A Touch Me Not...

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[ Trigger Warning ]

Past - March 16th, moments of sunset.

"I- I Love you, Chris......" Haruka smiled warmly and she slowly leaned in, placing her hands on either side of Chris's face and gradually leaned in, making her lips find a way to his.

The silence felt like a thousand years of bliss.

"You think I don't know? I love you, you dummy" He moved front and placed his mouth on hers and wrapped himself there for a good few moments.

Haruka's heart was beating so fast that she finally let out the feelings she kept cooped up so long. She felt his warm lips and he put his hands on her waist and pulled her ever so close.


She tightened her grip and it was the best hug both of them ever had.

A moment of peace before chaos.

Good things never last long......


A shadow stepped in from the staircase and sighed. Both of them turned in shock of hearing the sound.


"You lovebirds annoy me" The voice was unsure of whether it was brave or scared. He chuckled maniacally.

The sound started to pick up and it turned into laughter. He put his hands on his face which was covered with a hoodie. His eyes were bloodshot and he slowly sneaked out something with his left hand.

A knife polished so smoothly, it reflected the pale light right on their faces. He lifted the tip, supporting it with his index and pointed it at Haruka's face.

"S-she's mine! You h-hear!?" His voice wasn't filled to the brim with pain and sorrow but it also showed intimidation.

"Stand behind me." Chris gestured her to move back and put his hand up, showing no signs of hostility. "I'll calm him down, whoever he is."

Haruka scurried back to his side, but the hooded figure had other ideas. "NO, YOU DON'T!" He trusted the blade so quickly, Chris had barely pushed Haruka out of harm's way.

Chris moved out of its trajectory and pushed his hand away. "Calm down! You may hurt someone!" Chris switched to Japanese to move with the guy's wavelength.

But he just trusted again and Chris's instincts broke in and he intercepted the first official strike to make him bleed a bit faster.

He tried to disarm him but that wasn't enough. The guy sent his knife sideways right into Chris's palm.

He had the reflexes not every human has but he looked like he hesitated between each and every moment.

Chris yelled in pain and to add to it, the rush of blood started to blur his eyesight. "You piece of s-AARRHHH!!" Chris doubled and fell on his knees. The guy simply moved in front of his and kicked his chest, sending his to slam his head on the ground.

Haruka was not too lucky either......

She hit her head, unable to balance herself from Chris's sudden push. She hit her head on the gravel wall and got all foggy. The figure pulled her close and sniffed.........yes, sniffed her hair and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

She didn't know what had happened. She tried to shake him off and tried kicking him backwards but it did nothing more than exhaust her.

She had another idea. She slowly made her way into her jean pocket and pulled out her phone's dialer.

But being aware of the dialer itself, she didn't take it out and tried to push it without seeing the numbers.

She needed to carefully push the correct digits or they were definitely not gonna leave this place unharmed.

"How long. How long have I waited to have you in my arms? For this moment? I wanted to confess to you but I noticed you two getting all lovey dovey.

WHY!?" He shook her which made her dial the wrong digit and she had to go through it all over again.

"COME ON!!!" She yelled to herself but to no avail.

No amount of screaming could get her out without effort.........

The attacker pointed at Chris accusingly,"BUT HE, RUINED THIS!!"

Haruka, now had sent the correct numbers to holler out the cops. She hoped that it sent her location fast and yes it worked, to her joy.

" This is Sasegaya Poilce Department. How shall I be of service?" And to her horror, the sound was loud enough to be heard in this silent floor. Even including Chris's moaning and him trying to regain full consciousness.

" W-w-w-why did you do that?" He sounded like he'd been betrayed. He sounded genuinely shocked.

But it changed the next moment.

A sudden wave of anger flooded over him.

" Y-You D-DARE!??" He slapped her with the back of his hand which sent pain up her skull. She winced in pain and that made Chris get up with all his energy.

" LEAVE. HER. ALONE!!! YOU IMBEC-AAHHHH!!" He groaned as he staggered up.

Haruka had a smile of triumph which immediately to a frown of fear. She felt a sharp pressure on her neck which sent another shiver up her spine.

The guy who had the knife started to shake which pressed it in and out of her neck which started to hurt her very much.

Haruka had to gather all her strength to not be shaken into the path of the side of the blade.

But Chris glued himself to the floor as he stopped pacing forward.

Chris yelled, " NO! STOP! W-W-We can talk this through!" He walked groggily to them slowly, trying his best to continue in Japanese.

He ignored the pain in his arms as he picked up his pace. But reality didn't want him to......

The world started to lose is colour....

His ability activated at that time. The room suddenly started to elongate and his walking slowed down, slower than ever. His breathing slowed down and his pain started to hurt ever so more.

His mind was panicking as he tried to push away this ability for the first time with all his life. But it never wanted to.

It was never in his control. Not the first time, not the second and no way in hell the third time would be the charm.

Chris looked up and locked eyes with Haruka after forcing himself to move.

