Chapter 1

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(Some of these pictures were found on Pinterest, they belong to the original creators and deserve the credit, and the video above was found on YouTube and belong to the original creators)

Location: Vacuo

Year: 2024

In the desert lands of Vacuo, a couple of trucks were seen massing as men in random assortment of clothing and medium armor were seen. They wearing holding a small meeting with a certain person, unknown as of now, as they began unloading massive crates. As this happened, in space a satellite was seen looking over the site and transferring the data to another location

That location was one of Elysium major bases near the capital of Horizon, with a man with black spiked hair, amber eyes and tanned skin, he was overlooking the operation. He was looking at the pictures of the area the trucks were on, along with him were a few dozen analysts and officers moving around

"Golden Dragon Actual, Phoenix-1 is weapons hot," a females voice said over the comms,"we're burning daylight here."

"Copy Phoenix, stand by," an older mans voice said in another room,"Fall, do we have confirmation?"

"Overlord-1 to Jackal 0-1, you in position," Damian Fall asked the operator

In the dealer near a small rock formation, a single individual was seen walking through it, hiding in the shadows as they traversed the landscape. Soon they reached an opening and came into the light, showing an Elysian soldier in the newest Elysian Marine uniform, with the desert design, and holding the new and latest model of the XO series Sniper Rifles, and on his back was a sword sheathe

Elysian Marine Uniform, Desert model:

Elysian XO-20 Sniper Rifle:

"Nearly there," the Marine said, having the voice of a teen male

He shrugged his shoulders as he pressed on, moving through the narrow rock formation as he walked. As he did, he heard the sounds of engines, engaging him to look up and see a Byblos, a Vacuoan mode of transportation in the land. It was a sleek ship with the design of a sea ship with a single sail on top and six Dust engines near the sides and rear

"Got a Byblos incoming," the Jackal stated as he moved on

"Thats General Ashraf," Fall said as he looked at his tablet

"He's punctual, I'll give him that," Golden Dragon said as he watched the operation unfold,"now get up there and lets see what he's been up to in the middle of nowhere."

"Roger that sir," Jackal said as he hoofed it

He moved to the end and saw the crack up ahead, making him sigh in relief that this was almost over. Hey he loves serving and doing missions, but he hated hot weather, whoever made it can suck a dick. He huddled over a few rocks and finally made it to a good vantage point, so he walked over as he clicked his radio

"I'm eyes on," he said

"What do you see," Fall asked him

Jackal grabbed his sniper rifle and took a look down range, checking over the convoy and seeing all of the crates. He hummed as he saw it was all Mantilians, personnel, vehicles and weapons, making him grunt in annoyance as he expected this. Ever since Vacuo went back into a free for all with the tribes going wild, so certain parties watching decided to put their hands in the pot

"Armed personnel, armor and hardware...all Mantilian," he said

"What the hell are the Mantilians doin' with Ashraf," Golden Dragon asked

"Supplying The Golden Crown, its an arms deal," Fall said

The Golden Crown was a known terrorist group operating in Vacuo, controlling nearly 75% of the kingdom. It was formed a few years after the Vytal Peace Treaty after both Elysium and Lapina forces took over, making some unhappy with the occupation. The Crown was a group formed with multiple objectives, the main two were:

Remove all foreign forces in the Kingdom and reestablish the monarchy of Vacuo.

And Mantle was of course all in for this, as multiple terror cells formed

"You copying this Phoenix-1," Golden Dragon asked the other operator

"Affirmative- two birds, one stone," she said

"We need positive ID on Ashraf this off kids," Damian said as he clicked his pen

"Jackal can you identify the General?"

Jackal hummed as he looked around and moved to where the Byblos was and saw a group of men in ragged clothing with some armor on.

"Armed escorts around one VIP, Mantilians are very happy to see him," Jackal reported

"It'll be the last time they do," Golden Dragon said

Jackal hummed as he watched as the group moved with the Mantilians, as one man in a suit walked with the leader. He groaned as the sand blowing in the window was making it harder to get an ID visual on Ashraf, as he was a HVT, highly valued target. Soon the sand eased down and Jackal finally mango get a good look at the man and could confirm it was Ashraf

"Visual on General Ashraf," Jackal said

"Copy, all stations- target confirmed," Damian said

"Phoenix-1, you are cleared for hot launch," Golden Dragon said

Soon we were now at a different location with a missile launch site, as it looked like a standard shipping crate. Inside a figure was seen tapping on the console, as she tapped in the code.

