Chapter Two - Broken

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   The pain was overwhelming, but Ben still fought it. He struggled against the powerful hold of the emperor. He couldn't let it end this way. Ben would not allow his own life force to regenerate Palpatine and restore his body. He struggled, calling on the Force to help him and looked over at Rey. She groaned, then let out a pained scream that sounded like a growl. Ben could feel the pain the emperor was inflicting on her. Rey was fading from his mind, she was struggling to remain conscious. The loss of life was taking more of a toll on her. The emperor was taking more of her life than Ben's.

   Ben let out a low growl. Palpatine could take his life, but with everything he had in him, Ben wouldn't let him take Rey's. Even if it meant his own death, he wouldn't let her die at the hands of the emperor. At the hands of her own grandfather. How could any man take the life of their own granddaughter? Ben groaned. Because this was no man. This was an evil being, a Sith, uncapable of love. Ben looked at Rey desperately. Even if he died tonight, he knew one thing for certain, he would not die this way. His death would not mean the emperor's return!

    With a deep breath, Ben gave one last attempt to break the emperor's hold. Rey screamed, and Ben felt her consciousness waver. He groaned, struggling to fight back. Ben felt Rey force all of her energy into breaking their connection so that the emperor could not feed off of their bond and Palpatine dropped them. Ben felt excruciating loss at Rey's absence from him. But her idea had worked. The emperor had released them. He heard Rey let out a soft whimper as they fell to the ground. She was weak. Ben was on the brink of blacking out himself when he felt Rey's consciousness go out completely.

   Ben took rapid breaths, inhaling as sharply as he could. The cold air entering his lungs as if he'd been submerged in ice cold water. Ben shuddered and lay on his back, staring up at the stars. He blinked as he watched the Resistance fall. Ships exploding, people dying. Ben sighed and gasped for air again. He had to do something. He had to stand and fight back. He couldn't let them die. Ben couldn't let what his mother believed in die with her. What she believed in still lived. It lived in the Resistance. It lived in Rey. And it lived in him now.

   Gathering his strength, Ben struggled to his knees. He looked over at Rey who still laid unconscious on her side, her body limp. Ben groaned, fighting the urge to pull her into his arms. His leg hurt agonizingly from a wound he'd received while fighting the Knights of Ren. When Palpatine has drained his energy, the real pain of his wound kicked in. But he wouldn't let that stop him. Ben straightened his injured leg behind him, supporting most of his weight on his hands and uninjured knee, then slowly tried to stand. Rey. Rey. You have to get up. You have to wake up! His mind called to her but she was not there. She was in a deep unconscious state.

   Palpatine turned to Ben and snarled as he struggled to get to his feet. Ben let out a shallow breath and grunted, trying to push himself to his feet. But he wasnt even standing yet when the emperor raised a hand and lifted Ben off the ground. He held Ben in a powerful hold, immobilizing him and binding his arms and legs so that he could not move. "As once I fell, so falls the last Skywalker!" Palpatine said in triumph, joy emanating from his voice. He thrust his hand forward, pushing Ben backwards and sending him flying through the air.

   Ben squeezed his eyes shut as he tumbled towards the cliff. He felt sharp pain sear through his back as he was smashed against the rocks. The jagged, stone cliffside being driven into his lower back and thigh as he was thrown into the chasm. The pain was overwhelming, and Ben didn't know when it would end. It felt as though he was falling to the center of the planet. But instead of the planet's core being it's heat source, it got colder. Colder and darker. Ben began to loose hope. No. He'd already lost it. When would the falling stop already? When would he hit the cold, hard ground and just die?

   Spasms erupted down his spine, and Ben knew that he was not dead. If he were dead, he would not be in this much pain. Had he fallen to the bottom of the chasm already? Ben didn't remember hitting the ground. Perhaps he'd blacked out. He didn't know. But he knew one thing for certain, the pain was excruciating. Ben groaned as he rolled over then froze. He wasn't at the bottom of the chasm. He was on some kind of ledge, and if he moved any further than a few inches, he would surely plummet to his death. Ben blinked, trying to focus on his far down he had fallen. He was probabaly less than a mile to the top. How in the galaxy did he manage to land on a ledge and not fall straight to his death?

