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We each begin in innocence and we all become guilty


I tried to avoid Taehyung attacks without hurting him. But it is hard to do that since he is stronger than me. it would have been easy if I attack him too but I can't do that. His wolf will get insane if we attack him now. I have to stop him till Jimin come and then we will sedate him until he gains control. I groaned when he throw me against the tree. "Taehyung~ah, stop this" he growled walking around me slowly.

Where are you?

I mind linked to Jimin praying he would come soon.

I am on my way with Suga hyung. Hang in for a while

I screamed when I felt a punch to my right side of stomach. I cursed myself for getting distracted. Taehyung tried to bite me but I stopped him. I sighed knowing I have no other choice but hit him. I pushed him back with full force. He didn't expect me to fight so he fell down. "I can't let you hurt me anymore" he growled in anger attacking me.

I dodged his attack and punched him in stomach knocking him out. "You ok?" I looked at Jimin and Suga oppa who were panting out of breath. "I could use some help" I said pointing to unconscious Taehyung. "How did you knock him down so fast?" Jimin asked me lifting Taehyung. "I used nerve technique which can knock the person in seconds" it is part of training Jin oppa gave me. There are some places in human body which can make the person unconscious right away. Luckily, I remember that.

"Let's get him back to pack house first" Suga oppa said earning a nod from us. I bent down to pull Taehyung shoulders while Jimin held other side of him. I lost my balance and dark spots blurred my vision before I fainted.

*Time skip*

I heard the beeping sound which was very loud. My whole body felt like it is on fire. I felt pain everywhere. I tried open my eyes but they felt very heavy and numb. "Y/n, can you hear me" I heard the was very clearly like they are speaking near my ear. I tried to move my body but I couldn't do that. It felt like my first shift. "Move your hand if you can hear me" I lifted my hand slowly before dropping it on the bed groaning.

"Slowly, open your eyes" he placed some liquid on my eyes before asking me to open them. I slowly tried to open them. I blinked several times trying to adjust to the light. Once I was fine I looked at my right side. "I will call others" pack doctor said leaving the room. I looked around and realized I am in the pack hospital. But this is our pack. I wonder when did they came back.

"Y/n" I looked at the door and saw Jimin and Chorong. "Thank god, you are ok" it felt same like yesterday when Chorong cried in the hospital when she saw me. "I just fainted. Nothing bad" she frowned looking at Jimin and he signaled her to shut up. "What happened?" they stopped instantly making me suspicious. "Nothing. You should rest for a while. You need all the energy to get healthy again" Jimin said adjusting my bed slightly.

"When did we came back to our pack?" he frowned at my question. "I will tell you later. First just eat something. Doctor said you need strength or else you will faint again" I agreed knowing I can't win on him. Jimin is stubborn when he wants to be and I was starving too. Chorong brought a bowl and placed it on the table which was placed on the bed by Jimin. "I made your favorite soup" she said making me smile.

"Are you gonna tell me now?" I asked him when I ate two spoons. He glared at me then at the bowl but I held my gaze. "We came back the day when you fainted" I looked at him confused. "The day? What do you mean? Isn't is today?" he sighed "you were out for four days" I looked at him shocked. So that means I missed a lot. "Did Areum" he nodded understanding my question.

"We buried her three days back" I missed her funeral. A single tear left my eye but I controlled myself to not cry. "How is Taehyung doing?" the last thing I remember is I knocked him out. "He is trying to control his wolf and he is doing bad job at that" he smiled but I can see the stress on his face clearly. "He attacked our members yesterday. We have to use sedates every time he goes crazy" I nodded knowing how hard it would be to control an alpha.

"How is every one holding up?" I never got the chance to meet Areum and Taehyung families after the attack. I  should talk to them at least. "They are getting better. You should stop thinking and get some rest so that you can get better" he said ruffling my hair lightly making me smile. "I will go and talk to doctor. Lie down for a while" he pressed the button making my bed to go down. I closed my eyes lying on the bed when he left the room. I kept thinking about Areum and others. 

"Hey" I opened my eyes when I heard Suga oppa voice. "How are you feeling?" I sat up slowly and instantly Suga oppa held my side helping me sit. "You should rest" I frowned at how everyone treating me like a doll. "Relax oppa, I just fainted. Why are you all making big deal out of this?" he didn't say anything back which made me confused. They all are acting strange. Are they hiding something from me?

"Y/n, I got your reports" Doctor walked in with Jimin and Chorong. "It seems you were injected something weird" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" he sighed taking his glasses off. "I am not sure what it is. But it is not silver. It is a chemical which can make a wolf weaker but in your case it is different" all of us were looking at him curiously. "Your hearing and eye sight have been increased making a lot of changes in your wolf. Your body couldn't handle the process that's why you fainted"

"What type of changes doctor" Jimin asked him. "I don't know exactly but I think she will have high abilities like speed and vision" he explained what he thinks making me more confused. All the things he was saying were assumptions. He is not sure about it either. "I need to do some more tests for accurate results" he left the room after checking my condition. "Is it what you were hiding?" I asked them once the doctor left.

