Episode 4: Consequences

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Here's the next chapter......

Warning abuse is in this chapter, so if it bothers you, then please skip it.


The next morning after a hearty breakfast for Lord Yun, Li, and Churo; Li took Lord Yun into the garden to speak to him.
"Father you promised me that his Majesty would pick me to be his Concubine tonight!"
Li whined, her stomping her feet like an idiotic child.

Lord Yun tries to settle her down by patting her shoulders.
"My daughter; you will become his Concubine, do not worry your pretty little head."

"But father; I heard that his Majesty didn't even talk about me at your dinner you had with him!"
She whines more.

"We did."
Lord Yun lied to her and her face lit up.

What did he say?!
Tell me!
Tell me!"
She grinned happily.

"It's a secret."
Lord Yun lies to her more, him shushing her.

She pouts, puffing her cheeks out.
Tell me!"
She complains like a naive child.

"I cannot tell you.
It's between me and his Majesty."
Lord Yun tells her.

She sighs dramatically and says sarcastically.
She folds her arms to her chest, looking up at her father with a Really Look.

"Why not go shopping?
And take Hanli with you to carry what you buy?"
Lord Yun says to his daughter.

That will be Hanli's punishment for winning His Majesty's favor for now until I can flog him later.
Lord Yun thought to himself, him smirking.

"Alright father; I'll go shopping!"
Li then walked away with a pep in her step.

Li is twenty; plenty old enough to marry His Majesty, but His Majesty takes part in sodomy, and Hanli has gained his favor, so I must put an end to this foolishness.
Lord Yun thought to himself; and walked away, his mood sour over the matter.


As I was tidying up a room, dusting the room, I heard footsteps walking into the room, and I had a cloth tied over my mouth and nose, and I perk up at the sound, and turn to face whoever it was, me seeing Li walking into the room, her hands upon her slim hips, her giving me death daggers from hell.
"Drop everything you're doing and come with me."

I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"We are going shopping and you are carrying things I buy!"
I blink in shock she ordered me around like that so hatefully, but what should I expect, this family has it out for me.

"Miss; did Lord Yun ask me to go with you?"
I ask her.

"You know my name!
It's Li!
And yes father told me to have you carry my things!"
She scoffed at me, sticking her nose up at me.

I take off the cloth over my nose and mouth and set it onto a shelf, me setting a duster down.
"Alright Miss Li."
I tell her, me agreeing to go with her, though I don't want to.

"Come on then!
Don't dawdle!"
She orders me and she walked out of the room, and I follow her, my long waist length light brown hair swished as I walk.

We left the mansion; and this is the first time I'm walking into town, into the market area in this reality.
The town market was selling all sorts of stuff I've only seen in period pieces from this era in the ancient Asian eras.
"Quit looking around and follow me!"
Li scolds me, her smacking me over the back of the head by jumping up to do so.

"Sorry Miss Li."
I tell her, me annoyed she hit my head, but I decided to obey her or I will get flogged, so I followed her to a clothing shop, and she started trying on some clothing, which I stood outside the shop, since men cannot enter inside, and I'm still trying to get used to me being a man, because I was a girl in my past life, until I was reborn into this reality.

"Oh ho; we meet again."
I heard the familiar voice of that redheaded man from earlier, and I look up, and he walked up to me, him smirking at me.
"I thought I was just drunk last night; but you are a vision before me."
I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"Oh; it's you."
I comment to him, my mood lifted from having to shop with Li by force.
"What are you doing here?"
I ask him.

"I am shopping for myself as well."
He says to me.
"Are you busy?"

I nod.
"I am to carry Miss Li's things she buys."

"Lord Yun's daughter?"
He asked me and I nod.
He leans in to say to me next.
"I heard she acts like a pompous brat."

I cover my mouth and giggle, and nod at him.
"You are not wrong."
I whisper to him.

"Hanli; I am ready to leave!"
Li shouts at me from inside the shop.

"Miss Li; men are not allowed in the shop."
I say to her rather calmly as she walked up to me, but when she notices the redheaded man, she curtseys to him.

"Your Majesty; what are you doing here?"
Li asked him, her giving him a mischievous grin.

I ask Li, me confused.

"Bow you fool!
He is His Majesty!"
Li scolds me.

"He is fine Miss Li."
The redheaded man says to Li.

"No; he is a mere servant and should bow to you.
You are royalty after all."
Li says to him, her giving me a look to bow to him.

I kneel on one knee, lowering my head, my light brown long waist length hair draped somewhat over one shoulder.
"Your Majesty."
I say to him.

I felt him pat my shoulder, and I look up at him, then look at his black boots.

"I do not want to disrespect you Your Majesty."
I tell him.

"By not rising to your feet then you are disrespecting me."
He says to me, and I look up at him, and do as told, and stood up, me looking up at him, since he's taller than my height by far, which I bet he's six feet tall, and I am five foot three.

"I apologize Your Majesty."
I nod to him.

"Hanli; you need to get my clothing."
Li says to me, and I nod to her.

I look back at the redheaded man Li called Your Majesty.
"I must do my task Your Majesty."

"Then I will let you do your task."
He nods at me as the shop owner brought boxes, and handed three boxes to me, the shop owner was a young woman.

"Come now Hanli; let us return home."
Li says to me; and I follow her, me looking over my shoulder at the red headed man, me watching him walk away from us.

We walked back into the estate; at the mansion, and I carry the boxes into the mansion, and inside Li's room, and set them up on her bed.
"Now leave."
She orders me rudely, and I bow slightly to her, though I wanted to berate her, but I know I shouldn't or I could be flogged.

As I walked through the garden I heard a voice shout at me.
"There he is!
Seize him!"
I turn to the voice and several guards grabbed my arms, them forcing me upon my knees, and I look up, seeing Lord Yun glaring down at me.

"For gaining His Majesty's favor, you shall receive forty lashings for your whore-ish ways."
I hang my head low, as my chest part of my hanfu was ripped from my chest, the tatters upon my waist, my slim pale chest showed, and slim arms, and I bite my lip, holding in the urge to cry out as I felt the whip strike my back over and over, the sickening crack it made against my skin pierces the area around us, and I could feel blood trickling down my back with each strike of the whip.

Once the forty lashings were completed; Lord Yun took had of my chin, and forced me to look upon him.
"Next time I see you near His Majesty you will get more lashings, am I clear?!"
I blink in reply, and he shoved me to the ground, my chest making harsh contact with grass, and I clenched my fingers into the grass, since my back throbbed in pain.

My mother ran up to kneel by my side as Lord Yun left with his guards, and she asked me.
"Oh Hanli.
I am sorry."

I look up at her and say.
"It's fine mother.
It is nothing."

"It does not look like nothing!"
She scolds me as she helped me up, and guides me into our cabin, and I lay on my chest, as she starts treating my bleeding back with herbal ointment.
"What happened?"

"His Majesty flirted with me when he visited and Lord Yun punished me, though it was not my fault in the least."
I tell her as calmly as I could though I'm angry inside that Lord Yun blamed me.

"I see.
I heard His Majesty delves into sodomy, so I am not surprised.
My baby boy is beautiful after all."
My mother says to me.

"That is why I had forty lashings."
I tell her.
"He called me a whore as well."

"That good for nothing father of yours!"
She mutters to me, her cursing Lord Yun.

"Mother worry not; I shall heal."
I tell her.

"I know you will; but still I do not like you being beaten."
She says to me.

"I know."
I tell her.
"I'll be fine."

I must endure anything here to survive; even if I endure beatings like this, because I will not die, because I've been given a second chance at life, and I will not waste it.


To be continued.....

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