Middle School Pictures

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Basketball Trio

Loser God: Morning fuckers!

Loser Llama: Morning to you too bitch!

Winner🥇: Morning

Loser God: Anyways look what I found

Loser God sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school


Winner🥇: Scott that's you before you dyed your hair

Loser Llama: Ohhhhhhhh right I forgot

Loser God: We all looked so different

Winner🥇: Yeah I mean look at us we look pretty shitty

Loser Llama: Yeah this was when we were all in our awkward stages

Loser God: Ooh! We should show everyone!

Loser Llama: YEAH!

Winner🥇: OOOOH YES!

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E2 Class


Tall and Sexy God sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school

Bee Queen: Oh it's us in middle school

Dad: Why do you still have that picture?

Tall and Sexy God: I found in my old pictures cause I was looking through my photos

Warrior Princess: Joe you looked uglier than ever

Pirate Joe: Y'know what I agree why does my smile look like that

Definitely Human: Scott looks strange with blond hair. Jimmy that's your man

Woody: Nah that's not my man that's the Walmart version

Colorful Llama: WALMART VERSION?! Actually nvm I agree

Iron: Why do I look like I don't wanna be there?


Goblin: You look like shit!? I look like shit!

Wood Daddy: Easy for all of y'all to say I think I like pretty decent

Best Witch: Cause you didn't looked awkward! You were literally so happy

Wood Daddy: Yeah I was a bright happy boy

Colorful Llama: Yeah you didn't look emo like you do now

Wood Daddy: Oi! You were emo when you were friend zoned!

Colorful Llama: .............Good point......

Dad: Actually I might have middle school photo

Dad sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school playing with wooden swords

Best Witch: Omg I remember this

Wood Daddy: This one you guys don't look so awkward

Bee Queen: Awwwwww, wait Pix why do you look like you were trying to murder Scott?

Dad: He stole my emerald I was getting revenge

Colorful Llama: I was screaming for my life that day

Tall and Sexy God: Pft I like how Shelby and Joe were fighting each other

Pirate Joe: Yeah she was surprisingly good

Iron: Wasn't this like a pretend battle to the death?

Woody: Yeah and I think Katherine won

Definitely Human: Of course she won

Warrior Princess: Wasn't this like a pretend battle to the death

Goblin: I like how Oli is on the floor

Bard: Well you got me to be out :(

Bee Queen: Wait I might have one

Bee Queen sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school playing having a picnic

Wood Daddy: Damn I thought we lost this picture

Bee Queen: Same, but I found it a long time ago in Fwhip's room

Goblin: Why was it in my room?

Bee Queen: Idk

Definitely Human: I can't handle seeing the Walmart version of Scott

Woody: Yeah, Scott I love you but never undye your hair blond again

Colorful Llama: Wasn't planning on dyeing it blond

Best Witch: Oh god look at us

Iron: Hey at least we look decent

Bard: Yeah

Pirate Joe: Finally we look at least decent

Colorful Llama: I like how me, Joel, Fwhip, and Sausage were being chaotic in the background

Tall and Sexy God: Pft yeah what we were we even doing

Dad: You guys were running around being chaotic gremlins

Warrior Princess: Makes sense they were acting like chaotic gremlins. And actually i have a picture too

Warrior Princess sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school having a water balloon fight

Warrior Princess: Remember this one?

Wood Daddy: Awwww look how happy we looked

Bee Queen: Yeah we looked like nothing could separate us

Pirate Joe: Hah I remember that day

Colorful Llama: Awwwwww

Goblin: God we were all soaking wet after that

Bard: Yeah we literally had to use a fan to dry ourselves off

Definitely Human: We looked so bright and happy

Woody: And different. How the years went by

Tall and Sexy God: Oh my we looked so cheerful

Best Witch: Awwwwwwwwwww

Dad: Awwwww how young and happy we looked

Iron: Awwwww how sweet we looked. Actually I have on too

Iron sent a picture of the E2 chat in middle school having a nerf gun war

Iron: Remember this?

Bee Queen: Oh my the chaos during that

Dad: Yeah too much chaos that day

Colorful Llama: Oooooooh we should do that again one day

Definitely Human: We should

Woody: Yeah!

Tall and Sexy God: We totally should

Best Witch: Oh hell yeah

Pirate Joe: Fuck yeah we should!

Goblin: Mhm but we gotta get nerf guns

Bard: Yeah we could always buy some

Warrior Princess: Yeah we can each buy our own ones

Wood Daddy: Mhm

Bee Queen is offline

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         Responsible Ones

Responsible 1: God damnit

Responsible 2: So ig more chaos will come if they get nerf guns

Responsible 1: Yeah. Soooo if they do get them then wanna team up and nerf them?

Responsible 2: Y'know what sure

Responsible 1: Sweet

Author's Note: Soooooo how's everyone's day going? I don't know what else to say...Um bye

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