Chapter Ten - Visions

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Dawn crept over the island as the planet's twin suns began to rise, just breaking the surface of the horizon. The arriving light created a soft yellow hue across the sky that faded into orange, then pink, to eventually the blue sky. The multitude of color reflected across the sea. Rey watched the sunrise from the cockpit of the Falcon as she arrived on Ahch-To. As she stared out over the open ocean, Rey let out a gentle sigh. It was a beautiful morning. The sun's light sparkled against the oceans surface, blinding you if you looked too closely. The island was covered in greenery, signifying the coming of spring for the small planet.

   Looking over at Chewie, Rey smiled and sighed. Poe had insisted that the Wookie accompany Rey if she were to go. Rey had insisted it wasn't necessary but Chewie hadn't minded. He had accompanied her to Ahch-To before when they had gone to find Luke, now he hoped that they would find whatever Rey was looking for. Rey knew Chewie was hoping she was searching for Ben, which was partly true. Ben had been the last remaining family member that Chewie had. Chewbacca had been upset over Ben's death and Rey knew part of him held out hope that he wasn't truly gone. It was only just before they left that he reminded her of something Luke had said. "No one's ever really gone."

But Rey knew that he had moved on. Ben had passed on into the afterlife to be with his family. Unlike Rey who never passed beyond the world between worlds. It still bothered Rey that the Force had given him the the chance to save her but she hadn't had the opportunity to save him. The Force had taken his body away before she'd even been able to honor his death, let alone try to save him. Rey sighed. She supposed it made sense. If they continued to save each other over and over then it would be an endless ongoing process and it would make his sacrifice meaningless. It wouldn't have been right for her to try and bring him back. It would have killed her in the process, making Ben's sacrifice pointless.

   Rey shook her head and bit her lip. She couldn't be thinking about all this right now. Rey swallowed and tried to bite back her feelings, even though it wasn't possible. If she continued on like this, then she was bound to end up crying in front of Chewie. Rey clutched the small pair of gold dice in her hand and sighed. She didn't want to upset the Wookie anymore than he already was. Rey took a deep breath and looked up at Chewie. "Would you mind landing the Falcon? I... uh... I need to go to my room and get my things ready before we land." Chewbacca nodded and Rey smiled. "Thanks Chewie."

   Without another word, Rey hurried to her room. She slammed the door behind her and leaned against it then sank to the floor. Rey drew her knees close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Tears fell as she buried her face in her hands. She wished Ben had left her dead. He hadn't deserved this fate. He should have been the one to live instead of her. She knew why Ben had done it. Without her, he hadn't had much to live for. Rey had friends whom she considered family now. Ben's family was gone. He had nothing left. But Rey still couldn't help but wish it had been her who died. She scoffed. She had died. But Ben had taken her place and traded his life for hers. Rey looked at the ground. He shouldn't have though.

   Guilt gripped her heart and Rey let out a sob. That wasn't what he would have wanted. Ben wouldn't have wanted her to wish she had died in his place. Especially with such good news about their child. Rey lifted a hand to her stomach. If she had died, then this baby would never have been possible. Perhaps everything that had happened, happened for a reason. Perhaps the outcome had been the best possible ending. Rey couldn't help but run the scenarios through her head, but she always came to the same conclusion. That he had deserved better, that she missed him, and that she loved him.

   Rey sighed. She loved him so desperately that it was impossible not to think of him. Ben was the only person who truly understood her, and the only one she truly understood. Finn was her best friend, and Poe was like a brother, but she still didn't understand them the way she understood Ben. Rey knew that her and Ben's connection was special. Spectacular even. She could never have that with another person. It wasn't possible. Their dyad was special, Palpatine said it himself, it was unseen for centuries. But even if it were possible, Rey could never be able to have that again. She and Ben were connected in more ways than just their Force bond. She was connected to him through her love for him, and through their unborn child.

   The question still lingered in the back of Rey's mind. Did Ben love her? It was true that he'd offered her his hand more than once, and that he'd sacrificed himself to save her, but did that mean that he loved her? When he had been Kylo Ren he'd offered Rey his hand. That could have simply been because he wanted her alliance. Her power. But after he had been redeemed, what could have been his reason to save her had he not cared for her? He had joined her in the battle against Palpatine, but that could have purely been because he had decided to fight for good. His feelings for Rey might not have interfered with his decision to fight against her grandfather, solely because it was the right thing to do. After Ben had been redeemed he had chosen to fight for the resistance. Their alliance could have stopped at that.

