Chapter Eleven - Resurrection

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Dusk had just crept over the island when Ben felt her presence. He sighed. She was searching for him again. Ben hesitated and began to look for her. It had only been a few days after he'd entered the afterlife that Ben realized he could see and, to some extent, interact with the land of the living. When he found her in the black cave, he felt a sudden depression clasp around his heart. Ben's chest tightened as he felt her desperation. Ben reached out, trying to let her know he was near and that he was there for her but he had little avail. Unlike Luke or any of the other Jedi, Ben could not appear to anyone or enter the living realm, even as a ghost. But what bothered him almost more so, was that there were also times when he could not interact with the other Force ghosts.

   Luke had come up with the theory that Ben had not fully passed on through the world between worlds yet and that it would take some time before he could interact with both the living and the dead. Obi-Wan suggested that perhaps Ben had not been experienced enough to pass between worlds. Qui-Gon thought that Ben's inability to pass between the realms was because of his and Rey's dyad. He said that because Ben and Rey were one and death had separated them, Ben had lost his other half, therefor making him incapable of passing until Rey joined him in death. And if that were the case, then Ben would be waiting for a long while. Mace Windu determined that this was punishment for Ben's crimes while he was Kylo Ren. But it baffled the rest of the Jedi as to why he could not appear to Rey as a ghost of the Force. Ben sighed.

Though he could not yet make himself known to her or come to her as a ghost of the Force, he could offer her some comfort in his presence. Ben saw her in the cave, calling to him, her voice broken and pleading. Her hand occasionally flew to her stomach but Ben paid no mind to that small detail. Instead, he focused on her appearance. She looked so fragile and weak. There were dark circles under her eyes from a lack of sleep and she was very skinny due to a lack of nutrition. He could feel her pain and her sorrow. The emptiness and loneliness she felt. Why did she return to this place? Did she not remember how alone she'd felt last time she came here? Rey let out a small cry in pain and ran to the side of the cave and threw up. Ben winced at the sound of her retching. Was she sick? Or was she making herself sick from the grief? Ben felt extreme sorrow upon seeing her like this. Rey was broken, and there was nothing he could do to comfort her.

Walking over to her side, Ben reached out to lay a hand on her forehead, but his hand passed right through her. Ben grimaced as Rey groaned and gasped for breath. She raised one hand to her stomach and the other to her mouth. Ben winced. She was very malnourished and in desperate need of a proper meal. Ben sighed as he looked down at her. He longed for nothing more than to take her into his arms and hold her. To wipe her tears away and tell her that everything was going to be alright. He wanted to be able to whisper softly that she wasn't alone and that he would never leave her, but most of all, he longed to tell her he loved her. Ben felt a sharp pain stab into his heart. But he could never tell her such things. He couldn't help her, and he couldn't comfort her.

Rey walked back to her things and began to pick up the items that had fallen out of her bag. The first thing she picked up was a black piece of clothing. She lifted it to her nose, burying her face into the material and Ben noticed it as his sweater. The one he had worn the day he'd died. Rey had kept it? Among the other articles that had fallen from her bag were his father's dice and his mother's lightsaber, as well as Anakin's lightsaber. Why had she kept all these things? Ben walked over to Rey's side and saw a lightsaber hilt that he did not recognize. He looked closer and made it out to be part of what once used to be her staff. Ben's brow furrowed in bewilderment. She had made her own lightsaber? Ben reached out to handle the lightsaber hilt but his hand passed through it. Though he still noticed that it was unfinished. Ben frowned. Where was she going to find her kyber crystal?

Fresh tears still gathered in Rey's eyes and Ben sighed. He felt the same pain that she was feeling, only for her it was worse. At least he could see her. It was torture, not being able to touch or speak to her, but at least he knew she was alright. Rey had no way of knowing what had happened to Ben beyond his mortal life. Was she scared that he had been damned to hell as punishment for all of his sins? He couldn't blame her if she did. To be truthful, Ben had thought the same thing. Ben sighed and looked at the ground in shame. That wasn't like Rey. She had had more faith in him than that. She hadn't questioned his loyalty for a second after he'd arrived on Exegol. They'd fought alongside one another until the very end. In the end Ben had given her his all, and in return, Rey had given him her all. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever experienced.

