You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love

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Nathan was driving him and Claudia to Prom, she turned to face him smiling.

"Twenty Three." She smiled and Nathan took his eyes off of the road for a brief moment to look down at her. He raised an eyebrow confused. "It's the name of my album." Claudia added and Nathan grinned at her happily.

"You did it. You named it, but why Twenty Three?" Nathan asked confused.

"Well your number is twenty three and our boy and girl are going to be born on the twenty third of June. It's perfect. Even though they might come early because they are twins." Claudia explained. "Plus I have it tattooed on my ass." Claudia joked and Nathan laughed.

"I love it." Nathan replied honestly and Claudia sighed happily.

"More than you love me?" Claudia asked grinning. Nathan shook his head.

"That's not humanly possible." Nathan answered and Claudia held onto one of his cheeks with her palm.

"Good answer." She replied before she kissed him on the cheek.

"So, when you took your boot off, was it all ... ?" Nathan began to ask, changing the subject and Claudia laughed.

"Ohhh, it was like Teen Wolf. Seriously I got to use three razor blades." Claudia interrupted laughing.

"Nice. I'm proud of you Claudia. My girl went strong to be rehap by prom." Nathan replied.

"Yeah. Well at least everything will be perfect tonight." Claudia grinned just before the car broke down.

"Ohhh we gotta stop saying that!" Nathan groaned and Claudia just looked at him trying to hold in her laughter.


They were standing outside of the car, Nathan was trying to figure out what was going on. While Claudia stood behind him clutching onto Nathan's jacket which was around her shoulders.

"I think, I think the thingy snapped. Maybe it's the, the thingamajig." Nathan stated as he walked away from the car. He had no idea.

"Wow, you could be a mechanic." Claudia joked sarcastically and Nathan just rolled his eyes. "Can I please call Lucas now?" Claudia asked holding up her phone.  

"Yeah." Nathan sighed in defeat but Claudia realised she had no signal.

"Ugh, I have no signal." Claudia groaned as she switched her phone off.

"Oh great!" Nathan groaned sarcastically. "Well, there's a convenient store about a mile up ahead, I'll just walk there and call for a ride I guess, you can stay." Nathan explained and Claudia laughed as she shook her head.

"Yeah, right. I am coming with you. A pregnant girl in a prom dress with a broken down car is how urban legends get started." Claudia explained and Nathan pointed to her leg.

"What about your leg?" Nathan asked and Claudia started to walk.

"It'll be a good test come on!" Claudia shouted as she started to walk. Nathan ran up to her and they linked arms as they walked.


"Thanks for picking us up mom, Josie." Nathan said from the back of the car.

"Mum why are you with Deb, again?" Claudia asked confused as she sat in the back of the car with Nathan.

"Well, when you left quickly Deb and I got to chatting. Turns out I was wrong about Deb." Josie explained as she looked through the front view mirror.

"And I was wrong about Josie." Deb added.

"Well I am happy for you two, I think. Thanks again." Claudia stated, a little confused.

"Just think I couldn't have done this a month ago, maybe, I just would have spent a lot more time on the sidewalk!" Deb laughed and Josie joined in. Nathan and Claudia looked at each other gaping.

"Oh, pretend we are not here." Josie exclaimed, however, her and Deb weren't speaking. They were listening in to their conversation.

"Sorry. This isn't exactly how I wanted to start our romantic prom night." Nathan apologised but Claudia shook her head.

"It's ok, you know after everything we've been through in the past year, our mums taking us to prom feels pretty good." Claudia explained.

"Kinda like we're kids again?" Nathan asked and Claudia nodded her head.

"Yeah. You know maybe tonight we don't have to be married and pregnant, we can just be teenagers." Claudia suggested.

"Well in that case, what's you curfew?" Nathan asked and Claudia smiled up at him. 


"Hey, good news. Nobody's using the DW not I car tonight so it's all ours." Nathan smiled as Claudia had her legs across Nathan.

"Sweet!" Claudia grinned.

"You're ready to dance?" Nathan asked as Claudia took her legs off of Nathan.

"Definitely." Claudia smiled before she fell back down on the chair. "Definitely not! I think I failed the test." Claudia laughed.

"Ok. Sit down. It's alright." Nathan replied honestly as he helped her sit down.

"No, it's not ok. Aren't you the guy that always said at some point you just gotta deal with the pain?" Claudia asked upset, she really wanted to dance with him.

"Yeah, well, I'm an idiot. I'm gonna get you some punch ok?" Nathan asked and Claudia nodded her head. Nathan came back with some punch. "Here." Nathan smiled and Claudia took it from him.

"Thank you." Claudia smiled as she drank some of the punch. "Ouhh honey, that ain't punch!" Claudia grinned as she placed it on the table, a drunk student walked up to them. 

"Noooot bad huh? Yeah... They took my flask when I came in, then I went to plan B, so it's all alcohol." The student slurred drunk and Nathan held onto his collar angrily.

"You spiked the punch?" Nathan asked furious.

"Dude, it's prom!" He exclaimed, he was a drunk mess.

"My wife is pregnant, you idiot!" Nathan shouted angry, he looked like he was away to kill the student.

"Dude, it's prom!" The student shouted, which pissed off Nathan more.

"Dude, It's prom." Claudia joked and Nathan let go of the drunk student, he sat down beside Claudia. 


"Hey Claudia." Lauryn smiled as she stood in front of Claudia and Nathan. 

"Hey Lauryn, I didn't expect to see you again." Claudia laughed as she kicked out a chair for Lauryn.

"I wanted to know if the offer still applied?" Lauryn asked as she sat down on the chair. Nathan was just confused.

"Offer?" Nathan asked and Claudia turned to face him.

