Chapter One - Defiance

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"Long have a waited..." Rey's eyes widened as the voice from behind sent shivers down her spine. She felt her chest tighten and her breath became slow and thin. Nausea settled in the back of her mind and Rey knew that the time had come to face her fears. She struggled to move with every step as she turned around to face her grandfather. Rey took a shallow breath. She had prepared for this. She had known that she had to face him and she had been ready. So why did she feel so weak? Her knees felt like jelly and Rey felt overwhelming nausea as she turned around to finally meet her grandfather.

"For my grandchild to come home." Her grandfather said with open arms. Rey watched, horrified, as the creature who had once been a man, the man who was the reason for her existence, approached her. She shuddered. He was barely alive and his body was mangled and useless. But even then, in his weakened state, he was able to maipulate, control, and even influence what had been happening throughout the galaxy. How was it possible? Rey trembled as his presence surged through her and strenghened her power. She could feel the connection of their blood growing stronger. His words rang through her mind. "For my grandchild to come home." Rey's brow furrowed in confusion. Did he not want her dead like her parents?

"I never wanted you dead." He said as he read her mind with a smile. Rey blinked, trying to keep him from seeing the fear in her eyes, the pain in her expression, and the uncontrollable anger he was about to unleash. "I wanted you here, Empress Palpatine." He smiled, sending shrills through her mind. Rey shuddered, fighting the urge to kill him then and there. She wouldn't give in to her anger, she wouldn't! She'd almost killed Ben... or Kylo Ren last time she gave into her anger. But whether he was Ben Solo or Kylo Ren, she didn't want to kill him. Her overwhelming anger frightened her, and she was determined to fight it.

"You will take the throne." Palpatine said matter-of-factly, coming closer with every word. "It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood, our blood." He smiled maliciously. Rey stepped back, trying to keep her distance so that she did not do anything drastic or stupid if he came near her. She would keep her anger under control and not strike until he was finished. She was justified in killing him to say the least, but Rey wouldn't kill him out of anger and hatred. She would kill him to save the Resistance and be rid of the Sith forever.

   "I haven't come to lead the Sith," She said raising her head. "I've come to end them." Rey finished her statement, keeping her eyes downcast yet watching his proximity. "As a Jedi?" He asked as if it were a statement but he was proving it certain. "Yes." She said, looking up and meeting his eye with certainty and finality. Palpatine frowned. "No..." He said, drawing out the word in his ragged voice. "In your hatred, your anger, you want to kill me." He said reaching into her mind. "That is what I want." Rey shook her head, a barely noticeable motion and stared at him, her brow furrowed with confusion. What did he mean? Rey's breathing became heavy as he still neared. She struggled to keep her anger and confusion under control but her blood boiled hot.

"Kill me... and my spirit will pass into you. As all the Sith live in me, you will be Emperess. We will be one." Rey gasped and shook her head. No! She cried out inside her mind. She would never become a Sith! She would never become the Emperess! But dread overtook her. How was she going kill him without becoming the new Sith leader?! How could she defeat him without becoming the Empress?! She refused to strike him down in anger and become everything she had ever feared she be. No matter how much she hated him, Rey would never take that path.

"The time has come!" He said with hands raised high and a crowd came to life behind them. Rey turned as fear settled in. "With your hatred you will take my life and you will ascend!" The crowd began to cheer and chant, for they knew their leader was about to take on a new form. Rey wouldn't let that happen though. She would not allow the Sith to take over, using her as their power source. Rey swallowed, knowing what she had to do and felt the heat pass from her flushed face. She would not hate him any longer. No matter what he had done to her, she would not let hatred rule her anymore.

"All you want is for me to hate but I won't." Rey said truthfully. "Not even you." She raised her chin, no longer ashamed or afraid. She let out the breath she had been holding in for so long and felt her chest release the tightness it had been carrying. The tightness of her anger and fear. But she was no longer angry, and she did not fear him. This was her destiny and she would save her friends, even if it meant her death. "Weak." Palpatine spat. "Like your parents." Her said, shaking his head as if disappointed. Rey shook her head in defiance, realizing that he was trying to spark her anger and make her attack him. But she only felt peace at the thought of her parents. They had not abandoned her. They had loved her and died trying to protect her. "My parents were strong. They saved me from you."

"Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have... is me." Palpatine looked up and the ceiling began to move, metal scraping against metal as the roof began to open, shaking the Sith temple and revealing the raging battle between the First Order and the Resistance. Rey gasped as she looked up and saw the Resistance's army being defeated, ships going down one by one. "They don't have long. No one's coming to help them, and you are the one who led them here." Palpatine grinned and got closer. "Strike me down! Take the throne and reign over the new empire and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them." He raised his head. "Refuse and your new family... dies."

Rey stared at the sky, where all of her friends were fighting. They were fighting for their lives, for their freedom, and for what they believed in. They were fighting for what Leia believed in. Rey felt tears sting in her eyes. Fear overpowered her. They could not die because of her. Not when she had the power to stop it. Rey swallowed and dropped her gaze. Anger surged through her veins, but not anger towards Palpatine. It was anger because she had no power to stop what was about to come. She wouldn't let her friends die when they'd come this far, standing up for what was right and what they believed in. They all had so much hope. Finn. Poe. Rose. Rey loved each and every one of them.

But then, she felt something. A presence. It washed over her, and suddenly she felt the renewal of strength. It spread through her, warming her from the inside and giving her courage. There was so much hope and peace radiating from this presence. She knew immediately who it was, she had felt his presence so many times over their bond, but she could not believe it. Of all the times they had connected because of their Force bond, she had never felt these emotions from him. So powerful and strong, yet at the same time, light and pure. He had come to make peace with the light. He had come to fight for good. He had come, not as Kylo Ren, but as Ben Solo.

   Rey felt a renewal of courage and strength and turned to face Palpatine. She knew what she needed to do, and Ben had given her the strength to do it. She looked at her grandfather and gave him a slight nod and he smiled. Rey took a deep breath. Ben was getting closer, she could feel his presence, giving her courage, but then there was some kind of interference. Rey cursed in her mind but looked up to her grandfather. "She will draw her weapon." The machine that carried Palpatine's limp body brought him near to her. Rey swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. She could feel Ben, but she couldn't see him. What was keeping him from reaching her? She could sense a disturbance in their connection and she could feel his growing uneasiness. Rey took a deep breath pulled Luke's lightsaber from the clip in her belt and ignited it. She had no time to wait, for Palpatine was foretelling her every move. "She will come near to me." His voice was haunting. She had no choice but to obey.

Then she saw him. Ben was standing before the Knights of Ren. Rey stifled a gasped. There were six of them against Ben! She watched as they approached him and came to a horrible realization. He had no weapon! It was then that Rey knew what she had to do. Her gaze remained on Palpatine but she kept Ben in the back of her mind so that she could see him as well. She could hear his thoughts and feel his emotions. He was trying to work out a plan, but she did not sense any panic in his mindset, only worry. Worry that he would not reach her in time.

"She will take her revenge!" Rey looked up to Palpatine, taking slow steps forward. She felt pain surge through their bond and knew Ben had received several blows from the Knights blades. She saw them crowd, ganging up on him. He was hit in the chest and stomach, then took two blows to the face. Ben doubled over, holding a hand against his abdomen and took several ragged breaths before standing up again. Rey could feel his pain. He was still hunched slightly and clutched his stomach tightly.

"And with the stroke of her saber, the Sith shall be reborn! The Jedi are dead!!" Ben looked up and their gaze's locked. Rey felt him pour his energy and emotions into her. Courage. Comfort. Sorrow. Joy. Fear. Hope. All of these emotions washed over her and she knew that he had transferred all this into her along with a considerable amount of energy. Rey didn't break their gaze and relayed her plan to him in his mind through their bond. She saw a ghost of a smile play at his lips and she saw the excitement in his eyes. Rey gave the slightest flutter of her eyes to confirm that he was ready and Ben nodded.