    Ben knew that death was close at hand, even if the fall itself has not killed him. Why was he still alive? Why had he not died already? Surely Ben has sustained too many injuries to live. He was too weak and too broken. Then he felt it. Rey. She was regaining consciousness. She was waking up! Rey. Rey. Rey. His mind screamed. That was why he was still alive. Ben has to ensure that she succeeded in destroying the Sith once and for all. He had to help her destroy Palpatine and make sure that she remained safe and alive. Until then, his purpose would be incomplete.

   As soon as he came to that realization, Ben felt a surge of energy, pushing him to get up. He heard voices. Voices commanding him to get up. Voices of those he knew and loved, voices of those he did not know, and voices of those whom he'd only ever heard legends of. But he knew who they belonged to without question. The Jedi. They were all among him. But they were not focused on him. They were helping Rey. They were giving her the strength to stand as they were doing the same for him. Only their presence pushed Ben and gave him the energy needed to stand and begin to climb the rocky cliffside.

   One hand after the other, Ben pulled himself up as high as he could. His leg was completely useless and mostly just dead weight. He could only move it slightly and what little he did was excruciatingly painful. But he continued to drag himself up. Up. Up. Up. Ben only stopped for brief moments to catch his breath, sitting on a ledge or rock. He groaned, pressing a hand to his leg. The Knights of Ren had given him a large gash across his thigh which was now inflamed and bleeding excessively. The pressure wasn't helping and Ben knew he would soon loose to much blood and pass out. He'd already lost so much energy to the emperor, he was on the verge of loosing consciousness already.

   On top of that, Ben was fairly certain that the fall had broken his femur. When he'd smashed against the rocks, he'd heard a sickening snap. At the time, Ben hadn't known what part of his body it had come from, he had been in so much pain. But now, now he knew. It was pure agony. His whole leg throbbed and he could barely feel it. Aside from his leg, he felt extreme pain coming from his chest from what he was certain were a few broken ribs. Ben presses a hand to his side and a sharp pain shot through his abdomen and Ben winced and groaned. The pain was agonizing, but he would let it stop him. He had to get to the top. He had to help Rey. So, gripping the jagged edges in the cliffside, Ben pulled himself upward one more.

   He was near the top now, he could feel it. He could hear the cackling laughter of the emperor. Ben grimaced as he heard his voice. "Let you death be the final word in the story of the rebellion." Palpatine said and Ben heard a crack of lightning. Something blocked the surge of electricity and was withholding it from hitting its target. Rey. Ben knew she was facing him. Alone. He groaned, pulling himself higher. The entire temple rang with the sounds of thunder. But even the fizzling and cackling of the lightning could not block out the emperors voice. "You are nothing. A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me. I am all the Sith!" Palpatine sneered.

   Ben closed his eyes. He projected his voice into her mind and felt her presence soothe his aching body. No. Ben said, speaking clearly in her head above the commotion. He's wrong, Rey. I was wrong. You're not nothing. He said, knowing truly that he had been wrong. You are strong, and brave, and powerful. You are powerful, not because of your blood and not because of him. You are powerful because you stand up for what you believe in. You're not nothing, Rey. Ben said, knowing she was his whole world. You're everything. Your everything to me. Ben gasped, opening his eyes and letting out jagged breaths. He knew she now had the strength to defeat the emperor. He believed in her. She would defeat the emperor, and in the process, all the Sith!

   Rey raised her head with newfound confidence. Ben had given her the strength and condifenve she'd needed. "And I..." Rey held an outstreched hand behind her back, using the Force to summon Leia's saber. Ben felt the pull of he using the Force. She was using too much energy! Ben projected what little energy to her as he could but felt his consciousness waver and cut off the connection. His mother's saber came flying through the air and Rey caught it in her open hand then brought it up to Luke's. The two lightsabers collided, strengthening her. It was as it should be. Luke and Leia, brother and sister, the twin's sabers reunited, rekindling their power. The lightning bolts began to reflect off of the sabers and electrocute Palpatine. "Am all the Jedi."

