A Frightening/Warm Moment

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The next few weeks were fun. Lime always made the classes she was in laugh. She also joined the theater club, thanks to Kaoru.

Who knew she could act so well? Her emotions and her personalities were perfect for each theme.

One morning, while Kaoru and Lime were walking to class, a group of girls stopped them.

"So, you the new girl that happens to be Kaoru-sama's 'Friend,'" one the girls sneered, air quoting the word friend.

Lime looked confused. "Yes...? Is something wrong?"

"You're not fooling anyone. We all know you're just a stalker of Kaoru-sama. Playing 'Long Lost Friend' to have her all to yourself!" Another girl accused.

Lime grew angry. "Excuse me?"

"K-kittens, please don't treat Lime like that." Kaoru came to her defense. "She is not a stalker. She truly is my long lost friend."

A girl grabbed Kaoru's hand and tried to pull her away from Lime.

"Come with us, we're much better than... THAT thing."

Lime lowered her head, shaking.

Kaoru took her hand away.

"That's enough. Don't you dare call her that!"

The leader came to reach for her again...


Before her hand was slapped away by Lime.

Lime looked up, her lime green eyes turning from sweet to dark.

The girls, except the leader, stepped back, becoming scared. Kaoru looked at Lime with fear.

"Leave. Her. Alone." She growled.

The leader scoffed, "Or what? You gonna do something about it?"

She got her answer, when Lime punched her in the stomach. She gasped for air, staring wide-eyed up at Lime.

Lime glared down on her and the group.

"If you really were Kaoru's fans, you would respect her wishes."

She turned her back on the girls, held Kaoru's hand, and walked away.

When they were out of sight, Lime stopped.

"I'm... really sorry about you saw back there. I just hate it when people talk smack about me or my friends-"

She was interrupted by Kaoru hugging her tightly.


She looked up, and Lime saw Kaoru's tears dripping down her cheeks and chin.

"Please... Don't leave... Me...," she whispered. It must have caused a flashback for her.

Lime gazed sadly at her, before kissing her forehead, causing Kaoru to stop crying completely.

"I will never leave. I'll always stay here for you."

She smiled warmly, Kaoru smiling back.

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