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Real feelings don't just fade away

I snuggled in to Taehyung arms feeling secure and warmer. His scent was different. He smelled like mix of wood and rose. He must have used the perfume. Whatever it is I felt more calm and safe. He tried to move away but I held him tighter not wanting to let him go. I heard him groan and call my name. I opened my eyes instantly. This voice does not belong to Taehyung. I peeked through my hair and saw Namjoon face.

He looked like he was in pain. I frowned not understanding why. I was about to ask him but I felt something hard poking my thigh. I instantly got up realizing the problem. In the process I touched him making him groan loudly. My face was completely red with embarrassment. "I am sorry" I don't know why I apologized but I just wanted to say sorry. "I am fine" his voice came strained and I can see he is struggling not to lose himself.

"Where am I?" I tried to change the topic feeling awkward. "This is my room" I looked around his room. I never got the chance to look at his room. Last time I came in to his room was when we were nine. When Jiyong visited our pack, he showed them his room. That's the last time I saw his room. His room is completely dark. The walls were coloured in grey and black colour. Some of his favourite robot toys were placed in the shelves.

"Why am I here?" I looked at him. "I found you in the cemetery yesterday. you were unconscious" I remember fainting in the cemetery last night. "First I was about to take you to  your room but I thought you wouldn't like others to freak out so I just brought you to my room" he explained nervously afraid of my reaction. "I wasn't going to sleep in the same bed but you were whimpering in the sleep. You pulled me when I tried to wake you up" I must have had the nightmare again.

"Thanks for everything" he looked at me surprised that I am not mad. "I am sorry for troubling you. I will leave now" I bowed to him slightly thanking him. He stood there dumbfounded as I took my phone from the table leaving his room. I checked the phone and saw missed calls from almost everyone. I am going to be in trouble when I meet them. I sneaked in to my room. Room was empty which means Taehyung might have left for training.

I took a shower and changed in to tank top and track pants. I went to backyard where usually training happens. I saw all of them warming up. I sighed in relief realizing I didn't miss the session. "Where were you?" Taehyung asked little angrily when he saw me. "I will explain later" he must have sensed the difficulty in my tone cause he nodded his head dismissing the matter. "Since everyone is here let's start the training session" he yelled making everyone stop their routine.

"I want all the ones less than fifteen age here" Suga oppa said making them move. "All the boys will be trained by Dylan and Jason. Girls will be trained by Chayeon and Andrew" they moved toward the group up on hearing Suga oppa. "Others will be trained by me and Jimin" I went to side stood beside Taehyung watching others. "What about us?" Jungkook asked him referring to warriors of their pack who were separated by Taehyung before I came.

"You will be trained by Y/n" oppa said making them shocked. "Y/n will train us?" I looked at Namjoon who stood there confused. I don't blame them, I mean I was a weakling when I was in this pack. So, it would be hard for them to believe. "Do you have any problem with that?" Taehyung asked him in alpha tone making him angry. It is not nice to disrespect an alpha even if it is an alpha. Though Namjoon agreed to give complete command when we are training, he don't like when he is treated with any less respect.

"Well, we don't think she can teach us. I mean I can beat her too so how can she train them" one of their members said making some more to agree with him. "Who is your best warrior?" I asked them. "It is our beta" they pointed at Jungkook who stood there wide eyed. "fine then, I will have a fight with him. If I win you have to listen to us till we leave without any further comments" I said and waited to see if anyone has any problem.

"Fine with us" same guy said. I moved front and stretching my body lightly. "Y/n, he can hurt you. stop this" Namjoon grabbed my hand stopping me. "Don't go hard on him" Taehyung said making me smirk. Namjoon loosened his grip after hearing Taehyung comment. I signalled Jungkook to come forward. He looked at Namjoon who nodded his head agreeing. They moved aside creating enough space for us to fight.

"I bet y/n will finish this in two minutes" Jimin announced placing ten dollars on the rock. "She will take her time this time" Taehyung commented making me grin. They placed their bets making shadow pack annoyed. "I don't want to hurt you again y/n" Jungkook whispered slowly. "Trust me. you won't be able to" I told him knowing I will beat his ass today. For all the things he has done I will beat him today. He sighed taking the defence position.

I avoided his first punch. He attempted to punch me again but I dodged him. He tried to kick me in the stomach not giving me time. But I am quicker than him and stopped him before he could attack me. He tried to headbutt me but I twisted him moving to other side.

He fell down and everyone stood freeze when he fell. I turned around and ran towards him. He was expecting me to headbutt him but I kicked him following by round kick. He stumbled back but caught himself up before he could fall again. He raised his arm to hit me but I twisted his hand hitting hit chest. Then I pressed his nerve in the neck making him lose control and fall. He didn't get up this time.

"That's my girl" Suga oppa yelled making us shocked. We all gawked at him and he smiled rubbing his neck awkwardly. I burst in to laugh when I saw him being shy making others laugh too. This is the first time I have seen him shy or heard this loud to be honest. I looked at Jungkook when I heard him groan. "Are you ok?" I asked him crouching down beside him. "I have been better" I offered my hand to him. I pulled him up when he took my hand.

