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Note: I've updated the descriptions with the warnings that are gonna be needed in this story, I waited this long as the RP was still in the planning phases while me and @Side-for-sides on Tumblr were figuring out how this story was going to go. 

Other Note: There may be a Royality story that takes place in this universe coming up soon! If enough people are interested in reading it!!


As their lips connected, Virgil's swirling thoughts vanished, leaving him blissfully blank. His eyes fluttered shut and he focused on the softness of Logan's lips and how gently he was cupping his cheek. Holy shit, Virgil thought. This is actually happening.

After a brief moment, Logan pulled away, his eyes opening trying to gauge if he'd just royally screwed up, or if he'd just made one of the best decisions in his life. He didn't move his hand from its place, but his touch was still subtle and gentle so Virgil could, again, easily pull away. Virgil stared into Logan's ridiculously beautiful eyes, only pausing for a moment before plunging back in for another kiss. It was a little messy, a little rough, but so, so good. He shifted so that he was even closer to Logan, throwing one of his legs haphazardly over his waist so that Virgil was practically on top of him. He pulled away after a moment, panting, his cheeks flushed.

Logan's face was burning red, at first, he was caught off guard by Virgil's decision, his hands moved and gripped onto Virgil's waist. He realized just how close they were as he felt their panting and heavier breaths bouncing off one another, he cleared his throat. "I... I'm unsure of what to do now..." He admitted quietly, he normally knew what to do in almost every situation, but this left him uncertain, and not necessarily in a bad way. Virgil blinked, his mind still blank and empty. "I, uh, I don't really know, either," he whispered breathlessly. "That... that was..." He trailed off, a tiny smile quirking his lips up. "Fuck, Logan, that was incredible." Logan smiled, "I... I certainly agree with you... It... It was amazing." He gave a breathy laugh, "As I've previously stated, I'm not good with emotions... But... I'm well aware that... I am romantically attracted to you," he spoke, his tone clearly still nervous and slightly shaky. Virgil was fully convinced by this point that his face was going to be permanently red. "Shit, I feel the same way," he said, then added quietly, "Honestly, I wanted to do this since I saw you on move-in day."

Logan was noticeably surprised, "Really?" He asked, "If I'm being truly honest, I thought I had scared you when we first met..." He added. Virgil's tiny smile turned more sly. "I called you intimidating, yeah, but I definitely meant that in the best possible way." Logan's smile was replaced by a bit of a smirk in response to Virgil's sly smile, "It's rare to hear intimidating in a positive context, and even before that you seemed rather tense with just me being present, therefore my point still stands," he replied with a bit of uncharacteristic sass. Virgil's smile dropped, his eyes going wide at Logan's ungodly smirk. He hid against the man's chest, not wanting him to see how flustered he was. "Fuck, I thought you were hot, okay?" Virgil whined, his voice slightly muffled.

Logan tried to ignore his own face flushing yet again, as he quietly chuckled, "I found you incredibly attractive as well, now onto a different topic... Are you alright?" He asked, moving his hand from Virgil's waist to his hair. Virgil lifted his head up solely so Logan could see him roll his eyes. "Really, Logan? We finish making out- great first kiss, by the way, like holy fuck- and you ask me if I'm alright?" He kept his tone light and teasing, a smile making its way onto his face. "I've never been better."

"Well sorry! I was just checking!" Logan replied sarcastically, and obviously joking, he sighed in a content manner, "and that's great..." There was another silence for a few moments, while he was happy with this, they'd been in bed for a while longer than normal, "We should probably get up now..." He offered but made no attempt to actually get up. Virgil interrupted Logan with a huff, shifting so that he was laying completely on top of him. "Just a few more minutes..."

"I have a feeling if we stay this way for 'just a few more minutes' it will more realistically turn out to be maybe a couple hours," Logan stated, "and you do realize I could easily move you off of me, right?" He questioned, Virgil's pout slowly morphed into an evil grin. "You underestimate my power," he whispered mischievously. Logan tilted his head slightly, "Yeahhh right, anyway..." He held onto Virgil's waist and tried to move him off of him and onto the other side of the bed. Only instead of cooperating, Virgil practically hissed, latching onto Logan even tighter. He snaked his legs around Logan's, looping his arms around his shoulders and hanging on."Oh, come on...." Logan rolled his eyes, his tone and expression weren't annoyed in the slightest, however. "Virgil, come on, we have to get up..."