"Roger that Actual," Phoenix said,"Jackal you are danger close to the zone. This arrow is gonna pack a punch."

"Copy, approved," Jackal confirmed as he huddled down,"send it."

"All stations, Phoenix-1," she said,"missile is ready for immediate delivery, stand by for launch."

Soon the crate opened up with the sides and in the back, Phoenix-1 was tapping in

"Coordinates in, target designated," she said and counted down," out. Missile is loose!"

Soon the missile was moving fast as Phoenix grabbed a tablet and soon she saw the POV of the camera on the missile. She groaned as she tried to keep under 7,000 or they'll see it coming, but it's hard to control it in this narrow space and not boosting the fuel. Soon she saw the end and smiled as he hits the boost and soon she turned it to the site and strikes the middle

Soon what was a group of Mantilian arms dealers and buyers, was now a small mushroom cloud and flames. Jackal stood up and admired the work, chuckling as he clicked his radio to Phoenix

"Holy fucking shit," Jackal said with a chuckle,"direct, target destroyed."

"Roger that Jackal 0-1, move to the evacuation point and meet up with Phoenix-1," Damian said

"Copy that."

Jackal stood up and hoofed it through the crevice in the rock formation, he moved to the very top and soon a massive bulking machine came flying in.

Elysian VTOL, aka Drake:

"Ready for a ride Jackal," Falco, the pilot, asked with a chuckle

"Thanks Falco," Jackal said as he walked up the ramp,

Soon he groaned and took his helmet off and rubbed the sweat off his forehead. He puts on green baggy military pants, a black shirt and a green jacket over it as he puts his cap on. And he grabbed his sword sheathe and looked at it, it was black with a golden design of a wolf running in the snow, with it having spiked hair and glowing eyes

James Cormack: (made with GenCraft AI)

"Fuck, I hate the heat," James said as he puts his standard gear on

"Ah but how can you handle sweet little old me~," Phoenix-1 asked as she walked in

She wore civilian clothes with a heavily armored vest with fingerless gloves on her hands. And she also carried a sword on her left side, the sheathe having a red dragon on it with flowers made from flames around it

Cinder Fall:

"Cause I'm use to your heat Cinder," James said with a yawn,"plus I'm in the armor in the heat, so yeah it's worse."

"Hehehe fine fine," Cinder said as she sat down,"anyway, just got a call from Command, we're to report to High Command in Horizon."

"What for?"

"They didn't specify, but from the way dad said it, must be big ," she said as she tossed him a water bottle,"how did the new armor hold up?"

"Pretty good, the new cooling mesh made it more bearable then the last model, and the new SR model is perfect."

"You always were the best shot in the academy. So tell me, when will you and Rekea finally go on a date?"

James spitakes the water a bit as he coughed on the rest, pounding his chest as he glared at her. She laughed as she knew how to get underneath his skin and boy she loved it. She smiled as James groaned from her question, but he was use to it since many Elysians were also wondering if the son of the Grand Marshall and the King of Lapina will get together

It's been a hot topic since they were young, they were always together and James would defend her from racists assholes. They were mostly remnants from old terror cells that tried to show they were off stuff, but they would be crushed under the heels of both factions, mostly Lapina given their history. James sighed as he did like Rekea...a seriously he has a massive crush on her

He sighed as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, covering his face with the cap and started to snore. With one thought on his mind.

'Wonder what this mission is about,' he thought


"You and your new team will be guarding Princess Rekea during her time at Vale," Damian said as he gave the two a debriefing

"Say what/HA," James and Cinder yelled at the same time

They had just gotten back to Horizon and were immediately taken to base, where Damian was there to pick them up and debrief them. The sudden revel of their new mission caught them both off guard, more so James. Who was blushing a bit as he was glad for this mission, meaning he would be close to Rekea..a lot

"Okay but for why sir," James asked him

"Last few weeks a new group calling themselves the Emerald Axes have been spreading anti Lapinan and Elysian propaganda," he said as he tossed them files,"we believe they will try and target the Princess in attempts to force both factions out of the city."

"Same way the Mantilians tried 10 years ago by holding Lady Willow hostage," Cinder said with a head shake,"who were they again?"

"The Sons of Remnant," James said,"ultranationalists trying to overthrow both factions and force them out. They kidnapped Lady Willow, while pregnant, and demanded all occupation forces be removed and Mantles given independence."