   "Rey." He'd uttered her name unconsciously and before he'd realized it, he heard her gasp. Rey dropped his sweater and Ben watched as she searched the cave, looking for him. He stepped closer, hope swelling in his chest. She'd heard him! Perhaps if he... "Rey?" He asked and Rey lifted a shaking hand to her mouth. She stiffed a gasp that mingled with a sob and slowly approached a wall that was in the far end of the cave. Ben frowned and his brow furrowed as pinched his nose up in bewilderment. He wondered what she was doing and he followed her. Ben watched as Rey froze at the edge of the cave. She lifted her hand slowly and reached out towards the cold stone wall.

Ben stared at her in confusion until he remembered what she had told him during one of their Force bond connections. In a dark cave, she had faced a wall. A wall of reflections. A cave of mirrors. Ben remembered the sorrow and emptiness she'd felt last time she'd been here. He'd felt it too. Through their bond, he had felt her strong surge of emotions. The overwhelming loneliness. Ben shuddered. When their bond has rekindled that day, Ben had been confused. He hadn't expected to see her so soon after their previous meeting. He was even more amazed when he realized that she had been the one to ignite the bond. She'd reached out to him when she'd felt so desperate and alone. And Ben found himself wanting to comfort her.

Slowly, Rey inched closer to the wall. Her hand shook as she raised it to the wall. Ben was by her side now. He laid one hand on her waist and the other on her arm, even though she couldn't feel it. Ben closed his eyes and leaned over, close to her ear then whispered her name. "Rey." A small smile spread across her lips as she sighed but she kept her gaze steadily on the wall. "Ben." She said, certain of his presence now. "Show him to me." Her frail voice commanded. She reached forward and pressed her fingertips against the wall. Ben realized what he need to do and stepped through the wall so that she could see him from the other side. Ben passed through the solid rock with ease and turned so that he was facing Rey.

   There was a sudden change in her eyes as she stared back at him and Ben knew that she was able to see him. "Ben?" She asked and Ben grinned. She could see him at last! Rey flattened her hand against the wall and Ben lifted his hand to the other side of the wall and pressed it against hers. Ben smiled and let out a small laugh. He could almost touch her. Ben gave out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, then leaned his forehead against the wall. Rey did the same, pressing her forehead against his. Ben felt his heart leap. It was almost as if he could feel her. Her hands trembled and Ben saw tears stream down her cheeks as Rey closed her eyes.

   Through their dyad, Ben could partially feel the raging battle that was her emotions. She was being torn. Not between good and evil, but between living and death. A strong part of her wished she hadn't lived. She wished that Ben had lived in her place. Ben trembled. "No. Oh no." He whispered. This wasn't what he'd wanted. He wanted her to live a long, happy life. But that could never happen as long as she held on to her grief. And as long as she felt his presence, the pain would always return. Ben sighed as he realized what he had to do. He was going to have to let her go. It was the only way she would ever be able to move on and let go of her grief.

"Ben?" A voice called from behind. Ben sighed and turned around, looking up to see his grandfather. Anakin sighed. "Come Ben. We must talk." Ben hesitated. He looked back at Rey, who still had her eyes closed as silent tears streamed down her face. Ben looked back at Anakin desperately. "I... I can't leave her." Ben bit his lip. "I hate seeing her in so much pain." He told his grandfather. Anakin sighed sadly. "I know, Ben." Anakin smiled with a small sigh. "Come. Walk with me my grandson." Ben shuddered, hesitant to leave Rey's side, but he knew that the time was near when he must leave her permanently, so he drew away from the wall.

   Anakin began to walk, waiting for Ben to join him. Once Ben was at his side, Anakin began. "Your grandmother wanted me to speak with you. As well as the Jedi, but that is a topic for another discussion. For now, we must focus on the issue at hand." Ben frowned. There were many issues at hand. "What issue?" He asked his grandfather. Anakin sighed, searching for the words. " Listen Ben, it is Padmè's request that I talk with you about your feelings for that young girl. Rey. She obviously loves you... What Padmè wants to know, is if you love her. Now, I tried to tell your grandmother that your actions have thus proved so, but she thinks that it would be best for you to actually discuss how you feel for her. You haven't had anyone to talk to about it before, so I want you to know that I am here now." 

