My Turn 39

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"It looks like she can only do it when she try's to protect her family." I said "Correct. So what should we do for her celebration?" Lindsey said "Hmm... How about we get Bonnie?" I said "Perfect! We can use the PC and try to contact Ash?" Lindsey said "Race you to the PC." I said as I started running. Lindsey won though. "You always win." I said "Alright we need to contact the Santalune Pokemon center and ask for Ash." Lindsey said. So I called that center to get a nurse with long blonde hair. "Hello who are you and who are you trying to contact?" Said the nurse I said "My name is Emma and this is my friend Lindsey. Is Ash there?" "Let me see." As she walks off. "Yes they're here let me get them." She walks and Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie poped on the screen. Ash said "Emma, Lindsey! Where are you?" Lindsey said "We're in Genosage Town." I said "Team Flare was going to use us for experiments, but we escaped and to our surprise Brooke used Thunder, A power 14 week old Pokemon can learn." Lindsey said "After the big attack all the Team Flare People and Pokemon passed out. And the power was so strong that she got electric poisioning and passed out. She's getting IV's now." Bonnie said "YAY!! Brooke's ok!!" I said "We wanted to congratulate Brooke and ask if you 4 can come to the Genosage Hotel by tommarrow." Serena said "I feel so sad for her. We should go." Clemont said "It is another shocking tale. The power must have been so strong that her body didn't know what to do with so much power so she passed out." Ash said "We'll be there." I said "Oh and go get presents." Lindsey said "Bye!" Ash said "Bye!" I said "Alright about a present."

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