Moving On

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I looked at back at my old home before sighing. I was finally going to leave the city which gave me so many nightmares. The place that reminded me of the horrors of my childhood. I was finally leaving the people who hurt me.

I was leaving Phoenix Drop.

I looked forward again and stepped into the limo. The principal at Okhasis Prep arranged for me to be taken to the school in the limo. All of my clothes and important things had been take to the school yesterday. I'm moving into my dorm today. I haven't seen it yet though.

Apparently, I'm going to be sharing the dorm with two people. I don't know who they are though. I don't even know their genders. Whoever they are, I hope they are nicer than the people I have had to deal with here.

I'm not going to miss the people I have met. I'm glad I'm going away. I'm leaving all of the drama behind and moving on to finish my education in a drama free zome. Hopefully.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts by a honk. I look up and see the limo parked in front of me. I take a deep breath and walk towards the vehicle infront. As I get inside, the driver turns back to look at me through a small window separating the front seats from the back.

"Are you all ready to go?"

I nod. The driver gives a small smile, probably thinking that I'm nervous because I didn't talk back. He turns around and starts the car. I lean back in my seat and look out the window.

I'm not going to miss it here. Not the place. Not the memories. Not the people. Especially not Gene. I'm relieves to be leaving him behind. I hope Zane isn't too angry that I didn't tell him I was going to leave. I probably should have told him.

Oh well. He'll just have to deal with my absence.

~~~~~~Le time skip to school~~~~~

I'm finally here. I'm finally at Okhasis Prep.

I sigh and get out of the limo. I go over to the driver window and thank him for bringing me here. He just smiled and tipped his hat slighlty. Then the limo left.

I turned around and saw a huge building which I recognized as the office. I had been here when I had a meeting with the principle a couple of days ago.

As I walked into the office, the cool breeze of the AC hit my skin. I walked up to the front desk where a lady was sitting filing her nails. I cleared my throat and she looked up at me. She stopped filing her nails and gave a smile.

"Hey there, how may I help you today?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Principal Logan. I'm a new student."

"Oh yeah! I heard about you! Well, just go through the first door on the right. There should be a sign telling you it's the principal's office."

"Thank you."

She smiled again and went back to filing her nails. I went over to the door that was marked "Principal's Domain." That's an odd way of saying it's the principal's office.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in." As I stepped in, I was hot with the strong smell of coffee. I looked in and saw a man sitting behind a big desk.

"Welcome, Y/n. Did the driver treat you well?"

I nodded.

"That's great to hear. Have a seat. We'll have to wait for your guide to get here."

I nodded once again and took a seat. As soon as I did that, the door opened a a tall boy walked in. He was smiling and carrying a stack of books.

"Ah, Vylad! There you are! We were just talking about you. This is Y/n L/n. She's the one you will be helping today. Y/n, this young man is Vylad Ro'meave. One of this school's best students."

I stood up as the boy walked over to me. He smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake. I gave it a small shake before pulling my hand away.

"Hi! I guess I'll be guiding today. I'll warn you though, I'm not a very good helper. This is my first time helping a new student."

"That's okay."

"Well, we should get going if we want to finish before school ends. The halls get really crowded."

I nodded and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked out of the office building and headed towards the art building. This school had an art building, a math and science building, and a building for english and history.

As we walked into the art building, Vylad handed me a paper. It was my schedule.

Homeroom       ~ Rm 14
History            ~ Rm 28
English            ~ Rm 49
Chemistry       ~ Rm 56
Adv. Algebra   ~ Rm 68
Gym                 ~ Field
Dance              ~ Rm 101
A Cappella       ~ Rm 128

What?!? I didn't sign up for dance class! Who did this?!? Ugh!

"You may have noticed that we have different buildings here. The English Department has the rooms 1- 50. The Science and Math building has 51-100 and the Art Department has rooms 101-150. It's easier to find your class once you know that."

I nodded in understanding and he led me to a very tall girl. Once she noticed us, she smiled and walked towards us.

"Hey Vylad! I didn't think you would be here."

"I'm a guide right now. I'm helping Y/n since she is a new student."

"That's wonderful! It's nice to meet you Y/n! I'm Cadenza."

She looked at me and smiled. I noticed she had a slight British accent. I looked at her and noticed she was waiting for me to shake her hand. I just waved.

"Hey. It's nice to meet you, Cadenza."

"I hope I see you around more. We could become best friends and I could design outfits for you! Oh! That would be so much fun!"

"Yeah. It would."

"Well, I'll see you later. I need to get to class. Bye, Vylad. Bye, Y/n."

With that, she walked away. Vylad laughed a little and led me out of the building. We began to walk towards a building which was a little farther from the other parts of the school. It was quite tall and it looked like an apartment building. Next to it was another building identical to this one.

We stopped infront of it. Vylad turned to me.

"This is the girl's dorm. Most of the girls in this school sleep here. I'll show you where your dorm is."

I nodded and we both walked into the building. The inside was furnished in a very fancy way. The floor was made of tile and a staircase ran from both sides of the room.

Vylad led we upstairs to the second floor. There we walked to the end of the hall and stepped into an elevator which took us to the top floor. Vylad and I walked through the hallway until we saw a sign that said "Nicole Von Rosenburg  &  Y/n L/n."

"This is your room. Unfortunately this is also the end of the tour since I can't actually be inside of a girl's dorm without consent of both roomates. But you got lucky. Nicole is one of my friends so I think you'll get along with her. Good luck!"

He handed me a key and left. I stared at the door infront of me and took a deep breath. I slowly put the key in the keyhole and unlocked the door. I opened it and looked inside.

It was a fairly small room with a couch and a small tv. There was also a small kitchen with a table next to the living room. I stepped inside and kept looking around. There was a door on one side of the living room and two other doors on the other side.

I closed the front door and called out to see if anyone was in here. A few moments later, a door opened and a girl stepped into the living room. She was about as tall as me, maybe taller. Her hair was shoulder length and she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. She looked at me and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Y/n. I'm your new roomate."

She walked a up to me and smiled.

"It's about time you get here! I've been so bored with no one to talk to."

She motioned over to a door next to the one that she came out of.

"That's your room. It's right next to mine. It's pretty small since the whole dorm is small. There is only one bathroom so you better not take long in the mornings. The kitchen only has a frigde and a microwave. That's about it for this place. Welcome to your new home!"

I smiled at her and thanked her for being welcoming. At least I won't have to worry about a rude roomate.

I walked into my room and saw that it was full of boxes. Besides that, the only other things in my room were a bed, a wall mirror, and a closet.

I closed the door and opened a box. It was my clothes. Another box was my books. There were also three small boxes full of my personal items; like my toiletries, my laptop, my guitar, and my nails polishes and beauty things. The final box was full of my shoes.

I began to unpack everything and put my things where they belonged. When I finished, I grabbed my laptop and placed it under the bed. I was going to keep it there until I bought a small table to put it on.

I closed the curtains of the small window in my room and changed into my pijamas. Then I laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I hope everything goes well during class tommorow.

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