• epilogue •

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Sakura completed her Year 12 in Suna. She had a wonderful experience over here; she made new friends, tried new food and realised she wanted to become a doctor.

However, as much as she liked it here, it just wasn't her home.

Luckily, she would be going back to Konoha in just four days, where she would complete her college degree with the rest of the gang. She was truly excited.

In the meantime, her friends continued to visit her during her one year stay in Suna, and that included Sasuke.

Sasuke, she thought, only four more days until I can see you.


Four days later...

"We're gonna miss you, squirt," said Kankurō.

Sakura rolled her eyes, "You haven't changed, y'know?"

He grinned widely, beginning to laugh.

Temari giggled. "But seriously, we'll miss you," she said, pulling the pinkette into a hug. "Remember to visit on holidays, okay Sak?"

Sakura nodded. "Of course."

She turned around and saw her dad and Gaara standing near each other. She first walked to her dad and gave him a huge hug.

"Daddy," she said, pulling back, "Can you believe it, I'm going to college!"

Her dad smiled widely. "I can't believe you've grown up so fast!"

Sakura laughed, "I'll visit during Christmas."

"You better." Her dad sighed.

She then made her way to the redhead, "Hi," she said.

Gaara only stared at her. "Why are you leaving?"

Sakura giggled, "You know I have to," she said.

He exhaled. "Yeah, I know."

Sakura pulled Gaara into a quick hug and whispered, "Bye."


The pinkette began to walk to a beautiful and expensive car. Sasuke was sitting in the driver's seat.

His window was rolled down, meaning she could see his face. The breeze was blowing through his hair and he was wearing sunglasses. He looked pretty nice, she thought.

Sasuke took off his sunglasses and looked in her direction. She immediately noticed the slight smirk that made its way to his lips.

He waved in her direction, and she waved back.

Getting into the passenger seat, Sakura gave her boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go?" he asked.

She nodded, putting on her seatbelt. "Let's go."

And so they drove off.


Four years later...

"You look beautiful, Sak," her dad said.

She smiled as she wrapped her hand around her father's arm. Today was her day.

The music began to play, and she and her dad began to walk forwards. The guests stood up, clapping.

She passed Neji and Tenten, who were both smiling as they held hands. Then, she passed Shikamaru and Temari. Yes, they were dating--Sakura's a great matchmaker.

She passed the Sand Siblings. Kankurō was grinning from ear-to-ear, while Gaara just gave her a small smile. Sakura also passed Hinata and Naruto, who were still together. Naruto smirked, shooting her a wink. She had the urge to roll her eyes.

Finally, she passed a teary-eyed Ino, who was hugging her husband, Sai.

Sakura couldn't help but smile; everything was so perfect.

She sighed.

Who would've thought that this day would come?

As soon as she reached the end of the carpet, her dad let her go.

Sasuke breathed out. "You look perfect."

Sakura blushed. "Thank you, Sasuke-kun."

The priest started the ceremony, and she took in a deep breath.

"Do you, Sasuke Uchiha take this woman, Sakura Haruno to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He looked in her eyes, smiling. "I do."

"Do you, Sakura Haruno take this man, Sasuke Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."


The end!


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