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I though I would never write about someone else in this account, but people change, even me. I have never though I can falling in love with somebody this easily, but I do fall in love with you as fast as light speed. In the previous part I said that I don't even know what is love. For me "love" was such a complex definition that I didn't have enough life experience to understand, but I didn't know people can love even when they have no idea about it. We are just falling, falling down deep in feeling with each other without any reason. You said because of me you have to change your life plans. My boy didn't wanna fall in love before he know me. He told me that. But i can't say that was truth, truth is luxury. It's terrible when you are lonely as fuck but can't believe in love, isn't it? I'm not sure about your affection, but i still be in a relationship. Because, you know, when you are trying to find the truth too many times, you tired with that work, tired with your loneliness. I don't know if I'm overthinking or not but i'm afraid of too many things which able to keep you stay away from me. Seem like it's dangerous when my boyfriend disappear, but it is for my heart. Because somehow i can't help falling in love with you even when i think you will be my next mistake or maybe a trap that success to lie to me, as always. 

My boy know me enough to understand that i'm pretty moody and needy because i haven't just gave him a sign, i told him directly. I know you are trying for me. I know you have some feeling to me, but it is not that much to me to be sure this is love but not something else like just some feeling of anyone just to fill your loneliness and empty soul when your ex gone to study aboard. Like anyone can be me. Like if it's not me it can be anyone to be your honey. I'm scared to get hurt again, so I'm afraid of love. Because life is all of lie, trying to find the truth is exhausted. To be safe, I protect myself by hiding from things that can't be know well such as love. 

Do you know what made me said the word "love" to you? Lady Gaga. I'm not her fan, and i don't even listen to her music. But she said this: "It's always wrong to hate but it's never wrong to love." I doubt your love to me, but i love you undoubtedly. All my scare blown out just by a quote from a singer i don't even care. Because i'm deadly wanna be in love. Feel like i was waiting for this feeling all my life.

blah blah =)) I was having a range wide of mood to write about my confused emotions, but my grammar mistake is taking all of my attention. I should write this in my mother tough :D but somehow it is English hic hic 

(oh bc i'm listening to us-uk music lmao)

Maybe I will continue write this someday or never :D you know, I'm lazy and my broke English sucks. This may named "Broke English" lol.

Kiểu là mình viết vãi loz đến mức mình chán rồi nhưng vẫn chưa vào vấn đề chính cần nói =)) mình chợt nhận ra là mình lòng vòng lan man đ thể nào chịu được, thảo nào quen 37824 người rồi mà cũng chỉ dừng lại ở giai đoạn flirt và lỡ dại yêu một người thì lo sợ đủ điều mà chủ yếu là ích kỷ sợ mình lại buồn thôi chứ cũng chẳng cao thượng gì như người ta yêu nhau sợ người yêu mình buồn cho cam cơ =))

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