Prom Night at Hater High

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Nathan was sitting outside of Claudia's door. He had been sitting there all night trying to get Claudia to at least listen to him.

"Claudia, please, come out." Nathan begged as he continued to knock on her door. Claudia came  out the door angrily, she was trying to walk fast with her boot. "Hey." Nathan stated as he stood up.

"Why didn't you tell me about Brooke ever?" Claudia asked turning around to face him. "Really, I mean, did you just wanna like not ruin the surprise of me seeing it on tape in front of our entire class?" Claudia asked angrily and hurt.

"No, I didn't tell you because it happened a long time ago and it didn't mean anything." Nathan replied honestly.

"If it didn't mean anything then why did you put it on tape? And why do, why do you keep the tape?" Claudia asked angrily and then she thought of something. "Oh my god, do you use the tape?" Claudia asked weirded out. Before she turned around and started to walk away. Nathan followed after her.

"No! I forgot I even had it! I didn't tell you because it happened before I met you. I didn't think it would do any good to bring up the past." Nathan explained as they walked into the kitchen.

"You know this is just the worst time for something like this to happen." Claudia whispered coldly as she walked over to the kitchen cupboard.

"Because of prom tonight?" Nathan asked wary as Claudia grabbed the Oreos from the cupboard.

"Not because of prom, because I'm pregnant and I'm hormonal, and now that you mention it, I do have to go help decorate because I promised Brooke!" Claudia exclaimed angry before she started to eat the Oreos. 

"Claudia, I'm really sorry." Nathan apologised sincerely. 

"Yeah." Claudia replied back harshly as Deb arrived home and walked up into the kitchen. "Welcome home Mrs Scott!" Claudia exclaimed moody before she went back to munching into the Oreos as she walked past Deb.


Brooke walked into the prom and looked around. She hid behind some balloons as she walked through the decoration committee. However, the boy with the balloons walked to fast and Brooke ended up right in front of an angry Claudia. Claudia had her arms folded over.

"Sorry I'm late." Brooke apologised awkwardly.

"That's what you're apologising for?" Claudia asked pissed off before she started to walk away.

"Well i'm sorry about the other thing too, but..." Brooke began to explained as she walked behind Claudia.

"Were you gonna tell me about you and Nathan ever?" Claudia asked interrupting Brooke as she turned to face her.

"Honestly no." Brooke admitted and Claudia stopped where she was. Brooke turned around to face her. "Claudia we didn't know each other back then and when am I supposed to bring something like that, at a basketball game? R.A.V.E.N.S. Ps I slept with your husband once a long time ago?" Brooke asked and Claudia knew she was kind of right, but she couldn't show it.

"I guess." Claudia shouted back.

"You really shouldn't be upset. Nathan used to hook up with everyone!" Bevin exclaimed happily before she walked away.

"Thanks Bevin." Claudia stated sarcastically before she walked away from Brooke. 


Nathan walked down the stairs into the living room to see a very, very angry Claudia sifting through all of his video tapes. 

"Hey. I just went to school to find you and Bevin says you left." Nathan said as he watched a crying Claudia look through all the tapes.

"Well Bevin doesn't know when to shut up!" Claudia shouted back angrily.

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked confused.

"These are all the tapes that I can find, cause the thought of you brooking yourself to yourself and Brooke really makes me sick." Claudia shouted back tearfully as she held onto tapes in her hands. 

"Baby, there are not anymore tapes." Nathan replied honestly.

"Really, because Bevin says that you've been with a lot of girls, so I'm thinking you probably put yourself on tape with at least one or two of them." Claudia explained back angrily and Nathan crouched down in front of her, the pile of tapes was between them.

"Hey, Bevin doesn't know when to shut up." Nathan replied and Claudia began to cry. She then had an idea so she wiped away her tears and looked at Nathan.

"Okay, okay, you know, you know what I want? Here's what I want. I want a list of every girl that you've ever been with. So there won't be anymore surprises." Claudia asked before she went back to looking through the tapes.

"You want me to write a list of every single girl I've eve..?" Nathan began to asked trying his best not to laugh in disbelief, but he stopped once he saw Claudia's angry face.