But after the battle was won, why did Ben go beyond that of fighting for what was right and sacrifice his own life to save hers? Rey knew deep down that that had been an act of love. She knew Ben loved her. But she couldn't help but doubt it. Rey took steady intakes of breath and wiped her tears away. She missed him so much. Yet, she'd never even realized her love for him until it was too late. Rey placed a hand on her stomach and smiled gently and sadly. She was going to have a baby! His baby. Was it possible that he had loved her? Where she had come from, a child was a symbol of a couples love for one another. Was this child a symbol of his love for her? But were she and Ben a couple? They had never really had the chance to be.

A loud cry from Chewbacca, who was still in the cockpit, informed Rey that they had landed. Rey growled in frustration. She hadn't even felt the ship land, she'd been too wrapped up in her own thoughts. Rey bit her lip, worried about the state she had been in for the past few days. Rey had been in a daze for the past two weeks, completely unaware of what was going on around her. She hardly noticed anything anymore. It couldn't be good for her health, and it couldn't be good for the baby. Rey had to get herself together. She couldn't live the rest of her life like a walking zombie, unable to respond properly and unable to pay attention to her surroundings.

   With a deep breath, Rey collected herself and stood. She brushed herself off, then made her way back to the cockpit to join Chewie. The Wookie smiled brightly as he looked out the window. "Ughhhrrrrr." Rey smiled and nodded. "It does look the same as when we left." Rey noticed small flower blossoms blooming from the bushes and grass. "Well almost the same." She said and Chewie nodded sadly. Rey sighed. He missed Luke. The last time either of them had seen him it was on this island. She smiled sadly to Chewie. "Why don't you go and greet the Lanai caretakers and play with the Porgs?" Chewbacca nodded and threw his small pack of personal things over his shoulder. "You choose a hut for yourself and I'll meet you after. I have to meditate a bit." Rey said. Chewie let out a low howl and exited the Falcon.

   Rey picked up a small bag that contained her lightsaber hilt, Luke's lightsaber, Leia's lightsaber, Han's Dice, and Ben's sweater. All things that held some sentimental significance to her, and all things that once belonged to those she loved. Rey bit her lip. These were all things she was going to have to let go of eventually, all except her own lightsaber, and there was no guarantee that she'd find her kyber crystal here. Luke and Leia's sabers deserved to be hidden away so that no other could use them. Well, of course, Luke's lightsaber had actually belonged to Anakin Skywalker. But that was all the more reason for it to be put away. Han's Dice and Ben's shirt on the other hand were harder to let go of. They held more sentimental value in her heart. Rey sighed and fastened the pack shut.

Slinging the satchel around her back, Rey pulled her cloak over her shoulders and fastened it around her neck. Though it was spring in the island, it was going to be cold where she was going... and wet. Rey walked into her room to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She picked up a small pack of food and sighed when her stomach growled. Rey rolled her eyes and attempted to ignore the groaning in her stomach. She hadn't eaten yet. She needed to eat something. Rey sighed. Still, it was only just dawn. Surely she could take care of what she had come to do and then eat. Her stomach growled again in protest and Rey gave in. It wouldn't be good for the baby to skip meals.

   So, as fast as she could without choking or upsetting her stomach, Rey scarfed down a pack of crackers, a piece of bread, and a few pieces of fruit and drank some water. Once she was satisfied, Rey made her way out of the Falcon. She hated to admit it, but she'd missed this planet. She missed Luke and his green milk. Rey made a mental note to get some of the Thala-Siren's milk for breakfast the next day. Rey gagged slightly at the though but she found part of herself craving it. Her eyes widened when she realized that it must be the pregnancy cravings. Rey winced. Why did she have to crave that of all things?

   Carefully climbing the endless flight of stairs, Rey made her way around the cliffside. She found it odd that she only passed a few of the Lanai natives and they did not scowl at her as they would have before. One even approached Rey, reached out and took her hand then patted it softly and smiled. Rey tilted her head and smiled gently so as not to offend or upset it in any way. The caretaker smiled and reached out towards Rey's belly. Rey's jaw dropped slightly as she realized what was happening. They knew she was with child. This must have been something of great importance to them. The small native smiled as she released Rey's hand and walked away. Rey blinked, unsure of what to make of the situation. The Lanai had never been fond of her, but now they seemed genuinely happy to see her. Perhaps they just missed having someone on the island. Luke had been gone for a long while now.

