A Final Promise...

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Time Of The Abyss, In Chris's Own World.

The roaring of the unforgiving wind, the blatant and uncared promises went through my ear as I was on the route straight to hell.

I opened my eyes and saw the view was rather horrifying.

The ground around me seemed to erupt and the whole earth seemed to be falling into an endless abyss, a void filled eternity.

What can I say, I have a pretty wild imagination......

And so, I shut my eyes tight as I wondered why the air around me started to hurt less and my heart started to hurt more, as if amplifying my guilt.

I did it. For her. For us.

And as soon as I thought that, my memories of her started to run thought my mind like a high speed movie.

The first time me met.

Our first conversation.

My feeling for Haruka. Her seemingly annoyingly perfect smile.

Her bewitching looks in her yukata. Her cute proposal.

Her gem like eyes.

Her exquisite lips. The warmth I felt, when I first felt them.

Remembering my last memory of her, in my arms, her neck producing out blood which induced horrors in my soul, which could not be cleansed, tears rushed out of my eyes as my eyelids shot up.

" Don't cry! Apologise to her when you see her!" A part of my soul sent a squeal of panic to my mind.

But the other part said otherwise......

All these years, I've been unkind to the concept of redemption, always stating that the person HAD some kind of choice. But in the face of this much guilt, I'm more than guilty.

I've crossed that phase a long time ago. I don't know why I killed him instead of handing him over to the police. I don't know why I surrendered then myself.

Why I admitted in juvenile court that I killed both of them.

Why I accepted the statement they gave me.

Why I stood silent when the hammer was hit and I was pronounced guilty.

My silence and decisions when Darren met me for the first time.

I should have jumped off right off the bat; when I threw him off.

I'm a ruthless, stupid, yet funny idiot....

Maybe need to second the last claim....

While I was running these thoughts as well as how I was gonna look like in the asphalt, I had more guilt thrown into me.

" How could I do this to my friends? To Amane? To myself?"

That one thought shattered the limits of my imagination.

And when I opened my eyes to make sure I had enough time, there was a strange light on the bottom but, I was still about 30 or so floors off the ground.

Did the ability spawn again?

And so, I was sure that my ability had activated again, to give me enough time to grieve myself and my life and the one I ruined.

I closed them with a sigh as time passed in my mind.

I was back at my home, at my funeral......

And in my mind, Nakarugi Matsuki had forgot to lie to my sister. Just as forgetful he could get about something grave.

Totally accurate.

My beaming photo was on top of a pretty amazing arrangement of flowers, an incense burning on the centre of it, erect, as if saying," He's up above!"

But what I saw next broke my heart.

Ichine Amane, my seemingly adopted sister, was in a black as night kimono as she had the most depressed expression, devoid of herself as her face was stuck with tears down her face; dried away.

The tears of her eyes were welling up, but didn't fall. She didn't spray her feeling like me. She was more mature than me. She deserves to live much, much more than me.

And it kept getting worse.
Nakarugi walked in from the entrance, with a devastated look, helping in Suzuha, who seemed a lot weaker than both of them.

She couldn't even look up, let alone look at Amane. But when she saw my photo or anyone left in the room, she fell on her knees, clawing at the floor and sobbing as he knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder and placed her head on his chest.

She looked up, her eyes screaming at a chance that this wasn't real, small wrinkled around her eyes and blackened spots all over her eyes.

" It was his choice..." He said, adding," His life"

That word hit me hard and so did Suzuha.

" How could you let this happen?! You c-could've stopped h-him....." Her palm flew across his face, everything pausing for a moment.

And that snapped me back to reality.

" C- Ca- Canner kun?" I whipped back my eyelids as is found I was on.......a cloud.

Not reality.

And there she was, with a confused expression on her face, holding back a gasp with her palm.

I succeeded......?

" I'm here. And," I cleared my throat.

I let my emotions get the best of me.

" I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" She ran to me as she hugged me with a slam, pushing me to the ground. She started to laugh and cry tears at the same time.

" H- How did you?" She clinged onto me as I stood up, refusing to let go, hanging onto me as if I'd disappeared if her grip loosened.

She was angelic. Every aspect of her.

" I jumped off Kibō" I said bluntly, a stupid grin on my face, forgetting that what I did might just break others part their limits.

And then, I saw anger in her face for the first time as she looked at me with a look I don't know if I've seen on her; and she drove the back of her palm across my face.

Just like my friend had it done to him by Suzuha Toretsu.....

I stood there, numb to the pain she gave me as I smiled." I said I'd die for you, didn't I?" As the look of anger on her face vanished as tears welled up in her eyes.