"No, no I guess not every single girl you can cross Peyton, Brooke and Taylor off of that list!" Claudia shouted back angrily.

"Look you really think that's a good idea?" Nathan asked honestly.

"Yeah and you know what, here! I'll make it easy for you!" Claudia shouted as she threw the phone book. "Take the phone book, and just cross off the name of every girl you haven't been with, Hugh Heffner!" Claudia shouted coldly.

"I don't wanna do this." Nathan replied angrily standing up.

"Why? I can give you mine. You!" Claudia replied back trying to hold in the tears, Nathan looked at her sympathetically. He felt awful about what he had done. "See? That wasn't so hard!" Claudia cried as she went back to the tapes. Nathan walked away from her and Claudia watched him upset before she threw the tapes onto the pile angrily.


Nathan walked into the kitchen to see Claudia eating cereal. He stood at the edge of the counter.

"I'll write the list." Nathan stated and Claudia began to cry. "Oh, no, no, I thought that's what you wanted." Nathan added comfortingly trying to stop his wife crying.

"No, no, thats' not what I wanted. I wanted you not to be able to write a list." Claudia explained and Nathan sighed confused.  "How am I supposed to compete with all the girls that you've been with?" Claudia asked upset.

"You don't have to compete with all the girls." Nathan replied honestly and Claudia gaped at him.

"All the girls? Jesus Christ Fabio. How many girls have you slept with?" Claudia asked harshly.

"I don't know, I never thought about it." Nathan stuttered awkwardly.

"Honey, that is why I asked you to write the list in the first place, so please just do what I'm asking you to!" Claudia shouted confusingly before she walked out of the kitchen. Nathan shook his head confused. 


Lucas walked into the Scott family's kitchen, alongside Haley, they saw an upset Claudia walking up the stairs into the kitchen as well.

"Ouhh, you're gonna get revenge?" Lucas asked jokingly and Claudia smiled weakly as she looked down at the video camera

"No, I was just cleaning up around here, this place seems dirtier somehow." Claudia replied weakly as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Ahhh, remember when we thought how cooler it would be to hang out with the popular kids?" Lucas asked and Haley laughed.

"I don't think I ever said that mister Lucas Sawyer." Haley teased and Claudia turned around and pointed at her.

"Somebody wrote that on my notebook!" Lucas defended and both girls laughed.

"Ohh ok. How's Peyton?" Claudia asked smiling at him.

"Not well. I don't get it you know, it's been two years, she's acting like it just happened!" Lucas explained getting angry about it.

"Luke, she just found out about it for her it did just happen." Haley replied and Claudia nodded her head in agreement.

"Still, she shouldn't be this upset." Lucas added.

"Luke, it sucks to be betrayed by somebody that you love, but then to find out in front of everybody is really humiliating." Claudia replied back angrily.

"You need to be nice to her." Haley added as Claudia walked over to the sink.

"Wow! Who says I'm not being nice?" Lucas asked loudly.

"Well, however nice you're being, it's not enough." Haley answered.

"You've got to let her know that you're there for her and that you're nothing like her ex-boyfriend." Claudia sighed as she leaned on the sink.

"Noted. But for the record, Nathan's nothing like your ex-boyfriend either." Lucas replied honestly and Claudia knew that he was right. 

"Noted." Claudia stated as she nodded her head.


"Here's the list." Nathan sighed as he walked into the living room and handed it to Claudia who was sitting on the arm chair. "But it's not the list of every girl I've ever been with." Nathan added.

"What is it?" Claudia asked confused.

"It's the list of every girl I've ever been in love with, and your name is the only one that's on it, it's the only one that matters." Nathan explained and Claudia got annoyed.

"Nathan." Claudia began to say but Nathan interrupted her.

"The other list would have just been garbage okay, of a person that I'm not proud of." Nathan replied and Claudia was smiling on the inside.

"It's really sweet, but..." Claudia smiled, and then she began to ask Nathan for the other list but he cut in.