"Do it! Make the sacrifice!" Rey has not realized how close Palpatine had come. She looked away from Ben and into the face of her grandfather. She took a deep breath and revealed anger in her expression as she drew back her saber. She raised it high above her head, drawing her hand behind her back. She felt his fingers brush hers and the weight of the lightsaber disappeared. She let go and revealed her empty hand, causing Palpatine to let out a howl.

Ben had taken her lightsaber and now faced the Knights of Ren, ready to kill. They looked at the saber in his hand in surprise, backing away from Ben and he shrugged. He smiled slightly then let out a short breath and attacked. Rey could feel slight sorrow on his part because he had known these people. There were, in fact, people behind those masks, and Ben had known them. But they were corrupt, and Ben knew that. They had chosen their path of evil and had not been conflicted as he had. So as they attacked, he defended himself.

Rey too, had pulled out Leia's saber and now fought against Palpatine's Sith guards. They fired at her but she caught the blasts midair with Force and sent the lasers at her opponents. Soon, they had all almost taken each other out. Rey let her guard down, but she hadn't realized there was one Sith guard left. He shot his blaster at her and the laser was aimed straight for her chest. But at the last second, a force pulled the blast back, running it through the guard himself. The Sith guard fell over, revealing Ben to have been the one who saved her.

Their eyes locked once more and he took long strides towards her. Palpatine was close, and watched as Ben approached her, but Ben didn't care. He had eyes only for Rey. Rey felt overwhelming happiness wash over her. Even though they were about to face the most feared Sith in the galaxy, Ben felt happiness upon seeing her. And he was determined to protect her, at all costs. Rey let out a slight smile. Ben reciprocated her smile and nodded. Rey took a deep breath and they both turned, raising their sabers to face Darth Sidious.

"Stand together, die together!" Sheev Palpatine declared, and pulled them forward with only the slight raise of his hand. Both Ben and Rey dropped their lightsabers and were pulled to their knees. Rey felt a surge of energy leave her body and Ben weakened as well. Palpatine's body began to regenerate. He lifted his hands and watched as his fingers grew back into their full form. "The life force of your bond, a dyad in the Force, a power like life itself." Ben resisted, he fought against the emperor's powerful Force hold. "Unseen for generations. And now, the power of two shall restore the one true emperor."

Palpatine raised his hand and began to suck the life force from Ben and Rey. Rey felt her life force weaken as he pulled all the energy from her small body. She did not have the strength to fight him. Rey could not bear the thought of the emperor being restored from her own life force. The thought that she was rejuvenating him just by her being alive. She fought his hold but felt her consciousness failing. Ben was withstanding the loss of life better than she was, but she could still feel him grow weak. Palpatine laughed cruelly and she cried out. "Ahhh!" She let out a final scream before falling unconscious.

Rey could not see anything. She couldn't even think. She was too weak. But then, she felt something that grew in the left side of her chest. A warmth that blossomed within her chest. It was slight but still something to keep her heart pumping. Rey. She heard a voice. Rey, please wake up. Get up. Get up. What Rey didn't know, was that Ben had transferred what little power he had left into her, praying that she would awake. But as she gained her strength, still unconscious, he stood to face the emperor alone.

Palpatine turned to Ben and snarled as he struggled to get to his feet. The emperor only raised a finger and caught Ben in a force hold, raising him off the ground. "As once I fell, so falls the last Skywalker!" Palpatine said in triumph and thrust his hand forward, sending Ben tumbling through the air. He was thrown off the cliff, crashing into the rocks and disappeared. Rey gasped mentally as she felt pain spasm through her entire body. It seared through her back then spread across her limbs. Ben had experienced this same pain, only ten times worse.