His pale blue eyes were pleading the guy in the hood to put his knife away and for the time it took him, he looked back at the knife and saw it tearing Haruka's neck.

The skin slowly started to cut off, severing it's bonds with her throat as Chris's heart stopped.

He pushed the curse away with all his life and every single bit of energy he had.

This time, it worked.

The third time was actually the charm.

But it was too late....

Time picked up its pace again as the assaulter shouted," IF I DON'T HAVE HER, N-NO ONE C-CAN!!" Saying these words, he drove the blade back. Chris felt his heart crunch for a moment and stop beating another time.

A stream of blood seeped through the cut on her neck.

Haruka didn't understand. If he wanted her, why go through all this? Why jab a knife in her neck? Why separate her from Chris? All of these question rushed through her mind as she started feeling cold and numb.

Realising what he had done, the man cried out," Y-You'll pay for this!" And ran to the staircase and scurried down, dropping his weapon in panic.

Chris witnessed all this in sheer horror as his feet turned to lead.

His heart to stone.

His mind turned to rock and his soul to obsidian.

Cold and useless........

He was useless to help her. To stop him.........

He stumbled to his feet; All of this had been an illusion he forced himself to believe but part of his maddened mind said it wasn't, adding to this nightmare.

He hit his hand on the hard floor with such force that it sent a roar of pain as to mask the pain beforehand.

Chris stumbled ahead as fast as he humanely could and tripped, falling right next to her.

He picked up Haruka's shaking body with his arms with tears in his eyes. She was shivering and she looked with her hazel eyes in fear.

She felt warm.

She felt cold.

She couldn't move.

She couldn't speak.

The feeling of not being able to do anything scared her.

The fear of not being able to love scared her.

The fear of being immobilized scared her.

She was going to die. She was going to leave.

Leave Chris behind.......

Chris swatted the hair from the wound and put his hands on it, to block any more blood but when he took it out, his hands were tainted red. Blood dripped more by the minute, dying her hair red.

Her voice was quivering. Haruka couldn't feel her legs, even though he cut was on her neck.

She pondered why it was that way.

While on the other side, a loud scream materialised from a floor below as the murder had placed a wing footing and broke his legs, scurrying from the scene of crime.

But Chris didn't hear that for them to keep being separated. He didn't care for that kind of crap.

Chris tried to cover the wound but to no avail. The blood still found its way out.......

He tore off a sleeve off his shirt, pain piercing his veins and he began to wipe the blood off.

" I- do-ont- wan- t- to l-eave -y-y-you" She started to shiver and pleaded with her voice all she could. Chris nodded his head.

" Don't you die! Don't you die on me! Y-You're stronger than some knife, r-right?" His voice was asking for some kind of answer, to keep her in this place. He wanted to reach out to her, desperately.

She lifted her hand slowly an cupped his face and pulled him for another kiss kindness and fear still radiating love, with the last of her energy.

And in the next moment their lips met each other, she went limp.........

" H-Haruka? HARUKA?" He noticed the sudden cease of movement and gently slapped her face.

" Haruka? H-hey, Haruka? HARUKA? HARUKA!!?" Finally comprehending what had happened at the nick of the moment, Chris let out the pain he stored all this time in the form of a scream filled with all the emotions he felt right then and there.








But mostly, the mutilation of his love....

It was responded by another and another and another.

Until it got a response......

The one downstairs realised that he had killed Haruka, or done something worse than anything he had to. Whom he loved.

But Chris was crying and sobbing and his gaze was fixed on her lifeless corpse, on which he pressed his lips again, not caring she was dead as to give her the kiss of departure from heaven and bring her back.

He loosened her top buttons, not caring in the slightest for impressions if someone barged in and cupped his hand over her chest, right over her sternum.

He applied pressure, hopelessly pleading she was just suffocating and that the blood had somehow found a way to her lungs.

He put his mouth over hers and sent a puff of air into her nasal tract and applied pressure again, trying his best to apply CPR.

" Come on!"

" Breathe!" Again.

And again.

And again.

He continued to do so, until all of his breath had run out and he collapsed backwards on the ground, laughing.

The already existing lack of oxygen in this high altitude and the added stress of breathlessness caused his brain to take a more maddening route.

He laughed, he laughed and laughed.

Laughter turning into sobs again, tears streaming down both sides of his face, dampening the ground.

He lost her.....

This time, forever.

He took it upon himself. He caused this. The competition was arranged by him. He brought her here.

The one who killed her was HIM.

Half of him deliberately ignored this but the other half took it point blank.

He shook his head side to side, shaking it off as he saw the wound again, causing him to scream.

He had lost his mind.

The flow of lubricants from his irises abruptly stopped as he got back up onto his feet.

His hands searched for the weapon that caused this.

His ears honed in on the silent sobs he heard from a couple feet below.

He picked up the blade. He had a job to finish.

He had someone to kill.........

Someone to avenge.....


And yeah, the name of the chapter is a nod to the scenario. If you guys can figure how its related, I Uh.... Don't know what to do. I'm not famous of anything. But I'll give you a heart?

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