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(I do own the pictures below, found them on Pinterest)


"They are late," the King of Mantle Ebon Marson said, drumming his fingers on the table

"Well traffic is a pain given the high expectations of this peace talks," Ozymandias said as he had his eyes closed, arms crossed over his chest

"Yeah, so how about you shut up and wait," Jade Taurus, elective representative of Vacuo, asked with a grin,"you don't have any room to bitch and argue here Ebon, or do you want to relive the ass kicking we gave you?"

"You filthy Faunus whore," Ebon yelled but was held back by his guard

"Ebon calm yourself," Shino Cho, Empress of Mistreal, told him,"we have lost, at least show some dignity in it, not a brat."

"Grr fine, but they insult us being late like this," Ebon said as he sat back down

Suddenly they hear cheering and yelling, making them look out the windows to see two convoys pulling in to the courtyard, with one being a military like truck with the other being a classical diplomat car. Soon the two cars pulled in, the following occupants jumped out and walked to the middle vehicles and let the leaders of Elysium and Lapina

The Marshal General of Elysium was a big man, with an aura of authority and power, wearing a high tech Knight armor without the helmet. He wore a beautiful black clock with Elysiums symbol on it, with a wolf pelt on top near his head and on his waist was a sword made from the toughest materials form their lands, modified with technology

Following him were 6 troopers, all fully armored with the Elyisan Knights, their onyx black armor shining with their capes flying. They made many Mantilian veterans shake and shiver at the mere sight of them, as they have seen what these killers can do to a single regiment of rifleman. They walked up with man, who stayed stone faced as they made their way

"Its them," a young Wolf Faunus boy said, stars in his eyes

"Who," a female Human asked him

"The Onyx Blades! The best Elysian special forces in their military, I saw what they did in the first assaults on Mantle, they killed hundreds of troops with only their blades and their shields made of pure light!"

"I saw them in action in the camps," a Leopard Faunus said,"they busted in with an only their bodies and slaughtered the bastards in mere seconds."

Elysian car:

Elysian escort: (just imagine it as onyx black)

For the Lapina leader, he was a man of standard height, with black skin and black hair and he had panther ears and a tail to match it. He wore a simple black robe with purple tribal drawings on it, he wore a panther pelt over his shoulders and necklace with claws on it. He had warming smile on his face as they walked, and following him were 6 troops in ceremonial like garb

They had a mixture of armor and clothes, with a chest piece, graves and leg guards, all having tribal drawings of their tribe. They were hulking individuals, with rhino like features, as they were the appointed guards of the King of Lapina. They had blue shoulder clocks on their left shoulders, blue with grey like drawings on it, and to some it looked like it glowed

"Its them," a Panther Faunus said with a smile

"The Lapinas," many Faunus said in high regard

"It's weird to see a Faunus with both tails and ears," a Human said,"no offense, buts it's certainly new."

"My mom said the Lapinas use to be just regular Faunus, but something in their lands caused them to evolve," a young Crocodile Faunus said

"Man those dudes are huge," a man said to his friend

"Definitely don't to see them in a dark alleyway," he said back

Lapina car:

Lapina escort:

The two men meet at the top of the stairs, both staring at each other before smiling and shook hands. The two chuckled as they walked in

"Were the Humvees necessary old friend," T'Chron asked the man

"It was required sadly, my wife wouldn't let me leave unless I was protected," the man said,"you know how she is."

"Agreed Darrius, mine was the same, asking me to bring the Rhinkro tribe with me."

"Aye, my Onyx Blades fear my wife more them me, now then lets get this done with and get back home."

T'Chron nodded as the two walked in the meeting room, with Ozymandias and Jade smiling at the two while Ebon glared with disdain and hate and Cho with a mutual respect. The two men sat down in the empty seats, as their escorts went to the back and stood guard and eyed the others.

"Sorry for being late," Darrius said,"traffic has been pain since we came here."

"Yes well now that you both finally arrived, shall we begin the talks," Ozymandias asked, making the others nod

"Firstly I wish to ask where in the Hell did you both get that technology," Ebon yelled in rage, demanding an answer from them

"We do not have to tell you anything you dumbass," Darrius said with a dismissive tone,"we have no obligation to tell you anything cause its our technology and our culture, why would we tell you?"

"Cause not even we have the technology to so, you made weapons that flatten cities," Cho said,"we have a right to-."

"You have no right to demand anything from us," T'Chron told her,"you and your Kingdom enacted a senseless war to make people follow your rule, and we haven't started in the illegal Faunus slave market."

"Why, they're nothing more than-," Ebon said but a glare from Jade and Darrius combined made him shut up

"Can we please continue the talks," Ozymandias begged, already wishing for a drink

"Very well," T'Chron said

Soon two servants, one from each Kingdoms, came in with a giant map of Remannt, rolling it out on the table. Soon Darrius and T'Chron grabbed a few small flags of their Kingdoms and started placing them around the map. Soon when they were done, making the other representatives look at it and some were shocked to see how they divided the world

Elysium hadn't taken much, taking half of Mantle, some the west of Vale, and half Vacuo. Lapina had taken all of Mistral, the other half of Mantle, and the other half of Vacuo, making some confused and one pissed off.

"My lords, you are claiming the entire world," Empress Cho said to them,"how certain are you two can ensure peace in all these lands?"

"Do not worry, we have the necessary resources to do so," Darrius said,"besides, we are doing all of this to ensure peace in all of Remnant."

"Peace, after this bloody war," Ebon asked in disbelief

"Says the man who used every excuse or opportunity to prolong it," T'Chron said with venom in his voice

"Enough," Ozymandias said as he stood up,"from I can tell, you didn't take all lands, you actually left some free."