   There was a blinding flash and the emperor howled. His cry echoed through the temple and was followed by a deafening ring that pierced the sky. Ben could not see what had happened but he knew that the emperor was gone. Rey had succeeded. Ben let out a sigh of relief. He could feel the evil weakening and it's presence lifting and leaving Exegol. But then he felt something else, or rather, he didn't feel someone. The horrifying reality began to settle and Ben's heart stopped. Rey was fading. Her strength was depleted and she didn't have the strength left to continue living. Ben could feel her emotions, he could hear her thoughts. Thoughts filled with relief, peace, sorrow, and finally, joy. But as soon as he felt them, they slipped away. Rey was giving in to death. She had fulfilled her purpose and now she could rest in peace.

   Ben let out a small cry and grunted, gathering all the strength he had left to pull himself up the cliff. He reached out to her through their bond. Her consciousness was slipping fast now. Ben drew his hand away from his wound and climbed with two hands now. He had to get to her. With ever fiber of his being, Ben longed to see her one last time. Rey was the only thing that mattered now. He had no other reason to live. Saving her was the only thing that mattered. Ben couldn't live without her. Not now that he'd finally found peace. It was because of her that her found peace, and he wouldn't let that slip away.

   Their bond weakened with every second that passed. Ben felt her pain begin to dissolve. She felt relieved that she could no longer feel the pain and sorrow. Rey didn't realize that she was dying, and that with her, died their bond. Their dyad. Surely the Force had connected them for a reason. This couldn't be the end. It just couldn't. Ben let out a strangled sob. She was fading into darkness. No! Ben gripped onto her consciousness, holding fast to her presence. She couldn't leave him. Not now, after she'd spent years trying to save him from the darkness. Not now, when she'd finally succeeded. Not now that they could finally be together! This couldn't be the end...

   When Ben's hand finally reached the top, with one last strangled growl, he pulled himself up. His leg throbbed and exhaustion began to take over as his chest tightened. Ben fell to the hard stone ground with a final breath of relief. But just as the victory of reaching the top sank in, Ben saw her lying there, motionless, and all the light began to fade from his eyes. Rey. Ben gasped, his vision blurring. He felt the agony of heartbreak once again. But this time, it was not the heartbreak of rejection, it was the heartbreak of loss.

   Ben started towards her lifeless form, praying that she was not gone. He'd already lost everyone he'd ever cared about. His parents were dead by Ben's own hand, and now Rey was dying... or worse, already dead, and it was all his fault. Ben felt the tears begin to fall. If only he'd turned sooner. If only he'd joined her when she'd begged him to turn to the light. If Ben hadn't been so stubborn and had come to the light sooner then she wouldn't be lying on the cold, hard ground. Ben bit back the pain and looked up at her. He prayed that she hadn't breathed her last breath yet. There she lay, lifeless and motionless. So still and beautiful. Rey. Oh God please no, Rey.

   Ben stood and made an attempt to run to her but crumbled to the ground in pain. He grunted, ignoring the throbbing that spread from his thigh through his whole body and braced himself on his elbows. He stood once more and made a fleeting attempt to walk to her but tripped yet again. Ben grit his teeth and pushed himself up on his hands and knees, staggering forward inch by inch. The pain was nothing compared to the agony he felt at loosing Rey. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't! Ben pulled himself forward and reached her. She still didn't move. Rey? His mind called, his voice too weak to say her name out loud. Wake up Rey. Please wake up. But she still didn't show any sign of life. Their bond had faded into nothing, Rey was gone, and Ben had died inside.

   As gently as he could manage, Ben reached out and grasped Rey's arms. Her skin was so cold. Ben grunted, shifting so that he could pull her into his arms. Even as weak as he was, Rey felt light and weightless. Ben fell back and pulled her into his lap, cradling her fragile figure in his arms. Her eyes were so emotionless, so empty, like a void. Her face, expressionless and blank. Ben shifted, rocking back and forth and looking around for somebody, anybody to help him. To help him save her. Ben looked down at Rey. She was so cold.

   Ben shuddered, feeling the need to warm her. He pulled her close to his chest and buried his chin in her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her back securely. Ben let out a ragged breath and sobbed. This was the first time he'd held her since they met. But more importantly, this was the first time he'd held her as Ben Solo. Ben stared at the ground on contemplation. He couldn't just let her die. Ben held her tightly, begging her heart to start beating again. Praying her pulse would spark to life beneath his grasp.