"Bid they didn't expect Stahl Armed Forces coming in and finishing them off," Cinder asked with a smirk

"Agreed," Damian said,"so to avoid that happening again, she will have her own personal protection force in Vale."

"Wouldn't a Lapina escort be enough," James asked, though he had to ask anyway

"Well King T'Challa put in a personal request for this," Damian said with a smile,"plus he believes she'll be safer with her soon to be husband there."

"...If you weren't one of my commanding officers, I shove my knife up your anus."

"Save it for your girlfriend," Cinder said making the two laugh

"I hate you both, anyway when will we be deployed?"

"2 days from now, enough time for you and your men to read over the files we build up," Damian said as he handed them data pads,"read, remember and be ready for call to action."

"Copy that," they said

They saluted as they moved out, soon Cinder smiled

"So...can I be there for your first time," she asked him

"I will kill you," James said as he grabbed his blade

She laughed and ran, making him sigh as she was a skilled warrior, but she can be a child sometimes. He sighed as he walked to his quarters and sat down as he looked at the files and rolled his tongue

"I'll protect her...I swear on that," he said and starting reading

Lapina Kingdom

"Rekea are you sure of this decision," a women asked her daughter

This was Ade Wambe, the current Queen of Lapina with her husband T'Challa, the king and leader of Lapina. She was a Kitsune Lapinan, so due to her stronger genetics their daughter was a Kitsune, which may likes as they were considered good luck in their culture

Rekea Wambe: (made with GenCraft AI)

"Yes mother I am sure," she said with a smile,"this is a chance to strengthen our relations with Vale and the other Kingdoms. Besides I want to increase my strength by training in other ways."

"Beacon does have a good record of producing strong Hunstmen," T'Challa said as he hummed,"plus many of the teachers are veterans, so they do make them sensible and effective."

"True, plus they do have mainly support Elyisan tactics and such," Ade said as she sighed,"fine, but you better be safe and break an arm if boys try anything!"

"Mother you've trained me since I was 6, I can handle myself," Rekea said as she ate

"Yes true, plus your protection detail will be with you as well," T'Challa said


"Plus we asked Elijah to give us some of his special operators to help."


"Plus James will be there," Ade said with a smile

"...Okay then I'll take it, but I don't like it," Rekea said with a pout, but the parents smiled

They knew she liked this, meaning she'll be close to James and be with him for months and much more. The two knew she wanted to be with him since they were kids, the best of friends and soon they started to see how the two were getting close. So they arranged arranged the marriage, cause they know they liked each other, and to keep their daughter safer

"So who so is coming," Rekea asked them

"Blake, Ilia, Adam and Sienna," T'Challa said as he sipped his coffee

"Very well, I can work with that, also have we gained any intel on the stolen Valorite?"

"Unfortunately no, whoever took it made sure to cover their tracks," Ade said,"we have the Fanged Ones and Slytherin tribes doing whatever it takes to find our resources."

What is Valorite? Well it was a very rare and valuable metal to the Lapina Kingdom, the history of it is very small but it's a simple one. Many years ago when the kingdom was just spears, skin clothes and such, the Faunus that arrived on this land found this resource in the mountains, and soon they began to use it. They soon theorized this metal came from space, given how it gave a strange blue glow

This advanced their society years ahead of the others, minus Elysium, as they were already making flying vehicles when the main 4 were still sailing in hips. And suddenly due to the small radiation the metal put out, this enhanced their DNA and genetics to the point they had tails to go with their animal traits. And this made them the new race on Remnant

It was their greatest resource they held and kept it secret from everyone, as they knew many would try to invade and take it. They were transporting a convoy of it to their storage yards south of the Kingdom, but it was attacked and they lost a few of their people and all their Valorite. They were now on a man hunt for the preps for this assault on their people

"Very well," Rekea said as she stood up,"I must start packing my things, I want to be prepared before I leave."

"Very well, well speak with you later," T'Challa said

She smiled and bowed, then walked off and made it to her room. She opened the door and closed it behind her back, laying against it as she smiled and started giggled, then she fully started laughing as she ran to her bed and jumped on it. She hugged her pillow as she rolled in it as she laughed

"YES YES, JAMES WILL BE THERE," she yelled as she smiled,"I'll finally get to see him and be with him, thank you Bast!"

As she laughed, James was smiling on his bed as they both went to sleep with one finally sentence

"I'll see you soon, my love," they whispered before the day ended

Whats next? Find out next time!!

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