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The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemy


"Y/N, get up" I got up panting heavily when I felt the cold water being thrown at me. I was soaking wet with the water in the early morning. "Get up your lazy ass and prepare something and clean the house. My friends are coming today and I want everything prepared by the time they come" My step father said walking out of the room. I looked at time and saw it is just four in the morning. Why did he have to wake me up so early in the morning?

I groaned getting up from the bed. I shivered when my feet touched the cold ground. I quickly walked to the bathroom and changed in to some fresh clothes. I walked downstairs to kitchen quickly not wanting to anger him anymore. I don't think I can take anymore beating. He beat me yesterday when he saw I didn't prepare the food last night. I was caught up in work that I didn't check the time.

I prepared a feast as fast as I can. I prepared all the dishes they might like. It is common for me as they come often. Whenever Frank gets a potential business deal, he invites them home for lunch or dinner. It is his way of bribing them. Every time he invites them, I become their waiter. I have to cook and serve them food.

I don't mind cocking but those guys are not good. Sometimes they try to touch me which irks me very badly. I could beat them down but I don't want to anger Frank so I just keep quiet. Seriously I can't wait to get out of this hell. "This deal is important to me so behave properly in front of them" Frank warned me.

He gripped my arm tightly when I didn't answer him. "Answer me when I ask you something" I nodded my head muttering an okay in above whisper. I rubbed my arm where he held soothing the pain. We heard a door bell and he gave me a glare which said you better act nice. He walked out and I sat on the ground sighing. I sat there till Frank asked me to bring the food.

The lunch went smoothly as those people were nice and didn't ask me for anything else. "Why don't you sit and eat with us?" one of them asked making me freeze. "yeah, it is pretty late" other one agreed and I looked at Frank. "She has work. Let her be. She will eat when her mother comes", he tried to avoid but they didn't listen. "Come on, we don't mind" he said gesturing to empty seat. I sat down slowly and ate without making any eye contact.

I only answered when they asked me something. They left few minutes later lunch. "Where do you think you are going?" Frank said when I tried go upstairs. "You always cause me trouble" I don't know what I did this time. I screamed in pain when the belt made the contact with my skin. "I didn't do anything" I yelled at him which only made things worse as he started hitting me more.

With every hit my skin started bleeding. I curled in ball as he hit few more times. "Get out, I don't want to you in the house today" he dragged me out and closed the door. I got up slowly and knocked on the door but it was no use. He wasn't answering the door. I walked out crying hysterically. At times like this I wanted to run away but the thought of becoming rogue scared me. I know I don't have a choice except waiting till I became major so that I can live alone with my savings. I walked in to the forest and sat leaning on a large tree.

"Well look who we got here" my crying stopped as I heard the familiar voice. "Seems like you got some lesson" he said eyeing my bruises and dried blood. "Jungkook what are you doing here?" he smirked leaning down. "Don't ever ask me questions" he said punching my jaw. I yelped in pain from the hit. "You disgust me" he said throwing some hard words at me while I stayed silent on the ground.

For the first time in a while I cried my heart out. I am not the type to show my emotions but today made me vulnerable. Soon everything around me faded and I was in some other place. "You shouldn't be crying over the past" I looked at my side and saw the same guy I have seen in my dream. "Who are you?" I whispered in shock.

Unlike last time he was dressed in white and his face wasn't covered. But I couldn't see his face as it was glowing so much that my eyes hurt. "That's not important" he said standing beside me. "What is important is for you to find the truth" I looked at where he was looking and saw Namjoon. It was the same place where Jungkook left me after beating me badly. My eyes widened when I saw myself lying on the ground.

Namjoon caressed my face wiping the blood. He carried me bridal style to his house. So, it must have been him. I remember I woke up that day in the pack house. I asked Hoseok how I ended up there and he said he brought me there when he saw me unconscious in the forest. I thanked him thinking he was the one who helped me. "What you see and hear is not the truth. Trust your instincts and find the real truth" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I will always be with you to help. Don't feel lonely" he patted my head. When he touched me, I started feeling light headed. Everything around me faded and turned in to the darkness. "She is waking up" I heard someone say and people rushing in to the room. I squinted my eyes opening them slowly. I saw Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi oppa worried faces.

"Y/N?" Yoongi oppa hugged me very tightly. I was confused as he wasn't the one to show this much affection. "Oppa, I can't breathe" he let me go instantly mumbling an apology. I looked around the room and saw almost all of them in the room. "You scared us" Chorong said wiping her tears. I frowned when I saw her state. She was looking like a mess with dark circles and her hair looked like she didn't shower for a week.

"What happened?" I asked them holding my head when I felt the pain. "You were attacked by rogues. Jin and Jiyong came on time and saved you" I thought for a while and soon all the events came to me. "Where is Jungkook?" I asked when I realized he was there with me. "He is in the next room being treated" Namjoon answered from the other side of the room.

I looked at him and got reminded of my dream. "He got some injuries but nothing serious" I looked away from Namjoon to Jimin when he spoke. "Chayeon and Hoseok are with him" Jin oppa said pointing to the next room. "We called Hoseok when you didn't wake up" Yoongi oppa answered sensing my confusion.

"I will call Hoseok hyung" Taehyung said walking out of the room. "How long was I out?" they glanced at each other and Chorong answered me. "For about eight hours" my head snapped towards her when she said that. "You weren't breathing properly and we couldn't sense your wolf either. After an hour we called Hoseok and he came right away. It took him three hours to come though" of course it would. He was out of the country on a trip.

