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It's not that I don't love you. it's that I realized you never loved me.

"I need all the records of the recent rogue attacks. We have to check their attack patterns before we come with any plan" Taehyung said making us agree with him. It's the next day morning we are all sitting in Namjoon office room discussing the attack that happened. We decided to start the training from tomorrow since everyone partied last night very hard. We thought they could enjoy their day peacefully.

Since we don't have to train them, we thought we could check the attack. Its nine in the morning and we have been discussing about the details from the last two hours. Jungkook and Hoseok joined us along with Namjoon and his father and some of the officials in his pack. Hosoek is now the pack doctor and he is helping us with the reports of pack members who died in the attack. "I will ask someone to prepare all the reports by evening" Namjoon answered giving instructions to Jungkook.

"You should increase the security on the south border" this is the border connected to neutral space. It doesn't belong to any pack. We used to go for run and train in these woods when we were rogues. "I don't think that is necessary. It is completely disserted and no one lives in that woods" I shifted in my seat nervously when I felt Namjoon gaze on me. It is getting harder for me to keep my emotions at bay when I am near him. but I have to act professional with him when it comes to the pack business.

"It is perfect place for the rogues to stay hidden and attack from since no one enters this place" Yoongi oppa reasoned without giving out the fact I was a rogue at one point of my life. I felt thankful to him for answering his question. "So, we have to make sure this area is perfectly guarded" Taehyung continued making Namjoon agree with him. "Fine, I will change the security and inform the guards about it"

"Hoseok, I need the reports who died in the attack" he passed some documents to Jimin and Yoongi oppa. They read the documents and looked at me. I took the documents from them and read it. "Few of our pack member went missing. We found one dead body in the woods near north border when we went for run" Jungkook explained the incident to all of us. "He has this weird mark on his neck" Hoseok explained pointing to a picture where mark was clearly shown.

I shared a look with others. It is the same scenario as of Jiyong pack. I am sure it is Victor attack. This is the second time we got these signs. After Jiyong pack incident we faced the same problem in the northern pack. We killed them but couldn't find Victor or others who killed Areum. After then now we got the chance again. "Maybe we should take a break and eat something. We have been sitting here for almost three hours" Namjoon father suggested making us agree with him.

We all went downstairs where the living room and kitchen were located. Pack house didn't change at all. His office is on the first floor where as his room is on the third floor along with others. Unlike our pack most of the people stay in their houses. Most of the rooms in pack house are unused and empty. "I will ask them to prepare something. Why don't you sit in the living room till food gets ready" Namjoon told us walking in to the kitchen.

I sat on the sofa and closed my eyes sighing loudly. "You look awful today. Did you sleep at all last night?" I felt sofa sink beside me and I know it is Taehyung from his cologne. "I couldn't sleep" I said snuggling in to his chest. "Did you have nightmares?" I nodded my head slowly opening my eyes. It is not new for me. I have been getting those dreams almost every night since Areum died.

"You should get some sleep" I hummed closing my eyes when he started making circles on my exposed skin. It felt soothing and relaxing. All the voices around me were fading as I felt my self-getting sleepy. I snapped my eyes open when I felt someone clear their throat. I met the gaze of Namjoon who was looking at us with mix of hurt and anger. I distanced myself from Taehyung and sat straight. "Food is ready" he said and left the room instantly.

"Well let's eat then. I am starving" Jimin muttered going to dining hall. Everyone followed him leaving me and Taehyung in the room. "Are you coming?" I looked at Taehyung who already got up from the sofa and nodded my head. I followed Taehyung in to the dining room behind Taehyung trying to avoid Namjoon. We all sat and started eating without talking much. Only sounds were plates and knifes clattering together. It felt odd seeing Chayeon silent. Since we came here, she has been silent. She didn't even bother Jimin from morning.

I made a mental note to talk to her later. "What are the plans for today?" Jimin asked us making me shrug. "I am planning to sleep" Yoongi oppa said making us chuckle. "All you do is sleep if you are not working hyung" Taehyung said making him glare. "I have to go for shopping since some idiot ruined my clothes" Chayeon said glaring at Jimin. We thought he only ruined her shirt but it seems he mistakenly poured the ink all over bag which ruined all her clothes. By the looks, it doesn't seem like accident.

"I will come with you" Chorong said. "No. you are staying with me in our room" Chorong hit his arm lightly. "What?" he looked at her confused and she scolded him for being lazy. We ignored them as we got used to it. Yoongi oppa is always straight forward when it comes to Chorong. He shamelessly told us they mated when he marked her few months back while Chorong was dying from the embarrassment. This became his habit to express his feelings directly in front of others.

"Take Jimin with you" Taehyung suggested to Chayeon making Jimin alarmed. "Tae, I have other works" he said instantly making Chayeon grin. Jimin hates shopping with Chorong and Chayeon. He said they always spend entire day for selecting clothes. "What work Jimin?" Jimin tried to think of a reason but he couldn't find any. "That is your punishment for ruining my clothes" she said. "But we don't know the places here" Jimin tried to reason with her.

"If you guys don't mind, I can take her to the mall" all of our heads snapped towards Jungkook. Even Namjoon was shocked. "No need. Jimin will take me. I can ask Y/n for suggestion" she said looking at Jimin. He looked at her for a while then agreed. I didn't bother stopping them knowing she will cheer up if she spends some time outside. "Ok. I will go with her" Jungkook frowned looking down sadly. I looked at them in confusion. He never acted like this before with any girl. I mean he is a bully but not a playboy. So why is he trying to help Chayeon.

