4. Party

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          THE past week Desma had not talked to Brando once since she was still mad, he recorded his friends do that to Fabio and didn't even try to stop it. Brando had tried to talk to her, but she'll just roll her eyes and walk away. She knew she would have to talk to him and listen to what he has to say so she decided she was gonna go to the Halloween party and pray he's there.

Desma also knew she was being a little petty but she didn't care.

Desma decided to go basic but hot so she was a slutty teacher (you can change what you want to be of course). Desma took a shower, put her costume on, did her makeup, fixed her hair then hopped into her car and drove over there where Chiara was waiting for her. 

Desma took a deep breath before getting out her car and walking over to where Chiara was waiting "Holy shit, I love this black angel thing going on" Desma smiles grabbing Chiara's hand and spinning her around.

Chiara looked at Desma's costume with a shocked look "Slutty teacher, I love it you look so hot" Desma blew a kiss to Chiara then linked their arms and both girls started walking into the party which smelled like weed, alcohol, sweat, and it was very crowed.

Chiara stopped walking out of nowhere looking ahead so Desma looked over where Chiara was looking and there was a guy pouring alcohol into Camilla's mouth not stopping.

"Chiara she's fine st-" Chiara walked over to Camilla ignoring her friend which Desma rolled her eyes and followed Chiara where she pushed the guy away "leave her alone, asshole."

"don't you ever mind your own fucking business?" Camilla yells over the music

"Did you hear, Chiara? Go on, get lost!" The boy says which Chiara looked at him then looked to her right where Niccolò was staring down at her with face paint on. Chiara looked at everyone one more time before walking away Desma following the girl like a lost puppy.

As Desma was walking around with Chiara, Chiara's phone started ringing so she took out her phone to see who was calling her and it was Ludo. Chiara leaned on the brick wall and began talking so Desma left to get drinks. Desma needed to get drunk. Well, she wanted to, she wanted to be buzzed before she talked to Brando if he even was here.

As Desma was pouring her 11th cup of alcohol, she heard a voice speak up from her right "we need to talk" Desma turned to see the one and only Brando... dressed up like a wolf. furry much.

"Okay, then talk" Desma laughed clearly drunk.

"I'm sorry, for recording them doing that to Fabio but if I stopped, they would stop being my friend's" Brando admitted.

"And? them not being your friend is a good thing" Desma chuckles taking a sip out of her cup

"Look, I'm here to apologize, I'm sorry" Brando says actually sounding genuine. Desma smiled at him and nodded and went to pour another cup of alcohol before Brando stopped her "I think you had enough, Des"

"get your fucking hands off of me" Desma yells pulling her arm away from Brando and grabbed the bottle instead and walked away. Brando watched as she walked away getting stares at a bunch of guys since her costume, it made Brando jealous.

he left the party going inside of his car and started hitting the wheel in anger. He was mad at himself for messing up what he and the Vega girl had. He calmed down and took out his phone and looked through the pictures of ludo and Chiara and drove over to the party Furie was hosting knowing Chiara would be there. He parked, put the wolf hat on and went inside the party watching Chiara's every move.

Brando watched as Chiara pulled a grown guy up the stair, so Brando made his way up the stairs following them but also keeping a distance in-between them, so she doesn't see. Once they got into a hallway he took off the mask and watched them go into a bedroom, so he took out his phone and started recording he opened the door reveling Chiara riding the guy. Chiara then looked back hearing the door and saw Brando recording. Her heart stopped.

But while all that was happening Ludo and Desma were sleeping on a couch that was at the party and Fabio took spray paint and started writing on the school.

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