Shifting and Crossing

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Over the last couple of months, I've noticed a shifting in my life. I wasn't able to quote pinpoint what it was, but I felt it.

I first started to realize what it was over last weekend. I spent my Saturday waking myself up early in the morning to drive myself to my church, where I helped prep a large amount of food while using the biggest knife I have ever held in my life and doing some spring cleaning around the property. I was even sent out on a food run. By myself. After driving myself from the church to the school theater to go perform in a play and then immediately going home to collapse in bed, I had the distinct thought that I had done a lot of adultish stuff that day.

It was today when I realized- after having our first full theatre class time dedicated to our musical and getting to greet and instruct the middle school drama club during their first tech rehearsal in the theater- that I've been doing adultish stuff because I'm actually becoming an adult.

I don't have to ask my parents or friends for rides anymore. I'm organizing and planning large-scale events and projects. I have large groups of people looking to me for leadership. I'm planning for college and going to tons of college tours. I even think I finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I'm adulting because I'm not a child anymore! And it's scary! Exciting! Somehow both at the same time!

The end of my junior year is rapidly coming closer and closer, and with that, senior year. And with that, college! It's wild! But I'm actually prepared for all of this, and much to my surprise, I don't feel as terrified as I did a few months ago. In fact, I even think I'm excited for it.

Everyone becomes an adult at different stages in their lives, that's what I believe, at least. You may not legally be an adult, but you can emotionally and mentally be one when you start acting like one and can take and handle the responsibilities of one. I think that line between childhood and adulthood has been crossed for me. I'm taking responsibilities, and I'm handling them. I'm making short term plans with my musical I'm directing and long term plans with all of my big life decisions.

Perhaps that's why I've been less active on Wattpad over the last few months. It's not that I'm planning on leaving, it's just that I'm spending a lot of the time I used to spend on here to do other stuff. I'm busy adulting, and truth be told, I'm having fun while doing it.

This was probably a weird, incoherent blob of how I've been feeling, so if there's one thing you take away from this, it's that I'm feeling very much like an adult and that if you've been missing me on Wattpad, you can always follow me on Instagram (I have the same username) where I am decisively a lot more active.

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