As she continued, voices called to her. Both light and dark. They were drawing her to the cave. She'd heard them before but now they were so much stronger and louder than before. Rey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She remembered what Luke had told her. She had to resist them. The had to fight the darkness that called to her. But no matter how hard she tried to block the voices out, they spoke clearly in her mind. Rey opened her eyes and began to make her way towards the cave once more. That was why she had come to the island anyways, wasn't it? The voices had called to her and she had listened. The darkness was drawing her to this place, and she had followed. Rey let out a ragged breath, slightly ashamed.

   Once she reached the other side of the mountain, she steadily began to climb down into the small grove where the ocean crashed against the cliffs. She was amazed by the violence of the waves. After such a peaceful morning, when the water was so still, it now crashed violently into the shore. The winds began to pick up, lashing violently against Rey's face and hair. As the water crashed against the rocks, it sprayed her with a heavy mist. Rey quickly pulled up her hood to shield her face from the wind and water. She watched as the water from the waves poured into the large hole in the ground that was the entrance to the black cave.

Rey hesitantly approached the chasm. She looked down into the black sea of water below. Rey sighed. She couldn't get down the way she did before. It was too dangerous. Especially now that she wasn't only caring for herself. Rey bit her lip, scanning her surroundings for any way to enter the cave without falling or jumping. There didn't seem to be any other entrance. Rey let out an exasperated sigh. She contemplated lowering herself through the Force but that wouldn't work, she didn't think she'd have enough energy to get back out of the cave if she did that. Rey growled and stood. She paced around the hole, trying to figure out a way in. There had to be some other kind of... Her train of thoughts was cut short when Rey's foot slipped and she let out a small scream. She gasped as she fell straight into the pit.

   Instantly, Rey reached up and held out her hand to stop her bag from falling into the water. She only had a split second to throw it across the cave so that it would land on dry land before she went crashing into the water herself. When she broke the surface, Rey gasped, her lungs filling with cold air. The water was cold as well, which chilled her to the bone. Rey began to shiver and quickly swam to the edge of the cave. She braced herself on the rocky ground and took a few deep breaths. The combination of the cold water and the startling scare of slipping had caused her to loose her breath. Rey lifted a hand to her stomach but nothing seemed wrong. She let out a breath of relief.

Looking around, Rey noticed that the cave was the same as it had been before she left. She saw her bag lying on the ground near the edge of the cave, it's processions scattered across the floor. Rey grunted as she hefted herself out of the water and made her way over to her things. As she bent over to pick them up, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen. Rey gasped and doubled over, clutching her stomach. The pain was gone as soon as it had come, but Rey felt the sudden urge to vomit. She hurried to the far end of the cave and retched into a corner. When she was finished, Rey stood up straight and groaned. She laid a hand on her stomach but the pain had subsided and the baby's life Force hummed away like normal. Rey let out a sigh of relief before turning back and bending over to collect her things and return them to her satchel.

   Rey. Rey gasped, dropping Ben's sweater. She looked around, abandoning the satchel and her belongings. She knew where the voice had come from immediately. Rey approached the wall that she had faced so many months ago and swallowed deeply. The last time she had been here she hadn't found the belonging she sought. So what made her think she would this time? Rey? That voice. Rey's eyes glassed over with tears and she shook her head. The last time she was here she had been seeking her parents. Now she sought someone else. Rey. He was here. She could feel it. Rey reached out with a shaking hand. "Ben." She continued to reach. "Show him to me." Her fingertips touched the wall and the clouded mirror began to clear.

   There he was, staring back at her. For the first time since his death, Rey could see him. It was a vague, clouded image of him, but still him. "Ben?" Rey asked and a small smile spread across his lips. She pressed her hand flat against the wall and Ben lifted his hand to the other side of the wall and pressed it against hers. Though they weren't actually touching and Rey wished she could actually feel his touch, the small gesture comforted her in some small way. Rey knew that it wasn't actually him, only an image of him. A vision of her memory. Rey sighed. She now knew why she had been drawn to the cave. It gave her consolation that coming to this place had not been for nothing.