"Is there anyone who still have any objection?" Taehyung asked looking at all of them. They were all looking at us with shock and amazement. I smiled knowing no one will object anymore. "I can't believe I lost to you" Jungkook said making me mad at him for looking down on me. I was about to tell him off but he spoke again. "I deserve it anyway" he ruffled his hair lightly. Everyone got back to training and I waited with Jungkook until he recovers from the fight. "I wanted to apologize to you for everything I have done. It's just I realized it when you left. I can't explain how sorry I am"

"Does it hit you when you met Chayeon?" he looked at me wide eyed. I chuckled at his expression. I know they are mates. I have never seen her this quiet. When I mentioned the challenge with Jungkook few minutes back I saw fear in her eyes. She cares for him and the only reason can be them being mates considering her opinion on him.

"You are mates, right?" he frowned at my question. "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes at his answer. "Are you gonna hide it from everyone like Namjoon?" I asked him with hint of anger in my tone. "No" he shook his head vigorously. "She didn't talk to me at all. I thought she was shy at first but now I think she doesn't want me as her mate" I felt sad for Jungkook seeing how hurt he sounded. "She always leaves when I come in to the room. She didn't even talk to me for once since you guys came"

"I will talk to her" I told him trying to cheer him up. I need to check what made her like this. Even though she never says loud I know she is waiting for her mate. She wouldn't give up on him without trying. "Let's get your training start. You need to improve a lot" I said making him huff in annoyance. Let me tell you one thing he doesn't like to lose. That's the one thing I like about Jungkook. I looked around and saw everyone already started their training. Taehyung was helping the warriors whom I am supposed to train. He must have seen me talking with Jungkook.

"You forgave me, right?" Jungkook asked me when I was about to leave. I turned to look at him. "It's not that easy Jungkook" he nodded his head defeated. I want to say I forgave him but then I would be lying. Even though I am being nice to him, I can't forget the days I had been through because of him. "But I think beating your ass made me forgive you a little" I said showing tiny amount with my hand.

"Then I will let you beat me again" he said showing his cute bunny smile which made me smile too. We made our way to where Taehyung was training others. "Jungkook, do the basic warm up with them" Taehyung told him pointing to others. He joined them right away and I started doing some stretches too. I looked around and saw Namjoon looking at me annoyed. He looked away when he felt my gaze.

What happened to Namjoon? I asked Taehyung through mind link.

He looked at him then shrugged his shoulders. I decided to ignore him for now. I have to be in right form when I am training others. This is what I came for so it would be better if I just stick to my job. "Let's run for ten laps before we start the training" I told them before running off in to woods. They prepared part of the woods for training purpose. I remember I used to watch them train from the woods every day.

Fate is a funny thing. They didn't even let me join them in training when I was in this pack but now, they are taking the training from me. "Too slow y/n, still can't beat me huh" I snapped out of my thoughts when Jimin ran past me. I speed up wanting to cross Jimin which I did eventually. "Take that loser" I yelled laughing which made him groan and run fast.

We were out of breath when we finished training. I went to kitchen once we are done. I took out the water bottle from the fridge and took huge gulps. "Y/n, we need to talk" I closed the bottle and placed it back in fridge. "You can't come late and waste your time when we are training" I kept silent knowing Taehyung is right. "We can't afford to lose time before the attack" he is right. We came to train them. If we fail this time, we might not get the chance again and also, we made an oath to save people from the rogues.

"I am sorry alpha, I will keep it in mind" even though he is my friend when it comes to business, I address him as alpha and respect his decision. "Now, will you tell me where were you yesterday?" I groaned remembering all the events. "Do I have to?" he glared at me making me sigh. "Well how about we fresh up first" I asked him seeing how sweaty we were. He nodded his head and took my hand dragging me to our room.

"Now tell me" we both had shower and changed in to some decent clothes. It took longer since we have only one bathroom. Taehyung waited in Jimin room till I got ready. "Well I went to visit dad yesterday" I told him everything expect the morning incident with Namjoon. He listened patiently not saying anything. He didn't say anything even after I finished telling him. Sometimes Taehyung scares me when he gets all serious. This is one of those times.

"You didn't have nightmare?" I thought about it but I can't remember. "He did tell me I whimpered a lot in sleep but I don't remember anything like that" I told him even though I was confused why he asked me that. "Your wolf is at ease when you are with your mate. Your mate bond helped you to sleep better. This is the first time you had slept without a nightmare" I didn't like it. I don't like the fact he had this effect on me. I didn't like how he can control me even after everything.

"I am fine without him Tae" he sighed shifting closer to me. "I am not saying you need him. But we can't deny the fact you have a special bond. It is helping you and your wolf" I don't know what he wants me to do with this information. "What was he doing there anyway?" I tried to think back if I had seen him but I don't think so. "Probably visiting someone" a lot has changed in two years. I can't guess anything about him now. "Well, let's just forget what I said" he said getting up from the bed. "I am starving. Let's go and eat something" I got up from the bed following him outside.

I walked behind Taehyung to the kitchen. I don't think breakfast is still there. Everyone must have finished eating. I guess I have to cook for us since Taehyung is hopeless when it came to cooking. I bumped in to Taehyung when he stopped walking. I looked at him confused and turned to see what made him stop. "what the hell happened here?" My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.


Hey guys... I am back with new chapter as I promised. I am not feeling well today. I have to go to work and I have to study too. Too many things to do ugh...

Anyway how is your day so far? 

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