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Oh, how we forget that everything is a choice and we can decide


"I will divide you guys in to the teams. You will practice the combat today" I told all of them. It is been two days Taehyung and I am here in the early morning practicing with the pack members. "Jungkook, Luke you practice with them" I pointed to two of their pack members who are part of Jungkook squad in school. I sat on the bench watching them practice.

Namjoon gave me a wink before continuing with his fight. I sighed at his behaviour. He has been flirting and trying to speak with me since we had that conversation. I didn't answer his question and he didn't ask me either but his behaviour changed from that moment. I looked away from him and saw Taehyung looking at me. He looked away instantly when he saw me. Looking at him reminded me of the day he kissed me in our room.


I froze in shock but soon I realized what is happening and pushed him away. He panted heavily looking at me. His eyes held an unknown emotion which confused the hell out of me. This is the first time I am unable to decipher his emotions. Taehyung always has been easy for me to read. I stared at him hoping to find out what he is thinking. But he looked away quickly.

"I am sorry" he apologized and sprinted out of the room. I stood there confused and shocked with all of his actions. I ran out to look for him but he was nowhere to be seen.

*End of flashback*

He has been ignoring me from then. I tried to talk to him but he is finding reasons to avoid me. He is been staying in Jimin room. He told everyone that I am still mad at him for what he said. He wants to give me some space and everyone believed him. We were caught up in the work and all, I never spoke with anyone else about this.

I am thankful that they haven't noticed anything between us. I don't think I would be able to explain anything anymore. I am tired of all this. We called Jiyong and he had an issue at his pack. So, he might come in two or three days once it is settled. Jin oppa talked with his father about the rogue situation. His father agreed to come and visit us next week. He will bring all of their pack members with him just in case we need them.

When Jin oppa told them about my real pack they offered to help. They wanted to prepare the pack house by the time pack members come so that they have their own pack to settle down in. They also promised me that they will help me in finding my brother too. They started clearing the space which was supposed to be my pack place. Rogues had ruined this place so we started off with cleaning the mess. Namjoon assigned Jungkook and Luke to help me with the pack place.

Taehyung asked Yoongi oppa to help and take care of it. He was still ignoring me which made me annoyed but I ignored it. "Hey" I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I have been looking at Namjoon for all the time. I looked away and saw an angry Taehyung walking in to the pack house. I sighed knowing he is angry at me now.

"What?" I asked Jungkook annoyed at his presence. "We are finished with our practice" I saw everyone was leaving the place. I must have been zoned out for so long. "Yoongi hyung asked me to go and check the place with you for the pack house" he informed me and I nodded my head. Jin oppa asked me to choose the pack house design which they are going to build the pack house for red moon pack.

He wanted me to take a part in building the house as it was my family responsibility. "We will go once we get changed" I said referring to our sweaty bodies. "I will inform Namjoon hyung about it" he said getting up from the place. I decided to go and get ready too. I walked behind Jungkook. I bumped in to his back when he stopped walking. I looked over his shoulder to see why he stopped in the middle.

My eyes widened when I saw what is wrong. I groaned rubbing my head frustratingly. They will never change like ever. Jimin and Chayeon were fighting with each other with sticks and entire room is smashed. "What happened here?" they both gulped standing straight. 

"She did this"

"He did this"

They used their very famous dialogue as usual. "She cheated on the game and killed my character" she rolled her eyes. "No y/n, he can't beat me so he is using excuses" she said and he hit her on head. "Weren't you supposed to be practicing?" I asked Chayeon knowing she should be training the pack members along with others. "I thought he will be bored so I came to check on him"

"I didn't ask you for that" she hit his arm and he yelled in pain. Well she hit his cast arm which must hurt as hell. "Since he can't work in this condition. I think you should clean the room" Chayeon mouth dropped in shock while Jimin grinned at me. "Let's go pretty boy, we have lot of work to do" I said pulling Jungkook out of the room. He glanced at Jimin wordily before walking out.

I walked in and freshen up quickly. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. "Hey Y/n" I looked at Namjoon who was in apron trying to cook something. "What are you doing?" I asked him confused. "I am making breakfast for you" he said pointing to something. It was black and shapeless. I don't even know what it is called. "I was trying to cook for you but I failed" he rubbed his neck nervously which made him look so cute.

I wanted to pinch his cheeks and kiss him but I stopped myself. I cleared my throat ignoring my stupid thoughts. "That's nice of you but you don't have to do this" I told him grabbing bread from the fridge. I was looking for the jam and Namjoon brought it from the cabinet. I took it from him and spread it on bread. "Did you eat?" he shook his head negatively. I gave him the slice but he didn't take it.

"I don't like Strawberry. I will eat later" he placed the things back as I was eating. "Jungkook told me you are going to check the pack place" I nodded my head. "Yeah, we have to plan by the time Jin oppa father comes here" I placed the plate in the sink and washed it. "Be careful, it is still dangerous for you to be alone out there" I smiled at his caring gesture. I quickly kept blank face before he can see.