    When Rey didn't move, her eyes still staring blankly into nothing. Ben lowered her gently into his lap and made his decision. A decision that would alter both of their lives forever... or what little time he may have left. Ben took a deep breath and placed his hand over Rey's stomach. When Rey had healed him, she hadn't even needed to touch him, but in this case Ben did not have the strength to hold his hand above her and project his remaining energy into her. Also, he felt that the human contact would be needed to bring her back to life.

   Closing his eyes, Ben concentrated on transferring all of his energy and life force into her frail body. He didn't even know if this was going to work but he had to try. Even if it killed him. Without Rey, he had no reason to live. Ben had to try to bring her back, killing himself in the process. Whether she came back to life or not didn't matter as long as he tried. He would die regardless. If he succeeded, Rey would continue on living and live a long happy life with her new family. If he failed, then Ben would soon be joining her in the afterlife.

   Ben kept his breaths steady, trying to keep his intake of oxygen regular so that he could preform the transfer properly. He couldn't make a mistake and mess this up. This had to work, it just had to. But even in his desperation, Ben did not rush the process and kept his mind at bay. His eyes remained closed, but Ben could feel a bit of warmth return to her body as it left his. He was weakening, but, it was strengthening her. Ben was fading, which meant that his life had to be going into Rey's body. Then he felt her hand cover his.

   Overwhelming joy coursed through his veins and Ben finally felt true happiness. Her hand was warm. Rey blinked and tilted her head slightly then smiled upon seeing him. Her smile was so beautiful. Rey day up straighter and met Ben's eye. There he saw true joy. There was no more pain, there was no more anger, there was no more sorrow. Only joy. The kind of happiness that he'd so longed for all his life. The happiness that he'd only felt as a small child. True, pure, and innocent hoy.

   Rey smiled and gentle tears entered her eyes. Tears of joy. Rey let out a small breath of laughter and grinned. "Ben." She said at last, voicing his name. For the first time, she was calling him by his real name and he was able to claim it for his own. Of all the times she'd called him that before, it had meant nothing because he wasn't Ben Solo then, he had been Kylo Ren. But now, now he was able to proudly call himself Ben Solo. He could look Rey in the eye and know she was speaking to him. He was at last, Ben Solo.

   Ben's eyes scanned her entire face, soaking in her joy and happiness. She was alive! Ben let a gentle smile play at his lips, but was too busy taking in the pure rush of emotion upon seeing her alive and well. Rey reached up and her fingers grazed his cheek. Wherever her hand touched, warmth blossomed across his skin. Ben lifted a hand to caress her cheek and Rey blinked, pressing her palm against his cheek and leaning in.

   Their lips met and it was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Warmth erupted throughout his entire body and he felt sparks fly. Ben could no longer think about how weak he felt, for she had just given him the strength to carry on, if only for a few seconds more. Ben kissed her desperately and passionately as Rey returned the kiss hungrily. Ben placed a hand behind her head and the other on the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. Rey's hands still caressed his face gently but firmly. She had initiated the kiss, which made it all the more special. Ben couldn't have asked for anything more. He loved Rey so desperately and had given everything up for her. Now he could be at peace.

   Ben pulled away from the kiss so that he could look at her one last time. She was so beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to see her happy. And he succeeded. Rey smiled the biggest smile he'd ever seen. Her fingers still gently grazed his cheek and Ben felt a tingle along the path they traced. It was then that Ben gave her the biggest grin in the world, because she was his world. He put all of his heart and soul into his first and last smile for her. Rey smiled back and Ben felt complete. His life force had faded, and his strength was depleted. It was a wonder he was still alive to experience this wonderful moment of pure bliss. But as all good things, it had come to an end. First Ben felt weak, then he felt the life drain from within him and he closed his eyes, falling to the ground.

Author's Note:

Hello! Sorry this update took so long! Hopefully the next one won't take as long! I am adding to the next chapter, something that didn't happen in the movie but I felt should seeing as this separate story arc was left incomplete. So I hope you all enjoyed, please leave a comment and like if you have not! Have a great day or night!!

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