Episode 2: Enter Li and Churo

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Here's the next chapter.....
Please let's get this story to 200 reads as the goal.

Warning slurs will be in this chapter, and if it bothers you please skip that part, because with bullying comes slurs.
I will make art for Lord Yun soon.
This will be a slow burn.


I was hitting a blanket with a wooden paddle to get the dust bunnies out of the blanket on a hanging line, the sound of the wooden paddle hitting the blanket sounded just like a hand slapping a mattress back in my world harshly with a loud thud, and my mother in this world, Hana; was doing the same thing, hitting a paddle upon a blanket to get the dust bunnies out of the blanket.

Once I was done getting dust bunnies out of the blanket I was paddling; I had then started paddling another blanket, and as I was doing so, I heard a female voice behind me.
"Retard; how are you even here?!"
I turn towards the voice, seeing a dark brown haired girl, wearing a pink and golden hanfu, she had golden eyes as well, she looked upset I'm even standing here.

"What do you mean?"
I tilt my head to the side, me confused, because she clearly knows me, but truly I do not even know her.

Mother grabbed my hand; making me look at her in confusion, and she pulled me down to be on my knees, and she then pushed my head with her hand, so that I would bow my head to this girl.
"Why are you still walking around?!
Answer me!"
The girl shouts at me.

"I just am I guess?"
I say to her, me looking up at her with a look I'm not scared of her.

What's with that look?!
Hanli is usually petrified of me, but today he's not!
Li thought to herself; her shocked that Hanli was not scared of her.
He should be dead!
Churo actually drowned him!

"You just are?!"
She scoffed at me, stomping her feet like a petulant spoiled brat.

Yeah rich and spoiled as hell children always act like this, coming from experience, and she is no different.
I have learned this growing up and learned not to entirely trust rich people, no matter their status, and it seems someone's status matters in this world, that there is a hierarchy here.

"Yes; I just am."
I tell her, and my mother looked at me with a look to be careful, and I look back at her and nod, then looked back up at the girl.

She glared down at me; and then slapped me across the cheek, making my head turn to the side, then I look back at her, me turning my head to look back up at her.
"Stop that look!"
She slapped me once again, and the force of it turned my head to the side, and I yet again turned my head to look back up at her, with a glare to show her I'm not afraid, and she was breathing hard from her rage, her cheeks red as a tomato as well.
"You better straighten up or father may sell you to a brothel Hanli!"
She then stomped off, and my cheeks were both red from her slapping them so hard.

Mother then looked me over; and says to me, her giving me a serious look.
"Promise me Hanli; that you will never reveal you have amnesia to Li who you just met, or Churo!"

I nod to her and reassure her.
"I will not say a word."

Mother sighs in relief and hugged me.
"Let us get back to work."
She pulls away, and gets up onto her feet, and I get up onto my feet as well, and dust off my clothes of dirt.

We continue to do the laundry; in which we eventually put the blankets back upon beds of Li, Churo, and Lord Yun, and as I was straightening the blanket by myself for Lord Yun's bed; I had heard footsteps approach me, and I pat the bedding in order, and a male voice boomed out to me.
"What are you doing boy?!"

I felt my hands start trembling on their own; I wasn't doing that myself, mainly Hanli's body was doing it, and I had no control over it, as I straighten myself up, and I turn to face who it was, my arms behind my back to hide my trembling hands, and a man with dark brown hair stood in the room, and he had golden eyes, and he looked to be in his late thirties, his hair was tied up into a long ponytail, as well as some of his long hair draped over his brown and golden hanfu, and he didn't look pleased I was in this room.
"Cat got your tongue boy?!"
His voice rumbled out, and his voice indicated he wasn't happy I'm in this room.

I slightly bow and say.
"I was changing the blanket for you sir.
Pay no mind to it."

"That should be all you are doing.
Now get the hell out of my room you dirty blooded child!"
The man growled out in a menacing way to me.
"Lest I beat you with a whip!"
My hands shook worse at him mentioning beating me with a whip, and I clenched my fists tightly behind me to attempt to stop them from doing so, because this body was petrified of this man, but me myself am not.
I then figured this family tends to abuse Hanli severely, which is probably how he could've died, if I took over his body through Shin the blue dragon, who had me be reincarnated into Hanli's body, so the Hanli everyone knows is in fact dead, but the remnants of the Post Traumatic Stress from beatings still has a hold on his body, though me, a girl is now inside his body.