"You don't have to worry. Jungkook will be with me too" I said looking at him. "I informed about this to Jin so he will meet you guys there too. I forgot to tell Jungkook about this" I guess I will have to tell him. We can take his opinion too which would be great then. "Oh, I forgot" I stopped and waited for Namjoon to speak. "This is the list of people who know about the pack security details. Even before the attack I have given the details to only few. I thought you would like to see this"

I took the file from him. "Shouldn't you be handing this to your pack member?" I asked him confused. Even though we are mates and all, I am still a stranger for this pack. He can't just trust me with these issues. "It is about finding bug in my pack, right? So, who should I give it without doubting?" he is right too. He has a right to doubt everyone too. "Fine, I will check it later" I told him before walking away.

I kept the file in my room and went downstairs. By the time I came back Jungkook was waiting for me already at the entrance. "Am I late?" he looked up from his phone and smiled. "No, I just came" he placed his phone in the pocket and took some candy out. "Here, I took it from the kitchen on my way" I plopped it in my mouth and Jungkook did the same. We both walked towards the pack border. It was peaceful since it was in the morning. Today clouds were there and sun wasn't even showing much.

"Jungkook" he hummed not looking at me. "What do you think of Jimin and Chayeon friendship?" I don't know why but it felt like he was mad at her for being so close to Jimin in the morning. "If you think I am jealous then no" he chuckled. "You are not?" he shook his head. "What made you think that?" he scrunched his eyebrows together. "In the morning you were looking at Jimin kind of mad"

"I was thinking about Jiyeon" his face held some sadness. "Why don't you visit her then?" I asked him titling my head to look at him. Even though I am tall he is still taller than me. "She is not here" I rolled my eyes. "I know that. She is with her mate in some other pack, right?" he nodded his head but he didn't sound so sure. "She is. It's just we have lot of work and I miss her. I will visit her when we finish this"

Somehow his words didn't comfort me. I decided to ignore it. "They both are very close and happy together. I just got reminded of our time" he said sadly. "Yeah, like torturing me" I said playfully trying to cheer the mood. "We didn't know that at that time" he frowned but I can see he know I mean it as joke. "Maybe I should prank you again like how I did back then" he was confused so I told what I did in the lab.

"So, it was you" he yelled when he realized what happened that day. "Yup" I grinned happily. "I can't believe this" he said kind of shocked which made me laugh. "I am not sorry for that" he smiled showing his bunny teeth. "Well I am not mad anymore either. I kind of deserve it but Jiyeon cursed you a lot" I laughed remembering her blabbering in the hallways. She was bothered a lot since it didn't match her.

Whereas Jungkook he looked cool with blue hair. I guess he will look cool with any hair color. "Here we are" he said stomping like a kid when we reached the place. They cleared the trees and grass in almost half of the land. "Wow it looks different" I said looking around. "Yeah, they are still working on it. Rogue hide out has been cleared out completely" I walked to where I stayed for more than a year as a rogue. It is funny how I was born in the same place and here I lived as a rogue and now I am standing on the same land as rightful owner now.

"I think we should build the pack house here" I said pointing to the place where I lived as rogue. "Here?" I nodded my head. "It has the perfect view of the south and east border. Besides we will be closer if we built the pack house here" on the north border Shadow pack will be there and beside north border west side was closer to this place. which is closer to city and also to Crescent moon pack. They will not have any danger from these two borders.

I explained him the reasons and he looked at me proudly. "You are right, nice thinking" I smiled gladly. I wandered around the place thinking about all the old times. "We should inform others about it too" he said making me remember that I should tell him about Jin oppa visit. "Jungkook-" I stopped when I heard the rustling from the bushes. Most of the place was cleared so we can sense the presence of someone else clearly.

"Did you tell anyone else we are here" I asked Jungkook who was looking confused. "No why?" I don't know if I was being paranoid or he is being dumb. "Jungkook, someone is here" he looked around in panic. I am sure it is not Jin oppa since I can't smell his wolf. This person has hidden their smell which means it must be one of the rogue or human. Humans doesn't wander in this place so it means this is rogue.

"Call others and tell them about the situation" I told him and tried to contact others but I felt like I was being blocked. I tried again but nothing happened.

Drina, are you there?

I didn't get any response. Suddenly I started feeling weak and tired. I shook my head trying to keep my eyes open. What is happening to me? my vision got blurry and I sensed an awful smell near me. "Y/n" I heard Jungkook yell when I fell down. I sat up on the ground trying to clear my vision.

My eyes widened when I felt a wolf jump on me. I rolled on the ground and wolf landed where I was sitting with loud thump. I got up and stumbled looking for Jungkook. I can't find him anywhere and my situation wasn't helping either. "Jungkook" I yelled and heard his voice from my right. I walked that way and saw he was held down with three wolves.

I tried to help him but my body fell as I was hit on the head. I looked at back and saw a guy holding the rod. I groaned in pain holding my head. He raised the rod to hit me again but he was pushed by someone. Last thing I remember is people fighting and shouting around me.


Hello readers... I was planning to upload yesterday but my internet wasn't working. I was so frustrated anyway here the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. 

Let me know your thoughts on this comments. Don't forget to vote while reading. 

If you are interested please check my other bts story.  

My Dancing Partner - BTS FF

Y/N wanted nothing more than to finish her high school in peace and join her dream college to become the best dancer. But what happens when she is partnered with none other than the bad boy of the school Jeon Jungkook. She had no idea the secrets she was going find in his life. Join Y/n on her crazy ride of friendship, love and drama.



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