still had a handsome face. He wore the same armor as the older man, but he had two blades on his back and a horn on his side

Rekea wore a beautiful Lapinaian attire matching her social status, as it was white with orange straps over her chest and her head had an orange headdress. She looked up and smiled as she ran to Blake and Ilia, hugging them as they hugged back. The two wolf guards sighed as they expected her to be running around a lot, but what can they do?

"I'm so happy to see you guys again, it's been forever," Rekea said with a smile

"Its so great to see you Rekea, you look amazing," Blake said as she smiled

"So I take it your the extra security," the white wolf man asked

"Thats us," Sienna said,"I'm Captain Sienna Khan, with me is Sergeants Amitola and Taurus and Princess Blake of Menagerie, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, I am Captain Von Lycaon," Lycaon said then gestures to his compatriot,"this is Major Sergeant Logan Wolfgrave."

"Miss Khan," Logan said as he bowed in respect

'Meow,' Seinna thought then blushed

"So shall be off," Rekea asked as she stepped up,"I want to be there soon and hope to see James soon."

"James is coming," Blake asked in surprise,"I haven't seen him in years."

"Same, Father asked the Grand Marshall for extra security, don't know if thats true or they made an excuse for us to be together. But I see no problem with it!"

"Well if we want to get going, we should move to the Windglider milady," Lycaon said, getting nods

"Very well, let's go!"

Rekea walked back to the Windglider as Blake hugged her parents and kissed them goodbye. Soon they loaded up and they took off, the pilots guiding the hovering thrusters towards Vale, moving closer to Princess Rekeas destination

Horizon, James POV

I was standing at a graveyard where the dead of former service members rested, it was filled with the brave men and women who served in the military. I stood there as I looked at the graves of my former teammates, all died in the line of duty. I sighed as I pulled my flask out and poured the liquid contents on the ground, a tradition I've done since then

I sighed as I put the flask back in and walked away

"See ya next time guys," I said as I walked on

I walked to an SUV assigned to me by my commander, which was gonna lead me to the base where a Drake will take me to Vale. I sighed as I got in, then got a video call from my parents. I answered it and soon my mom and dad popped up, my dad was a tanned man with short black hair and emerald green eyes and my mother was a beautiful woman with short neck length hair and blue eyes

"Hey mom, hey dad," I said as I drinked my soda

"Hey sweety, paying respects," Mom asked me

"Yeah, figured I was gonna be out for a while so I decided to do it before I left. So whats with the call anyway, I figured you two be busy to talk."

"We made time to speak with our son before he left on a big mission," Dad said with a smile,"besides we wanted to tell you to enjoy your time at Vale, and spent time with Rekea, you two are good friends ya know?"

"You two already know we're getting married, don't need to sugar coat it," I deadpanned them

"Yeah but that doesn't you have true and genuine feelings for her," Mom said as I blushed a bit

"Yeah yeah, anyway my team is ready at the base, they're just waiting for me to arrive."

"Good, that means we can fill you in on new information we got," Dad said as Mom sighed

"Seriously Elijah, can't we just have one family talk without the military being involved," Mom asked, more like begged

"I don't like it either Kassandra, but it's important James knows the situation beforehand."

"Sighs, Fine, but next time we are having a proper family conversation, no military, no guns and shit, understood?"

"Yes ma'am," we said

"Well whats the information dad," I asked dad

"We have gained intel that one of Ashrafs second in command, Khaled Siran, has been rumored to be in Vale," Dad said as a picture of Khaeld popped up,"Golden Crown Spec Ops, well training in Urban and guerrilla warfare. He is calling Elysium out on the dead of his leader."

"Oh really, I wonder why." I asked sarcastically

"Yep, we believe that he is grouping up with the Emerald Axes to enact revenge against Elysium for Ashrafs death, so now you have two objectives. Protect Rekea as she attends Beacon and hunt down Khaled down in your spare time."

"Understood Grand Marshall, I will do the best to my abilities to protect the Princess and end a terrorist threat to our home."

"Good work son, also remember to woe Rekea, a girl likes when a man takes the initiative."

"I'm hanging up now."

Dad laughed as I hanged up and soon grabbed my files and started reading it, going over Beacon. Its staff, faculty and student registration, seeing of there is any possible threats to Rekea and my team. I hummed as I read on, seeing a few possibilities of students attacking us, which was a lot. But I digressed and soon pulled up to the base, sighing as I got out

"Thanks for the ride Ricky," I said as I handed him some Elyts

"Anytime Staff Sergeant," Ricky said as he drove off

I turned to the airfield and sighed as I slide my glasses on and walked to the Drakes, where I'll meet my team and get Operation Shielder up and going.

'I hope that I'll at least some alone time with Rekea,' I thought as I walked on

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