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After a few minutes of using Tumblr to distract himself and wallowing in self-pity, Virgil pushed himself up and plopped down at his desk. He felt too anxious to go to bed right now, so he might as well try to be productive. He tried to start researching for a paper he had due in a couple of weeks, but his eyes started to droop more and more... soon he was slumped in front of his computer, fast asleep at his desk. 

Logan glanced over, hearing the small thud from the desk, he couldn't help the small smile that came onto his face, He's just adorable. He stood up and walked over to the desk, shaking Virgil's shoulder slightly to wake him up. Virgil groaned softly as he was roused from his accidental snooze. "Five... more minutes..." he mumbled, pulling his hood up over his head. "Don't wanna... hnng... get up..."

Logan chuckled under his breath, "You can go back to sleep, just not at the desk, that can horribly mess up your spine... At least just go lay down on your bed." He said quietly, Virgil whined at that, slowly sitting up so he could pout sleepily at Logan. "Can't," he muttered, reaching out to grab Logan's arm. 

"Too far..." He trailed off, breaking into a huge yawn before continuing, "Need help." Logan looked at him in half fondness half genuine confusion, "Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, when he planned that out in his head he was mostly joking but the words weren't a joke out of his mouth

Virgil, who was far too tired to tell if Logan was joking or being serious in his request, simply reached his arms out so he could pick him up. He yawned again and blinked sleepily, almost in a cat-like manner. Logan sighed and picked him up, Virgil immediately blushed when he did so, nuzzling into his chest in an attempt to hide. 

He carried him over to the bed and gently set him down, "Better?" He asked as he went to move away so he could shut off Virgil's laptop and plug it in. Virgil was glad to be in his bed, sure, but another soft whine escaped him when Logan walked away. He reached for him again, his eyes pleading.

Logan looked at him, this time in pure confusion, "What are you wanting?" He asked. "Come snuggle," Virgil demanded, still reaching out for Logan. After having his first taste of human contact in weeks when Logan picked him up, his mind was practically screaming for more. Logan sighed, "Virgil, I have some work to finish I'm not planning on going to sleep yet." He said as he did as he planned to and shut down and plug in Virgil's laptop. "Come work in my bed," Virgil argued, his pout returning. "I'll keep annoying you. Then you won't be able to finish your work." He wasn't going to back down from this.

"You won't be happy with it in the morning it's most likely that you'll be pissed off..." Logan muttered under his breath and more to himself, "Also you're not supposed to work in your bed, you're supposed to only associate your bed with sleep-"

"Yeah, for sleep and other stuff, I know, but it won't hurt to do it this one time." Virgil shifted so that there was space for Logan to sit and work. "Please?" He whispered, his voice cracking slightly. "Dammit," Logan cursed under his breath, before sighing and giving in, "fine.." He said as he went to grab his own laptop, double checking the battery. Virgil broke into a bright- albeit quite sleepy- grin. 

He waited patiently until Logan was settled into bed with him, then snuggled close to him, breathing a small sigh of content and bliss. "Hell yeah," he mumbled sleepily. "Comfortable?" He asked chuckling quietly, his hand slightly twitching as he resisted his want to run his fingers through Virgil's hair as he most likely wouldn't be comfortable with that. Instead, he started tunnel vision working, or at least tried to.

Virgil nodded and hummed happily, wrapping his arms around Logan's waist and nuzzling against his side. "Cozy. Warm. Nice," he mumbled vaguely. "Night..." He soon drifted off into a pleasant sleep, easily the most restful he'd had in over a month. "Goodnight," Logan said quietly. Once he was certain that Virgil was fast asleep, he began softly running his fingers through his hair, the movement was subtle as not to accidentally wake him up. He went back to work, wondering how it is possible for a man, like the one sleeping beside him, to be that adorable??

 After about an hour of working he shut off his laptop, and placed it on the bedside table along with his glasses. He shut off the light and wrapped his arms around Virgil, moving him ever so slightly so that he was resting his head on his chest. Soon enough he drifted off to a deep and restful sleep as well.

Warm. Safe. Cozy. That was what Virgil felt as he slowly woke up the next morning. He yawned, starting to move one of his arms so he could rub his eyes... and finding that it was stuck. He opened his eyes, confused, and blushed furiously at the sight. Logan was curled up in bed with him, their arms around each other and their legs tangled. 

