Chapter Eighteen; History

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Sigils brushed away Florian, insisting that he was in better shape than the admin.

Florian frowned, "I'm fine."

"You're bleeding," Sigils shot back, gesturing to his wounds, "I'm only bruised. Fix yourself first."

Florian exhaled and turned away, defeated. Sigils watched Florian out of the corner of his eye as he spotted Frost, sitting on the edge of one of the beds.

"Okay, the three of you have some explaining to do," Sigils shot, meeting each of the admins' gazes.

Rafessor tilted his head towards Sigils, but still focused on the wing Henwy had landed on awkwardly. "Explain what?"

"That...thing." Henwy responded, shooing away Rafessor.

"Ah, that," He replied with a nod, "Yeah that might kill us."

"Well that's cheerful," Sigils smiled, "Now how do we kill it?"

"Well with what we have, you sort of...can't?" Frost added.

"So we're doomed," Henwy murmured.

"Not quite," Florian responded as he cleaned his wounds, "We can kill it using the infinity stones, prevent SSundee and Biffle from collecting the needed materials, or trap it once it's freed."

"So we're doomed," Henwy repeated.

"No," Frost interjected, "It's quite possible. We've done it before."

Sigils tilted his head, "You what?"

"Before we met you guys, we worked for an organization that was keeping the monster locked away," Rafessor explained, "We were guards, the lowest protective unit and typically the first to fight if anything happened. All of our knowledge we learned there."

"Can't you alert them or call them?" Sigils asked, ruffling his wings as he shifted his stance.

"No we can't," Florian replied, "Because everyone- well, almost everyone- is dead."

"Oh," Henwy muttered.

"Yeah, it was bad," Frost whispered, "We had left just before the massacre. If we hadn't then we wouldn't be here."

"What happened?" Henwy asked.

"This black creature, kind of like an ender dragon, blew through the cavern and freed the monster," Rafessor explained, "The creature vanished, and so did the monster. It wasn't able to root to this dimension since it didn't have the proper conditions too. But SSundee is able to create those conditions, in fact, he already has started."

The admin gestured to the window where the sky was shown as a smokey red. Black clouds drifted by slowly overhead, and the sun was a fiery red ball that glowed threateningly in the sky. Despite everything, snow had started to fall and coat the ground.

"Well that's fun," Sigils murmured, "What is it that we need to prevent them from getting?"

"Two things," Frost held up a hand, "The Cane of Venoms and Deviant Crystals."

Sigils stiffened.

"The Cane of Venoms is a scythe. It was wielded by the monster and is what roots it to a realm. The monster exists powerlessly in the sprit realm and is able to create illusions or projections," Frost explained, "Similar to how Henwy's magic works. The Cane gives it power in its physical form and allows it to attack. Now, it is still powerful without the Cane, but it only can harness a fraction of its power, which is what you all saw. Right now it's dormant, but the tentacles will still attack subconsciously to protect the actual monster itself.

"For the Deviant Crystals, in order for them to actually work with the monster, they have to be fused with black magic. On its own, the crystals grant shapeshifting to the user, but it's very limited. With the infused Crystals, they permanently turn anyone who comes in contact with them into twisted beasts that wreak havoc until they die either from exhaustion or lack of nutrition or when they are killed. With the monster, the Crystals allow it to unlock all of its powers and is completely unstoppable. Essentially, it is able to harness both realms and manipulate them until it eventually caves the world in."

Sigils wanted to respond, but he was starting to find it extremely hard to speak, so instead watched as Henwy thought, then slowly turned to look at Sigils. He adverted his eyes to Rafessor.

"In short, SSundee and Biffle will be going after those and so we have to stop them," Rafessor explained.

"I'll protect the Crystals," Sigils blurted out, "I can find them and- and hide them."

The admins tilted their heads at Sigils.

"Why so eager?" Florian asked suspiciously.

Sigils blinked, "I am good with exploring caves."

Florian nodded and cautiously responded, "Right."

"The Cane is already protected," Rafessor added in an attempt changing the subject, "There's an entire force protecting it that wasn't affected by the massacre. We should probably check on them and give them a word of warning."

"I can," Frost offered.

"Alright," Henwy murmured, "What about Raf, Florian, and I?"

"Stay here and keep watch," Frost replied, "Signal one of us if anything happens."

"Alright then," Sigils flashed a toothy grin, "Let's save the world."

Word Count: 812

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