"Yes sir.
I will leave this room immediately."
I keep my voice emotionless, and not hinting any ounce of fear, lest it amuse him, as I straighten myself up, and started walking around him to attempt to leave the room as instructed of me.

"If it wasn't for your mother I would've sold you to a brothel by now.
Know your place child."
This man says with much lethality in his voice towards me as I left this room, me shutting the sliding door behind myself, and my long waist length light brown hair swished as I walked through the hallways, and my mind was wondering why Hanli's body was afraid of that man, and like my theory before it was probably from abuse, I truly must be careful in the future to not get beaten as well, but it seemed by how that man talked to me, that he is Lord Yun, who raped my mother in this reality, and I was the result of that assault.
The man was my father in this reality, who is Lord Yun, the household head of this place.

This family; very boldly without remorse, keeps threatening me with selling me to a brothel, which is unnerving to me, and how Hanli's body feared Lord Yun was concerning to me as well, that I know I should not anger him in the future, like I mentioned before.
My mind was made up of trying to leave this household and to take my mother with me.
I must figure out who Li and Churo is first, but I had a feeling that the girl that beat me earlier, who was surprised that I was alive, is in fact Li, my half sister, so I bet I will meet my half brother Churo.

As I was walking through the halls to find my mother in this reality, I heard a male voice boom out behind me.
Why are you freely roaming the halls?!"
I stop walking, and turn towards the voice, me seeing a young male, who had long waist length midnight colored hair, and he had golden eyes, and it seemed that Lord Yun's children had a unique trait, which was rare golden eyes, so I figured this young man was in fact Churo my half brother.
This young man had his long hair tied up in a red ribbon, and some of his long hair draped over his black and golden hanfu, and he looked rather upset I am walking through the halls of this large home.
He points at me, a fearful look upon his face.
"A specter!
You are a demon!"
He shouts at me.

I give him an annoyed clueless look.
"I do not know what you are talking about."
I say rather calmly and emotionlessly, a weird look upon my face.

"We drowned you!"
He retorts back at me.

I then glare at him, folding my arms to my chest in my blue and golden hanfu.
That's too bad.
You must've failed."
I give him a bored look.

"Why you bastard!
Mocking me!
I'll have you flogged!"
He grits out.

"Sadly Churo; I think murdering me is considered illegal."
I say emotionlessly back, with a hint of sarcasm twinged into my voice.

Shit; he's right!
The emperor made it illegal to kill servants, but how did he know that?!
He was never told; unless his mother squealed to him like a stacked pig!
Churo thought to himself, him fuming in his mind, him glaring at Hanli with much fathom.

"You cocky son of a bitch!"
Churo snarled out, and was about to backhand me, when Lord Yun walked up to the scene.

"What is this loud ruckus?!
Churo; what have I told you?!
Do not beat the servants to death!
It's illegal by the emperor!"
Lord Yun shouts behind Churo.

Churo turned towards his father, and whined out like a little two year old on steriods, like a dumbass.
"But father!
This servant back talked me!"

I slightly bow to Lord Yun, my arms behind my back, my long light brown waist length hair draping over my shoulders.
"Milord; pardon me, but he stopped me for no reason, and disturbed me from my chores, so I have no clue why he is angry."

I felt Churo glaring at me with much fathom with his eyes, though I'm staring at the wooden flooring, since I'm bowing to Lord Yun.
"Churo; leave the dirty child alone to his chores, and do not beat him again!"
I heard Lord Yun tell and he then walks away.

When Lord Yun was gone; I straighten myself, and Churo snarled out to me.
"Father will not favor you forever Hanli; and when that day comes, I will personally enjoy cutting your head off with a sword."
I give Churo a bored look once again as he stormed off, but not before he bumped his shoulder harshly against me as he passed me.

Oh I will be ready when that day comes Churo.
Count on it.
I thought to myself as I then turn around, and headed towards the servant's quarters to find my mother, to find out what other chores I could do.


To be continued.......

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