Chapter Twenty; Power

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TW: Blood, fighting, swears.

"Biffle?" SSundee called.

Biffle sighed through his nose and paused his work. His sword laid on his leg as he sharpened it. He set the stone down and turned, "Yeah?"

SSundee stepped out of his house and spotted Biffle, "We have a mission. Two, technically."

Biffle sheathed his sword and stood, making his way over to SSundee. For once, the man's face wasn't shielded with a helmet and hid his scar.

The two stepped inside of the perfectly intact house. A chill ran through Biffle's body and he shivered. His attention latched onto a smoky mass in the corner. Two violet eyes glittered in the center, watching him.

"That's what I was talking about," SSundee said, jerking a thumb in the direction of the shadowy mass.

"That's ominous," Biffle commented, turning away from it.

"We need to go find a few things," SSundee continued, handing Biffle a map. Biffle unrolled the map as the man talked.

"You need to find the Deviant Crystals and fuse them with this," SSundee turned and grabbed a hefty looking rod, "And make the Rod of Deviation."

"What's it for?" Biffle asked, taking it.

"It turns monsters into beasts," SSundee smiled a little, "Sometimes people too."

Biffle recoiled and held the rod far away from him.

"It's fine, it's not active and can't damage the person using it." SSundee explained, patting Biffle's back.

"Okay, well, is that it?" Biffle asked.

"For now," SSundee shrugged, "You should go before anyone notices."


The caves were eerie. Biffle felt vulnerable, unprotected. There was an edge of danger to everything. The dripstones, the cave water, the ores.

It all felt wrong, like reality was nonexistent.

He hated it.

Biffle's eyes caught sight of a smaller cave. Glancing at his map, he turned and entered it. The light faded, making the night vision built into his helmet kick on and show the way. He walked for a while through the small tunnel until it suddenly opened up into a cavern. The night vision switched off at the new light source that appeared. Clusters of white crystals littered the ground, some sharp and jagged while others were smooth and slick.

"Well would you look at that," Biffle murmured, stepping into the cavern. He walked carefully along the edge of one of the cliffs to a wider and flatter area with some of the larger crystals. He crouched down and brushed his hand over one of the crystals, then froze as his body dropped in temperature, then slowly started to rise. Biffle pushed himself away from the crystals, gasping quietly.

The chill vanished quickly and he caught his breath. He rubbed his arms, trying to bring back the warmth. Biffle quickly pulled out his gloves and fitted his hands inside of them, then grabbed his pickaxe and started to work the crystals free. He had barely hooked the pickaxe under the crystal before a force knocked into him and blew him sideways. Biffle rolled across the ground and stopped himself by latching onto a smaller crystal. He grunted and struggled to his knees, wincing.

Biffle's gaze fell on a dark figure, white fangs bared.

"Ah, hello again, Sigils," Biffle murmured, staggering to his feet.

"Leave." Sigils demanded, "Now."

"I wish I could," Biffle murmured, "But I can't."

Sigils peeled his lips back and snarled, "Out."

Biffle tilted his head, "You're very protective."

Sigils shifted and flared his wings, eyes glowing. He snarled again, "I'll say it one more time. Leave. Now."

"And I'll say it again," Biffle said, voice now dripping with venom, "I can't."

Sigils leapt, claws flung outwards to latch onto Biffle's shoulders. Biffle recoiled and threw a hand out, catching Sigils' cheek with his artificial claws.

The force from Sigils knocked both of them down. Sigils quickly pulled back, gingerly touching his cheek while still fixing his gaze on Biffle. Biffle kicked, catching Sigils' stomach and forcing him away.

"I really don't want to have to do this, Sigils," Biffle murmured, "Please don't make me do this."

Sigils snarled, "What, suddenly have a heart?"

Biffle pressed his lips tight together, "I- I never wanted to actually hurt you."

Sigils went still for a moment, then his face twisted into unmasked fury, "Didn't want to hurt me? DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ME? Then how do you explain THIS?"

Sigils raked his claws across his face and patches of fur melded into his skin, showing horrific burns snaking across his body. Tears dripped down his face and caused steam to rise into the air.

"I trusted you! You were my best friend, and when I slipped up ONCE while trying to protect YOU, you treated me like I was the villain!" Sigils dropped his gaze, "I don't understand."

Biffle's eyes softened as the wave of emotions flowed over him, he dropped his own gaze.

Then, something clicked in the back of Biffle's brain and his body seemed to numb, and his grip on reality started to slip. All of his feelings- the emotions, everything -vanished, like it had been completely drained from his body.

Suddenly, he was standing, towering over Sigils. He threw a punch that connected with Sigils' head. Sigils slashed at Biffle's leg, drawing blood he didn't feel. Moments later, claws wrapped around the enderman's neck.

Then, he was gone.

Biffle snapped back into himself, watching as Sigils tumbled off of the edge of the cliff and into the depths.

Biffle gaped, eyes wide. He saw blood- purple blood.

"Sigils?" Biffle whispered, "Sigils!"

There was no response. No sight of Sigils.

Biffle pulled back from the ledge, sinking to his knees.

"Shit." He whispered quietly, tears clouding his vision, "Holy shit."

Biffle curled into himself, trying to shake away the shock.

That didn't- it couldn't- he wasn't here- he wasn't- he's fine. He has to be. Oh, God, please.

Autopilot kicked in and he numbly picked up his forgotten pickaxe and quickly unearthed a crystal, then attached it to the rod, all the while he was barely focused and his breathing was quick.

Finally, he stood up, and left.

Word Count: 1017

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