Protect the Bullies & Discard the Innocent

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This chapter is going to contain arguing and some foul language. Shield thy eyes children!

Your Pov

It's Monday. The beginning of a brand new week. The chance to start out fresh. The worst day of the week. The day when most people are half brain dead because they partied all weekend and forgot about school and work.

I hate Mondays.

Gene didn't go to school on Friday. I don't know why though. He is here today though. I saw him in the school entrance while I was talking with Jim. Gene looked pretty bad. He had a bandage around his ribs along with a cast on his whole left arm and another cast covering his entire right leg. He was moving around with his crutches.

When he noticed me, he glared. What happened to him?

The bell rang and I walked into my homeroom. I took my usual seat in the farthest corner of the room. I took out my sketchbook and placed it on my desk. Then I put on my ear buds and listened to some music as I drew.

While I was listening to my music, someone decided it was a great idea to shake my desk. I pulled my ear buds out of my ears and yelled at whoever did it.

"What do you want now?!?"

I looked up and saw my teacher staring down at me. I didn't regret yelling at him though.

"The principal asked for you Ms. L/n. I suggest you take your things and hurry down to her office. She didn't sound happy."

I sighed and put my things into my bag. Then I grabbed my bag and walked out. The halls were very quiet and isolated. Until I saw a couple making out in a corner. I gagged. This was not a pretty sight.

As I walked into the office, I saw two people sitting outside of the principal's office. One of them was Laurance and the other was the Koala-Chin girl I was paired up with a couple days ago. Laurance glanced up at me before quickly looking down again. I guess Garroth told them.

When I stepped into the principal's office, I was met by Mrs. Layla's voice telling me that it was about time I showed up. I saw her sitting in a big chair behind her desk while Gene sat in one of the two chairs placed in front of the desk. He looked over at me and smirked. I don't like where this is going.

As I sat down on the chair next to Gene, Mrs. Layla began speaking.

"Y/n. Do you know who this is?" she said as she pointed at Gene.

"Of course. It's Gene."

"Well, what does he look like?"

I looked at Gene for a while and then responded.

"Well, he's tall and skinny. He has greasy looking hair and a stupid face. His clothes are always torn up and he always has the same stupid smirk on his face. This time however, he has a cast on his arm and his leg. He also has some kind of bandage around his torso. But besides that, he looks as stupid and ugly as he always does."

Gene looked annoyed at me for calling him ugly. Mrs. Layla looked annoyed as well.

"I did not mean for you to tell me how greasy his hair is. I already knew that his hair is greasy. What I meant was that he was beaten up and I know that you are responsible for his injuries. For that reason, I am expelling you from this highschool."

My eyes widened. I stood up so quickly that the chair fell back. I slammed my fist on the desk and stared at the women before me.

"This is unfair! You can't do that. Do you know how many times this guy has hurt people? Are you aware that he has bullied over half of the students at this school? Apparently not because in your eyes, I am the bad guy here. Are you blind or just plain stupid?!?"

I was enraged. This was not fair. After the countless times Gene and his gang have hurt others, she expels me because of one fight.

I guess I upset her with my outburst. She stood up as well and looked at me in my eyes.

"That is no way to speak to your superior. You will show me respect."

"I'm not showing an ounce of respect towards you until you earn it! Do you realize how unjust you are being right now?"

"I know what I am doing! And you are still expelled, young lady!"

"I don't care! You will listen to what I have to say! I bet that all that's in your mind is money. You don't even care about your job or the students at this school. You are a heartless creature who only cares about the money you earn. You shouldn't even work at this school! You don't care about the students who are constantly being harassed and bullied. You ignore those who are insulted daily. You pay no attention to the lives of the students."

"That is not true! I care about the kids here and I care about my job! You don't know anything about me or how to run a school."

"You are unfair. You don't care about your students! Gene and his gang are always picking on me, bullying me, torturing me. But you don't care. They even sent me to the hospital multiple times! Do you even know what I have to deal with?!? I have enough going on in my life without Gene's constant bullying! My dad is a murderer! My mom is dead! My little brother is who-knows-where! And here I am! Being bullied, living alone, having to deal with color blindness, and not having emotions! BUT YOU DON'T CARE, DO YOU! You only care about yourself and your money. You are greedy, selfish, and ignorant. You protect the wrong people! I have had enough of you and the stupid school!"

I slammed both hands on the desk and left. I slammed the door and walked towards the exit. As I turned to look back, I noticed that all of the office ladies were looking at me. Laurance and the other girl were also staring. I turned back to the door and was about to leave but I stopped.

"You are getting paid to do your job. So stop gawking and get back to work."

With that, I walked outside. As I walked to the schools exit, Jim approached me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home. I've had enough trouble for a day."

"Well, I can't let you leave. You need to stay in school and finish today's classes."

I just ignored him and kept walking. However, Jim went over to the gate and locked it. I looked up at him and sighed. Then I walked closer to the gate and climbed over it.

"Take care, Jim," I said once I got over.

I walked all the way to my house and called Mrs. Venom-Scythe.

Y/n.   Mrs. Venom-Scythe

"Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Y/n L/n. Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do Sweety! I haven't heard from you in a while. How can I help you?"

"Well, you can take the house back. Sell everything inside if you want. I'm leaving."

"What? Why are you leaving, dear? I thought you liked it there."

"I do but I need to go somewhere for a while."

"Okay. I understand. When will you be leaving?"

"Sometime this week. I don't know for sure. You can start selling everything tommorow though."

"Okay. We'll miss you! Come visit when you can, okay?"

"I'll try. Have a good day, mam."

"Bye Y/n."

I ended the call and walked to the kitchen. I opened one of the drawers and took out a letter. I looked for a number and called it. A woman immediately answered.

"Hello. You have called the Okhasis Prep. front office. How may I help you?"

"Hello, I was wondering if I could speak with the principal."

"Yes. Please wait a moment."

There's was silence heard for a moment. Then it was replaced with a man's voice.

"Hello, this is Principal Logan speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hello, my name is Y/n L/n. I was wondering if I could still accept the scholarship which you offered me a couple months ago."

"Yes, of course. Does that mean you accept the scholarship?"

"Yes, sir."

"Fantastic. Do you mind meeting with us here tommorow morning? We need to discuss your classes and living arrangements."

"Of course. I'll see you there then. Have a great day. Bye."

I hung up. I was going to attend Okhasis Prep.


MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I bet you didn't see that coming!

Y/n is going to Vylad's school. I told you guys it was related to Garroth's family. For some reason, alot of you thought Y/n was going to apologize to Garroth.

But guess what?

Y/n doesn't apologize cuz she's savage like that!


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