"Says who?" Virgil asked dryly. Getting an idea, he buried his face in the crook of Logan's neck, leaving soft kisses along the skin. "Logan... stay... for... awhile..." He purred in between kisses. Logan noticeably shivered, "You aren't playing fair..." He whined in a whisper, while Virgil grinned to himself, pleased at the effect he was having on Logan. "When did I ever say I'd play fair?" He teased, playfully nibbling at Logan's neck. "Staaaaay..." Again, Logan tried to move Virgil off of him but failed. He sighed, getting an idea in his head, but decided to act like he was giving in to get Virgil to let go, "fine... But only for a few minutes." He mumbled.

Virgil relaxed on top of Logan, grinning in triumph. He unwrapped from around him, now snuggled against his chest, his eyes closing peacefully as he curled on top of him. After about a minute of Virgil being curled up on top of him peacefully, Logan again, but much quicker this time, grabbed onto Virgil's waist and moved him to the other side of the bed. He smirked as he sat up and stretched. Virgil let out a surprised yelp as he was suddenly moved, scowling at Logan. "You little shit!" He lunges forward, latching onto Logan again. "You're not going anywhere!" Logan laughed at Virgil's reaction, "Virgil, we're already awake, give up already, we can cuddle later tonight," he explained, trying to unhook Virgil's arms from him.

Virgil leaned against Logan's shoulder, pressing a few more kisses to it. "I would, but it's a matter of pride now." Logan rolled his eyes, "I guess we're staying like this then, where neither of us is comfortable enough to fall back asleep." He said, again with that smirk. Unfortunately for Virgil, he had tilted his head to look up at Logan... right as Logan smirked down at him. He groaned and finally let go, hiding his face in his hands. "I can't stand it when you smirk like that," he grumbled, refusing to look at Logan. Logan chuckled as he stood up and grabbed his laptop, "and why is that?" He asked Virgil huffed when he heard Logan's laugh but refused to move his hands away. "Because... it makes me flustered... because you're cute..." He mumbled.

"And you're incredibly adorable when you're flustered, so remind me to smirk like that more often," Logan stated as he made his way over to his desk and sat down. "Noooo," Virgil complained, pulling his covers over his head. "Not adorable..."

"Yes, you are, you know I don't lie," Well about most things Logan spoke, looking over at Virgil and just smiling in appreciation, "So just accept the truth." Virgil hesitantly moved the covers away from his face, staring at Logan before mumbling, "I wouldn't choose the word adorable to describe an angsty emo nightmare."

"Well, that's just how you see yourself, I see you as adorable, therefore that is the word I choose." He said before turning back starting to work on the project again, Virgil offered Logan a tiny smile before he turned back to his work. He reached over and grabbed his laptop off of his desk, pulling up the research paper he had tried to start on the night before. He suddenly froze, a thought occurred to him. "Hey, Logan..." Virgil said softly, too embarrassed to look away from his computer screen. "Does this mean... we're dating?"

Logan paused, his fingers stopping on his keyboard the noticeable lack of the clicking noise making the room go silent, he turned to look at Virgil over his shoulder, "I... I would assume so," there was another tension-filled silence before he hurriedly spoke up again, "I mean... Unless of course, you don't want that..." Virgil nodded quickly, waving his hands. "No, no, I- I absolutely do!" He stuttered. "I just- I didn't want to assume- I didn't know if you- if we- if it was... official." He winced at his oh-so-eloquently phrased response, muttering an apology before turning back to his work, his shoulders hunched. Real smooth, Virge. Real smooth.

"Well, neither did I... Neither of us asked the other out directly... So there wasn't a definitive way to know... But... Now.. I assume, we are? Officially dating?" He said with a more questioning tone as if asking again if Virgil was wanting and okay with this, Virgil's eyes wandered back over to Logan as he spoke, slowly nodding again. "Yeah. Yeah, we are. Officially dating." His voice was full of awe.

"Good... I'm... I'm glad," He said before turning back and zoning out on his work for a while. Virgil broke into a dorky grin as he turned back to his computer, starting on his research and somehow managing to find some really good sources.

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