She placed both of her hands on my face as she pulled me down and placed her forehead on mine, looking into my eyes, tracing and destroying any traces of guilt and sorrow, pain and anger, hunger and everything else.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, closer than I ever did and tightened the grip.

Ready to never let go.

Never again.......

She let out a low moan, the same one the animal heard, that creeped me out as well as gave me a statement to coil her even more tighter.

She opened her eyes and looked into mine but there was something different.

I didn't see the glow I usually did, when she looks at me. Maybe that's the drawback of being the passed from life?

The smile on her face started to slowly dissipate as she commented," You don't belong here, Chris. You're still alive" But I could see that the expression she made was full of hurt when she said it.

" I don't care. I'm gonna die in a few seconds after all. I don't want a world without you. And as I said, I'd die for you" I grinned.

But she quivered.

Haruka, quivered at that phrase......

She looked at me as she plonked her face on my chest, not facing my eyes.

" Don't say things like that, you idiot." She muttered in a low voice into the muffling of.

" Don't say that." She turned her head, refusing to meet my eyes.

" You'd die for me?"

" Why?"

" I never asked you to, Chris"

" So you'd lose you precious soul just to be with someone who lost theirs!?" She pressed her hands on my face as she stood on her toes for a kiss and I helped her, lifiting her off the ground.

All while thinking about my choices.....

" Did what I thought was in the right?" I asked myself and this time, my consciousness answered nothing.

She just kept her lips on me, as if afraid if she lets go, yet again, as if worried I'd disappear off the world.

And after she took them off, she wavered and wobbled, like drunk from a bottle of wine and fell on me.

" I never said I don't want to die." She announced, to my astonishment.


Her face turned pale, the wound on her neck becoming more vivid as it brought me pain again and again, looping over.

" STOP!" My mind yelled, desperate to not fall into that same wave of chaos and madness.

She winced in pain as her body started to tremble, seemingly in pain but the tone of her voice stressed that she told the truth.

" I just didn't want to leave you this soon...." She blushed, all among the pain." I was afraid you would move on and love someone else. I'm selfish, thinking I could keep you to myself, Chris. But now I know you're not like that."

" You never were..."

" Now I could confidently wait for you to come back to me. Now, listen this carefully at least this time, my stupid boyfriend" She gestured to come closer to her.

The cut on her neck started to open, gushing out blood again, her hands suddenly feeling colder.

" STOP IT!!! PLEASE!!" I clawed at my head, more desperate than ever to not fall into this abyss again.

I couldn't lose her.

not again......

not anymore......

I can't make it out again......

not again.....

" someone. h- hel- p." I called out for my voice, which seemed insignificant in this world. I failed to do what was given to me.

Failed to love Haruka.

Failed to be a good friend.

Failed to be a big brother.

Failed as a son.

Failed as a student.

Failed as a murderer.

Failed, not keeping my promise.

Failed, not giving the love that my family needed.

" Hey." Haruka's voice pulled me in closer as tears came out like a hose, tearing down the courage and all the doubts I had, my vision focusing on just her face.

" Live."

And just as fast, they stopped.

I looked at her, demanding an explaination. She smiled, giving me the slightest hope that I could still save her.

Save myself.

She flinched as she moved her hand behind my neck and pulled me down, again, pressing her lips; crashing against mine as I let myself off this chain of control and swayed against the wind of fate.

I let go of all the feelings I had, determined to listen to her words.

My knees buckled as they crashed against the cloud's surface.

She still held my face in her palms, which were now ice cold.

" b- but, h- how?" My heart asked.

I took my lips off hers and listened.

Listened to the words she said.

The words Haruka had to say.

" How?" The finally asked her.

" Live for me."

To live for her...

Upon hearing that, the world changed in a blinding flash of light as the wounds on her body vanished, proving wrong that they were there in the first place and she closed her eyes as she leaned on the side of my chest as she giggled.

" Your heart is still beating. So promise me you'll live,"

" Won't you?"

Don't give me those eyes.

I nodded, a smile making its way back to my face.

" I promise"

And the entire world exploded in a fall of flowers as I heard her say," Eh? I know you will! I just wanted to hear it so I'll be waiting."


The next few uploads will probably be the last instalments in this book and I'm happy! Happy that this was the best book I made and happy that this is also the first book I officially finished in typing! Rebirth has the sequel done in weirdness and writing.
Anyways, I hope you liked this book! And if you did, make sure to drop a vote!
(*During edit Damn I sound like a desperate youtuber....) -Mythic

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