   "Thank you." Ben replied, his voice shaking. Anakin clamped a hand on Ben's shoulder. "It is not only I who cares for you, but also your father, your mother, your uncle, and your grandmother. They are here for you as well. You're never alone Ben." Ben nodded slowly and his heart swelled with love and gratitude towards his family. "Thank you grandfather. I am proud to be a part of the Skywalker family and glad too, that I am also a Solo." Anakin grinned. "Well... Don't tell your mother this, but I never did approve of that scoundrel you call father. Of course I just wanted what was best for my daughter, but if I had had any say in the matter, she would not have married Solo." Ben couldn't help but laugh and Anakin joined him. "However. Han has proved himself trustworthy in some ways. He protected both Luke and Leia when I did not and for that I thank your father."

   "Now. About your relationship with this scavenger girl..." Ben smirked. "She's so much more than that." Anakin nodded, pumping his eyebrows up and down teasingly. "Oh I know. At least to you she is. Your relationship is very special, unique even. It is more powerful than any other force and is stronger than even my love for your grandmother." Anakin frowned. "That isn't easily achieved Ben," he said. "I love Padmè with everything that I am. But it is you who have succeeded in doing what no Jedi has done before." Ben wavered slightly, unsure of what to say. "And what is that grandfather?" Anakin smiled gently this time, the seriousness of what he was about to say, gleaming through his eyes.

   "You were able to save the one you loved from death. You have overcome death. No other Jedi has ever done what you have done."
Ben smiled gently. He had saved the girl he loved. Ben sighed, thinking about what life would have been like if they both had lived. If only he could have spent more time with her. But he couldn't have asked for more. He only needed one chance to save Rey. At any cost. And when he'd been given the chance he'd taken it. There was no second chance. There was no do over. Ben sighed. "But it was too much to ask to have done twice." He stated and Anakin nodded sadly. "Cheating death is no easy heist. Nearly impossible. To manage the feat more than once would be nothing short than a miracle." Ben sighed. "Then I need a miracle."

   "Patience dear child." A song-like voice came from behind. "Miracles are more common than you'd think. You need only believe that they can happen." Padmè Amidala approached Ben and Anakin. She winked and smiled at her husband before turning to Ben. "Do not give up hope Ben. Your mother never stopped believing, and that was how she found her brother. If she had given up, Luke never would have found his way to Leia." Padmè placed a hand on Ben's cheek. "Have hope dear boy. Everything will be alright." Ben crumbled under her touch. "How can it be, grandmother? How can it be when I have been separated from my other half? My better half?" He asked, his voice pleading.

A solemn look entered Padmè's eye and she looked at Ben with pity. "I understand Ben. More than you know." Padmè sighed and looked over at Anakin. "I loved your grandfather so very much. But when he turned to the dark side it broke my heart." Anakin looked to the ground in shame and sorrow and Padmè continued. "I didn't even have the will to carry on and in my grief, I died." Ben looked up frantically. "You don't think that is what's happening to Rey, do you?" Padmè frowned. "I'm afraid so Ben." Ben felt fear and pain and anger grip his heart, all at the same time. But he released the anger as soon as he realized it had taken over and was overcome with only fear and sorrow.

Looking up, Ben felt hit tears stream down his cheeks. "Is there anything I can do to help her? She's been so sick lately..." Ben paused, remembering what he must do. He looked at Padmè and knew that she knew as well. Ben felt as though his throat and chest were constricting. He found it hard to breath as he choked out the next few words, looking desperately at both Padmè and Anakin. "I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." He said, choking on a sob. Padmè wrapped her arms around Ben and he sank to the ground. "I have to let her go," he whispered.

Tears blurred his vision and he hugged his grandmother. "Is there nothing else I can do? I just... I can't let her die. I can't sit here and watch her die." He whispered, broken-heartedly. Ben didn't have the strength to let her go, but watching her slowly die would destroy him. "I have to break our bond." His voice broke. He'd never be able to see her again if he let go. But if he stayed, she would surely die. Anakin stepped in this time. "That is the other matter we must discuss with you." Ben tilted his head slightly in question, because he did not have the will to voice it. Padmè placed a hand on Ben's cheek. "It'll be alright." She said softly and Anakin held out his hand, motioning for Ben to follow. "Come, Ben."

