Author's Note

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Like most writers, I enjoy writing about emotions.  How do people 

feel after bereavement?  When life bombards them with problems?  

When the unexpected in life happens?

A few of the short stories in this collection were inspired by my 

creative writing book with the prompt 'As seen through a window.'  

I told someone that I couldn't write stories of this length, then 

found two that I had written some time ago and then I added 


Did I manage to write well at 500 words?  Only you can say.

I hope you enjoy the characters within the stories and 

can connect with their emotions.


I don't like swearing and bad language, but I have 

included it within the story 'Drug Dealer' as it 

seemed appropriate.  

(I couldn't say or write the 'f' word to save my life).

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