Episode 3: Adjustment

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Here's the next chapter.......

Hana is based off my mother; I wanted a character based off my mother, who adored the male lead, though they were born in an awful way.

In the old days eighteen year old's could drink, so I'm going by history.

I had to whizz really bad as I stood next to my mother in this reality Hana, and I was bouncing upon my golden boots, and she looked to me as we were hanging up clothing on a line.
"Do you need to pee?"
She whispered to me.

"Yes; really bad."
I tell her.

She looked around as if making sure nobody was looking, and she grabbed my hand, and guided me behind the wall of the building, where another stone wall was hiding us being back here.
She then says to me as she undoes my sash.
"Take ahold of it, and aim at the weeds in front of you."
She points to a yellow dandelion in front of me.

I dig into my clothing, in the leggings, and take out my weiner, and hold it, pointing the tip at the yellow dandelion, and I focus on urinating, and I aim perfectly on the yellow dandelion, me whizzing away, and I was relieved I emptied my bladder.
"Shake it a little bit, and if you're shaking it too long, then you are playing with it."
I do as she says, and put my weiner back into my leggings, and she ties my sash in order.
"I'll teach you how to dress correctly again tomorrow."
She says to me more.

I look down at her; and to be honest she's a beautiful young woman, and I bet she had me quite young in this reality, and I ask her.
"Mother how old were you when you gave birth to me?"

She finished tying my sash in order and says.
"I was sixteen.
My parents disowned me when I had you, since I brought shame to our family."
She then pats my right cheek in a loving way.
"I do not mind you asking since you lost your memories my child."
She smiled warmly up at me as she tells me this.
"Though you were not planned; I told you before that I adore you, and love you."

"Thank you."
I smile warmly at her back, and truly as I said, she reminded me of my own mother back in my reality, where my mother was with me until the day I died from my brain tumor.
I put my hand upon hers, me leaning my cheek into her hand, and I give her a loving adoring look in my golden eyes.

"We should get back to work.
Other servants told me we are having an important guest, but they will not tell me who it is."
My mother in this reality says to me, and I give her a confused look as we continue hanging up clothing on the clothing line.

"An important guest?
I wonder who it is?"
I reply to her, and she shrugs.

"I'm supposed to help cook the feast the important guest will be having with Lord Yun."
My mother replied to me, and I look at the clothing I am holding as I pin it upon the clothing line, and straighten the hanfu that was green and blue with golds on the clothing line.
"Apparently the guest might be a lord or something too.
I was not in the kitchen long this morning to hear everything, since I told the other cooks we had this laundry to do."

"Oh; I see."
I say to her, as my light brown long waist length hair swished in the cool breeze that went by.

It was rather warm today; so I figured it's the summer months in the Yunlin Empire, but it wasn't as hot here as in my reality, because there is hardly any pollution here, unlike back in my reality, there is alot of pollution that caused global warming, and climate change, so everywhere back home had heatwaves in the triple digits, and today in this reality, the warmth here feels about sixty-five, which is tolerable to say the least, and yet the breeze felt really nice, making me sigh in content, with a happy smile upon my face.

Truly I am happy that I got a second chance at life; even if I was reborn into this fantasy world in the ancient Asian days, truly I am blessed that I could be chosen to be reincarnated by the Reincarnation System, and by Shin the tiny blue dragon I met when I died, however what intrigued me, is that he said, that you can only be reincarnated if you never done evil deeds in your life, so does that mean, since I was sick all the time, and showed great empathy towards others people's suffering, that since I never committed an unjust sin, like murder, or any other crime, that I was a candidate for being reincarnated?
So if someone in this reality did any kind of unjust sin or crime, then they will not be a candidate to be able to be reincarnated by the Reincarnation System?
But what if a person redeems themselves?
Could they be able to be reincarnated into another life by the Reincarnation System?
Truly it was a mystery to me.

"Miss Hana?"
A female voice made me come back to reality from my thoughts, and I turned to face a woman, who looked older than my mother, who had her hair pulled back by a white cloth over her head, who wore a pink hanfu, and pink slip on shoes, and she wore an apron too that was stained in what looked like food.
My mother turned to face her too as the woman says next.
"We need your help with preparing the feast; and please have your son help carry plates as well as drinks to Lord Yun and the important guest, because the important guest is here."

My mother nods and looked to me.
"Let us be going Hanli."
I nod to her as I follow her, as the much older woman, I believe to be a kitchen maid, guides us through many hallways, until we came into a kitchen, and bustling women were cooking away, and setting food onto plates.

The much older kitchen maid pointed to the plates that were done being fixed.
"Please take these to the dining area."
I nod to her.

"Xin let me guide my son to the dining area.
It seems he forgot where it is; since it's been awhile he has served dinner to guests."
My mother says to the much older woman.

The much older woman nods.
"Just hurry up and take the food to Lord Yun and the important guest."

My mother nods to the much older woman as I start gathering the plates, and my mother grabbed a bottle of I think rice wine, and two small cylinder short cups, and she says to me.
"Follow me my child."
I nod to her and follow her down two hallways, that is until we came to a room where Lord Yun was sitting on a pillow, and a table was in front of him, and another man with long vibrant red hair that was to his waist, tied up in a ponytail, some of his hair rested against his shoulders and chest area of his red and black hanfu, and he had vibrant blue eyes, as well as he looked much older than Lord Yun.
The man was indeed handsome; and I get flustered as I brought the food over to them, and kneel down, me setting each plate before then, and my mother sets the rice wine bottle down, and the two cups in front of both men.