   Ben followed Anakin to where Luke, Leia and Yoda stood. Ben hesitated but Luke stepped forward. He turned to face Anakin. "Father. Have you discussed this with him yet?" Despite the circumstances, Ben felt a small smile curl across his lips. He still couldn't get used to seeing his uncle so young. It was strange really, having all of his family look the same age as him. Especially his mother and father. It was odd enough calling Anakin and Padmè grandmother and grandfather when they looked younger than him even. Anakin gave the slight inclination of a head shake. "I have not. We must discuss this matter with him together if it is to be all of our decisions." Ben's brow furrowed. "What decision?"

   Luke turned to Ben. "Listen, Ben. We have been speaking to Master Yoda." He motioned to himself, Leia, and Anakin. "We have determined that nothing is impossible through the Force. We all know that it is infinitely undiscoverable. There is much we don't understand about the ways of the Force, but we do know that you do not belong here, it was not yet your time when you passed on." Luke hesitated and sighed. "We don't want to get your hopes up, but we have discussed the matter, and we are all willing to try..." Ben still shook his head in confusion. "Try what?" Luke sighed and Leia stepped forward. She met Ben's gaze and spoke with certainty. "We want to attempt to bring you back to life, as you did Rey. We want to give you the chance to live a full life."

"How?" Ben asked, trying to keep the desperation from his voice. That was when Yoda stepped forward. "Powerful, she is. Stop at nothing, she will. Rey Palpatine is searching for a way to bring you back. There is a way, where there is a will." Luke nodded and placed a hand on Ben's arm. "She is the key to your revival. Rey is searching for you. Most ardently. We think that her devotion and love for you is more powerful than death. With her help, we may be able to grant you a second chance at life." Luke gave Ben a sad smile. "I failed you Ben. It is my fault you fell to the dark side, and my fault you died. I am going to do everything in my power to bring you back to life."

  Suddenly they heard a voice. Her voice. So broken and fragile. "Be with me." She called. Ben looked to his uncle and mother. Leia smiled and Luke nodded. "It is time." Ben turned to see Rey, standing there alone. She held her head high and her eyes were closed as she meditated, calling out to him. "Be with me," she repeated. Ben smiled as he approached her. Luke, Leia, and Anakin followed. Ben looked up to see the rest of the Jedi speaking to Rey. They were trying to help her control, focus, and harness her power. Luke walked over to her side and closed his eyes. "Reach out, Rey." He said and Rey lifted her hand. The other Jedi surrounded her. They guided her as she reached out.

   "Be with me." Rey said, this time her voice full of confidence. Ben stood in front of Rey. He looked at his mother, uncle, and grandfather and they all nodded. "Goodbye grandson," Anakin said. "We'll always be with you," Luke said with a smile. "We love you, Ben" His mother said and Ben smiled. "I love you all." He took a deep breath. "Goodbye," Ben said as he looked at each and every one of them, then to Padmè and Han who stood in the distance. Then, with a deep breath, he looked back to the woman he loved. "Take her hand," Luke commanded. Ben slowly reached out. His fingers passed through hers, but he felt a slight change and tried not to get discouraged. Ben carefully tried again. This time, Luke, Leia, and Anakin all laid their hands on his back and shoulders.

  Gradually, Ben felt the warmth of her skin against his. Ben smiled and heart leapt as she shifted her hand across his and she interlocked their fingers. Ben took a deep breath and opened his eyes to meet a pair of wide hazel ones. He smiled softly as his heart swelled. "Rey," he whispered. Rey smiled gingerly, as if she were afraid he'd disappear. Though he didn't blame her. Ben gave her hand a slight squeeze and she closed her eyes. Ben let out a whisper of a laugh. He could hear her thoughts again. She was afraid to believe he was actually there. Ben gave her hand a slight jerk, ready to pull her into his arms, but an overwhelming fatigue overtook him and Ben closed his eyes as his vision went black.

Author's Note:
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I know that I have been a bit repetitive with their thoughts but things will get better after this chapter. Please let me know if things have been to repetitive. I love feedback. Kind or constructive! So please give this chapter a vote and let me know what you thought!!

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