Shit, Logan looked so peaceful and unfairly beautiful as he slept. Instead of jerking away and ruining the magic of the morning, Virgil relaxed in his embrace, allowing himself this small bit of piece before Logan woke up. Unable to resist, Virgil reached up, slowly and gently running his fingers through Logan's soft brown locks.

Only a couple minutes later, Logan's eyes slowly opened, Virgil quickly drew his hand back when Logan began to shift and wake up. He tensed slightly, anxiety creeping inside of him. Would Logan be irritated at him for being so clingy? He winced at the thought and hoped that wasn't the case.

Logan went to rub his eyes to fully wake up only to realize the weight and warmth around him. He blinked a couple times, unable to really see anything, he reached for his glasses and put them on. Only then realizing that Virgil was awake, "Oh... Um... Morning..." He said, his voice still has that rough tiredness to it as his face flushed a significant tint of red.

Virgil's face turned an even darker shade of red when Logan spoke, his voice rough and low. "Morning," he whispered in return, his voice soft and raspy. "So... Um... This is incredibly comfortable..." Logan mumbled more to himself, still in that state of drowsiness from just waking up, so everything he was saying was unfiltered and purely truthful. "It is?" Virgil asked quietly, almost wondering if he imagined Logan saying that. "I... I never took you for a cuddler."

"I didn't take you for one either..." He shrugged before yawning, Virgil shrugged a bit, staying silent for a minute before hesitantly speaking up. "I was never one for hugs and stuff as a kid, but one of my friends in high school was kinda clingy. He never crossed any boundaries or anything, but he loved cuddling and playing with people's hair and stuff, so he'd do that to me, and... yeah. I guess I didn't realize how touch starved I was until then."

Logan hummed in understanding, "I never really had anything of that sort, I came off as too emotionless. Also, just, from a scientific standpoint, most humans, except those with mysophobia, generally need physical contact, whether they choose to admit it or not," he explained. Virgil nodded, allowing silence to fall over them again. 

Birds chirped quietly outside their window, sunlight streaming in through the cracks in the blinds. He waited, seeing if Logan was going to get up, assuming that he'd eventually get restless or annoyed or... something. When nothing happened immediately, Virgil took a chance and scooted closer, resting his head on Logan's chest.

Logan smiled slightly, he was enjoying this peacefulness, he wasn't sure if Virgil felt it was awkward or something like that, so he decided to ask, "Are you... Okay with this?" He didn't want Virgil to go along with it if he wasn't. Virgil's heart gave a tiny flutter. "Yeah." More than okay, honestly he thought to himself. He draped an arm over Logan's stomach, glancing shyly up at him to make sure he was okay, too. 

The corner of Logan's mouth quirked upwards the tiniest bit, "good," he said in an almost whisper not wanting to cause the silence to break too much. He glanced down, his eyes meeting Virgil's, causing the same feeling that he had from the previous night to come back, the feeling of wanting to just lean and kiss him, but also not wanting to ruin this, whatever this would be classified as.

Virgil felt a small shiver pass through him as Logan met his eyes. Shit, they were so beautiful: a deep, intelligent blue that you couldn't help getting lost in. They reminded Virgil of the ocean, of the night sky, of the universe. His heart began to beat faster, and he was aware that he could hear Logan's own heartbeat from where he lay on his chest. 

Logan's lips parted a bit, his own heartbeat sped up, he wanted to say anything to prevent himself from breaking this, if they were to date and it didn't work out, they wouldn't be able to have this, they wouldn't be able to be as close as they are now... He knew this, he knew that this could end badly... But instead of stopping he allowed himself to slightly lean forward, giving Virgil time to move away if he so wished.

Virgil's eyes widened slightly as Logan leaned forward, his heart pounding as his mind began to spin. A million negative and fearful thoughts raced through his head. But instead of allowing those thoughts to overwhelm him, he stayed where he was, keeping his eyes on Logan. 

He allowed his lips to part, his face dusted with pink as Logan grew closer. Logan's hand moved to cup his cheek, his thumb brushing over the skin softly. He allowed his eyes to shut as he connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

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