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"Lily get up! We will be late for school!" Amy said, shaking Lily.

"What is time?" Lily mumbled.

"It's 7:00. Get up! The school will start on 8:00. Said Amy.

"Oh shit! Why didn't you wake we up earlier?" Said Lily, rushing to get ready.

"I myself woke up fifteen minutes before and I thought you must be up by now! Oh, Lily! I don't to be late on the second day!" Said Amy, impatiently.

"Now shut up and let me get ready!" Said Lily.

They both got ready as soon as possible and took the sandwiches in their hand and ran for the school.

When they reached the school, the ground was almost empty except a few students but the school wasn't started yet.

"Hash! Was are not late. Let's hurry to the classroom. It's algebra first and I want to make a good impression to the teacher and it's my favourite subject too," said Amy, happily as they rushed to the classroom.

When they entered the class, the teacher was not present there though all the students were seated. They managed to sit near each other and luckily, Anne, Jerry and Gilbert were also in the same class. They all greeted each other.

"Why are you late?" Gilbert, who was sitting in front of Amy, asked her.

"Oh! Lily, the sleepyhead woke up late today," said Amy.

"She is lazy indeed," replied Anne, laughing.

And then the teacher came in the class but Amy didn't notice him as she was talking to Gilbert.

"Ahem," the teacher cleared his throat.

"Oh I am sorry madam," said Amy, embarrassed and look in front.

"Come here miss," the teacher said to Amy.

Amy got up, frightened.

"Well you are new here, aren't you?" Said the teacher.

"Yes madam," said Amy.

"So, I'll tell you the rules of my class. First of all no talking. If I catch you talking again in front of me then you will not be allowed to attend my class for the next whole week and since you look so careless, I want all the answers from you today. I hope you can do that.

"Yes ma'am," said Amy.

"Now go back to your seat," cried out the teacher."

Amy quietly went back to her seat, about to cry but she controlled herself as she never cries because of such a small thing but then too, it was the first time that a teacher scolded her. She felt very bad but was determined to show the teacher that she was not like this.

Like the teacher had said, she asked each and every question from Amy and to her horror, Amy answered every one of them correctly. The teacher was definitely impressed but didn't show any sign.

"Wow Amy, you are such a nerd!" Said Olivia after the class.

"Mind your own business Olivia," said Amy and she went away.

"What is her problem?" Asked Anne "why is she so jealous of you?"

"I have no idea what so ever!" Said Amy as they headed towards the next class.

"Hey, Rosewood!" Said Noah as they entered the science class.

"Hey, Noah! How are you?" Asked Amy, blushing.

"I am fine! You can come and sit here," said Noah, pointing towards the seat next to him.

Amy quickly glared at her friends and sat on that seat and all her friends sat around her.

But unfortunately, Olivia was in the same class too and as she saw Amy sitting next to Noah and talking to him, she frowned and sat at the other corner of the room.

This lecture went very well and the teacher was also impressed by Amy.

Soon it was their lunch period and Amy went to take the food tray.

"Hey! Gilbert! Yesterday, when I was going to the witchland, I think Amy saw me going through the door. What if she really has seen me? It will be a great problem" said Lily.

"You should have been more careful."

"I was but I accidentally dropped a vase and she might have seen me going into that corridor. And I also think that Amy....." Lily was cut off by Gilbert.

"Shhh!" Amy is coming, " said Gilbert, shutting Lily.

"So you were talking about me, weren't you?" Said Amy, as she kept her plate on the table.

"Oh, we were just saying how brave you were," said Gilbert.

"Oh don't lie to me! I know it was something else," said Amy.

"No Amy, we were talking about how you shut up Olivia and spoke in front of Algebra teacher."

"Ok then, I'll believe you," said Amy, and they all began to eat their lunch. Soon Anne and Jerry joined them.

They ate while talking and went to the last class which was music, but the teacher was absent.

"So Amy, I know why Olivia hates you," said Jerry.

"Why,?" Asked Amy.

"It's because today, you were talking to Noah and she likes Noah very much."

"What! I don't think so!"

"Well I also think so," said Lily.

"I don't know," said Amy.

And they all argued about whether Noah likes Amy or not and soon, the class was dismissed and they all went home together.

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