Alive Again

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"Aaaannnndddd that's what happened. I'm so sorry, Kaoru. They just threw our stuff in the truck and told me and my brother we were moving. I'm sorry."

Lime hung her head. She felt so guilty leaving Kaoru when they were little.

"It's alright."

Lime looked up at Kaoru.

"We can't predict the future, so not knowing what comes next is part of life. I'm just glad you're doing well." Kaoru smiled softly at her.

Lime's eyes widened, and started to glisten. She sobbed, grateful tears coming down. She hugged Kaoru tightly again, Kaoru hugging back as she also started to sob.

"Girls, are you ok?" The teacher, Ms. Almond, walked over to where they were, everyone else watching.

The girls wiped their tears away.

"Forgive us, Ms. Almond. It was just a little marvelous reunion."

Ms. Almond, understanding as she was, said, "How about you girls sit outside until next period? I'll give you both a hall pass."

"Thank you very much," they said in unison.

When the girls went into the hall and sat on the floor, Kaoru was blushing for some reason.

"What's wrong, Kaoru?" Lime asked.

Kaoru started squirming. "Um... I know it's been ages since we saw each other.... And I missed you so, so much... Can I... Lay my head on your chest, please...?"

Lime blinked, then giggled. "You don't have to ask me, Kao-chan! Of course you can!"

Kaoru blushed harder, then crawled over and laid her head softly on Lime's bust, hugging her gently.

"I've always wanted to do this when we were little..." Kaoru felt embarrassed out of her mind.

Lime started patting her head. "It's ok. I'm glad we found each other again."

"Me as well."

Unbeknownst to them, most of the class was "awwwing," while others were envious while watching them.

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