6: Your castle, my castle? (Herobrine)

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The forest disappeared in a swarm of red particles and when they cleared, I was standing in Entity's castle. My head was spinning, but not from the teleporting. My mind felt like it was trying to access memories that simply weren't there, trying to make a puzzle when I only had a few of the pieces. I felt Entity's hand drop from my arm, reminding me that I wasn't alone. I turned to him.

"What were they talking about?" I asked. "What did they mean? Why were they saying you were evil? What did they mean you tried to kill me? What did they mean when they said I brought them into Minecraft? What training were they talking about? What are pancakes? Why-"

"Woah woah, calm down," Entity said, raising his hand. "I'll explain it to you if you let me talk!" His other hand seemed to have something in it but it disappeared, so I must have imagined it.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to steady my spinning head. Too much had happened too quickly, I couldn't process it. Entity seemed to notice and he half dragged, half led me to what looked like a lounge room. The floor had black carpet and the couches were black as well, with white highlights. He pushed me into one and sat down opposite me in another.

"Okay, here's what happened," Entity started. I sat up straighter, paying attention. "Those guys you met in the forest are our enemies. They've been trying to hurt us for years. Lately, they've been trying to get you in particular. Everything they said was a lie. They were trying to turn you against me so that you would go with them."

"What are their names?"

"I don't know," Entity said.

"What would have happened if I went with them?" I asked softly.

"They would have hurt you. Badly."

I shuddered. "But, that girl. She... she didn't seem to be faking it," I said. "She seemed to be... hurt."

"Stay away from her," Entity warned. "She's the most dangerous of them all." There seemed to be the barest trace of a threat in his voice, or maybe I was imagining it. "Promise me that you'll stay away from them."



I looked at his red eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Okay, I'll stay away from them. I promise."

Entity seemed to relax. "Good." He stood up and went to leave the room.

A question sprung into my mind and I blurted it out before I could stop myself. "Entity, do I have a castle?"

Entity froze. "What?" he asked, turning his head slightly to see me in the corner of his eye.

Words tumbled out of my mouth before I could think about what I was saying. "When I woke up, I remembered a castle. I thought it was your castle but it looked different. There were more towers and it was in a forest, not out on a plain. And the boy with the amulet mentioned my castle. So... I was wondering if I had one."

Entity hesitated and then spoke carefully. "You did have a castle, but they destroyed it. So we decided to live at my castle instead."

I nodded. "So, when I found you, we went to my castle first?"

Entity hesitated again then nodded. Another memory flashed in my mind. I was walking up to a dark brick castle with Entity at my side. He was limping slightly and I helped him walk up the stairs. I heard a distant echo of my voice as I opened the door.

"Welcome to your new home."

Entity left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and lack of memories. I lay back and closed my eyes. Outside, the sun was touching the horizon. I briefly thought of eating something before discarding the idea. I didn't need to eat, so why bother? I would have to eat in a few days, but not now. My mind wandered back to my conversations with the enemy. Out of everything that was said, I kept coming back to one thing. Pancakes. What are pancakes? It felt like I knew what they were, but I just couldn't remember. It's like when there's a word that you know and you're about to say it but the more you try to remember it, the faster it fades away. My stomach growled and I sighed.

"Fine fine, I'll grab something to eat," I grumbled, opening my eyes and getting up.

Thankfully, it didn't take me too long to find the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards to find something to eat but there was only a few bread rolls and an apple. I took the apple and ate it while I walked to my room. I sat down on my bed, finishing the apple and throwing the core out of my window into the dark night. I looked outside. I was about two dozen metres off the ground, so not all that high, but I had a good view of the surrounding land due to the fact that Entity's castle was on a plain. For a second, the scene changed. I was much higher up and I was looking down on the trees far below. Mist curled in between them and the moon cast a surreal light on everything. Then it changed back. I shook my head, confused for a moment before realising that it was a memory. I closed the window and got into my bed. The sheets were crisp and new. My eyes looked at everything. I still felt like something was wrong. I still felt like I wasn't supposed to be here.

Shoving my feelings aside, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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