"Yes, we want people to prosper on their own but we are willing to help in anyway we can," Darrius said,"though in personal affairs, we will not intervene but will if necessary. Also it will give you a choice in the future."

"What do you mean," Jade asked

"If you do not wish to help with reconstruction of the destruction caused in the war, you have the choice of Honorable exile," T'Chron said,"you will be given 2,000 of your respective Guards and go to the area of your choosing."

"But if you do decide to join in reconstruction, we will help in at full capacity to do so," Darrius said

"I see," Jade said with nod

"Now onto other topics while you consider the offer," T'Chron said,"we wish to now move on the matter of the Faunus."

"Why should we bother with them, they are animals and shouldn't be talked about," Ebon said with an eye roll

"I advise you to watch how you speak asshole," Darrius said with an controlled anger,"do not think you deserve to speak after what you've done to these people, the inhumane treatment you forced these people into! Be glad I do not drag you not and execute you for all to see bastard."

Ebon froze as he leaned back on his chair, making his guard glare at Darrius, but stopped when they saw the Onyx Blades move their hands to their blades. They've seen what these blades did to a human, it cut through Aura like a hot knife through butter. T'Chron smiled with a silent chuckle as he cleared his throat and looked to Ozymandias

"As we agreed, we will give our lands south of Remnant to the Faunus as payment for their service in the war," T'Chron said,"including Menagerie, our most largest and resourceful island for them to use as they wish."

"Thank you," Ozymandias said,"I heard many Faunus plan to name many of their cities after members of the Faunus Legion."

"I respect that," Jade said with a smile,"my cousin Knox served with them, he plans to marry a Human woman soon."

"Traitor whore," Ebon said

"My blade is itching to sever your head from your shoulders," Darrius said as he cracked his knuckles

"Good to know," T'Chron said as he continued,"now we will be implementing new laws and regulations for the Faunus, to make sure they have equal rights, fair pay and an opportunity to make a life for themselves."

"All the while slowly stomping out any Faunus discrimination and harassment from the kingdoms," Cho said a nod,"very well, I suppose that is the best."

"Yes, its not like their destroying you oh so precious slave trade to make money," Jade said with a cocky grin, making the Empress glare at her

"Jade, I believe they suffered enough," Ozymandias said with a sigh,"so what about Vale? I seen you haven't taken much."

"Vale will be a neutral territory for both parties," Darrius said as he looked at him,"our locations will mostly be bases or small communities to expand."

"I see, thank you."

"Now then, since you all have time to consider the offer?"

"Vale will join in the reconstruction effort," Ozymandias said,"we have a debt to pay for the great help both Elysium and Lapina for helping us in the war."

"Vacuo will also join," Jade said,"we know Elysium a great deal of appreciation for helping us during Mantles invasion. Plus I am hoping this will give Vacuo the chance to bring Vacuo into a better future than our stupid asses ever could."

"Hehehe very well said," T'Chron said, then they eyed the other two

"...Mistral will also join in the reconstruction efforts," Empress Cho said with a sigh,"though I doubt many of my people will enjoy this given that your army nearly decimated our people."

"Then you shouldn't have attacked our people, tortured them and killed them in the open for us to see. Your people made the choice, we made you pay the price, be glad we didn't destroy every single of you for that."

Empress Cho silently sighed as he was correct, messing with them was a serious mistake. They now looked at Ebon, who sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest

"Mantle will also help with reconstruction efforts," he said but looked at them,"but don't expect my people to be cooperative given how you and your forces decimated us."

"Well I believe that settles it," Darrius said with a smile as he stood up,"in the effort to rebuilt what has been destroyed, we will provided the necessary technology to help the kingdoms."

"Yes, now I believe we all shall return home and sent our ambassadors back here to reconvene to end their bloody war," T'Chron said with his smile

The respective leaders all nodded and soon left with their guards, as Darrius and T'Chron decided to speak on the side. As the others left, one of the Vale Royal Guard looked at the two, with a frown and a glare. He was a nice looking man, with blonde hair and blue eyes, with the Arc clan symbol on his chest.

"Bastards," he whispered,"your not Gods, your normal men who is trying to rule us all, well me and my will make you pay for this transgression against us."

"What did you say Magnus," one of the other guards asked

"Nothing, just glad to know the war is ending thats all."

'But Vale should have been victorious,' Magnus thought as they entered the vehicle

Back with the other two, Darrius was smoking a cigar as T'Chron sipped his coffee imported to the city

"Elizabeth is pregnant," Darrius said with a smile

"Oh, well same with N'Yeda," T'Chron said with a smile,"and...I'm nervous Darrius."

"You, the Black Panther and warrior of Lapina is nervous of becoming a father?"

"Hey asshole its harder then being a warrior in battle, I can see your nervous as well. You started smoking again."

"Fuck off."

"Hahahaha, well I know you'll be a great father Darrius, I know you will."

"Thank you my friend, now we have to make sure this world is safe enough for them, and for our grandchildren. Cause we both know whats both know whats really out there don't we?"

"Yes, the Grimm Queen Salem, I'm surprised her or the Grimm didn't decide to join in the war with the destruction and negativity we caused in the war."

"Agreed," Darrius said as he puffed smoke,"she must be either waiting for a moment to strike or try and divide us. Luckily we managed to prepare for her in the coming years."

"Yes," T'Chron said with a smile,"so, to a better future."

"A better future," Darrius said with a smile

Let's see what the future holds for the world of Remnant.

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