nightmerrs's Turn 40

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Lindsey went to the store. She was looking for a present for Brooke for saving her butt back there. She had combed the in tire store searching for a gift. Emma was with Brooke waiting for the rest of the group. Lindsey had practically given up until she saw it. A small necklace that had a perfect saying on the bubble charm. It said, "Small anchors can make big waves". "Perfect"! She yelled so loud that all the people turned their heads and stared. She went back to the Pokemon center and by that time Ash and his friends were there. "Did you pick a present"? They asked. "Yup"! "It is perfect"! Lindsey answered. They were done with the IVs so the kids could come in now. Everyone gave her a big hug and Lindsey presented her with the necklace.

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