Ben closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the wall. Rey did the same, pressing her forehead against the outline of his. She leaned her whole body against the wall, the cold rock pressing against her cheek. Her hands trembled and Rey felt tears stream down her cheeks. Though Ben and Rey's hands and foreheads were touching through opposite sides of the wall, it felt as though he were actually there. She took deep breaths, trying to steady her rapidly beating heart. Rey opened her eyes slightly, the vision of Ben still vivid before her eyes. She let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes again, afraid he'd disappear. Rey didn't want to loose him again. Though she could feel his presence so strongly, Rey knew he wasn't actually there and that soon enough, this vision would end.

   When Rey opened her eyes Ben was gone. "No." She whispered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as Rey blinked, staring at the blank mirrored wall. "Ben?" She called, asking him to reveal himself. Rey pressed her hands against the smooth surface of the wall and searched for any trace of him. "Show me Ben Solo." But the clouded mirror did not reveal anyone. Rey dropped her hand and covered her mouth with her other hand to muffle a sob. She slowly backed away from the wall. This was so much worse than before. Before, when she had felt alone, Ben had been the one to comfort her. Now, she truly was alone. Because the one person who could console her was gone. That was why she'd come here. Rey wrapped her arms around herself and continued to step away from the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying for this nightmare to end. Coming here had been a mistake.

   It wasn't until she opened her eyes that Rey realized she was floating over the center of the pool of water. She must have stepped over it while backing up and unconsciously levitated herself using the Force. Rey was careful not to break her concentration, but it seemed, for whatever she was doing and however she was doing it, she hadn't needed to be paying attention. Rey let down her stance and did not attempt to make her way back to shore. Instead, she merely relaxed her muscles, released her tension, and closed her eyes. She was floating over the center of the pool, where it was most calm. Her feet, only inches away from the waters surface. Rey tried to release the pain and the rage, and gave away to sudden peace. She could sense the sudden balance that took over.

   "Be with me." Rey whispered, her voice meal and pleading. She knew how vulnerable she sounded, and she knew that no one was likely to answer. Rey sighed, bowing her head in shame. But, she felt a peaceful presence wash over her like rain, warming her, down to her very heart. Rey felt an odd sensation come over her and with a bit of excitement, she repeated her request. "Be with me." Voices called to her, though she did not know what they said. She could not hear them, for she was not listening. Her ears were preoccupied, listening for only one voice in particular. Rey also felt many presences, much like the day she'd fought her grandfather, but she did not feel them. Her mind was preoccupied, searching for his presence. Reach out, Rey. That voice, Rey heard. Unsure why, Rey listened, raising her hand, palm facing forward and fingers spread.

   Suddenly, Rey heard a ghost of a whisper, calling her name. She felt a slight haze brush her fingertips. She dare not open her eyes for fear of breaking her concentration. Rey let out a shallow sigh, heat and pain escaping with the breath. "Be with me." She whispered once more, her voice now calm and controlled, no longer desperate or pleading. It was still a question, but she had gained control of her emotions. Rey gasped as she felt something touch her fingers, then a firm amount of pressure pressed against her hand. She still not dared to open her eyes, but the pressure slowly became more and more solid.

   When at last she felt it, his hand pressed up against hers, now solid and real, Rey opened her eyes. He was so very real, and vividly standing before her eyes. The blue hue that surrounded him had faded completely and he now stood before her, a physical and new man. Rey sighed gently, scared that if she blinked this moment would disappear. She shifted her hand across his. His skin was warm and rough. Rey slowly and carefully interlocked her fingers with his and she felt Ben's fingers wrap around hers. She watched as the sides of his lips curled and Ben slowly opened his eyes. "Rey." He whispered, his voice sounding like velvet. Rey melted completely. Could it be true? Had her Ben truly returned? Rey squeezed her eyes shut, set on determining if this was real or just another vision, but when she opened them, reality came crashing down on her and she came plummeting down into the icy waters below.

Author's Note:
Hello!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I have been waiting so long to write it and I was still a little unsure of how it turned out but I hope you all liked it. The gif at the end is how I envisioned the vision Rey is experiencing in the last scene.... lol sorry for that stupid little remark. I think I'm funny even though I'm not. But basically Rey is being driven so crazy with her sorrow that she's on the verge of going mad. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. We're all mad here. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and vote for it or leave feedback! I love reading any and all feedback may it be kind or critical.

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