The vibrant red haired man looked his blue eyes to me and says to Lord Yun.
"My; aren't you a fetching piece of this mansion?"
I felt my cheeks get hotter when he said that, because I've never been hit on before.

I merely bow to him, so did my mother, and Lord Yun boldly laughed at the man.
"I believe you have drank too much your majesty; that is a boy of eighteen, and a mere servant."

I'm eighteen?
So Hanli is eighteen I mean?
So I'm not thirty in this reality?
That is truly bizarre.
I thought to myself, as I peeked my eyes up at the vibrant red haired man.

This vibrant red haired man then took hold of my chin and forced me to look up at him, and I swallow hard when he does that, my Adam's apple moving as so.
"Gender do not matter to me.
You should know that Lord Yun.
Remember I am famous for indulging in sodomy."
This man says to Lord Yun.

Lord Yun cleared his throat nervously.
"Your majesty; I doubt indulging in sodomy will give you an heir, so why take part in it?"

"You forget Lord Yun; my seed as royalty is able to impregnate any gender, since my family is blessed by Lord Raiden himself."
This man with vibrant red hair sassed Lord Yun.

Holy hell!
So Mpreg is a thing in this reality?!
Please don't ask to have sex with me!
I don't want to have a baby yet!
I whimper in my mind, as I bit my lower lip in my nervousness.

Lord Yun cleared his throat in an uncomfortable way.
"Your majesty he is a lowly servant; a lowly servant having your heir will taint your reputation, so I suggest not laying with him.
Anyways; you have Shunli as your concubine."

The man with the vibrant hair sighs in an annoyed fashion and let's my chin go.
"Shunli is only my concubine merely for me to access the riches of her noble family's rare gemstone mines, nothing more."
This man scoffed as he poured himself a cup of rice wine and sipped it, him side-glancing at me with a heated look that made my heart skitter rapidly within my chest, and he then looked to Lord Yun.
"I can dispose of her whenever I wish if she bores me."

Clearly this man was royalty; and didn't care about the person Shunli, that is his concubine, and was willing to toss her aside to have sex with me, and have me carry his heir, even if I'm a lowly born servant, which was wild to me, and a tad bit irresponsible, when in fact he looks older than me by far.

"Do not be rash now; what will her father think when you toss her aside?
He may even go to war with you over the ordeal."
Lord Yun replied as he bit into a saucy chicken wing.

"Let him go to war with me, since I highly enjoy a good war, and I shall put his head on a pike for his people to view."
The vibrant red haired man retorts back and poured him another cup of rice wine.

My mother looked at me with great concern and I give her a look that I would be okay, and Lord Yun says to my mother.
"Go back to the kitchen."
Then he points at me.
"You stay and entertain his Majesty."
I blink in shock at that as I watch my mother leave the room, and now I am alone with Lord Yun, and this mystery red headed man.

I sit up straight upon my knees, and look between the red headed man and Lord Yun.
The red headed man grabbed hold of my arm, and tugged me so that I'm straddling his lap, my knees beside each side of his hips upon the floor, and I was looking down at him with a confused nervous look, and he was looking up into my face, and I know my cheeks were scarlet red in embarrassment.

He took hold of my chin within his fingers and says to me.
"Your looks resemble a woman's."

"Um.....thank you?"
I squeak out.

He chuckled at me darkly.
"Are you afraid I would eat you?"
I gulp loudly, me nervous, and I nod at him.
"Well do not be afraid; because I will not lay down with you tonight.
I merely want to gaze upon you."
I blink in confusion as I tilt my head in a confused way.

I ask him.

"Naive boy."
He booped my nose with his finger, making me snort, and wiggle my nose.
"You looked like a rabbit wiggling his nose."
He chuckled again, him amused, his amusement showing within his ocean blue eyes.

He then held out the cup he filled with rice wine to my lips.
You are plenty old enough to drink."
I do as asked and sipped the cup of rice wine, me swallowing it down, and it was sweet, yet it burned my throat, making me cough.
"Was that your first taste of rice wine?"
He asked me and I nod.

Damn dirty child!
His Majesty is infatuated with him at first sight and I wanted his Majesty to be infatuated with Li and not this bastard child!
Lord Yun fumed in his mind, him glaring at Hanli's back.
Curse you Hanli!
Lord Yun then smirked.
No matter; his Majesty will forget Hanli though, since he has been drinking heavily, since he arrived at my mansion.

I can feel Lord Yun's glare at my back like a cattle prod touching my back, and it's unnerving.
I whimper in my mind, me feeling uncomfortable that I could feel Lord Yun's heated angry glare scorching my very back.

This red haired man then cupped my right ass cheek in his hand through my clothing and I yelp like a dog in surprise.
"That was adorable."
This red haired man gave me a very heated look, as if he's turned on, and I bite my lower lip again.

"You startled me sir."
I say honestly to him.

"By grabbing you?"
He asked me and I naively nod.
"I see; still it is adorable how you sound like a puppy."
Then he lets my rear go.
"You may get off me now."
I nod to him, as I carefully crawl off him, and sit to the side of the table, my head bowed low, me staring at the table, as this man says.
"I should be going.
I had fun drinking with you old friend.
I will visit again."
I look towards the red headed man, and I watch him stand up.

"I will see you out your majesty."
Lord Yun stands up, and glared with much fathom at me, making me get cold chills down my spine, me knowing he's pissed off at me that, the redheaded man was hitting on me.

Lord Yun then motions me to leave the room and I nod, ne bowing low to them both, and I heard them both leave the room.
I stand up and leave the room; me going back into the kitchen.


To be continued......

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