【Magic in Enchanted Reality】

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"The Mega Dump of All Your Magical Needs"

Where Did Magic Come From?

Magic: referred to as enchantment, power, ability.

Magic has always existed in the world. The gods themselves put it out into the world, and allow it to fuse with the physical objects within our reality. It was one of the base elements used to create the first living beings. Those with less magic in their forms were dubbed 'Material Forms' and those with more in their forms were dubbed 'Enchanted Forms'.

The Material Formed beings consisted of humans and animals. These beings couldn't use the rawest form of magic, but they did have their own unique abilities that came from their Souls. These abilities, while not exactly like magic, gave them advantages above those who could use raw magic. They were stronger and far more durable.

The Enchanted Formed beings consisted of monsters, demons, and angels. These beings had the ability to use raw magic, at the risk of being unable to use their Souls' abilities. These creatures had a much longer life span and were able to connect more with the gods that created them, even though they were weaker than their Materially Formed brethren.

As these beings learned to coexist, the gods would flush out any remaining magic in the world. They would carry on adding and flushing away the magic, in order to maintain a stable ecosystem where neither faction could grow more powerful than the other. This created an environment that encouraged those with sentient minds to procreate with one another, creating hybrids that could use both raw magic and their Souls. To this day, many ancestors of those hybrids can be found among the differing populations of humans, monsters, demons, and angels, often being called Enchanters.

In modern times, magic is slowly being flushed away again, in order to rebalance the world once more.

Who is Able To Use Magic?

Anyone is able to use magic, so long as they have had an Enchanted Formed Being or Enchanter in their lineage. Most of the population able to use magic, though, are monsters. These beings have a unique organ in their body, creatively titled the 'Powerhouse Heart.' This organ is usually about the size of a human heart, and sits around a monster's actual heart, using the beating nature of the heart to maintain proper circulation of raw magic throughout the body, like blood. It is why when a monster bleeds, they often bleed something that isn't red. It's the color of whatever their magic might be. Their magic color will always match the color of whatever their Soul might be, as the Soul is what helps these beings collect magic into their bodies.

This magic liquid can then be used by the being, taking a proper shape once it exits the user's body. The magic can range from any kind of element.

Is all magic elemental based though? No, not quite. Some magic types are often categorized as dark or light magic, which really have no proper forms or similarities to elemental related abilities.

Magic users often need to attend years of classes in order to learn how to control and use their abilities. They also start developing signs of what their magic type may end up being between the ages 5-7. Depending on the abilities depends on how long an individual may need to be taught how to use their powers effectively.

As for Soul magic, that's a trait exclusive to Material Formed Beings and Enchanters. In modern times, this kind of magic has died down, but one can still learn to harness it by going to school/being trained on how to use it. It's unlike raw magic, which can be unpredictable and escape out into the world without any meaning, so it's all up to the user to learn how to obtain the skill to use it.

What are the Raw Magic Types?

Raw magic tends to come in the form of the elements, based on each respected god, but can also come in its own unique flavor, which later gets categorized into being 'dark' or 'light' based on what it does to the user. Below are the official names of the magic types, as well as the common name and abilities associated with said magic type.

Now that you have seen the names and abilities of each of these magic types, let's go on to discuss why we have what modern folks refer to as 'combo magic'.

During ancient times, there were really only 4 types of magic, excluding light and dark. These were fire, water, earth, and air magic. Those times, these magic types would only breed with those from their own magical classes. Eventually though, this way of breeding stopped as new magic would be created by intermixing certain pure combinations. These combinations eventually were woven into the genetics of magical beings, creating three new magic types based on the constant genetic combining. Soon, enough of these beings had been made to breed with one another, cementing these new enchantments as their own genetic codes and, soon enough, new gods!

Let's go over the new magics and what was used to create them!