"But, you want the other list." Nathan whispered upset as he handed her the other list.  "Thought you might." Nathan muttered coldly before he walked away. Claudia looked at both lists torn, she didn't know what to do. 


"Claudia? Hi." Deb smiled as she saw Claudia look at the list torn. She was in the same position as before.

"Hi." Claudia smiled.

"I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to move in. It means a lot to me." Deb replied honestly.

"Don't worry about it Deb, you're family. Despite our past differences I wouldn't leave you to suffer through this alone." Claudia explained as she sat up and placed the list on the coffee table in front of her.

"I also wanted to tell you that, whatever stupid thing Nathan might have done, I'm possibly to blame for it." Deb replied as she walked down the stairs, closer to Claudia.

"Trust me this one is all Nathan." Claudia stated as she adjusted herself on the couch.

"His only one models growing up were a spineless alcoholic mother, and a controlling sociopathic father." Deb explained.

"That doesn't excuse everything that he does though." Claudia replied.

"No! Of course not." Deb stated. "But he's become a wonderful man, and it's all because of you. And I wanna thank you for that and ask you to forgive his short comings. Whatever grants he has, he learnt from you. Maybe you could return it." Deb explained leaving Claudia torn. "Have fun tonight." Deb smiled before she began to walk off.

"Deb, I feel like I should tell you something? Unless Nathan has." Claudia called after her and Deb turned around to face her. "We are having twins. A girl and a boy." Claudia smiled and Deb looked tearful.

"Aw Claudia I am so happy for you. Congratulations." Deb smiled before she walked up to Claudia and hugged her.

"Thank you Deb." Claudia replied back as they pulled out of the hug.

"Someday those kids are going to ask about your prom day. You wouldn't want to tell them that you never went, now would you?" Deb asked before she walked away from Claudia. Claudia sat there torn.


(Dress, Hair and Makeup)

"I am coming out, so hide the weapons." Claudia teased as she walked into the living room. 

"Thank God." He whispered to himself as he stood up. "You look amazing." Nathan complimented and Claudia smiled back.

"Thanks. Notice anything different?" Claudia asked as she walked down the stairs in the living room.

"You're smiling." Nathan answered grinning and Claudia laughed slightly.

"Anything... else?" Claudia asked as she lifted up her dress and lifted her vacant boot leg up. 

"You're boot's off." Nathan smiled as he looked down at her leg."Claudia that's great, you can walk on it?" Nathan asked and Claudia nodded her head.

"Yep, even better I'm gonna dance on it." Claudia grinned as she stood opposite him. "I was gonna tell you last night, but your surprise kinda topped mine." Claudia explained.

"Sorry... again." Nathan replied feeling terrible.

"I know." Claudia sighed.

"And the list?" Nathan asked wary.

"The list..." Claudia replied, she then thought for a moment. "I just read the one written by the man I fell in love with, I didn't need the one written by the other boy." Claudia explained and Nathan couldn't believe it. He walked closer to her grinning.

"You know how much I love you?" Nathan asked rhetorically and Claudia gave him her wrist.

"You better." Claudia smiled mousy as Nathan placed the corsage on her wrist. Once he had done that Claudia wrapped her arms around his neck. They began to kiss.

"We're gonna be late for prom." Nathan whispered as he pulled out of the kiss.

"Have you met me? I am always late to school dances." Claudia joked before she went back to kissing Nathan.


Deb was waiting at the door as Claudia and Nathan walked up to her all ready for Prom. Deb couldn't believe it, she was just so overwhelmed. 

"Oh you two look so cute. Wait there while I get the video camera!" Deb exclaimed as she ran to find the video camera.

"Sorry. Are you okay with this?" Nathan asked awkwardly as he looked at Claudia. 

"I so broke that camera." Claudia laughed seriously. "Also I am just glad my mum isn't here because she would of embarrassed me so much." Claudia added and Nathan started to laugh as he answered so the door. "Oh dear lord." Claudia whispered as her mum showed up at the door with a camera. She leaned closer to Nathan. "We will never get to prom." Claudia joked and Nathan laughed as they looked at an eager Josie.

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