7: Things just got serious (Riley)

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Suddenly got an idea for what I could do with Riley >:)

Herobrine and Entity disappeared in a flash of red particles. Bajan stopped running, his axe dropping to his side. I heard my friends all start talking at once around me, but they seemed to be coming from behind a wall of plastic. Their voices bounced back and forth but I couldn't focus on any of them. All I could hear clearly were the words spoken by him.


"My name is Herobrine."

"Nothing happened."

"We fought Entity?"

"No, that's not right."

"I don't know any of you."

"Minecraft to Riley! Hey, you listening?"

Bajan's voice snapped me back into focus. I shook my head, trying to clear it. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled.

Bajan nodded a few times. "Alright. Just... stay with us, okay? We need to figure this out."

I looked at each of my friend's faces. They all looked shaken, and no wonder. I could feel my hands shaking slightly and I clenched them into fists, determined to not let anyone else see it. I felt the orange sun hitting my face, shining in my eyes.

"We should probably get inside," Sub said. We nodded and filed into the two story house we had built. Inside, it was empty, cold and dark. We had no beds and no food, which was pretty stupid now that I thought about it. We sat in a wonky circle on the floor of what was supposed to be our lounge room. I wanted to huddle my knees up to my chest but I stopped myself, instead sitting on the floor cross-legged.

"So..." Sky started, tracing an invisible pattern in the stone floor. "Are we screwed?"

"We're not screwed," Bajan said.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure that the gist of that conversation we had out there was that we're screwed."

"Sky, we are not screwed."

"We're just missing something," Jerome said.

"Missing what?"

Jerome threw his hands in the air. "Well if I knew that we wouldn't be missing it, would we?!"

"Guys, calm down!" Sub ordered. "We need to think this through. The last thing we need now is to fight with each other."

"You're right Sub," Sky sighed.

"Alright, let's try and start this from the beginning," Bajan said. "Herobrine doesn't remember us. At all. He doesn't seem to remember anything that happened while we were with him."

"But he knows Entity," Sky added. "And he doesn't seem to hate Entity either."

"He was confused when we said that we fought Entity," Sub reminded.

"And Entity seemed to be on good terms with him. And.... they're living together."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, Entity said something like 'We'd better go home' right? That would indicate that they're living together," Jerome explained.

"And Entity called Herobrine his friend," Sky added, his voice quieter than normal.

"So something massive has happened since we were gone," Bajan summed up.

"Could Entity have changed Herobrine's memories?" Jerome asked.

"I don't think so," Sky said hesitantly. "Herobrine wouldn't let Entity close enough to do that kinda thing. And if Entity could change memories, why didn't he do it before?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Minecraft was recreated?" I suggested quietly.

"But then why wouldn't Entity's memories also be erased?" Jerome asked. "Why would it just be Herobrine's?"

"It doesn't really matter how his memories are erased," Sub said. "What's important is that he's hanging out with Entity. And Entity is not good news."

"Sub's right," Bajan said. "Entity's bound to hurt Herobrine. We have to save him, even if he doesn't remember us."

"Okay," Sky said. "How?"

"We go to Entity's castle-"

"Which is where?"

"Same place it was before?" Bajan suggested hesitantly.

"Let's be real here," Jerome said. "We have no idea where we are, let alone where Entity's castle is. It might be in the same place but it's probably moved."

"We could follow any tracks Herobrine might have made," Sub suggested. "If he walked here."

"And how do we track people?" Sky asked.

Sub held up his hands in a I have no idea gesture. We sat there in silence, trying to figure out a way to solve our problem as the night descended. Well, I was trying to think, but my brain just wouldn't work. I ended up staring at the floor. Jerome was tinkering with something I couldn't see and all of a sudden, a flash of orange light erupted from his hands.

"Yes! Got it!" he cheered, placing a glowing wooden torch in the centre of the circle. The light hurt my eyes at first, but it became bearable after a minute or so. The torchlight was comforting, but when I looked away from the torch, the darkness only got thicker. I shivered slightly then quickly glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. I wondered what would happen with the mobs. They couldn't get in the house, but what was stopping them from spawning inside the house?

Bajan must have been thinking along the same lines. "It probably isn't a bad idea to set a watch during the night," he said. "One person can stay awake with my axe."

"Don't we have enough materials to make a sword?" Sky asked.

Jerome checked his pockets. "Uh... yup. I'll make one real quick."

"Will we even be able to sleep?" I asked. "We don't have beds."

"Guess we're about to find out."

We each picked a part of the floor and lay down, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I lay awake but still as my friends one by one drifted into sleep. Bajan stood next to the window, looking outside, his axe and a stone sword resting beside him. The torch flickered slightly behind him. I turned and lay next to the window, trying to go to sleep. But sleep took a long time in coming.

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