Fire + Earth (or Air) = Electrical
Water + Earth = Nature
Water + Air = Ice

These combo magic can still be created by combining their needed components, and they can also be broken down into their needed components. Say you're someone with ice magic: you can very easily teach yourself how to use just the water aspect of this type of magic. Thus, you've got yourself the capability of doing three types of magic. However, this depends on your Powerhouse Heart's size and the training you've gone though. Someone with Itty Heart Syndrome would never realistically be able to access these counterparts of their magic, at least not to the fullest extent.

There are a ton of disorders that mess with a monsters (or enchanter's) ability to use their magic, but I won't be going over any of those in this document. It will be explored another time.

What about Dark and Light Magic?

Now, onto two of the most misunderstood types of magic. These two magic types are the least understood, as they vary from person to person who inhabit these abilities. Despite their differing names, these two magic types are actually very similar with their behaviors on the user's minds. Of course, they differ with WHAT occurs exactly, but how they react and their abilities are mirror images of one another.

Both of these types are often called 'Living Magic' by researchers. The reason for this is because these two magic types have the unique ability to create 'alters' within a person's body. (Only one alter, not multiple). Not unlike something akin to DID, although this is just the natural ability of these magic types and not formed from mental traumas. Often, these 'alters' look similar to the 'host', but can take the form of other beings. These 'alters' have a mind of their own with their own thoughts. However, unlike a normal living being, they can't 'feel' emotions. They rely on the host for those. They also rely on memories and experiences of the host, and extensive training to 'merge' with the magic being properly, otherwise, it just creates another voice in your head. These 'alters' very RARELY take hold of someone not made of the literal magic, but it can happen.

These traits usually give each type of magic their own stereotype based on those who normally have those abilities. Dark Magic is often seen having ulterior motives, while Light Magic tends to have the best interest of others. However, this isn't always the case. Dark Magic has been shown to help a 'host' overcome anxieties and fears, while Light Magic will use bad actions to achieve a goal the 'host' might deem a good cause, even if it's not a good cause. It really all depends on who the 'host' is, the experiences they have, and the training they go through in order to use these magic types properly.

It's like what people say that have weapons: it's a tool that if put in the wrong hands can and will cause destruction.

Of course, with many things in life, there are exceptions to the rule. If the magic type DOES take control over a host, then that magic type basically becomes a new entity and is fully responsible for its actions. These beings are not related to Sillombres or Luminombres (more about them in a different document), but they share similarities.

What one should gain from this section is that these two magic types, while misunderstood, are very neutral and mainly just rely on the hosts' mindsets.

What about Corruption Magic?

Corruption magic doesn't exist.

At least, not in the same vein as the other raw magic types. This type of magic is reserved for one celestial, Fla'awe, who is currently in exile. They created this type of magic out of spite, anger, and hatred of mortal life. No one known to us HAS this ability. It'd have to have been gifted to the person by the exiled god through a dream or some other form of communication, and with the god being literally gone, there's no possible way to get your hands on this.

This ability is thought to grant a person the ability to 'leave reality'. To explore the 'multiverse' and do whatever they may wish to do in other worlds. However, with no real proof of this magic type existing in our mortal world, we can't exactly confirm or deny this.

Correction: Through some spywork and digging into, it is believed two beings in this world may have the ability. One of which being [redacted], who may have gained it through their creation. The other may have been given it by the sister celestial of Fla'awe, Idyllic, to counteract this other being.

Magic Symbols and the Associated Gods

Each magic type has an associated god who either created the magic, or was created to help regulate it.

Infera - Fire
Aquani - Water
Summerian - Earth
Zephyr - Air
Rabek - Electrical
Hyacynth - Nature
Eve'i - Ice
Sillo - Dark
Lumin - Light
Fla'awe - Corrupted

Difference in Soul's Natural Abilities and Raw Magic?

In short, the main difference is Natural Ability comes only from the Soul and not from environmental factors. Raw Magic comes from the environment, has no real influence from the Soul other than the coloration, and is stored in the Powerhouse Heart.

Only Material Formed beings can use Natural Ability, while Enchanted Formed beings can use Raw Magic. Enchanters can use both. Natural Ability is also usually not as strong or powerful as Raw Magic, especially in modern times as training those abilities have since become rare.

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