"You shifted when you fainted that day. Your wolf was different from what we saw before" Suga oppa explained. "How different?" I was afraid of hearing the answer though. "Your fur was silver color and your eyes were pure blue" Jimin cut him off. "You were glowing in the light. Then all of sudden you shifted in to human form and fainted" I tried to think but I can't remember anything. "But I don't remember anything"

"Don't stress yourself. You will remember it later" Suga oppa patted my head and I nodded. "Did Taehyung visited me" I couldn't help but feel sad Taehyung didn't came to see me. Its been almost an hour I woke up but he didn't come. I am sure he already knows I am awake from the look of Jimin face. "He will be here in few minutes. He is in meeting with Jiyong hyung" Jimin said. I felt kind of relived hearing that.

"Do you remember anything odd from that night" I tried to think about the fight and that man came to my mind. "There was this guy who tried to kill me. His eyes changed completely black when he looked at me. I am sure he was not just a wolf" Jimin and Suga oppa looked at each other. "I had dreams" I thought it is important to tell them about it. "What kind of dreams?"

"I had dreams of some one trying to kill me. I am being chased by someone and he bite my neck then I woke up" I touched my neck where I always had the pain. "He has the same black eyes and his aura is demonic. I end up having same dream every time" I looked at Jimin and oppa who were staring at me like they know what happened. "when was the last time you had this dream?" I thought about it. "After the attack I woke up in the hospital after this dream. He said he will meet me soon and told me to be prepared"

"What is it guys?" I asked them impatient from the looks they gave me. "It seems the guy is Cayden. He is half demon and half wolf" I frowned knowing he is referring to legend story. "isn't that just a story" he shook his head. "he really does exist" even though he does why do he want to kill me. I am not even an alpha. "Why does he want to kill me?" he shrugged. "We will find out soon"

"You should be prepared for that though" we all looked at door when we heard Taehyung. he was standing there leaning on the door. "When did you come?" he looked at Jimin walking in. "When she started telling about her dream" he sat on the chair near to my bed. "We will leave you guys then" Jimin signaled to others leaving the room. I played with my fingers not knowing what to say. Taehyung wasn't looking at me and it was hard to guess what he is feeling toward me now.

"I am glad you woke up" I looked at him when I he spoke. "You are not mad at me" he smiled but it is not his regular smile. "we all are equally in the fault for what happened. I can't blame it all on you" I shook my head. "But I promised you and I -" he cut me off. "I don't want you to think that. I don't blame you" I nodded at him. "We have bigger matters to take care of than sitting and moping about what happened" I sighed. "Tae-"

"I know what you are gonna say. No matter what everyone sat I can't forget her and be normal but I can't ignore my responsibilities too. I want all of your help to lead the pack. We need to kill those people who harmed our loved ones. I can't let them do the same to others too" I took his hand in mine. "I will be with you till we finish all of them" it was a promise. I failed once but I will make sure to hold my promise this time.

"We need to prepare for the meeting. You should rest for a while" I scoffed hearing the same sentence. "Stop saying that. I am getting tried of hearing that sentence" he laughed genuinely this time. "how about we meet others then" I grinned at him. "Sounds good" he offered his hand. I took it and got up. I wobbled a bit when my feet hit the ground. He held my waist studying me. "Should I carry you?" I hit his arm before walking slowly. He supported me all the while just in case I fall again.

"What are you doing out of the bed?" Jimin yelled when he saw us. "Let's go to my room and call others" Taehyung said not giving me the chance to speak. He dragged me to his room while I shrugged at confused Jimin. "I will get some juice for you. wait till then" he pointed to his room and went down. I walked in and sat on the chair looking around. I spotted a photo of Taehyung proposing to Areum and it brought back the memories. He must be going through the hell right now.

I was deep in thoughts that I didn't observe Taehyung came back. "Is it how you felt when your mate rejected you" I smiled sadly. "I don't know how you are feeling now" I placed the photo down and looked at him. "Like your heart is going to stop beating due to the suffocation" he said placing a hand on his heart. "No" he looked at me intently. "It felt like my heart was squeezed out and someone stepped on it"

"I don't know how you handled that" I don't even know if I could have survived it any longer either. "I am not sure either" before he can say anything the door opened and we heard bickering. "You can at least knock" Jimin and Chayeon ignored him bickering with each other.

"You sound like you know everything"

"Of course, I know. I was the topper of the class"

"You can't even count those nails"

"I did"

"You did not"

"I did"


"Will you guys stop it" he shouted making them shut up. "Good. Now we can talk" I chuckled at his comment.

"We already heard about y/n dream. Let's keep it in us until we find the exact reason why she is having those dreams" Chorong told Chayeon about everything happened in the hospital room already so she knows. "I think we should find out more about these rogues and help other packs so that they won't face the same problem"

"We need to practice more if we want to stand a chance against them" I said. "I talked to Jiyong hyung and he will help us with the training" I know he is the best cause my dad trained him. so, he would be a great help to our training. "I want y/n and Jimin will go there and learn once you are healthy" he said making us nod. "I want our pack training to be hardened and every one should be capable of fighting" we all planned on how we will face them. I will make sure I kill him this time. Victor and Cayden both will die this time.


Hey guys....New chapter everyone.

I am too tired today but I wanted to upload the chapter. 

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