"Y/n?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Taehyung. "What about you?" I thought for a while. "I want to spend today alone" I will just wonder around the places and I have to visit dad too. "I will call home and check up on them then" I looked at Namjoon from the corner of my eye. He was playing with his spoon thinking about something. I didn't feel like eating after that. "I am done" I said and went to kitchen to wash my plate. I dumped the remaining food in the trash can and walked to sink.

"Let me help you" I jumped in surprise making the plate fall when I heard his voice so close to me. "I am sorry" I crouched down to pick up the pieces. "stop it. You will hurt yourself" Namjoon grabbed my hand making me freeze. His mere touch sent electric shock through out my body. I moved my hand away quickly and stood up. "I will leave then" I left the kitchen not waiting for his reply. I walked upstairs to my room and sighed. I have to get grip on myself. I can't keep avoiding him forever. he will find a way to speak to me somehow.

Hey are you ok?

I am fine. Don't worry Drina

I think you should talk to him instead of avoiding

I know but I can't do that at the moment.

You better do that soon

I frowned hearing my wolf comment. She sounds like she knows something I don't know. But she won't tell me even if I ask her. She tells me the things only I need to know at the moment. I changed in to a floral summer dress and brushed my hair. I took my phone and wallet then went downstairs. Jimin and Chayeon were no where in sight. They must have gone for shopping already.

"I am going out Tae" I told him. He was sitting in the living room working on his laptop while Yoongi oppa was sleeping on the couch. "Where are you going?" I shrugged not knowing the answer. I am not sure where I am headed to actually. I just want to go out and clear my head for a while. "What are you doing?" I asked him referring to his laptop.

"I sent the reports to Jiyong hyung. He might be able to help us since they have same attack" he showed me the mail he sent to Jiyong. "I think they will attack again" I think they might be planning something. This is not the first time they did something like this. "We will be prepared this time" I smiled knowing he is referring to Areum. "We should start the pack training soon"

"Let's start it tomorrow" I looked at Suga oppa. "Where is Chorong?" he smiled at my question. "She got a call from pack house. Hyung was pretty mad about her call though" I laughed listened how he got frustrated when she got a call. She had to make things are fine at pack house since she is the beta female and not having Areum around increased her work. "I will leave now"

I went out and got in my car. I drove aimlessly for half an hour then I stopped at familiar place. I got out and stood there looking at the old building. It didn't change much. The walls looked more dull and lifeless. "what are you doing here?" I turned around and saw Minah. "Hi" I greeted her ignoring her question. "Did you come to meet Jin oppa?" I looked at library again then looked at her. "Is he here?" she shook her head.

"He went missing the day after your kidnap. None of us heard from him after that" I frowned hearing her. "What about Alpha? He should have informed him before leaving right?" she shrugged. "I don't know. I never asked alpha but I have a feeling he didn't told him also" I sighed feeling sad. I was hoping to see him. "Where are you headed to?" I asked her observing a bag with her. "I am on my way to home. Hoseok asked me to grab some books from library"

"Are you living in the pack house?" she smiled nodding her head. "Hoseok asked me to move in with him few months back" I was happy for her. she deserves to be happy. "I am happy for you" she took my hand walking ahead making me walk with her. "I wanted to tell you a lot. Let's go and have some coffee while we talk" she led me to coffee shop beside library. "I was worried sick when you got kidnapped"

"I thought we can find you in few days and I never lost hope" I squeezed her hand when I felt her crying. "I am glad you are fine" she wiped her tears. "I am happy too" we thanked waiter when he brought our coffee. "A lot has changed after you left. Namjoon told everyone you are his mate and he tried to look for you. He blamed himself for not saving you that day" I took a sip of coffee not saying anything. What would I say anyway? I don't know where we stood now after everything.

"Jungkook changed too. He has been working hard to help the pack" I have seen his work and I already know he is hard working from the start. "How did it happen? I mean you and Hoseok" I asked her changing topic and besides I was curious too. "after you got kidnapped, I spent my birthday alone. I was walking in the woods when I heard some noises. I was scared thinking it might be rogues but it was Hoseok" she chuckled. "He screamed in surprise when he saw me. that's when we realized we are mates"

"It was funny if you saw us that day" she continued telling me about their relationship. I couldn't help but gush over her. it felt good to hang out with her after a while. "Shoot" she checked her phone and pouted. "I have a date with Hoseok in evening and I forgot" I chuckled realizing she hasn't changed much. She is still the same forgetful girl. "I better go before he freaks out" we both walked out of café after paying the bill. I got in car and went to cemetery.

I stood in front his grave. I was surprised to find flowers on the grave. Mom would never visit him. Not that she cared then who would come and visit him. I don't know who but I felt glad that someone kept him in their thoughts. "Hey dad, its been a while" I sat down on the ground. "I am sorry I couldn't visit you. I miss you so much. You know at times you were alive so that I can ask you for advice. It feels empty without you. why do you have to leave so early?" I sobbed in to my hands letting all my confusion and pain for the first time.

I don't know how long I cried. I kept crying and soon black spots clouded my vision and I fainted. Last thing I heard someone is calling my name.


Hey guys... How is your day so far?

Have you guys seen burn the stage movie?

I wanted to thank you all for your support and love. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter.  Keep reading and vote. I will update soon again :)


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