I felt sad that I ruined their time. "Did you guys kill the rogues?" I asked Jin oppa. "Yeah, when I came, he was trying to hit you. Jiyong and Taeyang were with me so we killed them and brought you here" I nodded my head remembering some parts. "Y/n, you are awake" I smiled when I saw Hoseok. "Yeah" he checked my head by turning it up and sides. "I want to talk to her alone. Can you guys leave us for few minutes?" he asked them.

They gave him curious glances but obeyed him anyway. He sat on the chair next to bed and waited till they leave. "What is it?" I asked him once everyone left. "How are you feeling now?" I frowned at his question. "I am fine" I told him. "Any headache? Can you feel your wolf?" I scrunched my eyebrows. My wolf?

Drina? Are you there?

I am here. don't worry I am fine now

We need to talk later

"She is fine" I answered Hoseok. I have to talk to my wolf about all the things I learned about but before that I have to talk with Hoseok. "What's wrong?" his expressions were scaring me. "You were poisoned" my eyes widened. "What?" he sighed rubbing his face. "You were poisoned. It didn't kill you like other normal wolves but it might have seized your wolf forever if the anti-dose wasn't given in time" I processed his words and my face paled. "You mean someone tried to kill me and if Jin oppa and others didn't save me I might have been dead by now"

"Yeah, when they told me about your condition. I knew something was wrong. I did the tests and gave you the anti-dose" he said handing me the reports from the table. I don't know much but I can read the summary report. So that means someone did it on purpose. "How could they get it in me?"

"It could be by something you eat or by injecting it in your body" he told me how it works. "How long will it take to work?" I asked him hoping to get an idea. "It depends. It could take a day or few hours too" so that means they didn't inject me in the forest. It must be in something I ate. "Did you tell anyone about this?" he shook his head. "I haven't. I am not sure who to trust with this information"

I thanked him for that. I don't want anyone to worry about this. But I need to find who it is soon otherwise they might kill someone this time. "I don't know if I should ask or not but-" he took deep breath before continuing. "I can see your wolf is not normal" I understood his question. I told him everything what happened till now. I felt like I can trust him. He has been saving me all those times and also he saved me now.

"Wow... You went through a lot" I chuckled at his choice of words. "I am sorry" I waved my hand dismissing it. "I know it is a lot to take in" he nodded his head agreeing with me. "What about your brother and mom?" my smile disappeared when he asked that. "I don't know about that" I looked down helpless telling him about them and he patted my head. "I am sure we will find them soon"

"I hope so" he smiled showing his dimples which reminded me of Namjoon. "Hoseok, can I ask you something?" he nodded his head for me to go ahead. "That day when you helped me when Jungkook beat me, was it really you?" I asked him to confirm my dream. "What?" he asked me kind of scared. "Please tell me the truth" he sighed looking at me. "It was Namjoon. He found you in the forest when he went for a run. He brought you to the pack house and asked me to take care of you"

"He went to Jungkook house and beat him that day" I looked at him shocked. I didn't know this. "Remember Jungkook was limping next day. He kind of warned him in his way not to mess with you again" I remember Jungkook maintained his distance for few days and after also he would just insult me and punch me but not the beating. Even though it didn't mean what he did was right I felt kind of relieved. He is not the worst guy I guess.

"You should rest. I need to check on some patients" he said getting up from the seat. "I need a file from my room" I told him about the file Namjoon gave me. "I will ask someone to bring it for you" he left the room and I closed my eyes relaxing for a while but my wolf has other plans.

I thought you wanted to talk

Well I do

You must be confused right now

More like exhausted. I said and my wolf snorted at me

Why didn't you tell me you are an angel?

I can't tell you. it's one of the rules. You have to find out when times comes

Is there something I still don't know about?

There is. Just know that next few days will be tiring for us.

I know she won't tell me about it. Before I can answer I heard the door open. "Hoseok told me you asked for this" Namjoon said waving the file. "Yeah" I mumbled confused of what to say. "Here" he gave the file to me sitting on the vacant chair. "How are you?" he asked me. "I am good?" I said more like questioning. He laughed loud which made me smile. I can't deny the fact seeing him happy makes me smile.

"I am glad you are fine" he talked for few minutes as I went through the file. "As I said only some higher rank officials know about the security. It was that way even before I became the alpha" he told me how the system works and I have been trying to connect all the thoughts. "Well, that's all I got to tell you. I leave you to rest then" he said getting up from the seat. He informed me about the people who are in high ranks and who he trusts and their recent behavior.

"Just take some rest" he said kissing my forehead making me freeze. He left the room while I was still in shock. After few seconds I composed myself and checked the file to distract myself from all the thoughts of Namjoon. I didn't eat anything before that day. Jin oppa made me some food which was in front of me so I can't doubt him. In the morning I made toast with Namjoon. So, I am not poisoned at that time.

Last thing I ate was jelly Jungkook gave. He said he got it from someone so that means I can check the security camera and find who it was. I got out of my bed and opened the laptop placed on the table. Jimin kept this here saying he know how bored it can get here. I opened the system and logged in to security check. Namjoon told me the password so it was easy for me to access it. We installed the cameras when we find out we have bug in his pack. Only Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and I know about this.

We thought it would be better to not everyone knows about this. I selected the morning time where Jungkook was standing in the kitchen. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. No freaking way...


Hello readers... How are you doing? This chapter is kind of long. I hope you guys like this chapter...Who do you think the person is?

Let me know your answers in the comments and vote while reading ♥♥


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