"I asked Lauryn to sing a song with me on my album." Claudia explained before she turned to face Lauryn. "Are you in?" Claudia asked grinning. Lauryn nodded her head.

"I would love too." Lauryn added and Claudia hugged her. 

"When can you start?" Claudia asked in shock.

"Anytime." Lauryn replied and Claudia nodded her head.

"You know where Nathan lives right?" Claudia asked wary and Lauryn nodded her head.

"It's party central, who doesn't know." Lauryn replied as she stood up.

"Okay well come round tomorrow. Whenever." Claudia stated and Lauryn nodded her head.

"Okay, bye." Lauryn smiled before she walked over to her boyfriend. Claudia turned to face Nathan.

"Now I just need to record this song and then it's done." Claudia grinned before she hugged Nathan happily.

"I am so proud of my girl." He replied as they pulled out of the hug, Claudia kissed him smiling.


Nathan and Claudia were still sitting at the table together, Claudia had her legs sprawled over Nathan.

"This is the weirdest prom ever, no Peyton, no Brooke, no Lucas, no Mouth..." Claudia began to list as she look around but Nathan interrupted.

"No Rachel." Nathan added.

"Who am I kidding? This is the best prom ever!" Claudia exclaimed smiling. 

"At least Haley and Jack are enjoying it." Nathan replied as they saw Haley and Jack slow dancing together.

"They are going to Stanford together." Claudia smiled as she watched them. Nathan raised an eyebrow as he looked at Claudia. "It has always been Haley's dream and she got in. Jack is going with her, he got into some music program for composing." Claudia explained, she said it in an upset tone because she couldn't think about being away from them.

"Are you going to miss them?" Nathan asked and Claudia nodded her head.

"Like crazy, but Duke is where I want to be. I promise." Claudia said reassuringly. "Plus I kind of want to show up at all the Duke games with our two kids and be like a soccer wife but a basketball one." Claudia joked as she grinned. Nathan laughed as Principal Turner walked up to them.

"Nathan, I need you to drive a student home." Principal Turner ordered.

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked confused.

"You have the DW not I car don't you?" Principal Turner asked and Nathan sighed.

"Yeah. I guess I do, who is it?" Nathan asked and Principal Turner pointed to the Student who had spiked the punch. Nathan groaned as Claudia smiled over at Nathan.

"Let's go hotshot." Claudia smiled as she patted his leg before she took her legs off of him.


"So, I heard about you and Brooke Davis. Hi 5! I guess that means you guys have like, an open marriage. That is so great!" The drunk student slurred as he sat in the back of the car. Nathan braked the car angrily. Claudia looked down awkwardly.

"Out!" Nathan ordered furious.

"What? But my house is like a mile..." The drunk student started to say but Nathan cut him off.

"Out." Nathan ordered again more stern.

"That's cool. I'll see you at school." The student smirked before he got out of the car. Nathan drove away as Claudia laughed.

"You still wanna be a teenager?" Nathan asked jokingly.

"Oh my gosh! You know, I used to dream about how wonderful senior prom would be, the last great party with all our friends before we graduate. This night? This is nothing like I predicted." Claudia explained nodding his head. "I mean I thought I would be going with Lucas and Haley not with my husband." Claudia laughed, Nathan raised an eyebrow at her. "Come on, you did not think you would be going with me." Claudia stated and Nathan shrugged.

"I did have a crush on you, sophomore year." Nathan replied and Claudia shook her head blushing.

"Well let's agree that I never predicted this." Claudia smiled.

"Yeah, well you gotta be careful about your predictions." Nathan replied and Claudia realised that they were going the wrong way.

"Baby, the school's back there, where are we going?" Claudia asked turning around in the car.

"It's a surprise." Nathan smirked and Claudia smiled to herself.

"Okay." She nodded as they continued to drive.


"What are we doing here?" Claudia asked as her and Nathan walked up onto the roof of Karen's Cafe. Nathan walked over to the brick that concealed the predictions.

"Do you remember the last time I went up here?" Nathan asked and Claudia nodded her head.

"Yeah I do, it was the night of our date and to this day I still don't know if you liked it or not." Claudia replied smiling.

"Well, you showed me the predictions that you and Lucas make every year on the first day of school. And I made a prediction on my own that night, you remember?" Nathan explained as he handed the prediction list to Claudia. "Here it is." Nathan added and Claudia opened it up.

"Claudia and I will be together again by graduation." Claudia read out in disbelief. "Did you really believe that? I mean I really hurt you and to be honest I didn't think that we would every be together again." Claudia asked still looking at the prediction in shock.

"I was in a pretty dark place back then but, I never stopped believing in us." Nathan replied as Claudia took her head out of the list.

"Kind of wish you told me that, because I embarrassed myself. A lot and I mean a lot. I went in a cat suit because I was desperate. I must add that you did look hot in your time capsule, like wow. But seriously did you actually think that it would of worked, because from what I can remember you-" Claudia rambled on endless before Nathan finally stopped her.

"My prediction came true Claudia! As far as I'm concerned, that makes this a great night." Nathan grinned smiling down at his wife. "So, you think your leg's ready for a dance?" Nathan asked and Claudia looked down at her leg.

"My leg isn't the biggest fan of me tonight so it has decided to be stiff. Sorry." Claudia replied smiling up at Nathan.

"I can help with that." Nathan smirked before he lifted her up bridal style.

"Ohhh, it's my lucky night!" Claudia grinned as Nathan spun around as he held onto Claudia. It was a perfect prom.

"I did by the way." Nathan stated and Claudia looked at him confused. "I loved the date we went on, I was upset when we ended the date." Nathan added and Claudia shook her head laughing before she kissed him.

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