"Do not fear their feeble attack my faithful! Nothing will stop the return of the Sith!" Sheev Palpatine rose upon his throne and raised his hands. Electricity shot out of his fingers, sending lightning bolts throughout the sky. The lightning bolts hit countless numbers of ships, taking down each and every Resistance ship and the army began to fall. Rey regained consciousness and groaned, pushing herself into her back. She watched, with eyes wide open while the Resistance fell. She was powerless to help them. Too helpless to save them. A pitiful excuse for tears formed in her eyes. She was too weak to fight them, but too weak to fully let them fall. So instead, her eyes glassed over, blurring her vision. Be with me. Her mind cried in a whisper of a voice. Be with me. "Be with me." Rey finally voiced out loud in a whisper.

These are your final steps, Rey. Rise and take them. Rey could not understand how or why, but she knew who was speaking to her. She could place the voices with the names of those who spoke, even though they were the voices of those whom Rey had never met before. Every Jedi who had ever lived now spoke to her, giving her faith and strength. These are your final steps, Rey. Rise and take them. That voice repeated in her mind. The Jedi who had just spoken was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke's old master. She had heard his voice once before, when she touched Luke's lightsaber for the first time.

Another voice soon followed... Rey. Rey gasped. That was the voice of Anakin Skywalker. The one and only Darth Vader. Ben's grandfather. Rey. Ahsoka. Rey. Kanan. Then Anakin's voice came to her again. Bring back the balance, Rey. As I did. Rey gasped at the sound of remorse in Anakin's voice. Ben. His grandfather's presence reminded her so much of Ben's. The light. Find the light Rey. Luminara. You are not alone, Rey. Kanan. Alone, never have you been. Yoda. Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you now. Qui-Gon's voice was so powerful and strong. The Force surrounds you, Rey. Anakin's voice brought tears to her eyes. Let it guide you... Aayla. As it guided us. Ahsoka. Feel the Force flowing through you, Rey. Mace Windu. Let it lift you. Kanan. Rise Rey. Adi Gialla.

Rey's hand flew to the ground with newfound strength and renewed faith. She gasped, breathing rapidly. We stand behind you, Rey. Qui-Gon. Rey. Obi-Wan. Rise in the Force. Yoda. Another hand flew to the ground. In the heart of a Jedi, lies her strength. Kanan. Rise. Obi-Wan. Rise! Qui-Gon. Rey cried out and pushed herself up. Rey. Rey let out a hollow breath as tears formed in her eyes. She missed that voice so much. The Force will be with you, always. Master Luke. Luke Skywalker. Rey took one last sharp intake of breath and stood before Sidious. With the power of the Jedi, she would end the Sith in this night.

Rey reached out and Luke's lightsaber flew into her outstretched hand. She took a deep breath and raised her chin. Palpatine turned to face her and looked down at his granddaughter in contempt. "Let your death be the final word in the story of the Rebellion." He raised his hand and sent electricity at her. Rey raised her lightsaber and blocked the lightning attacks. Palpatine sneered. "You are nothing. A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me. I am all the Sith!"

   No. Rey heard a voice, speaking clearly in her head above the commotion. He's wrong, Rey. I was wrong. You're not nothing. You are strong, and brave, and powerful. You are powerful, not because of your blood and not because of him. You are powerful because you stand up for what you believe in. You're not nothing, Rey. You're everything. Your everything to me. Rey felt tears come to her eyes. Ben. He was alive!

Rey raised her head with newfound confidence. "And I..." Rey held an outstreched hand behind her back, using the Force to summon Leia's saber. It came flying through the air and she caught it in her open hand then brought it up to Luke's. The two lightsabers collided, strengthening her. It was as it should be. Luke and Leia, brother and sister, the twin's sabers reunited, rekindling their power. The lightning bolts began to reflect off of the twin sabers and electrocute Palpatine. "Am all the Jedi."

Author's Note:

So this took soooo long because of the Jedi voices and capturing Rey's feelings and mindset was hard to complete. But I hope I was able to accomplish what I set out to do. Capture this powerful scene and put it into words. I really hope you all enjoyed it. For this chapter I would suggest going on YouTube and looking up Reylo, Somebody You Loved. There are many versions and you can find one you like the best. But I love that song and the way it fits with Ben and Rey. Also, I am now convinced the new ship name should be Bey. Pronounced like Bae. Thank you for reading!!

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